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At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:

a. Familiarize how to measure dry and liquid ingredients
accurately using the appropriate tools
b. Appreciate the importance of measuring ingredients
c. Demonstrate dry and liquid ingredients accurately using the
appropriate tools.


Lesson Title: Measuring ingredients properly


A. Reference
Learning Module – Bread and Pastry Production Grade 9 page 128

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of the core

concept and underlying theories in preparing and presenting gateaux,
tortes and cakes
Performance Standard: The learner demonstrate competencies in preparing
and presenting gateaux, tortes and cakes
Learning Competencies: LO1. Prepare sponge and cakes
3.1 Select, measure and weigh ingredients according to recipe
requirements, enterprise practices and customer practices
Content: How to measure ingredients
Code: TLE_HEBP9-12TC-IIIa-f-7

B. Materials
Laptop, Television,HDMI Cable, Power point Presentation,
C. References

a. Cleanliness and orderliness
Stand up and look under your chair. - Students will do the
Please pick up the pieces of trash and task
arrange your chair properly.
b. Prayer - Students will stand up and
The teacher will call one student to do the prayer, and will
lead the prayer. sit down after the
Can you please lead our prayer greetings
c. Attendance
The teacher will ask the class
secretary if there is anyone absent for today. - None, ma’am/ yes ma’am!
“Before we proceed to our lesson, let us He/she is (name of
first check the attendance. Ms. Secretary do students who is absent)
we have any absentees for today?”


Students, now let’s have a short (The students will raise their
review about the lesson that was discussed last hands)

What was our last lesson yesterday? (The

teacher will present pictures)
Yes ?

- Ma’am our last lesson is

about packaging

That’s correct!

Can you give an example of packaging (student’s will raise their

materials? hands)

container, aluminum
foil, and

Very good!
Which packaging material is best to pack the
cake? - ma’am we can used the box in
packing the cake
… ice cream cake?
-ma’am we can used the box in
packing the ice cream cake
… cookies? -ma’am we can used the plastic
in packing the cookies

I prepared an activity for you.

I have a game which is called WHO AM I. Do

you know what is WHO AM I? You are going
to observe the picture that I provided for you,
try to fill the the boxes for you to get the
name of the picture.

For example:

The answer is Strainer. Do

you understand class?
- Yes ma’am
- Ma’am the answer is

That’s correct!

How about this one

- Ma’am the answer is


That’s correct!
How about this one?
- Ma’am the answer is

Very good!

1. Do you find it hard to identify the - No ma’am

- Ma’am its about tools in
2. What are the pictures all about? baking

Before we proceed to our discussion, I
have here an activity that will enlighten you
about our topic for today.

Direction: Arrange jumbled letters regarding on

measuring dry, liquid and solid fats ingredients.

Unlocking of terms:
● Scoop- to pick up something with a scoop or -scoop
spoon -overflow
● Overflow- to flow over the edge of top of -sifting
something -compactly
● Sifting- to separate or remove something by
using a sifter.
● Compactly-closely or firmly packed or joined


Do you find the activity easy? Why or why not? No ma’am

How will you describe the word that you

formed and how it is connected with the This two activity is connected to
each other because the
measuring tools? taught of this activity is to
enlighten us on how can we
measure the dry and liquid


Discussion Dry


1. Flour

Sift the flour to remove lumps and scoop it to

fill the measuring cup until it overflows. Do
not shake the measuring cup but level the
flour with a spatula or the edge of a knife.

2. Baking Powder/ Baking Soda

Remove the lumps by stirring. Dip the

measuring spoon into the powder or scoop
the baking powder or baking soda, then level
it off with a spatula.

3. Powdered Milk

Remove the lumps by stirring. Scoop

lightly to fill the measuring cup without
shaking until it overflows. Use the spatula or
the straight edge of a knife to level the

4. White sugar

Sifting is not necessary unless it is lumpy. Fill

the measuring cup or scoop the sugar until it
overflows. Do not shake the measuring cup
but level the sugar with a spatula or the edge
of a knife.

5. Brown sugar

Roll out the lumps, remove the dirt and pack

into the measuring cup until the sugar follows
the shape of the cup when inverted. When
removed from the measuring cup, the brown
sugar will be molded into the shape of the cup
if packed properly.
Liquid Ingredients

Used to measure large quantities of liquids.

Set the cup on a level surface. Never lift the
cup while pouring the liquid. Read the scale
from the side of the cup.

● Water
● Milk
● Other dairy products

Solid Fats

Fill the measuring with shortening and press

down until it is full. Level the fat with the
spatula or the edge of a knife.

● Butter
● Margarine
● Lard
● Oil
● Cocoa Butter


Do you have any question regarding our discussion?

None ma’am

Are you sure?

Yes ma’am
Okay, it seems you all really understand our lesson,
so to sum it up can someone give an example of dry
ingredients that need to be measure? The dry ingredients that need to
be measure are the flour, baking
(Calls a student) powder or baking soda,
powdered milk, white sugar and
lastly brown sugar.
Very good!

Why do you think is the importance of measuring the

ingredients? In baking, measuring is very
important because of the
chemical reactions between
ingredients that is why If you
don't get it right, the result may
be terrible
What is the effect of measuring the
ingredients during baking? When you measure correctly to
the ingredients needed in baking
it will ensure you not only the
taste of the product, but also the
proper consistency and density
of one’s product.

Very good! All your answer are correct!

The class will be divided into 4 groups. Each Cooperation and 20
group will perform at least five proper way of Teamwork
measuring the ingredients. Each group will Correct 25
choose five demonstrator and they are going Procedure
to to demonstrate how those liquid, dry and Proper tools 25
solid fats ingredients being measured being used
accurately with a time limit of 5 minutes Presentation 10
and Cleanliness
Time 10
Kindly read the rubric for scoring. TOTAL 100

Direction: In a ¼ sheet of paper, Identify the following question,write your
answer on the blank.

Liquid Ingredients Solid fats


Baking Powder/ Baking Soda White Sugar

1. Fill the measuring with shortening and press down until it is full. Level the
fat with the spatula or the edge of a knife.
2. Sift the flour to remove lumps and scoop it to fill the measuring cup until it
overflows. Do not shake the measuring cup but level the flour with a spatula or the
edge of a knife.
3. Sifting is not necessary unless it is lumpy. Fill the measuring cup or scoop
the sugar until it overflows. Do not shake the measuring cup but level the sugar with a
spatula or the edge of a knife.
4. Remove the lumps by stirring. Dip the measuring spoon into the powder or
scoop the baking powder or baking soda, then level it off with a spatula.
5. A graduated measuring cup is used. Set the cup on a level surface. Never
lift the cup while pouring the liquid. Read the scale from the side of the cup.

1. Solid Fats
2. Flour
3. White Sugar
4. Baking Powder/Baking Soda
5. Liquid Ingredients
In a 1/2 sheet of paper(crosswise)
Why it is important that we should measure dry, liquid and solid fats ingredients?

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