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13 Simple Harmonic Motion

Simple Harmonic Motion Combination of Springs

F = – kx Series Combination: 1/kS = 1/k1 + 1/k2
General equation of S.H.M. is x = A sin (wt + f); (wt + f) is phase Parallel combination: kP = k1 + k2
of the motion and f is initial phase of the motion.
2π Simple pendulum T = 2π
ω= = 2πf g
T = 2π (in accelerating Reference Frame); geff is net
Time period (T): T = 2π = 2π m g eff .
ω k
acceleration due to pseudo force and gravitational force.
Time period of simple pendulum in Accelerating lift.
(i) It velocity of lift in constant,
Speed: v = ω A2 − x 2 geff = g
Acceleration: a = – w2x l
\ T = 2π ( a = 0)
1 1 1
Kinetic Energy (KE): mv 2 = mω2 ( A2 − x 2 ) = k ( A2 − x 2 ) g
2 2 2 (ii) It lift is moving upwards with acceleration a geff = g + a
1 2 l
Potential Energy (PE): kx \ T = 2π
2 g+a
(iii) It lift is moving downwards with acceleration a,
Total Mechanical Energy (TME)
geff = g – a
1 1 1
= K.E. + P.E. = k ( A2 − x 2 ) + Kx 2 = KA2 = constant l
2 2 2 T = 2π
Spring-Mass System
(iv) It lift talls downwards treely,
geff = 0
k T=∞
1. m m
k T = 2π Compound Pendulum/Physical Pendulum
Time Period (T): T = 2π
m mgl

m1m2 where, I = Icm + ml2; l is distance between point of suspension and

2. T = 2π , where µ = is known as “reduced centre of mass.
k ( m1 + m2 )
mass”. Torsional Pendulum
m1 m2 I
Time period (T): T = 2π where, C = Torsional constant
Superposition of two SHM s along the same direction
x1 = A1 sin wt
and x2 = A2 sin (wt + q)

28 NEET (XI) Module-4 PW

If equation of resultant SHM is taken as x = A sin (wt + f) where w′ is the angular frequency of the damped oscillator, is
A = A12 + A22 + 2 A1 A2 cos θ k b2
given as ω
=′ −
m 4m 2
A2 sin θ
and tan φ =
A1 + A2 cos θ ( )
If the damping constant is small b  km , then ω′ ≈ ω , where
w is the angular frequency of the undamped oscillator.
For small b, the mechanical energy E of the oscillator is given by
A 1
E (t ) = kA02 e−bt / m .
Forced Oscillations and Resonance
If an external driving force with angular frequency wd acts on an
Damped Harmonic Oscillations oscillating system with natural angular frequency w0, the system
   oscillates with angular frequency wd. The velocity amplitude vm
If the damping force is given by Fd = −bv , where v is the of the system is greatest when
velocity of the oscillator and b is a damping constant, then the
wd = w,
displacement of the oscillator is given by
a condition called resonance. The amplitude A0 of the system is
=x ( t ) A0 e−bt /2m cos ( ω′t + φ ) , (approximately) greatest under this condition.

W Oscillations 29

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