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Asynchronous Processing Guide

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Chapter 1: Overview
COOL:Gen Concepts and Terminology ........................................................ 1-1
Target Audience ............................................................................. 1-3

Chapter 2: Asynchronous Processing with COOL:Gen

Synchronous Processing ...................................................................... 2-1
Asynchronous Processing .................................................................... 2-2
Processing Options for an Asynchronous Request .............................................. 2-4

Chapter 3: Asynchronous Behavior

ASYNC_REQUEST Work Set ................................................................. 3-1

Chapter 4: Asynchronous Commands

USE ASYNC ................................................................................ 4-2
Syntax .................................................................................. 4-2
Examples................................................................................ 4-6
GET ASYNC RESPONSE ..................................................................... 4-8
Syntax .................................................................................. 4-8
CHECK ASYNC RESPONSE ................................................................. 4-12
Syntax ................................................................................. 4-12
IGNORE ASYNC ........................................................................... 4-14
Syntax ................................................................................. 4-14

Contents iii
Chapter 5: Asynchronous Processing with COOL:Gen Proxies
Proxy Interface ............................................................................... 5-1
Synchronous Processing .................................................................. 5-1
Asynchronous Processing ................................................................. 5-1
COOL:Gen Proxies ........................................................................... 5-2

Using the User Exit .......................................................................... A-1

Appendix B: Concepts and Definitions

COOL:Gen Glossary .......................................................................... B-1


iv Asynchronous Processing Guide


This document describes the use of Asynchronous Processing with COOL:Gen
distributed processing applications. It gives an overview of the processing option
prior to COOL:Gen 6.0 (that is, Synchronous Processing), and provides a high-
level overview of the options and design considerations that an application
developer needs to think about before implementing the various options
available with asynchronous processing.

COOL:Gen Concepts and Terminology

Distributed Processing A Distributed Processing (DP) client/server application is an application that

Application comprises two or more separate application components, where each
component performs a specific function for the overall application.
Communication between DP application components is via a mechanism
known as cooperative flow.

Note: From a COOL:Gen perspective, a DP application is packaged and

generated as a Cooperative Application.

The application that initiates a processing request to another application

component is the Distributed Processing Client (DPC), and may be one of the
following types:
■ Window Manager - A COOL:Gen GUI application that provides application
support for data presentation.
■ Internet Client - An interface that allows a client to use services available on
a server. By using browsers as a client access medium, COOL:Gen clients can
be platform independent.
■ Generated Proxy - A generated, programmatic interface to an application's
server components, that does not provide facilities for data presentation. A
proxy provides an interface to a COOL:Gen server for non-COOL:Gen
applications. See the ActiveX/COM and Java Proxies and the C Proxy API
documents for more information.

Overview 1–1
COOL:Gen Concepts and Terminology

A Distributed Processing Server (DPS) is the target of a DPC request. The DPS is
a non-GUI server procedure step that, typically, contains business logic and
provides an interface to database information. With COOL:Gen you can generate
server managers that contain one or more target procedure steps.

Server-to-Server Flow Some DPS runtime environments (for example MQSeries, TUXEDO, DCE,
TXSeries, CICS, and IMS) support the situation where one DPS component
initiates a request of another DPS component. These DPS-to-DPS flows are
known as Server-to-Server flows. For server environments that support server-
to-server flows between separate server managers, the flow behaves similarly
to that for a client-to-server flow, and concepts described in this document
apply to both DPC-to-DPS and DPS-to-DPS cooperative flows.

Note: For DPS-to-DPS flows within the same server manager, the flow
processing is treated as a local function call.

Synchronous Prior to COOL:Gen 6.0, COOL:Gen DP applications used only synchronous

processing processing when performing a cooperative flow. This meant that, when the
client application issued a request to a remote server application, the client was
blocked until the corresponding response was received. This blocking behavior
prevented the requesting application from engaging in any processing that was
concurrent to the execution of the request. In addition, it forced the requesting
application to serialize flows to other target procedures that it may need to
invoke. That is, a flow to one target procedure could not be initiated until the
response from a previous flow had completed.

Asynchronous COOL:Gen 6.0 provides the option to use asynchronous processing. This allows
processing a requesting application component to be given control immediately after a
flow request is made, so that it can continue with other processing while the
target server is processing an outstanding request. It also means that an
application can initiate cooperative flows without any obligation to process the
corresponding response, so allowing a "fire-and-forget" capability in
COOL:Gen applications.

With COOL:Gen 6.0, the model action language and proxy interfaces have been
extended to support asynchronous processing behavior. Four new action
language statements allow asynchronous behavior to be modeled into both a
generated DPC (GUI) application, and to a generated DPS application that, in
this case, is limited to those server environments that support server-to-server

The three proxy environments (C Proxy, COM Proxy, and Java Proxy), have also
been modified to support similar asynchronous behavior as that provided to a
generated GUI application via the new asynchronous action language

1–2 Asynchronous Processing Guide

Target Audience

Asynchronous processing extends the options available for COOL:Gen

distributed processing, and provides application developers with alternate
processing choices when defining (and invoking) a flow to a remote server
manager PSteps.

Note: Asynchronous behavior is limited to support only cooperative flows. This

means that an asynchronous request cannot be made from a windowed client to
a non-windowed client. For flows between both client-to-server and server-to-
server, asynchronous flows can only be used when target PSteps reside in
remote server managers.

Target Audience
This document will be of use to experienced COOL:Gen developers who want to
explore the use of asynchronous cooperative flows. Developing applications that
use asynchronous cooperative flows is complicated, because the logic necessary
to request the services of a target procedure is separate from the logic involved
in retrieving the response. The mechanics of initiating and completing the
cooperative flow becomes the responsibility of the application developer.
Additionally, the application developer is given the opportunity to provide the
logic for handling errors.

Overview 1–3
Asynchronous Processing with
2 COOL:Gen

To understand the cooperative flow involved in COOL:Gen asynchronous

processing, it is useful to have an understanding of how the components interact
when synchronous, blocked processing is used. This chapter illustrates the
cooperative flow involved when application components interact in a
synchronous manner, and then describes the differences that you need to
consider when developing applications to use asynchronous processing.

Synchronous Processing
From the perspective of the requesting application component (the client), a
remote procedure (PStep) executes as one atomic, blocked operation. When a
request is initiated, the requesting application component is blocked while
control passes through the various application components, and the
corresponding response is returned. The requesting application component can
not proceed with other processing until the synchronous cooperative flow is
complete, and control is returned from the specified target server PStep back to
the client. A DPC expects that any request will always be satisfied with a
corresponding response. The following illustration shows the cooperative flow
that takes place when a windows client issues a synchronous request to a Server
Manager. In this case, the windows client must wait until it receives a response
to its request from the server.

Asynchronous Processing with COOL:Gen 2–1

Asynchronous Processing

Synchronous cooperative flow is initiated using either a DialogFlow or a

Procedure Step USE statement. The PStep USE has become the preferred
cooperative flow mechanism, and is supported for both DPC-to-DPS and DPS-
to-DPS requests. See the Toolset online help for more details about DialogFlow
and Procedure Step USE.

Asynchronous Processing
In general, asynchronous processing is based on a similar concept of a
cooperative flow (that is, request/response). However, asynchronous processing
allows you to decouple the handling of the request from the handling of the
response. The effect of an asynchronous request is to initiate the server
processing; the requesting application must then explicitly retrieve (or ignore)
the request's associated asynchronous response.

2–2 Asynchronous Processing Guide

Asynchronous Processing

To allow the separation of request and response, an asynchronous cooperative

flow involves several stages shown in the following illustration:

The request stage comprises the initiating request for the asynchronous flow
(stage 1a) followed by a request to the server to process the request (stage 1b).
Note that the scope of the initiating request (stage 1a) is dependent on the
middleware being used, the middleware being the deciding factor on where the
"hand over" from stage 1a to stage 1b occurs. The retrieval stage (stage 2)
comprises a request from the client to retrieve, or check the status of, the
supplied response.

An asynchronous cooperative flow is initiated via a USE ASYNC statement. The

options available with this command, and the corresponding response
commands are described in the Asynchronous Commands chapter. For details of
the syntax and presentation of the asynchronous commands, see the COOL:Gen
Toolset online help.

The processing of a USE ASYNC statement passes control to various runtime

components and the supporting runtime code executes the code that actually
initiates the flow to the target DPS. During the flow, the communications
runtime code reaches a point in its processing where the request is considered
"accepted." This point may vary depending on the middleware environment
being used but, in most cases, the point of acceptance occurs when the
communications code has sent the request to the target server environment.
When the request is accepted, the runtime returns control to the initiating
application, thus allowing processing to proceed. The supporting runtime
continues to process the outstanding request and prepares to handle the
associated response as directed by the initiating USE ASYNC statement.

Asynchronous Processing with COOL:Gen 2–3

Processing Options for an Asynchronous Request

In COOL:Gen 6.0, a DPS application component that is the target of an

asynchronous cooperative flow will behave in the same way as it behaves in
versions of COOL:Gen prior to 6.0. That is, the server returns the response to the
communications runtime.

Processing Options for an Asynchronous Request

When a DPC initiates an asynchronous cooperative flow, there are several
options available as to how the application component can retrieve the
corresponding response. These options are specified as parameters when the
request is initiated. The application component can choose:
■ Poll Response - in which the requesting application component can inquire if
the response to a given outstanding request is available. Once available, the
response can be explicitly obtained by the application, thus completing the
outstanding asynchronous request. Applications can implement either
"active" or "passive" polling for a given response, where:
– "Active polling" requires the application to request that control be
returned to the application, even if the response is not immediately
available. The application must either re-invoke the "non-blocking"
request (GET ASYNC RESPONSE) to get the response periodically until
the response becomes available, or use the check response statement
– "Passive polling" requires the application to request that the statement to
get the response (GET ASYNC RESPONSE) should block until the
response becomes available.
■ Notify Event - This option is available only to windows clients, so is not
available when performing server-to-server flows. The requesting
application can request that an event handler be driven when the response to
a given asynchronous request is available for processing. As a result of the
event action, the requesting application will know the response is available
and can be obtained using the get response statement (GET ASYNC
■ No Response - The application may choose to only initiate a cooperative
flow and not be concerned about receiving its corresponding response. The
use of No Response frees the application from having to explicitly obtain or
explicitly ignore the target server's response. From the application's point-of-
view this is a "fire and forget" type of request.

2–4 Asynchronous Processing Guide

Processing Options for an Asynchronous Request

Although the asynchronous features of COOL:Gen 6.0 change the requesting

aspects of asynchronous processing, server processing has not changed. As such,
the existing runtimes expect that response messages will always be returned on
cooperative flows. For COOL:Gen 6.0, the No Response option is implemented
as if the initiating asynchronous request is accompanied by an implicit ignore.
The implicit ignore causes the cooperative flow to become "complete" as soon as
the response is received by the supporting runtime.

If an application decides it no longer requires a response to an outstanding

request, the response should be explicitly ignored for the asynchronous
cooperative flow to be considered complete. This is important, because only the
resources associated with completed requests can be returned to the system. A
response that is queued, awaiting either a GET ASYNC RESPONSE or an
IGNORE ASYNC RESPONSE statement, is known as a "pending response." Once
the request has been obtained (or ignored), an asynchronous cooperative flow is
considered "complete."

For more detailss see Asynchronous Commands.

Asynchronous Processing with COOL:Gen 2–5


Asynchronous Behavior
COOL:Gen applications using synchronous processing use the PStep USE
statement to request a cooperative flow. The PStep USE statement operates as
one atomic operation by sending a view, waiting for a response, and receiving a

Asynchronous processing decouples the request from the response, so it is

necessary to use one statement to initiate the request, and then a different
statement to retrieve the response. That is, you specify a view that the initiating
request sends (an import view), and a view in the retrieving command (an
export view) to receive the response.

The action language statements associated with asynchronous processing are:

■ USE ASYNC—to initiate an asynchronous request.
■ GET ASYNC RESPONSE—to retrieve an asynchronous response.
■ CHECK ASYNC RESPONSE—to check whether a response is available.
■ IGNORE ASYNC RESPONSE—to ignore a response.

For information about how to include the asynchronous commands in your

model, refer to the COOL:Gen Toolset online help. For information about the
processing of each command, see Asynchronous Commands, or click on the
appropriate command name.


In addition to the asynchronous commands, each COOL:Gen 6.0 model contains
a Work Set to support asynchronous behavior. This work set type, named
ASYNC_REQUEST, allows each outstanding request to contain a unique request
identifier, and is used to communicate aspects of a given asynchronous request
between the requesting application component and the supporting runtime
component(s). Each unique outstanding request within an application must be
represented by a unique instance of a view of the ASYNC_REQUEST work set.

Asynchronous Behavior 3–1


Each instance of an ASYNC_REQUEST work set view contains the following


Attribute Size Type Description

ID (8) numeric data The ID attribute is a unique

identifier associated with a given
request. The ID field is set by the
runtime when the asynchronous
request is accepted for processing.

REASON_CODE (8) text data Reserved for future use.

LABEL (128) mixed text The LABEL attribute is a character

data string that is set by the application
program. It provides the program
with a way to identify the given

ERROR_MESSAG (2048) mixed text The ERROR_MESSAGE attribute

E data only has value if the associated
request completed with an error.
contains a text description of the
failure. This attribute contains the
same text data as is displayed in the
event of a server error or
communications error.

3–2 Asynchronous Processing Guide


Asynchronous Commands
This chapter defines the method of operation of each of the asynchronous
commands. For details on the individual commands, click on the command
■ USE ASYNC—initiates an asynchronous request.
■ GET ASYNC RESPONSE—retrieves an asynchronous response.
■ CHECK ASYNC RESPONSE—checks whether a response is available.
■ IGNORE ASYNC RESPONSE—ignores a response.

Each ASYNC statement is composed of a set of arguments and a set of WHEN

clauses. The Action Diagram statement editor supplies each ASYNC statement
with its full complement of WHEN clauses, each of which you can choose to
retain or delete, depending on the process flow that you require at that point in
your application.

See the description of each of the above ASYNC statements for the behavior that
results if a particular WHEN clause is present or is deleted.

For information about including the asynchronous commands in your model,

refer to the COOL:Gen Toolset online help.

Asynchronous Commands 4–1


This command description includes:
■ The syntax of the command
■ A description of the parameters
■ Related examples.

+--USE ASYNC target_pstep (procedure step)
| IDENTIFIED BY: viewname async_request
| RESPONSE EVENT: eventhandlername
+--WHEN request accepted
+--WHEN request not accepted

The USE ASYNC statement is used to initiate an asynchronous cooperative flow.

The clauses of the USE ASYNC statement communicate, to the supporting
runtime code, how to process the request's corresponding response.

As with a USE PStep, the USE ASYNC statement must specify an import view
that identifies the data to be sent to the server PStep.

Note: A USE ASYNC statement can only be used to flow to a procedure step
that is packaged in a server manager. The USE ASYNC command does not
support a flow from a windowed client to a non-windowed client.

Request Identifier (IDENTIFIED BY:)

Each asynchronous request must be uniquely identified by the requesting

application. The IDENTIFIED BY clause conveys the specific ASYNC_REQUEST
view instance that will be used, by the runtime, to reference a specific
asynchronous cooperative flow. The ID attribute of the specified
ASYNC_REQUEST view is populated by the supporting runtime when that
runtime accepts the request.

Conditional Clauses (WHEN)

The optional set of WHEN clauses on the USE ASYNC statement give the
application developer control that is not available with a synchronous
cooperative flow. Each of the WHEN clauses is included in the code when a USE
ASYNC statement is constructed by the PAD editor. You can delete either or
both of the WHEN clauses.

4–2 Asynchronous Processing Guide


WHEN request accepted—The code contained in this WHEN clause is given

control if the supporting runtime reaches a point in its processing where the
request is considered accepted. Typically, this is the point where the runtime has
sent the request to the target server using the send mechanism of the supporting
Middleware. For example, if MQSeries is the transport, all the processing leading
up to and including the MPUT of the request must be successful for this WHEN
clause to be given control.

If this clause is not present, processing continues with the first statement
following the USE ASYNC.

WHEN request not accepted—The code contained in this WHEN clause is given
control if the supporting runtime encounters an error attempting to initiate the
asynchronous cooperative flow. The ERROR_MESSAGE field, of the specified
ASYNC_REQUEST view, contains a message explaining why the given request
was not accepted for processing.

If deleted, the runtime terminates the initiating PStep. This process is similar to
an error occurring during a failed USE Procedure Step statement. The currently
executing code block is exited.

Note: A request must be successfully accepted before it can be referenced by

other statements that are subsequently used to check or retrieve the response

Response Handling

The RESPONSE_HANDLING clause is used to set Asynchronous requests as

POLL requests or NOTIFY EVENT requests.

Poll A RESPONSE HANDLING clause specified as POLL communicates, to the

supporting runtime code, that the application will ask for response information
rather than expect to receive it automatically. The application will complete an
outstanding request using a GET ASYNC RESPONSE statement or by using an
supports both active and passive polling, as described in the Processing Options
for Async Requests section.

Asynchronous Commands 4–3


Notify Event A RESPONSE HANDLING clause specified as NOTIFY EVENT indicates that
the application will be notified when a response to an event is received by the
supporting runtime. The event notification is handled in a similar way to
existing window events. You must first specify that the application wishes to be
notified, by specifying a value of NOTIFY EVENT for the RESPONSE
HANDLING clause on the USE ASYNC statement. Additionally, you must
associate an event handler with each asynchronous request that specifies an
event be raised. The event handler name is supplied via the RESPONSE EVENT
clause on the requesting USE ASYNC statement. A unique event type is created
for each given instance of the USE ASYNC statement. This unique event type is
associated with the specified event handler that has been specified using the

When you add a NOTIFY EVENT type USE ASYNC statement, you can create a
new EVENT ACTION block, or select an existing EVENT ACTION already
associated with the PStep.

Note: The runtime only provides notice that the request has completed. This
does not imply that the request completed successfully.

As with other window events, the PStep can only receive a given event when it
has at least one open window. The open window is needed to send the event to
the event action block that has been defined to handle the specified event type. If
the window is closed, the event notification is ignored, and the response is
retained or discarded depending on the response scope of the call. That is, the
response is discarded if the response scope is PSTEP, and retained if the scope is
GLOBAL. (See Response Scope.)

It is the application designer's responsibility to determine if the request fulfilled

the desired actions, and to obtain any requested data. The application may also,
periodically, poll for completion status. However, any given outstanding request
can only be "completed" once.

If an application attempts to complete a given outstanding request from more

than one area of processing logic (for example, from the action diagram or an
event handler), each statement should expect that the designated request has
already been completed.

For example, the logic doing the polling may complete the request prior to the
event handler being scheduled. The logic in the event handler, assuming it
attempts to complete the request, must be coded to cope with the fact that the
request that causes the event handler to be driven might, in fact, already be

4–4 Asynchronous Processing Guide


No Response

When response handling is set to NO RESPONSE, this indicates that the

application wishes to initiate a "fire-and-forget" type of request, and is not
interested in retrieving the request's corresponding response. However, the
server processing must still be completed, and the response from the server is
discarded when it is received by the initiating runtime.

Response Scope

By default, the scope of an asynchronous request is limited to the initiating

PStep. All outstanding requests initiated by a PStep are implicitly ignored when
the PStep exits. When operating in a GUI application, there may be cases, you
may wish to retain the response so that it can be obtained by a different PStep
executing within the same process. The scope of the response is indicated via the
RESPONSE SCOPE clause specified on the USE ASYNC statement. RESPONSE
SCOPE may be either PSTEP or GLOBAL, where PSTEP limits the scope to the
initiating PStep, and GLOBAL indicates that the response is considered global to
all procedure steps executing in the process.

If you write one application PStep to initiate an asynchronous cooperative flow,

and another PStep to complete the flow, you must preserve the content of the
ASYNC_REQUEST view instance that you used to initiate the outstanding
request. This is necessary so that the processing that completes the flow can
specify the identifier in either the GET ASYNC RESPONSE statement or the

Contrary to the cleanup provided for the default scope of PSTEP (that is, where
the request is considered complete), the runtime does not implicitly complete an
outstanding request where the response scope is marked as GLOBAL. You must
include application logic that is responsible for completing requests that indicate
their associated response have a GLOBAL scope. That is, the application logic
to complete the request.

Note: The COOL:Gen 6.0 Server Runtime only supports a RESPONSE SCOPE of
PSTEP. That is, a response to an outstanding request cannot linger across
invocations of a target server PStep. All asynchronous cooperative flows
initiated by a server PStep (that is, server-to-server flows) must be completed
explicitly by the server PStep code, or implicitly by the Server Runtime, prior to
returning control to the invoking client application component.

Asynchronous Commands 4–5



The Toolset's Action Diagram helps construct the USE ASYNC statement. The
following examples show the various types of USE ASYNC:
1. An asynchronous request indicating that the application does not wish to
receive the response associated with the request:
+--USE ASYNC target_pstep (procedure step)
| IDENTIFIED BY: viewname async_request
+--WHEN request accepted
+--WHEN request not accepted

2. An asynchronous request indicating that the application wishes to Poll for

the response, where the response is only available to the PStep initiating the
+--USE ASYNC target_pstep (procedure step)
| IDENTIFIED BY: viewname async_request
+--WHEN request accepted
+--WHEN request not accepted

3. An asynchronous request indicating that the application wishes to Poll for

the response, where the response is available to other processing executing
within the process:
+--USE ASYNC target_pstep (procedure step)
| IDENTIFIED BY: viewname async_request
+--WHEN request accepted
+--WHEN request not accepted

4. An asynchronous request indicating that the GUI application wishes to be

notified when the response becomes available to be obtained from the
runtime. Additionally, this request indicates that the response is available
only to the PStep that initiated the request.

4–6 Asynchronous Processing Guide


5. This example also shows the EVENT ACTION block that is created when the
USE ASYNC statement was created. The name of the EVENT ACTION is
automatically assigned to be the same as the target_pstep referenced on the
USE ASYNC statement. If the application developer wishes to create a new
EVENT ACTION (as opposed to using a previously defined EVENT
ACTION) and if for some reason an EVENT ACTION already exists with the
target-pstep name, the Toolset will create a unique name for the new EVENT
ACTION (for example, adding a 1, 2, 3, and so on).
+--USE ASYNC target_pstep (procedure step)
| RESPONSE EVENT: target_pstep
+--WHEN request accepted
+--WHEN request not accepted
+--EVENT ACTION target_pstep

6. An asynchronous request indicating that the application wishes to be

notified when the response becomes available to be obtained from the
runtime. Additionally, this request indicates that the response is available to
other processing that is executing within the process:
+--USE ASYNC target_pstep (procedure step)
| RESPONSE EVENT: target_pstep
+--WHEN request accepted
+--WHEN request not accepted
+--EVENT ACTION target_pstep

Asynchronous Commands 4–7



This command description includes:
■ The syntax of the command
■ A description of the parameters

+--GET ASYNC RESPONSE target_pstep (procedure step)
| WHICH EXPORTS:...(syntax the same as USE PStep)
| IDENTIFIED BY: viewname async_request
+--WHEN successful
+--WHEN pending
+--WHEN server error
+--WHEN communications error

When an application uses asynchronous processing, it is the application's

responsibility to obtain the target PStep's response. The GET ASYNC RESPONSE
statement allows the application to request a response. As with a synchronous
USE PStep statement, the data must be mapped into export view(s) so that the
application can make use of the response data.

The behavior of the GET ASYNC RESPONSE may be modified, depending on

whether the WHEN Pending clause is present on the statement.
■ If the WHEN pending clause is coded, the application is requesting active
polling. Control is returned to the application if the response is not
immediately available.
■ If the WHEN pending clause is not coded, the application is requesting
passive polling. The GET ASYNC RESPONSE statement blocks until the
response becomes available.

Note: Depending on the application's logic, it may be more efficient to use the
CHECK ASYNC RESPONSE statement, followed by the GET ASYNC
RESPONSE statement. The check statement is simply a status check, and does
not incur any of the resource overheads associated with the get response
statement (for example, storage for the response message object). However, this
processing may be offset by the increased processing time used if the application
loops, repeating a check statement.

4–8 Asynchronous Processing Guide


Request Identifier (IDENTIFIED BY:)

The application must keep track of each outstanding request, so that it can obtain
obtain a given request's corresponding response. The application indicates the
response by the specified ASYNC_REQUEST view. The specified
ASYNC_REQUEST Work Set view should be the same view (or at least a view
that contains the same values) as was specified on the USE ASYNC statement
that initiated the original asynchronous flow.

Due to the inherent, disjointed nature of processing asynchronous cooperative

flows, the application logic may be engaged in other processing when a response
to an outstanding request becomes available. The GET ASYNC RESPONSE
statement gives you the opportunity to determine when the application is best
able to attempt to retrieve an outstanding response.

Conditional Clauses (WHEN)

The optional set of WHEN clauses on the GET ASYNC RESPONSE statement,
give you processing control that is not available with a synchronous cooperative
flow. For example, you may not want to interrupt the application's current
processing if an error is detected during the handling of an asynchronous
request. Compare this with the processing of a synchronous cooperative flow,
where errors are handled by the runtime servicing the flow, and the processing
of the initiating PStep is aborted if the runtime detects an error in either the
handling of the request or in the actual processing of the target PStep code (that
is, an XFAL).

As an application developer, you may want control of the various processing

conditions that may occur when servicing an asynchronous flow. Alternatively,
you may prefer that the runtime processes errors in the same way as they are
handled for existing synchronous flows. The behavior of the GET ASYNC
RESPONSE statement can be modified, depending on which of the WHEN
clauses you include in the statement.

When executing the GET ASYNC RESPONSE statement, the process flow gives
control to an applicable WHEN clause, if it is present. When the block of code
associated with the WHEN clause has completed, processing continues with the
statement immediately after the GET ASYNC RESPONSE statement. All of the
WHEN clauses are included in the code when the GET ASYNC RESPONSE
statement is constructed by the PAD editor. You can delete any of the WHEN
clauses, as required.

Asynchronous Commands 4–9


Control is passed to the associated WHEN clause under the following

■ WHEN successful—Control is passed to the WHEN successful block of code
if the response identified by the specified ASYNC_REQUEST view is
available, and has successfully resulted in the runtime populating the
specified view (specified by the WHICH EXPORTS clause). The outstanding
request is considered complete as a result of successfully executing the GET
■ If the statement is not present, processing continues with the statement
following the GET ASYNC statement.
■ WHEN pending—The behavior of the GET ASYNC RESPONSE statement
varies depending on whether the WHEN pending clause is present. If
present, active polling is used, and the response identified by the specified
ASYNC_REQUEST Work Set view is not available, control is passed to the
WHEN pending block of code. That is, the outstanding request remains
outstanding, and the execution of the GET ASYNC RESPONSE statement
operates as a non-blocking operation.
■ If the WHEN pending clause is not present, passive polling is used, and the
GET ASYNC RESPONSE statement causes the application to block until the
response is available. Processing is returned to the application only when the
asynchronous request is completed. The appropriate WHEN clause is driven
when processing the completed request.
■ WHEN invalid ASYNC_REQUEST ID—If the specified request identifier
does not correspond to an outstanding request, processing continues at the
first statement contained in the WHEN Invalid ASYNC_REQUEST ID.
■ If the WHEN invalid ASYNC_REQUEST ID is not present, processing
continues at the default error handling code generated for this statement.
Processing exits the currently executing code. (This may be handled
differently if within a GUI event or within an action block. See the
■ WHEN server error—If this clause is present, and the response returned
from the server contains a server failure (that is, an XFAL buffer), control
passes to the first statement contained within the WHEN server error clause.
■ If the WHEN server error clause is not present, the COOL:Gen runtime
continues at the default error handling code generated for this statement.
That is, the currently executing code is exited. (This may be handled
differently if within a GUI event or within an action block. See the

4–10 Asynchronous Processing Guide


■ WHEN communications error—If this clause is present, and the processing

of the asynchronous flow encounters a problem in either the transport of the
request or receipt of the response (that is, an XERR buffer), then processing is
passed to first statement contained within the WHEN communications error
■ If this clause is not present, control is passed to the default error handling
code generated for this statement. This default code causes the processing to
exit the currently executing code. (This may be handled differently if within
a GUI event or within an action block. See the WRASYNCSRVRERROR

Asynchronous Commands 4–11



This command description includes:
■ The syntax of the command
■ A description of the parameters

| IDENTIFIED BY: viewname async_request
+--WHEN available
+--WHEN pending

An application can check the state of a given outstanding asynchronous request,

without actually obtaining its associated response, by using the CHECK ASYNC
RESPONSE statement. This statement executes as a non-blocking operation. The
runtime interrogates the state of the specified request, then communicates that
state to the application by passing control to one of the specified blocks of code
that has been defined in the statement's associated WHEN clauses.

If the application just needs to check the status of a response, using CHECK
ASYNC RESPONSE is more efficient, and faster, than using GET ASYNC
RESPONSE as it does not need to allocate (then de-allocate) any resources (for
example, storage for the response message object).

Request Identifier (IDENTIFIED BY:)

The application indicates which specific request is to be checked by the

ASYNC_REQUEST work set view, as part of the IDENTIFIED BY clause. The
specified ASYNC_REQUEST work set view that is defined should be the same
view (or at least a view that contains the same values) as was specified on the
USE ASYNC statement that initiated the original asynchronous flow.

Conditional Clauses (WHEN)

When executing the CHECK ASYNC RESPONSE statement, the process flow
gives control to an applicable WHEN clause, if it is present. When the block of
code associated with the WHEN clause has completed, processing continues
with the statement immediately after the CHECK ASYNC RESPONSE statement.
All of the WHEN clauses are included in the code when the CHECK ASYNC
RESPONSE statement is constructed by the PAD editor. You can delete any of
the WHEN clauses, as required.

Control is passed to the associated WHEN clause under the following


4–12 Asynchronous Processing Guide


■ WHEN available - Control is passed to the WHEN available block of code if

the response associated with the specified ASYNC_REQUEST Work set view
has been received by the runtime, and is available for the application to
retrieve via a GET ASYNC RESPONSE statement. Note that the WHEN
available clause does not imply the success or failure of the actual request, it
only indicates that the response is available to be retrieved by the
■ If this clause is not present, there is no way to know if the response is
available using the CHECK ASYNC RESPONSE. Processing continues at the
statement following the CHECK ASYNC RESPONSE statement, as in the
case where the response is still pending.
■ WHEN pending - If this clause if present, and the identified request has not
yet completed execution, then control is passed to the WHEN pending block
of code. The associate request is still considered outstanding.
■ If this clause is not present, there is no way to know if the response is
available using the CHECK ASYNC RESPONSE. Processing continues at the
statement following the CHECK ASYNC RESPONSE statement, the same as
if the response is still pending.
■ WHEN invalid ASYNC_REQUEST ID - If the specified request identifier
does not correspond to an outstanding request, control is passed to the first
statement contained in the WHEN invalid ASYNC_REQUEST ID.
■ If the WHEN invalid ASYNC_REQUEST ID is not present, processing
continues at the default error handling code generated for this statement.
Processing exits the currently executing code. (This may be handled
differently if within a GUI event or within an action block. See the

Asynchronous Commands 4–13


This command description includes:
■ The syntax of the command
■ A description of the parameters

| IDENTIFIED BY: viewname async_request

It is likely that an application will, at some point, have one or more outstanding
asynchronous requests that it no longer wishes to process. You can use the
IGNORE ASYNC RESPONSE statement to inform the runtime that the
application wishes to ignore the response corresponding to the specified

However, the runtime will continue to keep track of an ignored request, as the
resources associated with an ignored request remain allocated as long as the
ignored request's corresponding response remains outstanding. Only when the
response is received (that is, the request is complete), can the runtime free the
resources associated with the request.

An ignored outstanding request is considered complete.

Request Identifier (IDENTIFIED BY:)

The application identifies the specific request that is to be ignored by the

ASYNC_REQUEST view, specified in the IDENTIFIED BY clause. The specified
ASYNC_REQUEST view should be the same view (or at least a view that
contains the same values) as was specified on the USE ASYNC statement that
initiated the given asynchronous flow.

4–14 Asynchronous Processing Guide


Conditional Clause (WHEN)

Control is passed to the associated WHEN clause under the following

■ WHEN invalid ASYNC_REQUEST ID - If the specified request identifier
does not correspond to an outstanding request, control is passed to the first
statement contained in the WHEN Invalid ASYNC_REQUEST ID.
■ If the WHEN invalid ASYNC_REQUEST ID is not present, control is
passed to the default error handling code generated for this statement.
Processing exits the currently executing code. (This may be handled
differently if within a GUI event or within an action block. See the

Asynchronous Commands 4–15

Asynchronous Processing with
5 COOL:Gen Proxies

A COOL:Gen Proxy is a generated programmatic interface that allows non-

generated client applications to communicate with COOL:Gen-generated DPS
applications. Other than providing the interface, a proxy offers no additional,
client side behavior.

Proxy Interface
The fundamental concept of how you use a proxy is the same whether you are
implementing synchronous or asynchronous cooperative flow.

Synchronous Processing

With synchronous processing, the client code that invokes the interface remains
blocked until it receives a corresponding response. Like the USE PStep
statement, a proxy's execute interface is processed as an atomic operation.

Asynchronous Processing

With COOL:Gen 6.0, a user-written client application can make and receive
requests from a server in an asynchronous manner. The set of exposed proxy
interfaces includes APIs that provide a non-generated client application with the
ability to communicate with a target DPS in an asynchronous fashion.

Similar to the action language described for generated client applications,

asynchronous support for a proxy influences only the handling of a request's
corresponding response. Initiating a request to a target DPS is no longer
synchronously linked with obtaining its response. Once a request is accepted for
processing by the COOL:Gen Proxy Runtime, the client application is able to
engage in other processing. The server processing proceeds asynchronously to
the client's processing. The client application is able to obtain (or ignore) a given
outstanding response when it is best suited in the application's logic.

Asynchronous Processing with COOL:Gen Proxies 5–1

COOL:Gen Proxies

COOL:Gen Proxies
COOL:Gen supports three types of proxies:
■ The ActiveX/COM Proxy is a generated COM object that provides an
automation interface to COOL:Gen servers. Providing a COM automation
interface allows Web applications with Active Server Pages and any OLE-
enabled client access to COOL:Gen servers.
■ Asynchronous behavior is supported by a set of common properties and
methods in the generated COM Proxy interface and the COM Proxy
Runtime. A client application, that wishes to take advantage of a given COM
Proxy's asynchronous processing, must invoke its exposed asynchronous
interface method. See the ActiveX/COM and java Proxies document for details
of generating and using an ActiveX/COM Proxy.
■ The Java Proxy is a Java-based interface that allows Java applets and Java
application to re-use COOL:Gen servers.
■ Asynchronous behavior is supported by a set of common properties and
methods in the generated Client Java Bean and Application Java Bean. An
applet or application, that wishes to take advantage of a given Java Proxy's
asynchronous processing, must invoke the respective bean's exposed
asynchronous interface methods. See the ActiveX/COM and java Proxies
document for details of generating and using a Java Proxy.
■ The C Proxy API is a generated C language header file that provides you
with the flexibility to call COOL:Gen server components from a C language
application, or applications that support a C language interface.
■ The C Proxy Runtime contains a set of APIs that support asynchronous
behavior. A client application wishing to use asynchronous processing must
use the specific asynchronous function calls, as described in the C Proxy API

5–2 Asynchronous Processing Guide


In GUI processing, the User Exit WRASYNCSRVRERROR is invoked when an
error is detected during the processing of an asynchronous cooperative flow.
This may be in response to the USE ASYNC, GET ASYNC RESPONSE, CHECK
ASYNC RESPONSE or IGNORE ASYNC RESPONSE statements. This user exit
allows the client to detect the error, analyze the problem and possibly recover.

Using the User Exit

Using the exit, the application can:
■ Override the standard error dialog using a customized dialog
■ Add additional information to the standard dialog
■ Suppress the standard dialog completely

The default behavior of this exit is to display the error dialog only if the
executing COOL:Gen statement does not have a WHEN clause coded that
corresponds to the exception condition encountered.

If you wish to display the error dialog, even if the WHEN exception clause is
coded, the user exit can be customized to display this behavior. However, in this
case, the error dialog is enabled regardless of which of the possible exception
conditions occur within the application.

It is possible to customize this user exit to contain specific processing rules and


Concepts and Definitions


COOL:Gen Glossary
For definitions of new terminology used in this document, see the COOL:Gen
Glossary in the Toolset help system.

Concepts and Definitions B–1



APIs, 5-1 PAD

C, 5-1
Asynchronous Processing with COOL:Gen Proxies, 5-
COM, 5-1
Proxy Interface, 5-1
PSteps, 1-1

COOL:Gen Asynchronous Processing, 2-1 R


Internet Client, 1-1 S

Server-to-Server, 1-1
Synchronous Processing, 1-1

Java Proxies, 1-1

Target Audience, 1-1

Non-COOL, 1-1 Terminology, 1-1

Non-GUI, 1-1 TUXEDO, 1-1

TXSeries, 1-1

OLE-enabled, 5-1
Overview, 1-1


USE ASYNC, 2-1 Work Set, 3-1

USE Procedure Step ASYNC_REQUEST, 3-1
USE PStep, 5-1

Index–2 Asynchronous Processing Guide

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