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Keynite From Darcy Bear.

Sovereignty in direction of each Nations development

Commissioning historic map Dakota, used in court battles

Steps to self Governance

Fafnlma framework agreement wdfn 2004

Robert Louie -West Bank

Austin bear
Land code
Municipal services

Community engagement Involving community at every step of the way.

Tech and food provided for every meeting.

CMHC section 95
Fnlma 49 lot

Land code amendment to access CMHC mortgages

Building alliances by sharing equity

99 year private leases for members.

Important word choice . Newcomers vs settlers
Warning against formulaic application of expense vs investment considerations.

Own source revenue

Seeing problems as opportunities

Inclusive membership of newcomers

Narrative line - Taxes as sharing

All narratives discussed with community. Do we tax our businesses?

Renamed for WCIF whitecap community improvement fee

Reflecting safe redirecting taxes and their flows back into community projects, such as language
and culture. Liquor tax example.

Development levies law

“You have to believe, to be able to manifest what you want to achieve.” Chief Darcy Bear

Commercial and community water treatment plants

Canadians can achieve structured tax free income, it’s a double standard to prohibit indigenous
people from doing it.
Accountability and enforceability -laws, etc.

Storytelling – role models, successes, relationships, rights, treaties

Bridge financing of government partnerships.

Story - Inherent rights to economy.

Story of profit, removing it as a dirty word

You have to believe, and you have to reach out to others.

Proforma statements as storytelling

Look into Receivership

Works often with partners in other governments.

“Always got to shoot to be number one.” Darcy Bear

Advocacy for a reconciliation treaty

Reviewing ATR

Governance codes, laws and

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