Unity and Coherence Paragraph Practice

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Unity and Coherence

Here's some practice for you.

In Questions 13-15, each paragraph may have a sentence
that doesn't belong; put a checkmark in front of the sentence that
can be removed. If no sentence should be removed, put a
checkmark at the end of the paragraph.

Dolores must learn to be more assertive in her job. She always lets
13. people tell her what to do. She earns a decent salary. For this reason, she
has earned the nickname "Dolores the Doormat."

Chicago's weather is unpredictable. Within a week, temperatures may

vary by as much as forty degrees. Sometimes, the wind will shift and the
temperature will drop twenty degrees in an hour. People always say that if
you don't like Chicago weather, wait a day and it will change.
No sentence should be removed.

All young children should be vaccinated against whooping

cough. Another name for the disease is pertussis. The disease is bacterial
in nature, causing a peculiar-sounding cough. You should avoid coughing
on other people because it is extremely contagious.
Put a check mark next to the sentence that could be used in the
following paragraph. Then indicate where you would place the
sentence in the paragraph.
(1) We have been having problems with sales reports. (2) Some sales
team members have been turning them in late or incomplete. (3) Sales
reports must be in your Team Folder each Thursday by 4:00. (4) Inform
your team leader if you have an unavoidable delay in turning in your
16. reports.
a. The promotion list is in the sales team office.
b. Others have not been turning sales reports in at all.
c. The sales team incentive program starts Friday. (2)
The sentence would be best be placed after Sentence

Questions 17-20 refer to the following passage:

(1) The whooping crane, with its noisy songs and distinctive dances, has
always fascinated observers. (2) Whooping cough, the common name for
pertussis, was named after the sound the whooping crane makes. (3) This
elegant, white, five-foot-tall bird is the largest native North American fowl.
(4) In flight, whooping cranes have wingspans of over seven feet. (5)
People travel miles to view these lovely creatures.
(6) In 1941, however, the whooping crane was nearly extinct. (7) Then,
with federal assistance, a program was begun to rescue the species. (8)
Today, there are almost 400 surviving "whoopers." (9) Thanks to scientist-
inventors, eggs were hatched in incubators made to look like female
whooping cranes. (10) In order to teach "whooping behavior" to young
chicks, biologists dressed up like whooping cranes, waddled into marshes
with the chicks, and pecked and scratched for food.
(11). If efforts to save the crane continue to succeed, these fascinating
birds may be removed from the endangered species list soon. (12) Most
wild animals don't get such personal attention. (13). The cranes' survival
will be a natural success story.
17. Which revision should be made to the first paragraph?
(a) remove Sentence 1

(b)move Sentence 1 to the end of the first paragraph

(c) remove Sentence 2

(d) remove Sentence 5

(e) no revision is necessary

18. Which revision should be made to the second paragraph?

(a) move Sentence 6 to the end of the first paragraph (

b) remove Sentence 7

(c) remove Sentence 8

(d) move Sentence 8 to the end of the paragraph

(e)move Sentence 10 to the beginning of the third paragraph

19. Which revision should be made to Sentence 12?

(a)move Sentence 12 to the beginning of the third paragraph

(b) remove Sentence 12

(c)move Sentence 12 to the end of the third paragraph

(d)replace Sentence 12 with, "However, other wild animals will still

be on the list."

(e) no revision is necessary

20. Which revision should be made to Sentence 13

(a)move Sentence 13 to the end of the first paragraph

(b)move Sentence13 to the end of the second paragraph

(c)move Sentence 13 to the beginning of the third paragraph

(d) remove Sentence 13

(e) no revision is necessary

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