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Problem 1

A photon with wavelength 3.8 nm collides with an electron staying at

rest. After the collision the wavelength of the photon increases twice.
Find the speed and wavelength of electron after the collision.

The energy of photon before collision:

E = hf = hc / λ =
5.23 x 10-17
The energy of photon after collision:
E’ = hf’ = hc / 2λ
= 2.62 x 10-17

The kinetic energy of electron after collision:

KEe = E – E’ =
2.62 x 10-17
The speed of electron:
KEe = ½ mv2 →
v = 7.6 x 106 m/s
The wavelength of electron:
Problem 2
An electron trapped in a small box with infinite boundaries is initially in its
ground state. It then absorbs a photon which excites it to the first excited
state. The wavelength of this photon is λ0. Then it absorbs another photon which
excites it from the first to the second excited state. Express the wavelength of the
second photon in terms of λ0.
U = inf
Free electron U = inf For the first photon:
Kinetic energy

For the second photon:


(n = 1, 2, 3, …)
Hydrogen energy levels
1 eV = 1.6x10-19 J
n: principal quantum number


Shortest wavelength
En = -13.6 eV/n2 Longest wavelength

Emission light
1/lambda = RH(1/m2 – 1/n2)
Problem 3
An emission spectrum gives one of the lines in the Balmer series
of the hydrogen atom at 410 nm. This wavelength results from a
transition from an upper energy level to n = 2. What is the
principal quantum number (n) of the upper level?

nf = 2 and λ = 410 nm → ni = 6
Problem 4
A particle is traveling through Earth’s atmosphere at a speed of
0.750c. To an earthbound observer, the distance it travels is
2.50 km. How far does the particle travel as viewed from the
particle’s reference frame? (in which the particle is at rest!)

L = L0/γ

v = 0.750c
L = 2.50 km
→ L0 = 3.78 km
Problem 5
A non-flat screen, older-style television display works by accelerating
electrons over a short distance to relativistic speed, and then using
electromagnetic fields to control where the electron beam strikes a
fluorescent layer at the front of the tube.
Suppose the electrons travel at 6.0 x 107 m/s through a distance of
0.200m from the start of the beam to the screen.
a. What is the time of travel of an electron in the rest frame of the
television set? (S)
b. What is the electron’s time of travel in its own rest frame? (S’)
a) In the television frame (S), electron is moving with the speed v

Classical mechanics
x = vt => t = x/v

Its (object’s) rest time: Δt0

Its (object’s) rest length: L0

b) In the electron frame (S’), it is at rest

Note: Δτ = Δt0 (in our slides)

Nuclear radioactivity


Decay constant: lambda = ln2/T1/2

Problem 6

Physics 2
Problem 7
In an ancient burial cave, your team of archaeologists discovers ancient
wood furniture. Only 80% of the original 14C remains in the wood. How old
is the furniture? (t1/2 of 14C = 5730 y.)

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