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The Daily Tck: 2 December 2011

Over recent days civil society and the worlds most vulnerable countries have been emphasising the need for urgency in the talks. Yesterday negotiators from AOSIS and LDCs proposed a way to get a deal by the end 2012. As someone close to AOSIS said there is no reason, other than political will why this cant be achieved in one year. Susbequently AOSIS ambassadors Williams from Grenada and Moses from Nauru stepped outside the UN bubble to join with activists and African climate victims in a Survival Rally this afternoon. Over 500 rural South African women greeted them in solidarity! The African and AOSIS regions are thousands of miles apart but they are both on the front line of climate change. As AOSIS stated in yesterdays plenary At present, we are set on a pathway to warming of 3.5C, a pathway which will quite literally wipe a number of the countries for whom I speak today from the face of the Earth." We cant point to much progress here in the talks at this point. The Green Climate Fund remains uncertain, discussions of Long Term Finance have begun but bunker fuel leviesare out of text. EU leadership on the KP remains uncertain and is on the back burner until Ministers arrive next week. Truly, the most important things happening these days in Durban are outside the walls of the UN.

Message of the Day

As we come to the halfway mark in these climate talks, the situation is ever more serious. It is urgent. While governments may want to take time out for the next 10 years, the planet and people cannot. This flies in the face of every credible scientific, economic and social signs that we are heading in the wrong direction. The politicians need to get their heads out of the sand. The impacts on Africa are devastating, but no country can escape the devastating effects of climate change. We can stop it if we act NOW.

What is Happening?
Tomorrow show world governments show world governments our common determination to stop catastrophic climate change on a non-violent mass march of international and national community, labour, women, youth, academic, religious and environmental organisations and activists in Durban. People will gather from 09:00 am and the march is due to start at 10:00. There will be a series of demands handed over to the South African government. 2020 is too late for a global climate deal it is needed NOW! Contact: The WAGGS were back in action last night with their side event "African Climate Stories: Voices from the Front Lines of the Climate Crisis." We will have a post about the event on tomorrow, but in the meantime, do join us in congratulating the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts and their YOUNGO counterparts for being invited to open the plenary session tomorrow with their flash mob dance from yesterday. Congrats! This morning Oxfam held a creative activity drawing attention to the lack of funding and support for women who are the primary food producers across the globe. Around the globe, women are largely responsible for providing food for their families and as climate change impacts increase, available food resources and the cost of food will be adversely impacted.

In India, Greenpeace delivered a petition signed by over 2,000 activists from different parts of the countrry portesting coal mining in the proposed forest areas. The Union coal minister Sri Prakash Jaiswal said he will review all mining proposals and if necessary cancel them if they threaten to harm the environment in animal habitats adding that "We cannot destroy the environment for mining coal. These activists help us to decide our future course of action. The Adopt a Negotiator trackers are doing their bit to keep their people in their home countries informed. And they're digging into the details for fellow activists. Farrukh discusses Pakistan and the Green Climate Fund Clancy writes on Australias role in these talks and US Tracker America's Alex Stark has a post on treehugger Read South African tracker Alexs latest and another And find out from Indian tracker, Priti, on why India should go legal at COP17 Download the latest programme of events for the People's Space. General Assembly outside the conference centre at Speakers corner.

What can you do today?

There are plenty of ways to share resources, ideas and amplify each others' efforts: If you're tweeting about COP17 (in particular, if you are attending the Global Day of Action March tomorrow), we want you on our official Twitter list! Please send a message to @tcktcktck on Twitter or an email to to be added.

Resources & Tools

Visit & our COP17 Hub for an up-to-date calendar, fresh news & stories and media resources - all available for reposting and sharing through Creative Commons. The HCWH Climate and Health News Service is a brand-new free service that aims to keep you health professionals, climate experts and decision makers informed on the latest developments, trends, resources and events around the world. For those who can't attend, much of the content will be streamed in real time on the website. Watch the UN talks live with OneClimate TV: The team from OneClimate TV broadcasts live from the Durban climate talks every day from 3pm - 6pm daily local time. Follow their livestream, embed the code, or, for those who prefer their live content in text form, follow the live blog. In the wake of the Keystone XL momentum, 100+ groups are meeting up tomorrow across the USA to plot next moves for movement-building. Spread the word: Event listing Tweet #1 Tweet #2 Tweet #3

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