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Chapter’s name: Introduction to C++ Grade: 7 Date:11/05/2023

1. Page 154-159 [Try to understand data type, operators and Syntax]

2. Page 160-162 [Clear your understanding on relational operators]

3. Page no. 163 [Program no 2 & program no 3]

4. Program 6, 7 [Page 166,167]

5. A program to input 2 variables of type int and print their sum.

6. A program to input a variable named p of int type. Calculate and store its double in variable named

S. Print out S.

7. Input the distance travelled by car in 4 hours. Calculate and print its speed. [Speed = distance/time].

8. Input the prize of 1 apple. Calculate and print the price of half dozen apple. [1 dozen = 12 unit].

9. Input the length and width of a rectangular park. Calculate and print its perimeter.

[Perimeter = 2x (length+ width)]

10. Accept the height and base of triangle and display its area. [Area = 0.5x height x base]

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