Analysis Translation Strategies in

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Siti Sholikhah
Farida Repelita Kembaren
faridarepelita@uinsu. ac. Id
Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara

Abstract :
This research focuses on the analysis of translation strategies in the song “ Don’t you remember “
by Adele. The process of converting a text''s meaning from one language to another is known as
translation. The effect of the translation process itself, as well as the equivalent terms and meanings
from the source language into the target language, are integral to the process of translating from
the source text (SL) into the target language (TL) language of goal. In the age of global
communication, language translation into the community''s target language is necessary to ensure
that the message is comprehended (Akkaliyeva et al., 2021). Song translation is one type of
translation.The purpose of song translation is to assist listeners who have distinct languages, not
only appreciating the beat of the music but also helping them to comprehend the lyrics of those
foreign songs. Translation of songs is a difficult process because, in addition to translating the
original lyrics into their target language, translators must also take into account the song''s rhythm
when producing their translated version (Stephenson, 2014). As a result, the song''s translators
must handle both the lyrics'' meaning and the by carefully selecting the words to fit the pace of the
song. The song "Don’t you remember " by Adelle. This song is 4.08 minutes long. This song was
made available on November 19, 2010, and it was a part of her "21" second album. This song
gained a lot of popularity and global recognition, along with the album. The ballad "Don''t You
Remember" expresses feelings of intense melancholy and heartbreak. A descriptive qualitative
approach is used in this study. The term "data collection method" also describes how the
information from the field notes and transcripts for this study was chosen, concentrated, made
simpler, abstracted, and transformed. The process of gathering data and data analysis were done
concurrently. Based on Molina and Albir, researchers may determine that eight different types of
strategies are found from 10 out of the 18 strategiesResult the researcher found are 1 Adaptation
10% 2 Borrowing 5% 3 Calque 15% 4 Description 10% 5 Established Equivalent 15% 6 Reduction
10% 7 Modulation 5% 8 Transposition 5% 9 Literal Translation 5% 10 Paraphrase 5% Total 85%.
Keyword : Technique Translation, Song Translation

This research focuses on the analysis of translation strategies in the song “ Don’t you remember “
by Adele. The process of converting a text's meaning from one language to another is known as
translation. The effect of the translation process itself, as well as the equivalent terms and meanings
from the source language into the target language, are integral to the process of translating from
the source text (SL) into the target language (TL) language of goal. In the age of global
communication, language translation into the community's target language is necessary to ensure
that the message is comprehended (Akkaliyeva et al., 2021). Song translation is one type of
translation.The purpose of song translation is to assist listeners who have distinct languages, not
only appreciating the beat of the music but also helping them to comprehend the lyrics of those
foreign songs. Translation of songs is a difficult process because, in addition to translating the
original lyrics into their target language, translators must also take into account the song's rhythm
when producing their translated version (Stephenson, 2014). As a result, the song's translators must
handle both the lyrics' meaning and the by carefully selecting the words to fit the pace of the song.
To have a singable song translation, they must make sure that the words not only cover the original
meaning, but also have the same amount of syllables as the original lyrics. Examining the problem
of translating music lyrics from English to Indonesian is intriguing because the two nations have
distinct dialects. The next task for song translators is to make sure that the meaning conveyed in
the original lyrics can be expressed in the target lyrics and that the lyrics can be made singable.
The goal of translation is to convey the meaning found in a text written in one language (referred
to as the source text) into another language (referred to as the target text). According to Nida and
Taber (1969:22), translation is a communication process. The function of translators is to act as a
mediator between two different languages. after acting as the communicator in the target language,
the recipient of the source language. The philosophy of translation has given direction for resolving
translation-related issues. As a general rule, nevertheless, the issue of untranslatability that
occasionally arises in specific interlingual interactions cannot always be resolved by using the idea
of translation. Actually, a specific widespread translation for a sentence in the original

When reading a work in the target language, readers accept the language as real and appropriate.
However, the equivalent may not always be 100% accurate if it undergoes thorough investigation.
For instance, "breakfast" in English is matched with "sarapan" in Indonesian (Shadily & Echols,
2002). It is customary to match this and taken for granted. But when the semantic characteristics
of the two terms are revealed, we can see that the ideas they convey are different from one another.
Likewise, the English term "farmer" is equivalent to the Indonesian word "petani" (Shadily &
Echols, 2002). from original .From the perspective of English speakers, a farmer is typically
associated with wealth because most farmers in western nations like the US own hundreds or even
thousands of hectares of farmland. However, from the perspective of the native Indonesians,
farmers are typically viewed as belonging to the middle class or the underprivileged since they
only earn a living when the crops are harvested on an irregular basis It is certainly true that
translating source language culture into target language culture might be challenging at times due
to these cultural disparities.
This study's design employs a qualitative descriptive methodology. Enhanced comprehension of
the scientific community is attained through the iterative process of qualitative research, which
creates new noteworthy distinctions based on descriptive facts that are getting closer to the subject
of investigation (Aspers & Corte, 2021). This agrees with (Bogdan, 1992) in (Puspitasari et al.,
2020), which contends that descriptive data in the form of people's written or spoken words and
observable behavior are produced by qualitative methodology as a research process. The song
"Don’t you remember " by Adelle. This song is 4.08 minutes long. This song was made available
on November 19, 2010, and it was a part of her "21" second album. This song gained a lot of
popularity and global recognition, along with the album. The ballad "Don't You Remember"
expresses feelings of intense melancholy and heartbreak. Adele asks her ex-boyfriend in the song's
lyrics if he still recalls how they first fell in love. The song expresses a desire to be remembered
by the ex-partner as well as an attempt to comprehend why the relationship ended.This study's
primary goal is to determine how accurately music lyrics are translated.
This study employed theory to extract meaning from the text and audio-visual approaches to
evaluate data on each lyric to learn more about the song's translation approach.
In order to align the lyrics and translation, the researchers watched and listened to this song
multiple times. The data was analyzed using semiotic analysis. In summary, this study's descriptive
qualitative methodology seeks to explain and evaluate the Molina and Albir translation strategy
applied to the analysis of the song "Don’t you remember " translation. In addition, the approach
for translating content, presenting it, and translating it accurately will be examined.
The procedure of choosing, concentrating, streamlining, abstracting, and altering the data included
in the field notes and transcripts for this study is also referred to as the data gathering strategy
utilized in this study. Data collection and analysis were done at the same time procedure. Data
analysis was done in three steps of an interactive model, namely data reduction, data display, and
verification, according to Miles and Huberman (2014: 12) in (Harahap, 2019). The data is
presented in multiple stages: the overall frequency and percentage of meaning mismatches found
in the lyrics of the Anti-Hero song; a detailed description of the findings; and a presentation of the
mismatched meanings accompanied by commensurate meanings suggested based on eighteen
strategies according to Molina and Albir (2002) accompanied by their descriptions. After all the
data has been analyzed, clarified, and presented in basic quantifications like frequency and % using
the 18 suggested meanings, draw conclusions, which are then compiled as the last phase techniques
for translation. The solution to the problem formulation that was previously stated is summarized
in the conclusion. This conclusion process is broken down into multiple steps: first, a summary of
the frequency and percentage of findings for each type of strategy is provided; then, a thorough
explanation of the findings is provided.
A translation plan is required, according to the analysis that was conducted. According to Molina
and Albir, there are eighteen translation methods that must be applied during the translating
process in order to provide accurate and proper translations. so that each word in the translated
results has the intended meaning.

No Strategy Percentage
1 Adaptation 10%
2 Borrowing 5%
3 Calque 15%
4 Description 10%
5 Established Equivalent 15%
6 Reduction 10%
7 Modulation 5%
8 Transposition 5%
9 Literal Translation 5%
10 Paraphrase 5%
Total 85%

Based on the data table presented, the researcher will explain this in more detail and depth finding
which type of strategy is used in the song "Don't you remember" by Adelle translated from English
into Indonesian based on the translation strategy of Molina and Albir (2002).

SL : "When will I see you again?"
TL : "Kapan aku akan melihatmu lagi?"
By adjusting the grammatical structure, the test still measures raw scores but conforms to
grammatical rules and target language. This makes the material easier to understand and more
approachable for those who are learning the target language.
Using a word or phrase from the source language directly into the target language.
SL : "Baby, please remember me once more."
TL : "Sayang, tolong ingat aku sekali lagi."
If it is thought to be more successful or if there isn't a precise translation in the target language, the
term "remember" might be kept.
Translate words or phrases from the original language to the target language.
SL:"Don't you remember?" is an example of lyrics.
TL : Tidakkah kamu ingar?"
The original structure and meaning of this sentence have not been altered; it has been translated
word for word.

To clarify meaning, substitute fuller descriptions for terms.
SL: "And a heaviness in my head."
TL : "Serta pikiran yang berat."
Employing the "berat" deskripsi to explain situations that cannot be explained in detail using a
single word.

Established equivalent
Use terms that, in the target language, have the same meaning.
SL : "When was the last time you thought of me?"
TL : "Kapan terakhir kali kamu memikirkan aku?"

To keep the original feel, use equivalent idioms or phrasing in the target language.
Minimize material in the target language that is deemed unnecessary or redundant.
SL : "The reason you loved me before?"
TL : "Kenapa kamu mencintaiku dulu?"

Altering a word's grammatical classification without altering its meaning.
SL : "When will I see you again?"
TL : "Kapan aku akan melihatmu lagi?"
Change sentence structure to maintain flow.

Literal translation
Translate from the source language to the destination language word for word.
SL: "The more I do, the less I know."
TL: "Semakin aku berusaha, semakin aku tidak mengerti."
Emphasize every word in its exact sense without changing the meaning or tone.

Convey the same idea using distinct language.
SL : "I often think about where I went wrong."
TL: "Sering kali aku merenungkan kesalahanku."
To keep the original feel, use alternative words to express the same idea.
Will expand on translation methodologies developed by other It may be inferred from the results
and the discussion above that translation is the process of converting a text's meaning from one
language to another. The analysis of translation techniques for Adelle's song "Don't you
remember" is the main subject of this study. It is set to gain popularity in 2010 This song is 4.08
minutes long. This song was made available on November 19, 2010, and it was a part of her "21"
second album.This song gained a lot of popularity and global recognition, along with the album.
The ballad "Don''t You Remember" expresses feelings of intense melancholy and heartbreak. A
descriptive qualitative approach is used in this study. The term "data collection method" also
describes how the information from the field notes and transcripts for this study was chosen,
concentrated, made simpler, abstracted, and transformed. The process of gathering data and data
analysis were done concurrently. Based on Molina and Albir, researchers may determine that eight
different types of strategies are found from 10 out of the 18 strategies. In addition to being helpful
for future research, this study can serve as a reference for foreignlanguage learners. It is anticipated
that additional research specialists.

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