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January 8, 2013
Modelling Team


Multipiranti Graha
Jl. Radin Inten II No 2, Duren Sawit, Jakarta Timur
Telp : (021)86086044 Fax : (021)86613614
Nada Coal Project

1. Project Location
Administratively the Project area located at Lemo village, Teweh Tengah District, Barito
Utara – Kalimantan Tengah Province with a total of 92.24 Ha area. Base on regional map,
investigation area include to Buntok sheet, which is a part of Barito basin.
The area can be accessed by plane approximately 1 hours Jakarta – Banjarmasin and 20
minute.Banjarmasin – Muara Teweh by light vehicle approximately 10 hours.
Muara Teweh – PT BMAL port by motor cycle or speed boat approximately 30 minutes.PT
BMAL port – Lemo river (BMAL bridge) by light vehicle approximately 1 hours. BMAL
bridge – Tangucin by Ketingting (boat) approximately 5 hours. Tangucin – Camp by foot
approximately 1 hours and 30 minutes.

Figure 1. Location Map

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Nada Coal Project

Table 1. List coordinate boundary of PT. Satriati Jaya Sukses (92.24 Ha)
Degrees Minutes Seconds Degrees Minutes Seconds
1 114 34 44.34 01 05 05.00
2 114 34 44.43 01 05 55.00
3 114 34 25 01 05 55.00
4 114 34 25 01 05 05.00

2. Geology
Base on Indonesia Systematic Geological Map (1: 250.000 scale) published by Geological
Research and Development Centre, the survey area is covered by lithology member of Berai
Formation and Montalat Formation.
Berai Formation (Tomb) consist is limestone interbedded by claystone, marl and coal, partly
to be silicified and containing limonite. The Formation deposited in the shallow marine, and
its thickness attained to 1250 m. Age middle Oligocene to Late Oligocene.
Montalat Formation (Tomm)consist is cross bedded white quartz sandstone, locally
calcareous, interbedde by siltstone, shale and coal, the formation was deposited in shallow
and open marine. Its thickness up to 1400 meters. It interfingered with the Berai Formation
and conformably above the Tanjung Formation, its folding resemble to the Tanjung
Formation but to be slightly more untight. Age is Oligocene.

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Nada Coal Project

Figure 2. Regional Geological map concession area of PT.Satriati Jaya Sukses

The coal bearing formation in this project areas is Montalat Formation. The Montalat
Formation consists of quartz sandstone, mudstone and coal Late Oligocene – Early Miocene

3. Database
a. Out Crop
In the survey area is found 29 coal out crops with coal thickness to 0.38 m – 7.23 m, and
the coal seam orientation mainly North East - South West direction and inclination at
North West with average dipping 20o (appendix 1).

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Nada Coal Project

Figure 3. Out crop distribution

b. Drill Hole

Total there are 99 drill holes and total depth 5,365.72 m, include redrill holes. (46 hole id
SJS with total depth 2004.87 m, 14 hole id BH with total depth 700 m, 39 drill holes S by
CSA with total depth 2660.85 m). Drill depth of 2.5 – 126 m with space 25 – 250 m.
Average dip N 200 E/350 (appendix 2).

Table 2. Exploration Data Summary

Depth Total
Data Type Spacing
Min Max Holes Depth Average Sample
Open Hole >25 m 2.5 126 82 4545.57 55.43
Coring >25 m 25.2 85.35 17 820.15 48.24 198
Total 99 5365.72 103.68 198
Out Crop 29

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Nada Coal Project

From 99 drill holes, 81 drill holes contain of coal with several seams. The coal drill holes are
summarized at appendix 3.

Figure 4. Drill holes distribution

4. Coal Quality
A total of 105 samples coal and 106 samples non coal were collected from this area, and the
quality range were summarized appendix 4.
a. Sample Coal
1) Air Drying Loss : 2.00 – 11.39 % ar
2) Residual Moisture : 2.45 – 10.00 % adb

Buena Persada Mining Services 5

Nada Coal Project

3) Total Moisture : 5.85 – 16.04 % ar

4) Moisture : 2.45 – 10.02 % adb
5) Ash Content : 3.00 – 55.01 % adb
6) Volatile Matter : 25.77 – 53.16 % adb
7) Fixed Carbon : 15.80 – 49.10 % adb
8) Total Sulphur : 0.23 – 4.55 % adb
9) Calorific Value : 2732 – 6809 ca/g ar

b. Sample Non Coal

1) Moisture : 1.8 – 16.23 % adb
2) Ash Content : 5.60 – 88.02 % adb
3) Total Sulphur : 0.09 – 13.85 % adb

Table 3. Coal Quality Ranges Drillhole Database

Minimum Maximum
Quality Average
Hole Id Grade Hole Id Grade

ADL (% Ar) S021 2 S009 11.39 5.17

RM (%
S025 2.45 S021 10 5.10

TM (% Ar) S020 5.85 S016 16.04 10.01

M (% adb) S025 2.45 S021 10.02 5.1

Ash (%
S027 3.00 S005 55.01 13.08

VM (%
S020 53.16 40.65
adb) S005 25.77

FC (% Ar) S005 15.8 S027 49.10 41.22

TS (% Ar) S027 0.23 S020 4.55 1.2

CV (adb) S005 2857 S014 7150 6444

CV (db) S005 2958 S014 7638 6793

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Nada Coal Project

CV (Ar) S005 2732 S009 6809 6107

CV (Daf) S005 6873 S016 8042 7859

Table 4. Non Coal Quality Ranges Drillhole Database

Minimum Maximum
Quality Average
Hole Id Grade Hole Id Grade

M (% adb) S014 1.8 S004 16.23 4.88

Ash (%
S002 5.60 S011 88.02 72.39

TS (% Ar) S023 0.09 S006 13.85 1.46

5. Topography
The topography in this area used detail topography.

Figure 5. Detail topography PT Satriati Jaya Sukses

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Nada Coal Project

6. Coal Resources in the Project areas

Calculation resources by gridding method with data as of Desember 17, 2012 in the project
areas was run for seam older to younger, seam A until seam F . These were selected based on
the amount number of sufficient assay data being provided.
Database which using for this calculation is:
a. Topographical map
b. Coordinate of drill holes
c. IUP map
d. Coal quality
Determination seams in the project area is the result interpretation from drilling data base.
Calculation resources in the areas divided of three that is measured, indicated and inferred
with specific grafity for coal that is 1.33 gr/cm3 and for non coal 1.0 bcm in the area from
seam A until seam F for measured areas have total tonnage is 2,074,412 tonnes with wide
27.43 ha with estimate range 100 m from drill holes, total tonnage from indicated areas with
wide 18.96 ha is 1,144,266 tonnes with estimate range 100 – 200 m and total tonnage
inferred areas is 2,207,852 tonnes with wide 37.24 ha with estimate range 200 - 400 m. Total
resources PT Satriati Jaya Sukses is 5,426,530 tonnes with wide 83.63 ha.

Table 5. Coal Resources by Category

Resources Category Wide (Ha) Total
0 - 50 m 50 - 100 m > 100 m
Measured (<100 m) 27.43 575,142 925,329 573,941 2,074,412
Indicated (100-200 m) 18.96 139,423 213,097 791,746 1,144,266
Inferred (200-400 m) 37.24 206,985 71,962 1,928,905 2,207,852
Sub Total 83.63 921,550 1,210,388 3,294,592 5,426,530

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Nada Coal Project

Table 6. Coal Resources by Seam

True Tonnage 0 – 50 m Tonnage 50 – 100 m Tonnage > 100 m

Seam Total
Thickness Measured Indicated Inferred Measured Indicated Inferred Measured Indicated Inferred
A - - - - - - - - - -
BUU 1.67 72,041 5,658 26,706 87,608 56,232 5,795 111,132 276,190 704,318 1,345,680
BU 2.66 28,759 2,742 7,259 84,328 - - - - - 123,087
BUL 1.52 114,570 10,004 45,960 199,723 62,606 681 71,027 199,118 537,073 1,240,763
BLU 1.49 45,843 - 27,744 208,040 18,660 2 22,493 81,871 196,478 601,130
B 6.23 108,309 93,907 7,080 - - - - - - 209,296
BL 2.08 142,073 27,114 59,501 62,720 42,638 1,179 45,113 131,984 300,462 812,782
BLL 1.56 63,547 - 32,733 179,042 13,541 - 13,347 49,192 190,575 541,977
C 0.72 - - - - - - 31,725 - - 31,725
D - - - - - - - - - -
E - - - - - - - - - -
FU 3.06 - - - 88,365 9,709 18,650 194,428 34,464 - 345,616
FL 1.28 - - - 15,504 9,709 45,657 84,677 18,927 - 174,473
6 Seam 575,142 139,424 206,983 925,329 213,096 71,963 573,941 791,746 1,928,906 5,426,530

Figure 6. Measured, Indicated and Inferred Coverage Area

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Nada Coal Project

Figure 7. Wirefrime all seam in Satriati, looking north

7. Coal Reserve and Pit Design

a. Coal Reserve
Calculation reserve with specific grafity for coal that is 1.33 gr/cm3 and for non coal 1.0
bcm. This Calculation is made base on striping ratio 1 : 10 and 1 : 12. Wide of SR 1 : 10
cover 23.43 Ha consists of seam B only developed from 6 accessories seam and B seam
with tonnage 1,048,811 tonnes for coal and 10,235,665 Bcm for waste. And Wide of SR
1 : 12 cover 39.93 Ha consists of seam B only developed from 6 accessories seam and B
seam with tonnage 1,783,694 tonnes for coal and 21,961,110 Bcm for waste.
The coal covered Pit 1 lies at elevation range betwen 20 m – 102 m above sea level and
the maximum depth of 120 m.

Table 8. Reserve PT Satriati Jaya Sukses

Coal ( SG = 1.33 WMT) Waste (Bcm) SR

PIT Seam Wide (Ha)
Volume Tonnage Volume
1 B 23.43 788,580 1,048,811 10,235,665 10

Coal ( SG = 1.3 Waste

Wide WMT) (Bcm) SR
PIT Seam
(Ha) (Bcm/WMT)
Volume Tonnage Volume
1 B 39.92 1,341,123 1,783,694 21,961,110 12

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Nada Coal Project

Table 9. Assay PIT 1, PT Satriati Jaya Sukses

Residual Calorific Value caVg Relative RM For
Drying TM % Moisture Ash % VM % FC % TS %
Seam Moisture Density HGI HGI %
Loss % ar % adb adb adb adb adb
% adb adb db ar daf g/rnL adb
B 5.94 4.77 10.42 4.8 13.57 41.95 40.79 1.17 6421 6886 6579 7897 1.33 48.64 4.67

b. Pit Design
Pit design created with slope 650, bench height 10 m, berm width 3 m.

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Nada Coal Project

Figure 8. Pit design 2D SR 1:10

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Nada Coal Project

Figure 9. Pit design 3D SR 1:10

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Nada Coal Project

Figure 10. Pit design 2D SR 1:12

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Nada Coal Project

Figure 11. Pit design 3D SR 1:12

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Nada Coal Project


1. List of Coal Out Crop

2. List of Coordinate EOD
3. List of Coal Drill Holes
4. List of Assay
5. KP Location Map
6. Topography Map
7. Regional Geology Map
8. Geological Fact Map
9. Infrastructure Map
10. Crop Line Map
11. Section Line Map
12. Section Map
13. Resources Map
14. Pit Design Map

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