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Chapter 1: Algebraic techniques 2 and indices

Test A (40 marks)

Name: ________________________________

Part A – Multiple-choice (10 marks)

1 In the expression 7a – 2ab – b + 4b2, the coefficient of b is:

A 4 B 1 C 0

D -1 E -2

2 One fifth of the sum of k and 9 can be written as:

1 k k+9
A ×k+9 B +9 C
5 5 5

1 1
D ×k×9 E +k+9
5 5

3 The value of: 8 – xy + x2 – 3y if x = -2 and y = 5 is:

A 37 B 7 C -1

D -13 E -21

4 Which of the following expressions is not equivalent to the others?

A 9x + 4 – 3x + 5 B 2x – 3 + 4x + 12 C 8x + 2 – x + 10

D 4(x + 3) + 2x – 3 E 3(2x + 3)

5 Which of the following pairs are like terms?

A 10a and -8a2 B 6m and mn C 8st2 and -9s2t

D x2yz3 and 5xy2z3 E 4pq2 and 7q2p

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6 Which of the following expressions can be simplified further by combining like terms?

A 8–b+a B 9a + ab – 5 C 6ab + 4b – ba

D 7b – ba + 1 E 8a + 2b – 6 + 9ab

5x 2y
7 The lowest common denominator of and is:
6 9

A 10 B 18 C 24

D 36 E 54

8 The highest common factor of 16r2st and 24rs2t is:

A 8rst B 4rs2t C 2r2s2t

D 4rst E 8r2st

9 An expression for the area of the following rectangle is:

A a(b – 3) B 3ab C b(a + 3)

D 3a + ab E a + 3b

10 The simplified version of 54 × 52 is:

A 256 B 106 C 56

D 58 E 258

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Part B – Short-answer (25 marks)

1 Simplify the following.

a 4a × bc × 7d b 3xy × 8yz

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

25ef 20 x 2 y
c d
5e 36 xz

_________________________________ __________________________________

_________________________________ __________________________________

(4 × ½ = 2 marks)

2 Simplify the following expressions.

7k 4k 3n 5n
a − b +
9 9 4 8

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

a b 5e f
c − d ÷
12 9 6 9

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

8s 3t 6 3
e × f ÷
15 4 7xyz 14 x 2 z
_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

(6 × 1 = 6 marks)

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3 Expand the brackets in each expression and then combine like terms where possible.

a 3(7 – 6k) b -6(5a + 8b)

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

c 4x(4 + 11y) – 2x d st + 7s(8s – 2t) – 10s2

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

(4 × 1 = 4 marks)

4 Factorise the following expressions.

a 6a + 9ab b 32xy – 12x2z

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

(2 × 1 = 2 marks)

5 Simplify the following using the index law for multiplication.

a 72 × 74 b 28 × 23 × 25 c (54 )3

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

(3 × 1 = 3 marks)

6 Simplify the following using the index law for division.

312 5 6 × 28 (132 ) 6
a b c
33 53 × 2 4 134

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

(3 × 1 = 3 marks)

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7 Simplify the following expressions using the index laws.

a 13 ×130 b 30 + 31 + 32 c (53 × 50 ) 2

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

d (112 ) 4 × (113 ) 2 e 7 2 × 50 × 7 4 × (52 ) 4

_______________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________

(5 × 1 = 5 marks)

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Part C – Extended-response (5 marks)

1 An electrician charges a call-out fee of $40 and $60 per hour.

a Write a rule for finding the total cost C, if the electrician works for h hours.


b How much would it cost if a particular job took 3 hours?


c Use your rule to work out how many hours the electrician worked for
if he charged $400 for a particular job.


(3 × 1 = 3 marks)

2 State the missing terms to make the following equivalences true.

a = 12ab

T = ________________

b 7 + = 21 + 49

V = ________________

W = ________________
(2 × 1 = 2 marks)

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