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HERO 5 lvl 10 lvl 15 lvl

1 2 1
Ancient Apparition 2 1 2
1 1 1
Awakened 2 2 2
situationally 1 2
Chaos Knight situationally situationally 2
1 2 2
Crimson Anime 1 situationally 1
1 2 2
Crystal Maiden 2 situationally situationally
2 2 1
Dazzle 2 2 1
2 2 situationally
2 1 2
Ember Spirit 2 2 1
2 situationally situationally
Faceless Void 2 situationally 1
1 1 1
Hoodwink 2 2 1
1 2 1
Huskar 1 2 1
1 2 situationally
juggernaut 1 2 situationally
1 1 1
Kunkka 1 1 1
2 2 2
1 situationally situationally
Legion Comander 2 situationally 1
1 1 1
Lich 2 2 situationally
situationally situationally 2
LifeStealer 1 2 2
1 2 situationally
1 2 1
Lina 1 situationally 2
situationally 2 2
Luna 1 1 situationally
1 1 1
Lycan 1 2 2
1 2 1
Magnus 2 situationally 2
2 1 2
Mirana 2 situationally situationally
situationally 2 situationally
Necrophos 2 2 2
1 1 1
Nyx 2 2 situationally
1 1 1
1 situationally 1
Ogre Magi 1 2 2
2 2 situationally
Omniknight 2 situationally 1
2 2 situationally
situationally 2 2
Pangolier 1 2 1
situationally 2 1
Pudge 1 2 situationally
2 2 2
Queen Of Pain 1 2 1
1 1 1
Razor 2 2 2
1 1 1
1 2 1
Riki 1 2 2
situationally 1 1
Shadow Fiend 1 2 2
1 2 1
Skywrath Mage situationally 2 1
1 2 1
Sniper 2 1 2
1 2 1
Spectre 1 2 2
2 2 1
1 2 1
Tinker 1 situationally 1
situationally 1 2
2 1 2
Treant Protector 1 2 2
1 1 1
Ursa 1 situationally 1
1 situationally 1
2 2 1
Viper 2 situationally situationally
2 1 2
Windranger 1 2 1

the table is compiled by hxtehxtehxtehxte

commenting directly in the table

official channel

original table
main 1 main 2 additional/extra the importance of critical(check note 2)
injure frost survival 3 - только манабласт
crit frost survival 1 - важен, и манабласт обязателен
attack crit ulti\survival 2 - important, but not manablast
ulti attack krit\survival 2 - important, but not manablast
health crit anything 2 - important, but not manablast
attack crit health 2 - important, but not manablast
ulti fury survival 3 - only manablast
fury survival attack 3 - only manablast
frost regen anything 3 - only manablast
frost ward survival 3 - only manablast
poison regen anything 6 - no need
poison evade anything 6 - no need
poison injure survival 6 - no need
fury crit survival 3 - only manablast
fury crit ulti 3 - only manablast
attack crit ulti\survival 2 - important, but not manablast
ulti health anything 3 - only manablast
evade poison survival 4 - not important, may need a manablast
evade crit survival 1 - important, and manablast too
health fury crit 3 - only manablast
regen fury crit 3 - only manablast
attack crit regen\survival 2 - important, but not manablast
fury crit ulti\survival 1 - important, and manablast too
health regen poison 3 - only manablast
ulti health regen 3 - only manablast
health crit/attack anything 1 - important, and manablast too
shield crit attack\anything 2 - important, but not manablast
shield ulti anything 2 - important, but not manablast
frost ward survival 3 - only manablast
ulti frost survival 3 - only manablast
regen attack anything 2 - important, but not manablast
regen attack ulti 1 - important, and manablast too
regen ulti crit 3 - only manablast
fury crit survival 3 - only manablast
ulti fury survival 3 - only manablast
attack crit survival 1 - important, and manablast too
attack ulti anything 1 - important, and manablast too
ward attack krit\survival 1 - important, and manablast too
ward crit ulti 1 - important, and manablast too
health attack anything 2 - important, but not manablast
health ulti anything 3 - only manablast
ward anything survival 4 - not important, may need a manablast
ulti ward anything 1 - important, and manablast too
regen health ulti 4 - not important, may need a manablast
regen anything anything 4 - not important, may need a manablast
injure health regen 4 - not important, may need a manablast
injure ulti survival 3 - only manablast
ward injure anything 4 - not important, may need a manablast
ulti crit survival 3 - only manablast
attack crit survival 1 - important, and manablast too
regen health anything 6 - no need
regen ulti anything 6 - no need
regen crit health 1 - important, and manablast too
injure attack krit\survival 2 - important, but not manablast
ulti injure survival 4 - not important, may need a manablast
regen poison health 6 - no need
poison health ulti\survival 6 - no need
ulti poison survival 6 - no need
poison regen anything 6 - no need
injure crit attack\survival 2 - important, but not manablast
ulti injure survival 2 - important, but not manablast
attack injure survival 2 - important, but not manablast
evade anything survival 4 - not important, may need a manablast
evade attack survival 2 - important, but not manablast
ulti survival crit 3 - only manablast
attack crit survival 1 - important, and manablast too
regen frost fury 3 - only manablast
ulti regen anything 3 - only manablast
attack crit survival 2 - important, but not manablast
ulti crit survival 2 - important, but not manablast
evade anything survival 4 - not important, may need a manablast
ulti evade survival 3 - only manablast
evade attack survival 1 - important, and manablast too
frost survival anything 3 - only manablast
fury survival anything 3 - only manablast
ulti crit survival 1 - important, and manablast too
ward ulti anything 3 - only manablast
ward anything anything 4 - not important, may need a manablast
attack injure survival 2 - important, but not manablast
injure health ulti 4 - not important, may need a manablast
injure health anything 4 - not important, may need a manablast
ulti poison survival 4 - not important, may need a manablast
poison survival attack 5 - not important, manablast no need
ulti evade injure\survival 3 - only manablast
evade crit injure\survival 3 - only manablast

Artifact rating by rounds(3,8,13). Artifacts are situational in most cases, for

example, a rapier will be strong if you hold a winstrike, or a banner if you intend
to feed on a losestrike, but this rating will make it clear which things will be
useful in most cases, and which ones are worth 10 times thinking about what to

3 round

8 round

13 round
13 round
5 pizdec

dont know
dont know
dont know
5 fix pls
dont know
dont know
dont know
dont know
dont know
dont know

dont know
dont know
dont know
dont know
dont know

approximate strength of heroes, you must realize that situations in games are
different (spell pool, bans, heroes of opponents) and that picking only heroes
from the top of the table you will not defeat heroes from the bottom, there is
always a factor that you will not find something, and the enemy will be with 3
legendaries at 9 and so on.
1. imba - broken heroes
2. meta - strong heroes in any game, almost guaranteed top 4 at any pool
3. strong - heroes who have several strong builds and will be good in many games

4. situationally strong - there is 1 very strong build, or heroes are strong in certain pools

5. middle heroes - heroes that are now weak, but still playable, and they can win, but they lose in
almost everything to the top heroes
6. very situational heroes - the game must have ideal conditions
7. unplayable - currently the worst heroes that are very hard to win on
note 1. Survival - sects that give survival
if it says "survival" in the guide, then we choose any of the available
ones, from the best to the worst

survival ability rating:

1. regen, the goal is to find a false promise, but many skills will be useful even so,
especially heal from the main sects. Example we play through the crit attack, heal with
attacks and crits

2. Health: reincarnation and +HP +mag resist, works well in magic lobbies
3. shield: we are trying to get out at 20, and find a legends, both legends are useful
4. Evade: practically useless without alacrity boost(+3\6\9\2\18 to evade) and spider sense
(+10\15\25 to evade) is suitable only if there are no alternatives, or if we found a refraction
(100% bias for 3 seconds at 30% hp) with Aghanim

Note 2. Crit is needed in almost all builds through attack\ult\fury\freeze\shield. But on

mage builds, rage \ freeze\ ult (for those who deal mage damage (sf, bp, etc.) is only
needed manablast, which is available from the 10th level of the crit leveling. In full
physical builds, the crit is usually maxed out. but only the chance of crit and proc of crit
from the main branch may be important, for example, you play on the urse attack injure,
and pump up the chance of crit and injure from crit

Note 3. to understand if we need crit at all, we look at the damage done after the battle, if a
large % of the damage is RED, then we can think about pumping crit (at least take only
important skills from it. If we deal a lot of damage to the BLUE ones, then we can think
about how to get into the MANABLAST

the importance of critical

1 - important, and manablast too
2 - important, but not manablast

3 - only manablast
4 - not important, may need a manablast
5 - not important, manablast no need
6 - no need
Note 4. Build strength rating (depends on the current meta) and my
subjective point of view
5 meta. strong build, almost any game is played
4 good build, may have counterpicks
3 medium build, there are strengths and weaknesses
2 weak build, depends on many variables, can only be strong in certain situations
1 build is garbage, can only be played if 777
0 don't know

Note 5: Current Meta

poison is imba, fouls promis best save, builds through wisp cool. tinker is still without
mom. krit plays in almost every build. pudge. trent ult wisp or just wisp. lina losstrike rage
krit survival. nix. ursa any build.

Note 6. About the number of spells. In total, the game has 15 copies
of a regular card, 9 copies of a rarity, and 3 legendaries. That is, if you
see 3 reincarnations in the game, then you will not get 4 in any way in
the standard way (in theory, you can copy it from the river) and you
will have to wait until someone with reincarnation flies out so that she
returns to the pool and you can find her

a page with an experiment on calculating spells in the pool number of spells (c


примерная сила героев, вы должны понимать, что ситуации в играх

различаются(пулл спеллов, баны, герои противников) и что пикая только
героев из верха таблицы вы не будете побеждать героев из низа, всегда
есть фактор что вы не найдете чего-то, а враг будет с 3 легендарками на
9 и тд
1. имбаланс - поломанные герои
2. мета - сильные герои в любой игре, почти гарантированный топ 4 при любом пуле
3. сильные герои - герои у которых несколько сильных билдов и будут хороши во многих играх

4. ситуативно сильные - есть 1 очень сильный билд, либо герои сильны в определенных пулах

5. средние герои - герои которые сейчас слабы, но все же играбельны, и на них можно
побеждать, но они проигрывают почти во всем верхним героям
6. крайне ситуативные герои - в игре должны быть идеальные условия
7. неиграбельно - на данный момент худшие герои, на которых очень тяжело выиграть
примечание 1. Сейв - ветки дающие выживаемость
если в гайде написано "сейв" значит выбираем любой из доступных, от лучшего к

рейтинг сейва:
1. восстановение, цель найти фолс промис, но многие абилки будут полезны и так,
особенно хил с основных веток. Пример играем через атаку крит, хил с атак и критов

2. здоровье: реинкорнация и +хп, хорошо работает в магических лобби

3. щит: пытаемся выйти в 20, и найти легу, обе леги полезные
4. уклон: практически бесполезна без alacrity boost(+3\6\9\2\18 к уклонению) и spider sens
(+10\15\25 к уклонению) подойдет только если нет альтернатив, или если мы нашли
refraction(100% укл на 3 сек при 30% хп) с аганима

Примечание 2. Крит нужен почти во всех билдах через атака\ульт\ярость\

заморозка\щит. Но на маг билдах ярость\заморозка\ульт(у тех, у кого наносит маг
урон(сф,вр и тп) нужен только mana blast, который доступен с 10 уровня
прокачки крита. В фул физ билдах крит обычно максится. но может быть важен
только шанс крита и прок крита с основной ветки, например играете на урсе атака
уязвимость, и качаете шанс крита и уязвимость с крита

Примечание 3. что бы понять нужен ли нам вообще крит, смотрим на нанесенный

урон после боя, если большой % урона красный, то можно задуматься о
прокачке крита(как минимум брать только важные абилки из него). Если много
урона наносим синим, то можно думать о том, как выйти в манабласт

Уровни важности крита

1 - важен, и манабласт обязателен
2 - важен и манабласт не обязателен

3 - только манабласт
4 - не важен, может понадобиться манабласт
5 -не важен, манабласт не нужен
6 -не нужен
Примечание 4. Рейтинг силы билда(зависит от текущей меты) и моей
субъективной точки зрения
5 метовый сильный билд, почти в любой игре играет
4 хороший билд, может иметь контрпики
3 средний билд, есть сильные и слабые стороны

2 слабый билд, зависит от многих переменных, может быть сильным только в

определенных ситуациях
1 билд мусор, может сыграть только если занесет
0 не знаю

Примечание 5. Текущая мета

яд имба, фолс промис лучший сейв, билды через виспов круто. тинкер все еще без
мамы. крит играет почти в каждом билде. пудж. трент ульт виспы или просто
виспы. лина лузстрик ярость крит сейв. никс. урса любой билд

Прмечание 6. Про количество спеллов. Всего в игре 15 копий

обычной карты, 9 копий рарки, и 3 легендарки. То есть, если в
игре вы видите 3 реинкарнации, то 4 вы никак не получите
стандартным способом(в теории можно с ривера скопировать)
и вам придется ждать пока не вылетит кто-то с реинкарнацией,
что бы она вернулась в пул, и вы смогли ее найти

лист с экспериментом по вычислению спеллов в пуле количество спелов

что угодно


что угодно

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