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The origins and fates of chlorides in

hydroprocessing units
A step-by-step roadmap to identifying and managing the negative effects of
chlorides in hydroprocessing units

Becht Engineering

his article in three parts chloride induced failure mecha- The first part of the article will
explores the impacts chlo- nisms, methods for identifying focus on recognising a chloride
rides may have on hydropro- chlorides, strategies for chloride problem in a hydroprocessing unit.
cessing units (hydrotreaters and control, and a step-by-step process In the second part, we will tackle
hydrocrackers). It will provide a outline for dealing with a prob- how to identify the magnitude and
methodical approach to identify- lem. Some of the approaches and source of the problem.
ing the typical effects that point impacts here can also be applied Part three of the article will focus
toward chlorides, the sources of to other halogens in hydrotreaters, on ways to address the chloride
chlorides in process feed streams, such as fluoride. issues.

Part 1: Recognising the problem

Problems caused by chlorides are gallon of PERC in the feed (0.0055 include physical changes or correct-
often missed or misdiagnosed in a vol% of the stream). Introducing ing practices and procedures. You
refinery. They impact not only the a barrel of PERC into the naphtha may need to use higher metallurgy
hydroprocessing units, but other stream can contaminate it for sev- in some equipment. You may need
units as well. Sometimes the meth- eral days. to adopt a coping strategy rather
ods used to manage chlorides in So how can you approach a chlo- than a complete solution.
upstream units, such as corrosion ride problem? Methodical applica- Chlorides and/or their effects can
inhibitors, merely move the prob- tion of the steps below is suggested. be successfully controlled, once they
lem on downstream. Partial solu- The balance of this article provides are identified and understood.
tions in hydroprocessing units may, the background to execute the steps: We will begin by looking at how
in turn, just pass problems on to 1. Recognise the problem Recognise to recognise a problem rooted in
other units. Comprehensive solu- the chloride problem from the chlorides.
tions require a wider understanding impacts observed in the plant.
of the problem. Where is the problem? Are other Step 1: Recognise the problem
Locating a chloride root source units seeing problems? Chloride as a possible issue can be
is made more difficult if a prob- 2. How big is the problem? How identified from its typical effects on
lem has gone unrecognised or has much material are you looking for? hydroprocessing units. There will
been allowed to persist for a few Calculate or estimate the amount. likely be impacts in other units also
months. The chlorides will propa- 3. Identify the source(s) Identify which can serve to support your
gate throughout a refinery in mul- potential sources for the chlorides, identification.
tiple streams and in multiple forms both organic and inorganic. Look Figure 1 illustrates several areas
to obscure the original source. There especially at reformers and isom- to look for indications of chloride
may be multiple sources. Someone erisation units where concentrated impacts in a hydroprocessing unit.
may have introduced the chlorides organic chlorides are present. Use Impacts are sometimes seen in other
into a system without realising it or analyses to narrow down the pos- units of the refinery.
without realising the impacts. sible sources. For organic chlorides, Referring to Figure 1, the most
The amount of material required determine specifically what chloride common issues indicative of chlo-
to create a significant chloride compound(s) you are looking for rides include:
problem is often very small. To get (speciation). If all you find is PERC, • Deposition of salts in reactor
1 wppm chloride from perchloro- for instance, then you need to sus- preheat exchangers and charge
ethylene (PERC) contamination in pect the reformer, the isomerisation heater (A) Deposits of white salt in
a 50 000 barrels of naphtha hydro- unit, or solvent dumping. exchangers when opened often indi-
treater feed, you only need about 1 4. Manage the chlorides This may cate a chloride problem. This is seen PTQ Q3 2019 57

TDep = 523 * EXP(0.0507 * Ln(Ksp)).
Ksp = PNH3 * PHCl
Hydrogen F Recycle
make-up compressor
Where TDep = deposition tempera-
ture, °F
Feed surge Wash water
drum Charge PNH3 = ammonia partial pressure,
heater B E REAC psi
Feed PHCl = Hydrochloric acid partial
stock Feed/effluent
Separator pressure, psi.4

A A Note that the feed nitrogen is

Charge just as important in this equa-
pump tion as the chlorides. The use of
Chloride-impact areas Effluent stripper amines upstream to control corro-
Location Impact feed
sion or scavenge H2S will aggra-
A Preheat exch. salt fouling/deposits
B Effluent NH4Cl deposits, corrosion
G vate a chloride problem. Once
C Metals and salts deposits in catalyst beds Off gas deposited, the ammonium chloride
D Corrosion in upper trays and shell HCI
D increases pressure drop, reduces
E REAC salt and FeS fouling
F Compressor fouling valves/blades heat transfer, and causes tube dam-
G Overhead condenser corrosion HCI
age by under-deposit corrosion.
H FeS fouling
This effect is intensified as water
Product begins to condense in the reactor
effluent. The first drop of water
NH4Cl(s) NH3(g) + HCl(g) H
Reflux will be rich in acid gas and very
2 HCl(aq) + Fe(s) FeCl2(aq) + H2(g) Reboiler pump corrosive. Ammonia generated
from feed nitrogen or injected with
FeCl2(aq) + H2S FeS(s ) + 2HCl(g) Stripped wash water can help reduce the pH
H impacts, but ammonia is not as sol-
uble at high temperatures as HCl, so
Figure 1 Locations of typical hydroprocessing unit chloride problems the HCl tends to control the pH.
• Stripper/fractionator feed pre-
in cokers and crude units, as well not harm the catalyst and, in the heat (A) Some of the most difficult
as hydroprocessing units. If there is case of hydrocracking, may even exchanger conditions are presented
any entrained water in the hydro- help catalyst activity a little. More when fractionator or stripper feed is
processing unit feed or chloride importantly, the HCl moves into preheated by high pressure reactor
salts above saturation are present, the effluent train. effluent. The fractionator feed has a
there will be fouling of the feed pre- • Reactor effluent fouling and cor- small amount of residual free water
heat exchangers. The salts will sim- rosion (B, E) Heat exchanger tube that is carried into the fractiona-
ply lie down on the exchanger tubes and shell thinning or pitting, espe- tor preheat exchangers. This water
as their solubility dictates. If the cially in reactor effluent exchangers, contains dissolved ammonium
tubes are austenitic stainless steel, is often seen. The most common chloride. As the stream is heated,
stress corrosion cracking may occur. corrosion location of concern is the the water eventually evaporates,
Under-deposit corrosion is also a reactor effluent side of the feed/ leaving ammonium chloride salt
likely result. In any event, there effluent exchangers where ammo- deposits on the tubes where it evap-
would be a loss of heat transfer and, nium chloride salts (NH4Cl) deposit orates. The exchanger where you
eventually, high pressure drop. in the exchangers, especially when can expect trouble can be identified
• Reactor fouling (C) Chloride con- wash water practices are inade- using flash calculations, if you can
taining salts that reach the reactors quate. If austenitic stainless steel is estimate the water slip out of the
will decompose or hydrolyse at present, chloride stress corrosion upstream separators.
reaction conditions, releasing HCl cracking presents an additional The deposit insulates the tubes,
and leaving metals fouling the cat- metallurgical challenge. raising the temperature on the
alyst. If, somehow, sodium chlo- Fouling or high pressure drop in underside of the deposit until the
ride is present in the feed, it will effluent exchangers at higher tem- ammonium chloride breaks down
deposit directly in the catalyst bed peratures than ammonium bisul- into ammonia and hydrochloric
without decomposing, forming a phide laydown occurs (say over acid. The presence of trace amounts
hard rind and causing high pres- 250°F, 120°C) also points toward of water in the hygroscopic ammo-
sure drop. Fortunately, most cat- ammonium chloride deposition. nium chloride deposit promotes
alysts today are fairly resistant to In the reactor effluent train, acid attack of the tubes in the form
poisoning, so the metals may not ammonium chloride will deposit of pitting.
hurt much. The HCl probably does below the temperature indicated by: Dry attack under deposits is also

58 PTQ Q3 2019


Hydrogen F Recycle
make-up compress
possible as a corrosion cell is set up observed. This laydown follows the sion are issues. These are believed Reactor
between the clean and the fouled equation presented above, although to be surge
Feed active in promoting corrosion Was
metal surfaces. Attack is, again, in application of the equation is dif- of the fuel gas piping.
drum Charge
the form of pitting. ficult because it is hard to deter- heater
■ Reformer water/chloride balance
• Stripping and fractionation mine partial pressures for ammonia problems Reformers that do not
stock Feed/effluent
impacts (D, G, H) Corrosion of the and acid. need chloride make-up to maintain Sep
upper trays in a hydroprocessing • Compressor issues (F) Make-up a residual are probably getting chlo-
unit stripper or fractionator may hydrogen compressors and recycle rides through the feed. ThisAmay or A
indicate a problem. Crude units will compressors will experience chlo- may not be a problem, depending
see essentially the same effects from ride salt deposition on machine sur- on the unit.pump
chlorides. Wet H2S can also show a faces. In reciprocating compressors, As aChloride-impact
general comment,areas chloride
similar effect. Testing for corrosion valve deposits form, resulting in issues are often missed because evi-
Location Impact feed
A Preheat exch. salt fouling/deposits
products and pH wherever water high valve failure rates. Centrifugal dence may
B Effluent NHcome
4 Cl in the
deposits, form
corrosion of iron
collects downstream of a suspected compressors will experience loss in sulphide
C Metals and (FeS) deposits
salts deposits in equip-
in catalyst beds
problem may help. Deposits of iron efficiency. ment, which may be attributed to
D Corrosion in upper trays and shell HCI
E REAC salt and FeS fouling
sulphide will be observed in prod- • Impacts observable in other sys- sulphidic
F Compressor corrosion. The FeS may
fouling valves/blades
uct rundown coolers and tanks tems and units: actually
G Overheadcomecondenserfrom wetHCINH4Cl
when chloride is active in a system. ■ Amine systems Several hydro-
H FeS fouling
under-deposit corrosion via the
The metallurgist frequently helps treating units have high pressure reaction route shown below: Product
sort out these effects. amine scrubbers to remove H2S
In the fractionation system, chlo- from recycle gas. These scrubbers NH4Cl(s) NH3(g) + HCl(g)
rides will follow the water and also effectively remove chloride Re
2 HCl(aq) + Fe(s) FeCl2(aq) + H2(g)
ammonia, just as they do in the from the gas. While the hydro-
crude units. Expect to see corro- treater may not have problems, the FeCl2(aq) + H2S FeS(s ) + 2HCl(g)
sion anywhere a liquid water phase amine regenerator tower and over-
may be present. Problem areas fre- head system may suffer accelerated Once you realise you have a
quently include upper trays, tower corrosion. chloride issue, you need to deter-
walls, and overhead condensers. ■ Fuel gas systems Chlorides mine the magnitude and find the
Chloride salt deposition in draw have been detected in fuel gas source(s) of the chlorides. These are
lines and exchangers has also been streams where fouling and corro- the subjects addressed in Part 2.

Part 2: Magnitude and source(s) of the problem

Part 1 introduced the symptoms Analyse the hydroprocessing organic chlorides can be determined
of a chloride problem in a hydro- unit feed by water washing the feed. Then
processing unit. In this part, we Determine the total chloride content analyse the wash water and the
will explore how to interpret the of the feed and the split between remaining oil for chloride separately.
symptoms by determining how inorganic and organic chlorides. • Detailed speciation of the organic
much chloride containing material There are multiple methods availa- chlorides is available. This is a huge
we are looking for and identifying ble for determining feed chlorides: help in finding or eliminating possi-
the possible or likely source(s) for • X-rays can be used to determine ble sources. This service is available
this amount of material, embod- the chloride content of most hydro- from several of the common third-
ied in steps 2 and 3 of the problem carbon streams down to less than 3 party labs.
analysis. ppm. This method is useful and fast • Analyse the feed for bottom sed-
for normal chloride analyses. iment and water (BS&W) to get an
Step 2: How big is the problem? • Wet chemical methods based on idea of how much inorganic salts
It is very helpful to know the mag- potentiometric titration with meth- may be entering.
nitude and type of the chloride anol and ion chromatography are
problem before you go looking for also available. These are accurate to Analyse the sour wash water
a possible source. Start by chemi- less than 1 ppm, but require consid- Determine the chloride content of
cally analysing selected streams for erably longer to run than the x-ray. the spent sour wash water from
chlorides. Be sure your operators • Newer instrumental analysis the high pressure separator and the
use good industrial hygiene prac- methods are continually improving stripper overhead, if used.
tices (for instance, chemical gloves) chloride determination. Methods
in sampling streams for chlorides for determining individual chloride Analyse the chlorides in the
since most chloride compounds are compounds down to less than 0.01 crude unit
hazardous, even in the low concen- ppm in feedstocks are available. Crude assays indicate salt content
trations we are testing. • The split between inorganic and of the crude in pounds per thou- PTQ Q3 2019 59

sand barrels. This is a good starting of about 6.2 gal/day. tude of a chloride problem at the
point. The crude salts are usually Looking at the hydrogen same time. Pay particular attention
determined by a simple device like make-up stream analyses, you to the desalters and reforming and
the ‘Nalcometer’ based on conduc- can estimate how much chloride isomerisation units. Develop a good
tivity using a calibration reference. is entering from this source fairly material balance and sample all
For more detail, look at the inor- easily using the concentration of streams for chlorides. With atten-
ganic and organic chlorides in the chlorides (usually in volppm) and tion to detail, an acceptable (+/-2%)
crude before and after the desalters. the make-up gas rate. If you have chloride balance is achievable.
Look at the chloride contents of any 1.5 volppm chloride in 700 scf/ Once you have an idea of how
slops or recovered oil streams sent bbl reformer hydrogen make-up at much chloride you are looking for,
to the crude unit. Detailed organic 50 000 bpd, the make-up hydrogen you can begin considering possible
chloride speciation and analysing is bringing in: sources for the material.
for sodium, calcium, and magne-
sium may help here. If the chlo- 50 000 bpd x 700 scf/bbl x 1.5x10-6 ppm HCl = Step 3: Identify the sources
ride problem is in a specific boiling 52.5 scf/day chloride As you could surmise from the ana-
range, you can make a rough heart- lytical testing above, chlorides in
cut of that boiling range of the 52.5 scf/day ÷ 379.45 scf/mol x 35.5 lb/mol = hydroprocessing units enter gener-
4.9 lb/day chloride
crude and look at the chlorides in ally via two routes:
that cut specifically. For deposits of chlorides in • Feedstock
exchangers or the reactors, you • Reformer hydrogen make-up.
Analyse the chlorides in the can estimate the mass of chloride We now have an idea of how
make-up hydrogen in the deposits from the analyses. much material we are looking for,
Test for HCl in the make-up hydro- You then can make some assump- so we can start looking at the pos-
gen. Normally, this is done using a tions about how much mass of sible sources in more detail. From
Dräger tube or similar test method. deposit that represents. Note that experience, the most common
This may not be accurate if your for ammonium chloride deposits, source(s) for chloride problems are
chloride adsorbers are saturated, in both the chloride and nitrogen are internal to a refinery. Outside crude
which case you need to use another needed. So, for instance, if you have contamination can still occur occa-
method to look for organic chlo- a naphtha with 5 ppm chloride, but sionally, however, so do not rule it
rides (or, better yet, change your only 1 ppm nitrogen, the amount out too early.
adsorbents). of deposit possible is limited by the
From the feed analysis results and nitrogen, not the chloride; 1 wppm Feedstock chloride sources
known or estimated flow rates, you nitrogen can make, at most, 3.8 Naphtha reforming and
can estimate the amount of chloride ppm NH4Cl deposit before running isomerisation units
coming into the hydroprocessing out of nitrogen. In fact, you will not Chloride is used in both reformers
unit. Consider a 50 000 b/d diesel get even that much as deposition and isomerisation units to maintain
hydrotreater with a 40°API feed con- occurs and partial pressures drop. catalyst activity. We are going to
taining 5 ppm organic chloride. The The excess chloride will go on to focus here on how chloride can get
total incoming organic chloride is: lower the pH of any effluent water. into a hydroprocessing unit liquid
50 000 bpd x 288.6 lb/bbl x 5x10-6 parts Cl = You get some effluent fouling, feed from one of these units. We
72 lb/day chloride. along with a corrosion bonus. will talk later about the reformer
From observations and expe- hydrogen route.
Using the spent wash water anal- rience, the density of the fouling Chloriding agents are used to
yses, suppose you have 50 gal/min deposits tends to be in the order of provide the necessary chloride to a
wash water (once through) to our 20-30 lb/ft3, regardless of what the reformer or isomerisation unit. The
50 000 b/d diesel hydrotreater. The foulant is. Suppose we have our agents are mixed with naphtha and
concentration expected in the spent diesel hydrotreater with 72 lb/day injected into the unit. Agents which
wash water would be about: of chloride and it has more than have been used include trichloro-
enough nitrogen for all the chloride ethylene (TCE, C2HCl3), perchloro-
(72 lb/day Cl) / (50 gal/min x 1440 min/day x
8.34 lb/gal) x 106 = 120 wppm Cl in water to deposit as a NH4Cl in the efflu- ethylene (PERC, C2Cl4), and carbon
ent. The amount of deposit expected tetrachloride (CCl4). PERC is most
If you recycle water for phase would then be about: common and carbon tetrachloride
control or use stripped sour water, is no longer used due to toxicity.
72 lb Cl/day x 53.5 lb NH4Cl / 35.5 lb Cl ÷ 25
you need to account for any chlo- PERC has also been used for dry
lb/cft (avg) = 4.3 cft/day of NH4Cl deposits.
ride coming in with the water when cleaning and equipment cleaning.
making the above calculations. You Another approach to determin- These materials normally convert
could also get an estimate of how ing the amount of material you are completely to yield HCl in pro-
much material you are looking for looking for is to perform chloride cesses. Key properties of some of
by taking the 72 lb/day chloride balances around the upstream units. these chemicals are listed in Table 1.
and assuming it was PERC. This This can be one of the best tools for Chloriding agents can enter
would imply a PERC contamination identifying the source and magni- hydroprocessing unit feedstocks

60 PTQ Q3 2019

by several, unintended routes.
Properties of chloriding agents
Observed contamination routes
from reformer and isomerisation
operations have included: Chemical Perchloroethylene Trichloroethylene Carbon Tetrachloride
Nickname PERC TCE or Trike
• Leaks or drainings from chlorid- Formula C2Cl4 C2HCl3 CCl4
ing agent storage drums or systems Molecular weight 165.8 131.4 153.8
• Overflow of chloriding agent Boiling point, °F 250 189 170
drums to sewer or flare Density, g/cm3 1.622 1.46 1.5867
Density, lb/gal 13.5 12.2 13.2
• Poor chloriding agent receiving Solubility in water 0.15 g/L 1.28 g/L 0.81 g/L (25°C)
practices (such as draining resid- Wt% chlorine 85.6 81.1 92.3
ual material from a truck into the Health effects Toxicity moderate to low Carcinogenic Very toxic
sewer). NFPA ratings, H-F-R 2-0-0 2-1-0 3-0-1
The agents that reach the sewer or
flare end up in the slops or recov- Table 1
ered oil systems and are charged
back to the crude unit. They then nia or amines to combine with, or organic chloride source that has
normally distill into the naphtha until a liquid water phase forms, been frequently observed is the
heading to the reformer pretreater. or until the HCl gets drawn into a blending of organic solvents (for
product. There the chlorides effects instance, PERC dry cleaning sol-
Crude oil will be evident in the columns or vent) into the crude for disposal.
Salt is a natural part of crude oil. A exchangers for the crude, vacuum, This is often difficult to trace back to
certain amount of brine is co-pro- and/or coker units. a specific crude source. Some refin-
duced with crude. The brine is sep- A key control on crude unit inor- ers have set specifications for maxi-
arated in the field and the relatively ganic chlorides is desalting effi- mum organic chlorides in crude (or
dry crude oil is sent to the refinery. ciency. Most desalters can remove in the naphtha fraction of crude)
Chloride introduced into a well 90-95% of the salts from the incom- that they are willing to purchase.
during a workover or well stimu- ing crude in a single stage. This salt Such solvents would usually distill
lation effort will also appear in the will mostly be sodium chloride. A into the naphtha streams and react
produced crude. During transporta- lot of the magnesium and calcium in the naphtha hydrotreaters to
tion, brine can enter crude oil from chlorides stay in the desalted crude. release HCl.
seawater. Regardless of the origin, For a crude with 20 lb per thousand
the crude salts can be a source of barrels salt, the product salt will be Other upstream units
chlorides in hydroprocessing unit less than 2 lb per thousand barrels. Residual chlorides from upstream
feeds. The salts consist primarily of This is not really a problem level. units often end up in hydroprocess-
sodium, magnesium, and calcium If the crude salt level rises to 200 lb ing unit feeds. For instance, chlo-
chlorides. As a rule, the less polar per thousand barrels, however, and rides in a coker fractionator will be
the salt, the less soluble it will be the crude has more magnesium and present in every product stream.
in water and the more soluble it is calcium salts, the desalter may only Depending on the operating condi-
in the crude. The crude will tend to produce 20 lb per thousand barrels tions for a given column, chlorides
hang on to magnesium and calcium product. This is a lot of salt to leave will distribute across the full range
chlorides, even through desalting. in the crude unit charge, even when of distillation products. A chloride
Sodium salt removal by desalting only some is Mg and Ca. balance around each upstream unit,
is usually complete. Fortunately, Organic chlorides are not natu- although difficult, helps indicate
the normal levels of magnesium rally present in crude oils. A crude where a problem condition exists.
and calcium chlorides in crudes
are low. But some crude have more
than others.
As crude is processed through the
primary crude unit, vacuum unit, 80

and coker, residual magnesium

Chloride hydrolysed, %

or calcium chlorides will begin to 60
Magnesium chloride
hydrolyse in the presence of trace 50
Calcium chloride
water, releasing HCl.1,2 The hydrol- 40
ysis relationship to temperature 30
is illustrated in Figure 2, with data 20
published by Petrolite.3 Sodium 10
chloride will not decompose to any
significant extent. HCl generated 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
from the magnesium and calcium Temperature, ºF
salts will move upward in the distil-
lation columns until it finds ammo- Figure 2 Decomposition of crude oil chlorides during processing PTQ Q3 2019 61

These chlorides may include bon dissolves them out.
Checklist for hydroprocessing unit feed chloride sources
various organic compounds They may then show up
resulting from the reaction of all at once or in spikes.
HCl with olefins.  Verify the chloride analyses are accurate with alternate lab
Similar issues can make
Water and nitrogen play  Perform speciation of chlorides so you know what to look for identifying a chloride
roles in determining where source difficult when
chlorides come out of frac- Crude unit sources the materials are mov-
 MgCl2 and CaCl2 changes in crude slate
tionation units. Most chlo-  Poor desalter performance or upset
ing through the sour
rides are very soluble in  Organic chloride disposal into crude (inside or outside refinery) water or flare systems.
water, so any chloride  HCl in wet crude tower reflux
formed by decomposition  Organic chloride in reprocessed recovered oil or slops Reformer hydrogen
 Organic chloride in desalter make-up water
in a still will move up a col-  Cracked stocks fed back to crude unit
umn until liquid water forms.  High H2S scavenger or corrosion inhibitor levels in crude The most common
Some of the chloride will gaseous source of
partition to the oil, in equi- Reforming/isomerisation units chloride in hydropro-
 Spent chloride adsorbent on net gas (reformer hydrogen)
librium with the water phase.  Poor net gas scrubber operation (isom)
cessing units is naph-
While we might usually  Poor chloride/water balance in reformer tha reformer hydrogen.
ignore HCl dissolved in oil,  Poor reformer catalyst activity There is always a trace
when you are worried about  Poor chloriding agent receiving practices of chloride (as HCl) in
 Chloride agent drained to process sewer or sour water
parts per million of chloride,  Chloride agent sent to slops, recovered oil, or flare
any naphtha reformer
the solubility is important. or isomerisation unit
Nitrogen compounds, such as Miscellaneous net hydrogen produc-
amines, also hold on to chlo-  Organic chloride in hydrocarbons recovered from sour water tion. When this offgas
 Maintenance cleaning solvents dumped to slops
ride, acting as bases. Some  Maintenance cleaning solvents dumped to effluent water treating
is introduced into a
nitrogen compounds are  Reaction of HCl with olefins where they may mix hydroprocessing unit as
specifically designed to pull  Chloride salts in recycled stripped sour water used in wash water make-up hydrogen, the
inorganics into the oil phase.  Other unidentified sources or practices? chloride goes too.
Crudes high in nitrogen will The chloride level in
tend to produce gasoils high Table 2 reformer hydrogen is
in nitrogen, which will carry normally very low –
chloride into downstream hydro- from many sources, including: about 1-3 volppm. It is often man-
processing systems. • Reformer or isomerisation unit aged by passing the net reformer
Even within the upstream units, chloriding agents as previously hydrogen through a chloride
operating conditions for columns described adsorber. When the adsorbent is
can increase or decrease chloride • Skimmings from the sour water spent, it will allow chloride to slip,
contents of streams. Manipulating drums or tanks from a contaminated but the resulting material released is
column pressures, temperatures, system an organic chloride polymer (‘green
and reflux rates can greatly affect • Spent maintenance solvents sent oil’, not HCl). This was alluded to in
how the chlorides will partition into the system the analytical discussion above.
among the product streams. • Receiving solvents from an out- An isomerisation unit maintains
In some instances, very heavy side source for disposal a higher level of HCl in the treat
crudes may be charged directly to • Wastewater treatment plant recov- gas than a reformer; but the small
a coker. These heavy crudes are ered oil or sludge. amount of purged net gas leaving
generally not desalted and have When recovered or slop oil con- the isomerisation unit is treated in
not been separated well from pro- taminated with organic chlorides a caustic absorber so that almost
duction brines. Crude chlorides are is re-run in the crude unit, the no chloride escapes. If the absorber
thus introduced directly into the organic chlorides distribute into the is mismanaged, of course, chloride
coker, often at the fractionator. The products according to their boiling can get out.
resulting coker products have con- points. It can be extremely difficult For perspective, it is helpful to
centrations of chloride and will even to identify the source(s). consider the potential magnitudes
contain organic chlorides formed Contamination of a refinery sewer of the different chloride sources and
from reactions between HCl and ole- system with organic chlorides can their impacts. We often worry about
fins in the coker products. be a particularly difficult issue to chlorides from the reformer hydro-
Potentially major sources (or identify. Because the compounds gen make-up because we know
accumulation locations) for organic involved are not very water solu- it always contains chloride (with-
chlorides within a refinery are the ble, are only mildly volatile, and out an adsorber), but compare the
recovered oil and slops systems. are heavier than water, they can lay amount of chloride introduced into
These streams are often charged to in the sewer seal boxes and other a hydrotreater from the reformer
the crude unit to save the hydrocar- low point, quiescent locations until gas with the impact of chloride in
bon value of the streams. Organic high flow rates entrain the material a liquid feed. Suppose we have a
chlorides can enter these systems out of the low points or a hydrocar- 50 000 b/d naphtha hydrotreater

62 PTQ Q3 2019

and we run once-through reformer some chlorides. The levels in these You can systematically work your
hydrogen at 500 scf/day rate. One streams are generally low, but they way through the list. Be sure to actu-
volppm chloride in the gas will be can be elevated if there is a problem. ally consider and prove or disprove
about 2 lb/day of chloride, whereas Consider all feed and recovered oil each possible source. From experi-
1 wtppm chloride in the feed will be streams when looking for chloride ence, most locations that have had a
about 13 lb/day. We need to be a lot sources. problem that they thought was from
more concerned about feed chloride Table 2 provides a checklist for an outside source, actually had inter-
content than make-up hydrogen many of the possible chloride nal problems they did not recognise.
chloride, in general. sources in feeds to a hydroprocess- Do not make assumptions and elim-
Also, do not assume chlorides are ing unit. It contains the most com- inate sources too quickly or without
eliminated by upstream processing. mon sources people have seen, as proof. Be sure you understand the
Chlorides do get through FCC feed well as a few less common ones. Is it actual practices being used in han-
pretreaters and end up in the FCC all inclusive? Probably not; you have dling any chloride chemicals, not
slurry and cycle oils, for instance. to think through your specific case, just what the refinery has on paper.
Coker streams almost always have but the table is a starting point. Verify procedure against practice.

Part 3: Managing the chlorides

Parts 1 and 2 of this article provided demonstrated high organic chloride cessing units. It is a good practice
a methodical approach to identifying contents or penalise that crude’s to use swing-line draws from your
a chloride problem in a hydropro- value consistent with its impacts. tanks where possible. Dry stripping
cessing unit, determining the size of Crude pricing may make this option (reboiling) feeds is preferable to
the problem and narrowing it down difficult to implement. steam stripping (which guarantees a
to a likely source or sources. This • Dry the crude as much as possible wet feed).
final part will address approaches to before it reaches the crude unit. Keep • For chlorides present in reformer
dealing with the source(s). the crude warm in tankage to max- hydrogen, installation of a cold
imise water separation. Water draw chloride adsorbent (alumina) bed
Step 4: Manage the chlorides the crude tanks regularly. Consider ahead of the make-up hydrogen
Now that you have a clue about the using one of the materials marketed compressors will eliminate most
magnitude of chlorides present and by treatment chemical suppliers to of the chloride. Alumina beds can
where they might be coming from, accelerate separation. take up, perhaps, 10-15% chloride.
you can address the problems. There • Pay attention to desalter per- This is a proven technology. If you
are three fundamental strategies or formance and consider a second already have a chloride adsorber on
options for controlling chlorides in a stage of desalting. Where single make-up gas, be sure it is working
hydroprocessing unit: stage desalting removes 90-95% of correctly. Calculate the expected bed
• Keep chlorides out the salts; two stage desalting will capacity and life. Change the bed
• Intercept what gets through remove 98-99% of the salts. The sec- when you calculate that it would be
• Design and monitor for chlorides. ond stage targets the magnesium spent; do not wait until you detect
By the application of these strate- and calcium chlorides more. This breakthrough.
gies, individually and in combina- may be enough to avoid problems.
tion, chlorides have been effectively • Caustic can be injected into the Intercept what gets through
controlled in many units. desalted crude to neutralise HCl Your second line of defence against
released in the crude unit by hydrol- chlorides is to control what gets
Keeping chlorides out ysis. This can help reduce crude unit through into the hydroprocessing
As a general rule, target to have corrosion and intermediate prod- unit feed. One ppm of chlorides
much less than 2-3 ppm chlorides uct chloride levels; however, caustic in 50 000 b/d gasoil is about 16 lb/
in feed and less than 0.5 ppm in may negatively affect the vacuum day or about 3 t/y. Options for con-
make-up reformer hydrogen to a and coker units downstream. trolling the chloride slip within a
hydroprocessing unit. In eliminating • Run designed experiments on unit include:
chlorides from the feeds, consider your crude, vacuum, and coker tow- • Wash the effluent exchangers
the following: ers to identify the operating condi- with condensate. Meet the same
• What potential sources were impli- tions that minimise chlorides in the rate, water quality, and design con-
cated using the Table 2 checklist? hydroprocessing feeds. figuration requirements defined in
Run the sources to ground. • Dry hydroprocessing unit feeds API RP 932,7 as applied to an ammo-
• If possible, select crudes that have are essential. Upstream systems nium chloride case. Inject conden-
low salt content, or at least a salt con- should ensure good water separation sate upstream of the first exchanger
tent within a range you can tolerate. and feed tanks should be regularly where chlorides may deposit as
Eliminate any crude source that has water-drawn to keep salts out of pro- determined by the equations pre- PTQ Q3 2019 63

sented earlier. There must be enough science. A combination of coalescing • Monitor, monitor, monitor. Watch
condensate for about 25% to remain pads and horizontal plate separators for chloride deposits and damage
free liquid at the injection point. have been fairly effective in difficult when the unit is down for turna-
Allow enough downstream pip- cases. round. Track feed chlorides by fre-
ing for the condensate to mix well quent sampling. Track chlorides in
(perhaps 30 diameters) or install an Design and monitor for chlorides your wash water. Watch for losses
inline mixer (which will not block If you cannot keep the chlorides out in heat transfer in exchangers where
flow if it fails); otherwise, the con- and you cannot make them go where chlorides may deposit. Chloride bal-
densate droplets will damage the you want, you will have to otherwise ance your reformers and isomerisa-
downstream piping or exchanger by cope with their presence. A few tech- tion units. Watch your recovered/
erosion or erosion/corrosion. niques that have been successful are: slop oil organic chloride content.
• If the chloride and nitrogen lev- • Expect increased corrosion in Watch your sour water skims for
els in the feed are low enough, con- the areas described earlier. Plan to organic chloride.
densate injection can be intermittent. increase metallurgical inspection,
This frequently works in naphtha and plan on more frequent retubes Conclusions
and jet hydrotreaters. It may even be and replacements of bundles and Chlorides can enter a hydroprocess-
worth dropping unit pressure and shells. ing unit via several routes. They
temperature for a good, intermittent • Select metallurgies that are resist- will adversely affect unit reliability.
wash every few months. Sample and ant to chloride attack. Exchangers The primary keys to controlling the
analyse the wash water to determine where corrosion may be most adverse effects centre around elim-
the length and frequency of washing. aggressive may require alloy tubes ination of the incoming chlorides,
The required time is longer than you (for instance, Inconel 625 for tube- intercepting the chlorides that do
might think. You cannot leave any side reactor effluent), but the lower enter, and controlling the effects of
salt deposit or it will be more corro- pressure shells (fractionator feed) the remaining chlorides.
sive. Wash water pH can be mod- may still use carbon steel with large By applying the principles dis-
erated by ammonia or non-volatile corrosion allowances. AL6XN and cussed here, you can successfully
amine injection, but avoid contami- 2205 have been used with limited steer clear of the pitfalls posed by
nating the product with nitrogen if it success where corrosion was mod- chlorides in hydroprocessing units.
is reformer feed. erate. In crude units, titanium has References
• Where chloride deposits in frac- been successful when chlorides are 1 Lieberman N P, Four steps solve crude
overhead corrosion problems, Oil & Gas
tionation towers or draw systems, present.
Journal, 5 Jul 1993.
periodic or continuous water wash is • Avoid creating dead spots and 2 Lieberman N P, Process Design for Reliable
also useful. Water washing for 4-12 cold zones in susceptible exchang- Operations, Gulf Publishing Company, Houston,
hours every 2-6 months has been ers. Keep the exchangers insu- 1988.
used to remove deposits with suc- lated well and review your baffle 3 Petreco Division, Petrolite Corporation,
cess. Again, be sure all the salts are arrangements. Wet NH4Cl deposits Impurities in Petroleum, Houston, 1958.
removed during the water wash. on the shell are troublesome, since 4 Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol 12, #71318,
• For fractionator preheat exchanger they can result in shell corrosion.
5 American Petroleum Institute,
problems, the quality of water sep- Thermography of the shell can help Recommended Practice 520, Sizing, Selection,
aration ahead of the exchangers is spot potential problem temperature and Installation of Pressure-Relieving Devices
crucial. To aid in separation, keep zones. in Refineries, Part I – Sizing and Selection, Fifth
your high pressure separator tem- • Corrosion inhibitors may help Edition, Jul 1990.
perature above 90°F (32°C), but not resist damage in the fractionation 6 American Petroleum Institute,
over 105-110°F (40-43°C). Separation and effluent systems in cooler zones. Recommended Practice 521, Guide for
Pressure-Relieving and Depressuring Systems,
of water and oil must be better than In naphtha reformer pretreater
Fourth Edition, Mar 1997.
99% efficient. You need to remove service, however, they may send 7 American Petroleum Institute,
enough water so that all the remain- unwanted nitrogen to the reformer. Recommended Practice 932, Design,
ing water evaporates in a relatively • Review your fractionator or strip- Materials, Fabrication, Operation, and
cool exchanger, thereby reducing the per relief system design for tube Inspection Guidelines for Corrosion Control in
risk of corrosion. failures in preheat exchangers. API Hydroprocessing Reactor Effluent Air Cooler
• You may be able to simply raise Recommended Practices 520 and (REAC) Systems, Second Edition, Jan 2014.
separator oil level and help your- 5215,6 contain published guidelines Steven Treese is a Hydroprocessing
self. A review of residence times and for tube failure scenarios. Consultant with Becht Engineering in Gig
separator configurations, along with • Establish good chloriding agent Harbor, Washington with 45 years’ industrial
a water balance, should indicate if receiving practices. Never put any experience. Email:
improvements are needed here. Rate chloriding agent to the sewer, flare,
increases over time often defeat a or recovered/slop oil. If there is
separator that used to be adequate extra agent after filling your chloride
at lower rates. Water coalescing and agent drum, send it back and accept More articles from the following category:
separation seem to be as much art as the restocking charge. Hydroprocessing

64 PTQ Q3 2019

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