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Careers Teacher

Year 10 Careers Semester 2, 2024

Activity 1 →Occupation Research/Exploring my options

1. Visit the following website

2. Look at Industries and Occupations that you are interested in.

3. List 3 Occupations that are of interest to you:


4. Of the 3 Occupations that you listed above, choose the one that you are most interested in and answer the
following questions:
Overview of the

Day-to-day jobs

Skills employers are

looking for

Activity 2 →VTAC Yr 10 Guide

Using the VTAC Year 10 Guide Booklet, complete the following activities:

1. Define the terms below:



Tertiary Education

Prerequisite subjects




Activity 3 →Setting your own goals

Imagine your life at 26 and think about what kind of life you would like to be living, including
where and how you would like to live, the experiences you would like to have and the kind of job
you would like.
Don’t worry if you can’t think of a specific career, but if you can describe an area of interest, or a
few ideas, that’s a good start.
The things you were imagining could be your long-term goals. Ask yourself, which ones are
realistic? Discuss this question with a classmate and complete the table below:
1. Long-term goals. Choose some personal and career long-term goals and add them here…

2. Medium-term goals. What are some medium-term goals that could lead to the long- term goals.? Discuss
with a classmate or ally and add them here…….

3. Short-term goals. What about the short-term goals you need to achieve before you can obtain your medium-
term goals? Discuss and add them here……….

When you’ve completed your journey diagram above, think about and then discuss the following questions with
your classmate and/ or allies.
• Are these goals achievable?
• Are there other short- or medium-term goals you need to set?
• Will you need to prioritise some goals over others?
• Do any of the goals depend upon each other?
• What are some other ways you can reach your goals?

Activity 4 →Planning my program at Parade College . . .

VCE Subject Selection Guide
When planning your senior years of school study, it is important to choose courses that interest you and
motivate you to work hard as well as meeting any course prerequisites you might want to undertake in
tertiary studies. When making your course choices, it is also really important to remember that you don’t
have to have a particular career in mind at this stage – but it is good to have a general idea of your future
direction so that you can make choices that will compliment your interests and give you a good background
for further studies and/or employment. The more you investigate possible future options now the more
satisfying your future pathways are likely to be.
So, what is important when choosing your
VCE subjects?

o think carefully about your interests - you will achieve
better results in courses that you enjoy and are
interested in

o be realistic about your abilities and skills - it is essential to listen to and be guided by your teachers’
o recommendations (which will be based on what you have shown you can do already).

o choose your courses at the appropriate level - eg: the level of Maths recommended for you.

o check the VCE subject prerequisites of any courses you are planning to study after completing
school. For the most part, prerequisites are more important for successful completion than the
ATAR! If you are unsure of your career path, it may be wise to keep your options open. eg: if you
are considering a Science pathway, Mathematics is a prerequisite for a great many Science
courses, as are Biology, Chemistry and/or Physics. For Business, Mathematics is often a
prerequisite (check what level - Further, Methods or Specialist) and if you are interested in the
Creative field, consider Art, Studio Arts, Visual Communication & Design (VCD) Media, Music or
and Drama - particularly if you are considering a creative course that will require a folio or an
audition for tertiary selection. VTAC’s course prerequisite list will make clear what subjects you
must consider undertaking for particular courses for when you enter tertiary studies - this guide is
published during your Year 10 studies, specific for your tertiary entry year – (your tertiary year will
be 2026)
o understand the non-subject prerequisites - many tertiary courses require more than just Study Scores
and/or an ATAR (eg. CASPer for undergraduate Teaching/Education courses). Tertiary course listings on
VTAC Course Search make all prerequisites clear - subject & non-subject. Course providers will also state
what subject & non-subject prerequisites are required on their individual course pages.

o consider whether you are choosing a subject for the right reason e.g. if you don’t like Chemistry but it is
a prerequisite for a future course you are looking at, will you enjoy that future course or do you need to
get more advice?

o have a spread of subjects - if you undertake too many subjects from the 1 study grouping, they may not
all count towards your ATAR calculation equally (eg. If you pick all 3 Mathematics courses at Units 3 & 4,
only the best 2 will count entirely; the third will only count at 10%, no matter how well you go in the
course). VTAC makes clear what the study groupings are.

Do Not……

o choose subjects based on what your friends are doing, what your older siblings or parents did or who
you think might be teaching the subject

o how you think a subject might get scaled - this is done year-by-year: the past does not predict the
present/future. It’s also out of your control, apart from doing the best you can in your studies &
therefore aiming to be on the ‘happy side’ of the scaling bell curve.

o Get advice from:

o your Career Advisors, especially regarding

university and TAFE entry requirements

o your current class teachers and other relevant staff

o current senior students, employers, parents and other contacts you may have

Achieving your VCE:

To obtain the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) students must satisfactorily complete a minimum of 16
Units (4 subjects), including:

 three units from the English group, including a Unit 3–4 sequence
 at least three sequences of Unit 3–4 studies other than English,
which may include any number of English sequences once the
English requirement has been met.
The maximum units that can contribute to the VCE is 24

 Units 1 & 2 are regarded as Year 11 level subjects

 Units 3 & 4 are regarded as Year 12 level subjects

Units 1 & 2 are assessed within the school, and Units 3 & 4 are also assessed within the
school but passed on to the VCAA, with external examinations making up part of the assessment.
The external examinations are not required for satisfactory completion of the VCE, but are
required for an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).

Students who sit the Unit 3 & 4 external examinations will obtain Study Scores for these subjects, which added
together (‘aggregate’) and ranked creates the ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) which is used by tertiary
institutions as part of the selection to a course.

Further details about the VCE and the ATAR can be found at (VCE)
and (ATAR)

Complete the Following Activities to assist you in choosing your courses:

In the table below, enter up to 8 subjects you are aware of or considering (English has already been entered for
you), and indicate which ones you like or don’t like – and why. Also select whether that subject is needed for a
future course or job and whether your teachers have recommended you do this course or not.

Needed for Recommended

Subject Like - Why Don’t Like - Why future by teachers?

(group subject)
To help you make your course choices, in the table below, enter three interest areas or career ideas you might
have and then list any school subjects that you think might be helpful in working towards these:

Career Aspirations / Ideas: Subjects That Would Suit:




Knowing what the course prerequisites are for the Tertiary Courses you might be interested in can help
you achieve your career aspiration(s).

Consider some future courses you may be interested in and check the prerequisites for these.

Tertiary course I am Name of Institution: Prerequisites for entry:


Final check of questions to ask when choosing your VCE subjects

 What subjects are prerequisites for future courses I am interested in?

 Do I like these subjects and want to spend 2 years studying them every day?
 Do I understand what these subjects are about? Have I researched the subject content?
 Have I spoken to subject teachers?
 What are my other commitments - can I realistically manage the subject load?
 Are there any extra requirements that I will have to meet e.g. folio / audition?
 Are there any recommended subjects or grades for entry to this course?

Other Useful Sites/Resources:

Here are some links to useful information that will help you in
the senior subject selection process.
Below is a list of the VCE and VET Subjects offered at Parade College. Using the VCE & VET Handbooks
available on SIMON (for information on course outlines, topics and assessments ,make a note of any
subjects (Unit 1 and 2 or VET Certificates) which you are interested in learning more about for next year.
Then complete the table in Activity 5.

Subjects offered at Parade College


Accounting 1 / 2 Legal Studies 1 / 2
Australian and Global Politics 1 / 2 Literature 1 / 2
Biology 1 / 2 Mathematical Methods 1 / 2
Business Management 1 / 2 Media 1 / 2
Chemistry 1 / 2 Music Performance 1 / 2
Computing 1 / 2 Outdoor & Environmental Studies 1 / 2
Economics 1 / 2 Physical Education 1 / 2
English 1 / 2 Physics 1 / 2
Food Studies 1 / 2 Psychology 1 / 2
Foundation Mathematics 1 / 2 Product Design & Technology 1 / 2
French 1 / 2 Religion & Society 1 / 2
General Mathematics 1 / 2 Specialist Mathematics 1 / 2
Geography 1 / 2 Studio Arts1 /2
Health and Human Development 1 / 2 Systems Engineering 1 /2
History – Twentieth Century 1 / 2 Texts & Traditions 1 / 2
Italian 1 / 2 Theatre Studies 1 / 2
Japanese 1 / 2 Visual Communication Design 1 / 2

Certificate II Electrotechnology Certificate II Building and Construction
(Prevocational) (Bricklaying)
Certificate II Building and Construction Certificate II Building and Construction
(Floor and Wall Tiling) (Carpentry)
Certificate II Kitchen Operations Certificate II Furniture Making Pathways
Certificate II Logistics Certificate III in Screen and Media
Certificate II Plumbing (Pre Vocational) Certificate III Sport and Recreation
Certificate II in Small Business (Operations/Innovation) Certificate III Music Industry (Sound/Technical
*NB: Students who select this VET course CANNOT enrol in Units 1-4
Business Management Production)

Activity 5 → My subjects for 2024

1. Complete the statement below:
I am planning to complete a VCE VCE/VET VM (circle one) program because . . .

Log on to the Student Area of the Parade College Careers website
Go to the Activities- Online Activities- Post School Options tab
Click on either PSO 4 or PSO 5 and complete the activities. Please make sure that you save your work on the

2. The subjects I would like to include in my 2021 program are:

VCE & VCE/VET students fill in all 7 boxes whereas VCAL students fill in up to 2 boxes with their preferred VET subject.

Year 11 Year 12 Year 11 Year 12
(Intermediate) (Senior)
English OR Literature English OR Literature
NB: You can do BOTH English &
Literature if you choose but you
Literacy Literacy
MUST select at least one of these
two subjects Numeracy Numeracy
Religion/ Touchstones Work Related Skills Work Related Skills
Personal Development Personal Development
Cert II Small Business Cert II Small Business
VET (optional) VET (optional)

Assessment Task : Career Action Plan

1. Complete your Career Action Plan via the Student Secure Area of the Parade College Careers Website:
2. Log in using your student email address and password.
3. Select ‘Career Action Plan’ and follow the steps to complete your Career Action Plan.

Please download a copy of your Career Action Plan and upload it onto SIMON for this assessment.
Activity 6 → Work Experience
Work Experience provides a great opportunity to learn more about the real world of work in an area you are
interested in possibly pursuing in the future upon the completion of your secondary schooling. It is a compulsory
program for all Year 10 students scheduled to run Monday 18th November to Thursday 21st November 2024.
Completed Work Experience Forms are due by 16th September 2024 and MUST be submitted to the locked box
outside the Careers Centre Window between MQ33 and MQ28. Work Experience is compulsory for all students in
Year 10 as part of the school program.

Ask your Careers teacher for a Work Experience form OR visit the Careers office to collect on MQ 32

Complete the following questions relating to Work Experience

Your work experience placement details:

Name of workplace
Location/ Address

Type of industry? What type of business is it?

Is this related to your future career plans? Explain why/ how

What types of roles are available at that workplace? List at least 3.

What role would you be most interested in? Give one reason why.
Activity 7 → What Employers are looking for
1. Log into the Secure Student Area of the Careers website
2. Click on Activities – Activities Online
3. Click on ‘The Workplace’ – ‘What Employers are looking for’

4. Complete ‘What Employers are looking for’ activity. Remember to save your work on the website.

Activity 8 → Workplace Behaviour

1. Log into the Secure Student Area of the Careers website
2. Click on Activities – Activities Online
3. Click on ‘The Workplace’ – Employer Expectations - ‘Activity 2 -Workplace Behaviour Case Studies’

Work Experience OH&S Documentation

To take part in work experience, you must be aware of the hazards, risks and safety requirements that you may encounter
in your work place as you are legally considered as an employee. This awareness is shown by completing a variety of
Occupational Health & Safety certifications. You will have today’s lesson to complete the Safe@Work self-assessment for

the GENERAL module.
NB: in order to achieve the certificate, you must answer at least 75% of the questions correctly.

Activity 9 → Assessment Task 2

Assessment Task 2 : Safe@work

1. Go to the Safe@Work website:

2. Click on ‘General Module’ from the left-hand side menu and read through the key points.

3. Right click on ‘Self-Assessment Tests’ and select ‘Open Link in New Tab’. This will allow you to refer to the general
module information while you are completing the test.
* Scroll down to fill in your details.
* As this is an OFFICIAL document, you need to ensure that you include a capital letter at the beginning of your first and last name
and that you list the school correctly as Parade College.
* Select the ‘General’ option from the drop down list for the Assessment Module

4. Click on the ‘Begin Test’ tab and answer the questions. You might like to have the notes open in another tab to help you
locate the answers.

5. When you have achieved an acceptable score on the test, you will need to SAVE the Certificate of Attainment
To save:
* Find the disc image at the top of the page and select PDF from the drop down menu by clicking on the arrow

* Select ‘Save As’ from the message box and save the document then email a copy to your Careers Teacher

6. You will then need to save a copy of your certificate and upload it onto SIMON for this Assessment.

Activity 10 → Safe@work industry Modules

Consider your work experience placement you have/are hoping to organise. Which of the following
industries would be most appropriate for your workplace activities?
Tick as many as appropriate & ask your teacher if unsure
Automotive Building Electrical Hairdressing
Health & Community Horticulture Hospitality Manufacturing

Metals & Engineering Office & Admin Painting Plumbing

Primary Industry Retail Veterinary

Complete the ‘Self-Assessment Test’ for each module relevant to your work placement. Repeat steps 5 and 6 of the
assessment task and ensure that you PRINT the certificates and hand them in to your Careers teacher.

Activity 11 → Workplace Safety

Students to login to Student Secure Area of Parade College Careers website
Click on Activities – Activities Online – Preparing for Work – Safety in the Workplace - Workplace Safety
 Complete Activity 1
 Complete Activity 2 – This will help to reinforce your knowledge from the Safe@work modules.
 Save all of your work on the website.

Activity 12 → Workplace Safety

Click on Activities – Activities Online – Preparing for Work –– Workplace Safety
 Complete Activity 1, 2 and 3.
 Remember to save all of your work on the website.

Activity 13 → Exploring the Workplace and

Industrial Relations
Students to login to Student Secure Area of Parade College Careers website

Click on Activities/ Activities Online – The Workplace tab/box at the top of the page.
Click on ‘Industrial relations’ topic under the Workplace tab.
Read – What are industrial relations?
Read - Starting a new job.
Watch ‘So you’ve just got a new job’ video.
Complete Activity 3 – Online quiz
Complete activity 4 – Review Questions.

Save all of your work on the Parade College Careers website

Activity 14 → The Future of Work

Students to login to Student Secure Area of Parade College Careers website

o Click on Activities/ Activities Online – The Future of Work tab/box at the top of the page.
o Go to - ‘Future of Work’ tab
o Complete Activity 1 – Jobs and Careers: What does the Future hold?
o Watch video – 10 Jobs from the old days that no longer exist.

o Complete the table and questions.

 Save all of your work on the Parade College Careers website
5. Work Experience Checklist RECAP

1. Make contact with your employer via phone in the week before your placement begins to
confirm the following:

What time should you arrive on the Monday? _____________________________________________________

What is the address you will be meeting at? ______________________________________________________

Who should you ask for/will you be meeting when you arrive? _____________________________________

What is the expected attire you should wear? _____________________________________________________

Do you need to bring anything with you on the day? ______________________________________________

Can you purchase lunch on site or should you bring lunch with you? ______________________________

2. Tick off the following to confirm you are ready for your placement:

Do you have your employer’s contact details in your phone should you need to get in contact with them on your way to
your placement? YES  NO 

Do you know how you will be getting to your placement?

Eg. Public transport, dropped off by parent, etc. YES  NO 

If you are going via public transport, have you checked the timetable and route to ensure you will be able to get to your
placement 15-20mins before required? YES  NO 
3. On the last day of your placement be sure to do the following:

Thank your employer for the experience (you will have a chance to write a thank you letter in your final Careers lesson
after your placement) YES  NO 

Ask your employer if they would be willing to be a referee on your resume if you are intending to apply for casual work
over the holidays & get their details (Full name, title and contact details)
YES  NO 

If appropriate, you might like to take in a small gift for your supervisor (eg. Chocolates) or something to share for
morning tea as a thank you (optional) YES 

7. Accessing Resources
In a group of 3-4, evaluate the usefulness of one of the following websites by exploring their sections/ features/tools and
fill in the table below based on your experience.

My Future –
Parade College Careers –
Australian Apprenticeships –
Job Outlook -
Youth Central –
Graduate Careers Australia –
Labour Market Information Portal –
The Foundation for Young Australians –
The Good Universities Guide –

Purpose of Website:

Information Provided Ease of navigation Visually Appealing Usefulness to you during

subject selection
Which feature did you find most useful and why?

What would you change/add/remove in order to improve the resource?

8. Class Presentation
A research report by The Foundation for Young Australians lists the Top Employability Skills required by Employers in
the 21st Century as:

Problem Solving Presentation Skills

Communication Skills Critical Thinking

Digital Literacy Creativity

Team Work Financial Literacy

Based on your exploration as a group, you will practice most of these skills by developing a 5-10min PowerPoint
presentation on the Website you have researched. You will need to include the following information in your
 Explain the purpose/intent of the website
 Outline the type of information available
 Introduce some of the key features of the resource and explain their purpose
 Demonstrate the usefulness of some of the features/tools
 Highlight 2 or 3 key things you learnt as a result of using/exploring the website
 Evaluate the resource by giving it an ‘Out of 5 star’ rating

The features in your PowerPoint presentation that you will need to include are:
 Appropriate headings
 Screenshots, pictures, images, arrows, textboxes, tables, graphs (as appropriate)
 Dot Points and/or short sentences

The features in your spoken presentation that you will need to include are:
 Roughly equal speaking time for all group members
 Cue-cards/notes to speak from
 Eye Contact and positive body language
 Varied speaking voice
 Appropriate transition sentences between slides/speakers
 Avoid using Headings as ‘titles’ in your spoken presentation

OHS Review
Activity One: Look closely at the picture below. With your partner, identify 5 hazards you see in this workplace.
Record the name of the hazards in the table below. Then, identify what could happen and how the danger could be
avoided. Record these in the table too.

Hazard What could happen? How could it be avoided?

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