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Note about self

I would like to describe

myself as a very quiet person. I do not
like talking so much as I have difficulty
in speaking, I would like to consider it as
my speech disorder. However, I have
never consulted a doctor or ever thought
about it in depth because I never took it
seriously. But sometimes it bothers me
when I struggle in engaging in
conversations with my friends. I have
told my parents about this but they
haven’t paid much attention towards it. I
would like to consider it caused by my
lack of skills in speaking and because I
do not have anyone to talk much to, may
be caused due to my lack of speeches and
comments on daily occurrences, I do not
prefer to speak much. Although when am
at school I’d like to say my speaking
skills develop further as I find myself
talking to a lot of people. I do not know
many people here. I do however often do
try to get out of my comfort zone to
socialize with people in my
surroundings. I’d say I have and know
mostly everyone in my class as I always
try my level best to make friends.
However, I do not many but enough
friends outside my class at school. I
suppose I can say I am doing way better
than my classmates in getting to know
everyone outside and inside my
classroom. It is not brag but this is to be
written about myself from my
perspective. I’d say I am academically
doing quite well. I have god marks and I
participate in most extra curriculars at
school. I always try to participate in
most extra curriculars in my school. I’d
say am quite proud and happy with
myself in all that. But what I am not quite
proud of is my lack of social skills.
Somehow after lockdown and the
pandemic I cannot make many friends
and talk much for clear communication.
Often, I feel like I have not many friends
to always share my vibe and talk without
awkwardness with. This shakes my
confidant in myself and in my ability of

Who are you ?

What is your name?
I will try to help you
Hope you will reply………..

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