Argumentive Essay

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Aveline Boggs

Mr. Osborn

May 8, 2024

World lit

Transgender right

Transgender rights have become a prominent issue in today's society as individuals

seek equality and recognition for their gender identity. The transgender community faces

discrimination and lack of acceptance in many aspects of life, including employment, education,

healthcare, and housing. It is crucial for society to recognize and affirm the rights of transgender

individuals to live authentically and without fear of discrimination or violence.

Living in fear of losing a job, being denied rights by the government, and the fear of

being brutally killed should not be crossing the minds of people who are trying to do things that

make them happy. Many transgender people live in constant fear of these things for simply

being themselves, and doing what makes them feel comfortable in their own skin.

The transgender community faces a lot of discrimination and progress is not coming as

quickly as it is for the rest of the LGBTQ community. Transgender men and women, like

homosexual men and women, meet many hardships after deciding that they want to come out,

but unlike them their journey is a bit harder. Many basic human rights are stripped from them,

and that should not be the case for anyone choosing to accept themselves. Someone who is

transgender runs the risk of becoming homeless, have a higher risk of losing their lives, and

receive little to no help from the government.

From a young age, children are taught in schools to be themselves and embrace their

uniqueness. They are shown to do what makes them happy, and to find their sense of self. This

essential lesson serves as a foundation for their personal growth and development. By

encouraging children to be themselves, educators and parents are instilling in them the
importance of self-acceptance and self-expression. This encouragement helps children develop

a sense of confidence and self-assurance that will carry them through various challenges and

obstacles they may face in the future. This is being stripped and taken away from the

transgender community because ‘Yes, be yourself but be who we want you to be. Do not break

social norms.’. You have to understand that not all transgender people are alike. We are a

diverse community, representing all racial and ethnic backgrounds, as well as all faith traditions.

Transgender is an umbrella term. There are multiple ways to be transgender. Non-binary,

genderqueer, a sistergirl or brotherboy, genderfluid, having a binary gender, Identifying as

something other than your birth identity and more.

One of the key rights that transgender individuals advocate for is the right to legally

change their gender marker on identification documents. This simple act can have a significant

impact on a person's sense of self and overall well-being. By being able to accurately reflect

their gender identity on legal documents, transgender individuals can avoid potential

discrimination and harassment in various settings. It is essential for governments to implement

policies that allow for easy and accessible processes for changing gender markers on

identification documents.

Furthermore, transgender individuals should have equal access to healthcare services

that are affirming and inclusive of their gender identity. Many transgender individuals face

barriers to receiving quality healthcare due to lack of understanding and knowledge among

healthcare providers. It is imperative for healthcare systems to train staff on transgender issues

and provide culturally competent care for all individuals, regardless of their gender identity. By

ensuring access to necessary healthcare services, transgender individuals can live healthier

and happier lives. In conclusion, transgender rights are human rights that must be recognized

and protected in order to create a more inclusive and equitable society for all individuals.

In conclusion, being transgender does not hurt the cis community in any way. I’m not

trying to offend anybody but I feel that what people do with themselves is none of your business.
Nobody is stopping you from believing what you believe in. You can believe in whatever higher

being you believe in and nobody stops you, maybe your higher being says you shouldnt be

transgender, but then why don’t you follow that rule and leave others alone? I do believe

whatever higher being you believe in most likely says to be kind to everyone, majority do, I

havent heard of a single one that tells you to beat, murder, or rape people who dont believe

what you do, unless I missed that chapter. You could have grew up in a “traditional” family,

where mama and papa were originally born their gender they are now and that is 1000% okay. I

am not stopping or preventing that. I am simply just living life to my fullest and you do not have

to be a part of it if you don’t believe in me. I will allow you to live your life if you let me live mine.

Whatever it is it is no excuse for discriminating against a person who is trying to be themselves.

The human race is slowly advancing into acceptance and hopfully it gets better. There are

always exceptions, people just full of hatred no matter the reason and that is okay I guess. I’d

rather be accepted by everyone but I know that will never happen. Not in this life time, or maybe

ever but all I ask is that we dont try to hurt people for being themselves.

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