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Aveline Boggs

January 8, 2024
4th period

I Am From

I am from the painting on the wall

From lay’s chips and cheerios
I am from the grease on the stove top
(oiled, slippery, with the taste of bacon)

I am from the oak tree in the backyard

Filled with animals, cheerful and pleasant

I am from the ice cream outings on the weekend

And the homemade christmas gifts

From Mother to Father

I am from brown hair and daydreams
From not being able to turn the light on in the car
and the tooth fairy eating the last bit of dessert.

I am from jewish, to christianity, to nothing at all

I’m from Atlanta with European ancestry
Ice cream and hot brownies

From being so happy you’re unable to contain a smile.

Always being able to make someone laugh.

Under a tile in the floor lies

Images of the people i've never met, the people I long for
The locket my grandmother gave me before she breathed her last breath
To the new paper clippings
And the number on my ancestors arms

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