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Our Lady of Fatima University

Perception and Attitudes of Students

Towards Scenario-based Learning
Games in Nursing Education


Lynhel D. Gabon
Principal investigator

Ashley Rose DR. Angeles Jeryck Mandy R. Del Rosario Marcie P. Dela Mines Sheila Rose Y. Quetua Jull Roman DR. Tagacay
Research Member Research Member Research Member Research Member Research Member
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Scenario-Based Learning (SBL) is a pedagogical approach that
relies on realistic scenarios that mimic real situations. In this
approach, a sequence of events is shown, and challenges are
detected and resolved within a specified timeframe to accomplish
the desired outcomes (Rashwan, 2023).

According to a research study by Tavares (2022), game-based

learning enhances students’ learning outcomes and engagement
and offers a valuable option to conventional instruction methods. A
study reported that students expressed high satisfaction with
game-based learning tools, which they perceived as beneficial for
their learning process and content mastery (Castro et al., 2021).
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Based on Hafeez (2021), the students are looking for new learning techniques and stimulating
valuation models. Numerous studies have confirmed that games, when used as a supplementary
method to conventional instruction, can enhance students' learning engagement and outcomes.
Regardless of comparison with traditional learning methods, whether introducing scenario-based
learning games to nursing students is still unknown (Ma et al., 2021).

As indicated in the study by Farsi et al., (2021), many nursing education programs have used game-
based learning as a pedagogical strategy. GBL, or game-based learning, is a pedagogical approach
that incorporates elements of game design into "a learning activity" where students engage in a
competitive challenge with predefined rules to enhance their learning motivation and outcome
(Ismel, 2019; Kober, 2020). However, there is a lack of research available on the perception and
attitude of nurses on applying Scenario-Based Learning Games (SBLG). This study will address nursing
student's perceptions and attitudes toward the emergence of scenario-based learning games.
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education


The research will contribute to the literature on the perceptions and

attitudes towards scenario-based learning games. This will provide an
informative insight to aid the integration of scenario-based learning
games in nursing education. Nurse educators and future researchers
who are interested in creative alternative learning pedagogy could use
this to enhance student learning. Furthermore, this may also help
developers establish to create innovative learning technologies with the
use of games.
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Theoretical Framework


‘Technological Competency as Caring in Nursing’

(TCCN): A Filipino Nursing Theory (2005)
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Research Paradigm

learning games

Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Central Question:

What are the perceptions and attitudes

of nursing students towards scenario-
based learning games in nursing
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Research Questions:

1. What are scenario-based learning games in

nursing education?
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Research Questions:

2. What are the perceptions of nursing


3. What are the attitudes of nursing

Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Research Questions:
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

H1: Scenario-based learning games
does not have an effect to the
perception of nursing students.

H2: Scenario-based learning games

does not have an effect to the attitudes
of nursing students.
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Research Method


Descriptive Method

Simple Random Sampling

Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Research Method

Criteria for Respondents

male or female willing to participate

enrolled in Bachelor of Science in first year to fourth year nursing

Nursing students

18 years old and above

Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Locale and Population of the Study

Nursing students from a private

higher education institution
enrolled in year level 1 to 4
located in Cabanatuan City,
Nueva Ecija.
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Survey Questionnaire

Adapted Questionnaire
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education


Distribution of survey
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Data Analysis
This quantitative data will be summarized and utilized using
multiple regression analysis. It is a statistical technique that
investigates the relationship between a single criterion
variable and multiple explanatory variables.

The purpose of multiple regression analysis is to predict the

criterion variable using the known values of the explanatory
variables. The result of the statistical test will determine
whether to accept or reject the null hypothesis.
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

The Our Lady of Fatima University Institutional Ethics Review
Committee provided ethical approval (OLFU-IERC).

Nuremberg Code, the process of collecting data guarantees (1)

respect and causes no harm to the participants (2) safeguards
the rights, dignity, safety, and privacy of the respondents, (3)
willingness and withdrawal involved as research participants in
the study shall be accepted without penalty

The researcher and/or research team maintained the privacy of

all research subjects.
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Sex of the Respondents


Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Ages of the Respondents

Frequency Percentage







18-20 21-23 23 and above
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Year Level of the Respondents

Frequency Percentage






First Year Second Year Third Year Fourth Year
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Familiarization on Scenario Based Learning Games
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Assessment on the Perception of Respondents Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Assessment on the Attitude of Respondents Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Assessment on the Scenario-based Learning Games affecting the Perception of Respondents Towards
Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Assessment on the Scenario-based Learning Games affecting the Attitude of Respondents Towards
Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Statement of the Problem Findings Conclusions

Scenario-based learning games in nursing

education are interactive, immersive
Respondents showed
educational tools that simulate real-world
varying levels of
scenarios to enhance learning. They
1. What are scenario- familiarity with
challenge students' understanding,
based learning scenario-based
encourage critical thinking, and allow for
games in nursing learning games, with
learning at one's own pace and sequence.
education? Labster being the most
These games provide a dynamic and
recognized, followed by
engaging approach to education,
Operating Now and
supplementing traditional methods with
Hospital Dash.
practical, hands-on learning experiences.
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Statement of the Problem Findings Conclusions

The perception of
respondents towards
The perceptions of nursing students towards
scenario-based learning games are generally
learning games is
positive. Students view these games as
beneficial for challenging their understanding
2. What are the positive. They agreed
of the subject, promoting critical thinking, and
perceptions of that these games
providing continuous learning opportunities.
nursing students? challenge their
They see scenario-based learning games as
understanding, help
effective tools for problem-solving and
them think critically,
accomplishing tasks, enhancing their overall
and provide benefits in
learning experience in nursing education.
problem-solving and
continuous learning.
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Statement of the Problem Findings Conclusions

Nursing students exhibit a positive attitude
expressed a positive
towards scenario-based learning games,
attitude towards
considering them as effective tools for
enhancing skills such as competency and
learning games, feeling
effectiveness as student nurses. They find
3. What are the competent and
these games engaging and motivating,
attitudes of nursing effective when playing,
enabling them to focus on given problems
students? finding problem-
and tasks. Overall, students express
solving in games
satisfaction with scenario-based learning
interesting, and
games as a learning approach, indicating a
preferring game-
preference for this method over traditional
based learning over
traditional methods.
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Statement of the Problem Findings Conclusions

The results suggest

that scenario-based Scenario-based learning games have a
learning games has a significant positive impact on the perception
positive effect on the of nursing students. These games enhance
4. Does scenario-
perception of the students' understanding of the subject,
based learning
respondents in this promote critical thinking, and provide
games affects the
study, as indicated by continuous learning opportunities. They
perception of nursing
the significant positively influence students' views on the
coefficient for the effectiveness of game-based learning in
effect of game- based nursing education, highlighting the benefits of
learning in the this innovative approach.
regression model.
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Statement of the Problem Findings Conclusions

The results suggest Scenario-based learning games positively

that game-based affect the attitudes of nursing students. These
learning has a positive games enhance students' skills, motivation,
5. Does scenario-
effect on the attitude and satisfaction with the learning approach.
based learning
of the respondents in Students feel competent and effective when
games affects the
this study, as indicated playing scenario-based learning games,
attitudes of nursing
by the significant finding them more engaging and motivating
coefficient for the compared to traditional methods. Overall,
effect of game-based scenario-based learning games contribute to
learning in the a positive attitude towards learning among
regression model. nursing students.
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

The study examined the impact of scenario-based learning games
on the perception and attitude of nursing education students. The
demographic profile revealed a predominantly female, young adult
population, with most students in their second year of study.

Respondents showed varying levels of familiarity with scenario-

based learning games, with Labster being the most recognized,
followed by Operating Now and Hospital Dash.

The perception of respondents towards scenario-based learning

games was generally positive.
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Respondents expressed a positive attitude towards scenario-based
learning games, feeling competent and effective when playing,
finding problem-solving in games interesting, and preferring
game-based learning over traditional methods.

Statistical analysis supported these findings, indicating a significant

positive effect of game-based learning on the perception and
attitude of respondents. Overall, the study suggests that scenario-
based learning games positively impact the learning experience
and motivation of nursing students.
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Based on the findings, the researchers therefore conclude the

1. Scenario-based learning games in nursing education are

interactive, immersive educational tools that simulate real-world
scenarios to enhance learning.

2. The perceptions of nursing students towards scenario-based

learning games are generally positive.
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

3. Nursing students exhibit a positive attitude towards scenario-
based learning games, considering them as effective tools for
enhancing skills such as competency and effectiveness as student

4. Scenario-based learning games have a significant positive

impact on the perception of nursing students.

5. Scenario-based learning games positively affect the attitudes of

nursing students.
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Incorporate scenario-based learning games more extensively into
nursing education curricular to enhance student engagement and
learning outcomes.

Conduct further research to explore the specific aspects of

scenario-based learning games that contribute most significantly
to positive student perceptions.

Develop guidelines and best practices for the implementation of

scenario-based learning games in nursing education to ensure
maximum effectiveness.
Perception and Attitudes of Students Towards Scenario-based Learning Games in Nursing Education

Integrate scenario-based learning games into nursing education
programs as a standard teaching method, highlighting their
benefits for enhancing understanding, critical thinking, and
problem-solving skills among students.

Provide ongoing support and professional development

opportunities for educators to enhance their skills in implementing
scenario-based learning games.

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