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v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 25

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

In data collection process, when a researcher has to conduct an in depth interview, whid bf the

Select the correct option

Interview Guide


Interview schedule

v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 25] hO0ff

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

Face to face interviews are a part of

Select the correct option

Electronic interactive media

Non interactive media

All of the given options

Human interactive media

v ¥ Quiz X 4+

€« > C 25 § F650¢

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

STA630 - Research Methods (Quiz 2)

Question # 4 of 10 ( Start time: 10:54:39 AM, 24 June 2024 )

Number of questionnaires returned, divided by the total number of eligible people who |fife cc

Select the correct option

Item response rate

Return rate

Non- response rate

Response rate
X e

c 25] | p1958

™ Gmail @D YouTube @ Maps

STA630 - Research Methods (Quiz 2)

Question # 5 of 10 ( Start time: 10:55:59 AM, 24 June 2024 )

All of the following are the techniques to increase the response rate of the survey reseaf i} EXC

Select the correct option


Researcher’s publications

Cover Letter


H L Type here to search

v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 2% 6edd

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

A telephone company is interested in obtaining customers’ reactions to a new service pq age

this audience to obtain their feedback?

Select the correct option

A postal mail survey

Focus group discussion

Telephonic interviews

An Internet survey
v ¥ Quiz X 4+

€ > C 2 b7a9

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

A master plan which specifies the methods and procedures for collecting and analyzing| e da

Select the correct option

Research design

Research type

Research feedback

Research budget
v ¥ Quiz X 4+

€« > C 25| | bff71

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

STA630 - Research Methods (Quiz 2)

Question # 8 of 10 ( Start time: 10:57:39 AM, 24 June 2024 )

is printed on the first page of the questionnaire which acts as an importafjjnea

Select the correct option

Preliminary notification


Cover Letter

Interesting questions
v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 2% f pbcl

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

A reminder sent to respondents to send back the filled questionnaire is known as

Select the correct option

Cover letter


Research proposal

Follow up
v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 2% f p464c

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

A reminder sent to respondents to send back the filled questionnaire is known as

Select the correct option

Cover letter


Research proposal

Follow up
v ¥ Quiz X 4+

€« > C 2% f|1a1b

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

“What is the level of satisfaction in your organization?” Which of the following represents|fife prc

Select the correct option

Itis an open ended question

This question contains multiple hidden questions

Itis vague as respondent may interpret it in his own way

This question may lead respondent to a particular answer

Question# 3 0f 10 ( Start time: 10:53:08 AM, 24 June 2024 )

Item non-response can be best dest

# Select the correct option

Interviewer's bias

Asking personal question from the respondent

Irrelevant question asked in a questionnaire
Respondent's failure to answer @ question
(@) correct
E P Type here to search
v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 2%

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

All of the following are the monetary ways to increase response rate EXCEPT:

Select the correct option


Variety of premiums

Cover letter

Lottery tickets
v ¥ Quiz X 4+

€ = C 2

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

STA630 - Research Methods (Quiz 2)

Question # 4 of 10 ( Start time: 12:06:22 PM, 24 June 2024)

Number of questionnaires returned, divided by the total number of eligible people who

Select the correct option

Response rate

Non-response rate

Return rate

Item response rate

v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 @ 25{ § |a7f47

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

STA630 - Research Methods (Quiz 2)

Question # 5 of 10 ( Start time: 12:07:19 PM, 24 June 2024 )

A research catering to “associated with” problem is known as:

Select the correct option

Correlational study

Cohort study

Explanatory study

Descriptive study
v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 2% 4cc

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

How often do you watch TV drama?

| do not watch TV drama

This question when asked from the respondents was unable to capture the required varj le. W

Select the correct option

Itis a leading question

Itis a loaded question

This is an ambiguous question

Proper sequence is missing

v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 @ 2% §|10b7

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

STA630 - Research Methods (Quiz 2)

Question # 8 of 10 ( Start time: 12:08:42 PM, 24 June 2024 )

All of the following are the techniques to increase the response rate of the survey reseaf i} EXC

Select the correct option



Researcher’s publications

Cover Letter
v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 2%¢| f R4c0:

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

incidence of refusal in mall intercept interviews is

Select the correct option

v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 23

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

Call backs help to reduce:

Select the correct option

Response bias

Response rate

Interviewer's bias

Non-response error
A rosearcher has struciured closed ondad questions to get dota rom respondents dispersed geographically. Wich dota colection technique i appropriato n this case?

B Soloctthe correct option

Personal interviowing

o Sai-aaminstered questionnare

Val ntercept interves

O Vail questionnaire

a £ Type here 1o search

v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 2% 0b61

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

Which of the following is NOT one of the ways to increase response rate for a queslionn(#

Select the correct option

Proper timing

Attractive cover letter


Large number of questions

v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 @ 23

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

STA630 - Research Methods (Quiz 2)

Question # 2 of 10 ( Start time: 12:23:57 PM, 24 June 2024 )

Which of the following is one of the advantages of personal interviewing?

Select the correct option

Availability of highly trained interviewers


None of the given options

The oppurtunity for feedback

v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 25] § |9608

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

Quantitative data is

Select the correct option

Big data

Expressed in numerical form

Concerned with how things are expressed

Small data
v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 2% f F57a2

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

When constructing a questionnaire, there are few principles which must never be ignore| l Whic

Select the correct option

Do not use “leading” or “loaded" questions

Avoid using multiple items to measure a single construct

Avoid double-barreled questions

Avoid double negatives

v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 2%| [ |b103

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

Studies conducted in controlled environment, referred to as:

Select the correct option

Semi-structured interview

Lab experiment

Field experiment
v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 25| j2cbS

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

If an interview is conducted with a respondent who does not meet the qualifications for q tudy

Select the correct option

Respondent bias

Instrument bias

Position bias

Non-response bias
v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 2%| f [7f6ac

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

A reminder sent to respondents to send back the filled questionnaire is known as

Select the correct option


Research proposal

Cover letter

Follow up
v ¥ Quiz X 4+

€« > C 25 § 7414

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

STA630 - Research Methods (Quiz 2)

Question # 8 of 10 ( Start time: 12:30:13 PM, 24 June 2024 )

A researcher has structured closed ended questions to get data from respondents disp|jl fed ¢

Select the correct option

Mail questionnaire

Self-administered questionnaire

Personal interviewing

Mall intercept interview

v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 2% B9dc

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

If the research questions are concerned with finding out who, what, where, when, or how| Juch,

Select the correct option

Qualitative study

An explanatory study

Exploratory study

Descriptive study
v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 25 jo7e5

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

Which of the following is an advantage of open questions?

Select the correct option

They allow respondents to put less effort into their answer.

They allow respondents to code their answers in advance.

They allow respondents to answer in their own terms.

They prevent respondents from giving unusual answers.

v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 @ 2% 58781

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

STA630 - Research Methods (Quiz 2)

Question # 10f 10 ( Start time: 12:42:53 PM, 24 June 2024 )

All of the following are the techniques to increase the response rate of the survey reseaf i} EXC

Select the correct option


Cover Letter


Researcher’s publications
v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 2% 74 | POb9

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

allows researchers to reach a large audience digitally.

Select the correct option

All of the given options

Electronic interactive media

Human interactive media

Non interactive media

v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 2%
1157 f 174

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

“What is the level of satisfaction in your organization?” Which of the following represents|fife prc

Select the correct option

Itis vague as respondent may interpret it in his own way

This question may lead respondent to a particular answer

Itis an open ended question

This question contains multiple hidden questions

v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 2% P409¢

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

All of the following are strengths of telephone interviewing EXCEPT:

Select the correct option

Low cost

Observation of facial expressions


High speed
v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 2%
1157 f 174

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

“What is the level of satisfaction in your organization?” Which of the following represents|fife prc

Select the correct option

Itis vague as respondent may interpret it in his own way

This question may lead respondent to a particular answer

Itis an open ended question

This question contains multiple hidden questions

v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 2% [96a3:

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

Which of the following is an advantage of open questions?

Select the correct option

They allow respondents to put less effort into their answer.

They allow respondents to answer in their own terms.

They allow respondents to code their answers in advance.

They prevent respondents from giving unusual answers.

X e

C %5 [/ 7db:

™ Gmail @D YouTube @ Maps

STA630 - Research Methods (Quiz 2)

Question # 6 of 10 ( Start time: 12:44:32 PM, 24 June 2024 )

Which of the following is one of the components of research design?

Select the correct option



Time dimension
v ¥ Quiz X 4+

€« > C 2%| f Pcb2!

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

incidence of refusal in mall intercept interviews is

Select the correct option

v ¥ Quiz X 4+

€ > C 25 k2bb!

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

A master plan which specifies the methods and procedures for collecting and analyzing| e da

Select the correct option

Research design

Research budget

Research feedback

Research type
v ¥ Quiz X 4+

€« > C 25

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

Question # 9 of 10 ( Start time: 12:47:12 PM, 24 June 2024 )

Self-administered gquestionnaires in hard form are a part of

Select the correct option

Human interactive media

Electronic interactive media
Non interactive media
All of the given options

H L Type here to search
v ¥ Quiz X 4+

€« > C 25 | |b962

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

STA630 - Research Methods (Quiz 2)

Question # 10f 10 ( Start time: 12:57:18 PM, 24 June 2024 )

encourages respondents to enlarge on, clarify and explain answer:

Select the correct option



Financial incentives

v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 @ 2%¢91-6a903| | P629c

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

STA630 - Research Methods (Quiz 2)

Question # 2 of 10 ( Start time: 12:57:36 PM, 24 June 2024)

Which of the following is one of the advantages of personal interviewing?

Select the correct option


Availability of highly trained interviewers

None of the given options

The oppurtunity for feedback

X e

c 25 jd26L

™ Gmail @D YouTube @ Maps

STA630 - Research Methods (Quiz 2)

Question # 3 of 10 ( Start time: 12:57:43 PM, 24 June 2024)

Which of the following media involves interaction among individuals?

Select the correct option

Electronic media

Print media

Mass media

Human interactive media

v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 2% 1| [ |25d3

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

Methodological rigor increases as one moves from:

Select the correct option

Exploratory study to explanatory study

Explanatory study to exploratory study

None of the given options

Quantitative to qualitative study

v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 2% f |6db7

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

All of the following are advantages of Internet Surveys EXCEPT:

Select the correct option

Accurate Real-Time Data Capture

No Physical Incentive

Visual Appeal and Interactivity

Respondent Anonymity
v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 @ 2%| | POcce

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

STA630 - Research Methods (Quiz 2)

Question # 6 of 10 ( Start time: 12:59:21 PM, 24 June 2024 )

Number of questionnaires returned, divided by the total number of eligible people who |fife cc

Select the correct option

Non-response rate

Response rate

Return rate

Item response rate

H L Type here to search .

v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 2% | f [55b

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

Personal interviews conducted in shopping malls are referred to as

Select the correct option

None of the given options

Mall intercept interviews

Self-administered interviews

Door to door interviews

v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 @ 2% | pb03¢

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

Question # 8 of 10 ( Start time: 01:00:07 PM, 24 June 2024 )

Which of the following is/are principle(s) of questionnaire construction?

Select the correct option

Avoid double-barreled questions

Consider using multiple methods when measuring abstract constructs
All of the given options

Use multiple items to measure abstract constructs

H L Type here to search .
v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 2% f |987f"

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

All of the following are disadvantages of Internet Surveys EXCEPT:

Select the correct option

All people do not have same level of technology

No Physical Incentive

Lack of respondent’s anonymity

All People cannot participate

X e

c 25| | b557¢

™ Gmail @D YouTube @ Maps

STA630 - Research Methods (Quiz 2)

Question # 10 of 10 ( Start time: 01:00:55 PM, 24 June 2024 )

Which of the following is one of the components of research design?

Select the correct option


Time dimension


H L Type here to search .

v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 2%

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

Cover letter must include the following information, except:

Select the correct option

How was the respondent selected?

Data collecting tools

Motivation for the respondent

Importance of research topic which is going to be conducted

v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 2%] f 94

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

All of the following are the monetary ways to increase response rate EXCEPT:

Select the correct option


Lottery tickets

Variety of premiums

Cover letter
v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 25 ] f [49b0

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

Which of the following is NOT a longitudinal study?

Select the correct option

Time series

Cross sectional study

Cohort study

Panel study
v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 2% f |a0a5

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

Personal interviews conducted in shopping malls are referred to as

Select the correct option

Door to door interviews

None of the given options

Self-administered interviews

Mall intercept interviews

v ¥ Quiz X 4+

€« > C 25

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

STA630 - Research Methods (Quiz 2)

Question # 6 of 10 ( Start time: 01:33:19 PM, 24 June 2024 )

A researcher has structured closed ended questions to get data from respondents disp)

Select the correct option

Mall intercept interview

Mail questionnaire

Self-administered questionnaire

Personal interviewing

H L Type here to search

v ¥ Quiz x +

€« > C 25| b525

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

STA630 - Research Methods (Quiz 2)

Question # 7 of 10 ( Start time: 01:33:31 PM, 24 June 2024 )

Which of the following media involves interaction among members of the audience usi digit

Select the correct option

Electronic interactive media

Human interactive media

Mass media

Print media
v ¥ Quiz X 4+

€ > C % 1§ b2fa

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

Question # 9 of10 ( Start time: 01:34:04 PM, 24 June 2024 )

If the research questions are concerned with finding out who, what, where, when, or how|fijuch,

Select the correct option

Qualitative study

Descriptive study

An explanatory study

Exploratory study
H L Type here to search .
v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 2% | f20a5

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

All of the following are strengths of telephone interviewing EXCEPT:

Select the correct option

High speed


Low cost

Observation of facial expressions

v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 25 e0ff4

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

A telephone company is interested in obtaining customers’ reactions to a new service pq age

this audience to obtain their feedback?

Select the correct option

Focus group discussion

Telephonic interviews

An Internet survey

A postal mail survey

v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 @ 2%¢5f) | [699%€

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

STA630 - Research Methods (Quiz 2)

Question # 2 of 10 ( Start time: 01:38:25 PM, 24 June 2024)

is printed on the first page of the questionnaire which acts as an importafjjnea

Select the correct option


Preliminary notification

Cover Letter

Interesting questions
v ¥ Quiz X 4+

« > C 25]| | 1478

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

Question # 3 of 10 ( Start time: 01:38:42 PM, 24 June 2024 )

In data collection process, when a researcher has to conduct an in depth interview, whid f pf the

Select the correct option

Interview schedule

Interview Guide



H L Type here to search .
v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 2% [91e6

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

If we compare the average grades of students of management sciences, mathematics, hitisti

Select the correct option



Group of organizations
v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 2% fOC1E

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

| do not watch TV drama

This question when asked from the respondents was unable to capture the required vary le. W

Select the correct option

Itis a leading question

Itis a loaded question

Proper sequence is missing

This is an ambiguous question

v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 23

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

determines the unit of analysis.

Select the correct option


Research question


v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 2%{ f |b010

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

All of the following are strengths of telephone interviewing EXCEPT:

Select the correct option

Observation of facial expressions


Low cost

High speed
X e

& S (] 25] § | 2072

™ Gmail @D YouTube @ Maps

STA630 - Research Methods (Quiz 2)

Question # 8 of 10 ( Start time: 01:40:04 PM, 24 June 2024 )

Causal research answers which of the following types of question:

Select the correct option

v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 23

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

All of the following are the monetary ways to increase response rate EXCEPT:

Select the correct option

Cover letter

Variety of premiums

Lottery tickets
v ¥ Quiz X 4+

&« 9 € 23 pf48e

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

Cover letter must include the following information, except:

Select the correct option

Motivation for the respondent

Importance of research topic which is going to be conducted

How was the respondent selected?

Data collecting tools

v ¥ Quiz X o+

« - C 2% 7250

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

STAB30 - Research Methods (Quiz 2)

Question # 10 of 10 ( Start time: 06:12:14 PM, 24 June 2024)

A research catering to “associated with” problem is known as:

Select the correct option

Descriptive study

Explanatory study

Cohort study

Correlational study
v ¥ Quiz X e

« - C 2% y2e1:

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

How often do you watch TV drama?

| do not watch TV drama

This question when asked from the respondents was unable to capture the required varj le. W

Select the correct option

Itis a leading question

It is a loaded question

Proper sequence is missing

This is an ambiguous question

v ¥ Quiz X e

« - C 2% f §790k

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

All of the following are strengths of telephone interviewing EXCEPT:

Select the correct option

High speed


Observation of facial expressions

Low cost
v ¥ Quiz X e

€« > C 2%! |JEEZ

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

“What is the level of satisfaction in your organization?” Which of the following represents e pre

Select the correct option

Itis an open ended question

This question may lead respondent to a particular answer

This question contains multiple hidden questions

Itis vague as respondent may interpret it in his own way

v W6 Quiz X e

« - C 2% balc

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

Face to face interviews are a part of

Select the correct option

Human interactive media

All of the given options

Non interactive media

Electronic interactive media

v N Quiz X +

€« > C 25 7c2c

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

STAB30 - Research Methods (Quiz 2)

Question # 5 of 10 ( Start time: 06:10:50 PM, 24 June 2024)

Call backs are used as a major means to reduce

Select the correct option

Response rate

Response bias

Negative responses

Non-response error
v ¥ Quiz X e

« - C 2%

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

Methodological rigor increases as one moves from:

Select the correct option

None of the given options

Explanatory study to exploratory study

Quantitative to qualitative study

Exploratory study to explanatory study

v ¥ Quiz X e

« - C 2%
1b5] f F428f]

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

Which of the following is NOT a longitudinal study?

Select the correct option

Cross sectional study

Panel study

Time series

Cohort study
v ¥ Quiz X e

« - C 2% | B9e8:

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

All of the following are advantages of personal interviewing EXCEPT:

Select the correct option

Observation of the Non-Verbal Behavior

Scarcity of feedback

Props and Visual Aids

Probing Complex Questions

v ¥ Quiz X e

« - C 2% M |d1a9

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

All of the following are disadvantages of Internet Surveys EXCEPT:

Select the correct option

No Physical Incentive

All people do not have same level of technology

Lack of respondent’s anonymity

All People cannot participate

v ¥ Quiz X e

€« > C 25 658t

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

In data collection process, when a researcher has to conduct an in depth interview, whid bf the

Select the correct option

Interview schedule


Interview Guide

v ¥ Quiz X e

« - C 2%¢] 17531

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

If the research questions are concerned with finding out who, what, where, when, or how| luch,

Select the correct option

Descriptive study

Exploratory study

An explanatory study

Qualitative study
v ¥ Quiz X e

« - C 25 6027

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

Which of the following is a research method that allows a researcher to get information jout ¢

Select the correct option

Case study

Laboratory observation

Personal Interviewing
v N Quiz X +

« - C 2%] f[e97a

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

STAB30 - Research Methods (Quiz 2)

Question # 7 of 10 ( Start time: 06:16:56 PM, 24 June 2024 )

Causal research answers which of the following types of question:

Select the correct option

v N Quiz X +

« - C 2%| f |pc58c

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

STAB30 - Research Methods (Quiz 2)

Question # 6 of 10 ( Start time: 06:16:48 PM, 24 June 2024 )

All of the following are the techniques to increase the response rate of the survey reseaf i EXC

Select the correct option

Cover Letter

Researcher’s publications

v ¥ Quiz X e

« - C 2% c93b

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

Which of the following is NOT one of the ways to increase response rate for a questionngf

Select the correct option


Large number of questions

Attractive cover letter

Proper timing
v ¥ Quiz X e

« - C 2% f |d730

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

Which of the following is NOT a longitudinal study?

Select the correct option

Time series

Cohort study

Cross sectional study

Panel study
v ¥ Quiz X e

« - C 2%] f E87bS

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

All of the following are disadvantages of Internet Surveys EXCEPT:

Select the correct option

No Physical Incentive

Lack of respondent’s anonymity

All People cannot participate

All people do not have same level of technology

v ¥ Quiz X e

« - C 2% 3 f [f947¢

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

STAB30 - Research Methods (Quiz 2)

Question # 2 of 10 ( Start time: 06:15:26 PM, 24 June 2024 )

Which of the following is an advantage of attaching a cover letter with a questionnaire?]

Select the correct option

It makes the research findings authentic

It motivates the respondents to respond

It makes easier to locate respondents

It helps researcher to do study easily

H L Type here to search i C .

v ¥ Quiz X e

« - C 2% [ 16530

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

Studies conducted in controlled environment, referred to as:

Select the correct option

Semi-structured interview

Field experiment

Lab experiment
v ¥ Quiz X e

« - C 2% f 452

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

allows researchers to reach a large audience digitally.

Select the correct option

Human interactive media

Non interactive media

Electronic interactive media

All of the given options

v N Quiz X +

« - C 2% | 534

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

STAB30 - Research Methods (Quiz 2)

Question # 7 of 10 ( Start time: 06:20:14 PM, 24 June 2024 )

All of the following are the techniques to increase the response rate of the survey reseaf i EXC

Select the correct option

Researcher’s publications


Cover Letter
v ¥ Quiz X e

« - C 2% f [d94b

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

All of the following are the monetary ways to increase response rate EXCEPT:

Select the correct option


Cover letter

Lottery tickets

Variety of premiums
v ¥ Quiz X e

« - C 2% | |658fe

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

How do you find comfort at your work place?

Very good

This question is poorly structured. In your opinion what is the problem in its design?

Select the correct option

Double barreled question

Leading question

Loaded question

Ambiguity and vagueness

v ¥ Quiz X e

« - C 2% |08 1e

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

All of the following are strengths of telephone interviewing EXCEPT:

Select the correct option

Observation of facial expressions

High speed


Low cost
v ¥ Quiz X e

« - C 2% [ [7f16

M Gmail @B YouTube @ Maps

Personal interviews conducted in shopping malls are referred to as

Select the correct option

None of the given options

Door to door interviews

Self-administered interviews

Mall intercept interviews

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