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Transport in

.: Animals :.
8.1 The circulatory System

1. State that mammalian circulatory system is a closed

double circulation
2. Describe fxns of pulmonary artery & pulmonary vein
(pulmonary circulation), aorta and vena cava
(systemic circulation)
3. Make plan diagrams of arteries and veins in TS & LS
4. Relate struc to fxn of blood vessels
Animal Transport Sys/ Circulatory Sys
 = cardiovascular system + lymphatic system
◦ (Heart + vessels + blood) (lymph vessels + lymph)
 CVS = Blood sys/ blood vascular sys
 A closed double circulatory system

Closed = ?

Double = ?
Animal Transport Sys/ Circulatory Sys

 A closed double circulatory system

◦ Closed = blood contains within blood vessels
◦ Double = blood flows to the heart twice in one
complete circulation
a) Systemic circulation (heart  body heart)
b) Pulmonary circulation (heart  lungs heart)
 Advantage of double circulatory system
① 2 separate pumps of different P
 High P for oxygenated blood to whole body,
ie longer distance fr heart, to wstand > Rce
 Low P for deoxygenated blood to lungs,
ie shorter distance fr heart, so < Rce to flow
 Slow, so allow t for gaseous X in alveoli
② Separate O2d & deO2d blood
Pulmonary circulation

Systemic circulation

Source: Ms KoSS
Cardiovascular system
Made up of:
1. Blood vessels
a) arteries
b) arterioles
c) capillaries
d) venules
e) veins
2. Blood – circulatory fluid
3. Heart – a pump that propels blood around the body
Name the
& veins
Blood Vessels

aorta 

1. The artery = blood away from heart

2. The capillary = blood exchange materials
3. The vein = blood to heart
 Arteries carry O2d blood except for pulmonary artery
 Veins carry deO2d blood except for pulmonary vein
Which would be a vampire’s favourite

.: vessel:.
… the artery, the capillary or the vein…?
Which would be a vampire’s favourite

.: vessel:.
… the artery, the capillary or the vein…?
(i) Artery - Struc & Fxn
- Carries blood away from the heart to tissue, in high P
- 3 main layers:
1) tunica intima (inner coat)

2) tunica media (middle coat)

3) tunica externa/ adventitia (outer coat)
(i) Artery - Struc & Fxn
1. tunica intima (inner coat)
◦ Endothelium (tissue)
◦ Struc: One layer of squamous endothelial
◦ Fxn: smooth surface to  friction to blood

2. tunica media (middle coat)

a) Elastic tissue made up of elastic fibre/ elastin
b) Smooth muscle (tissue) made up of smooth
muscle cells
c) Collagen fibres – only in tunica media of
3 Types of Epi~/Endothelial Cells
(i) Artery - Struc & Fxn
2) tunica media (middle coat)
a) Elastic fibre / elastin
 Struc: ~ hair, wavy & same thickness
 Fxn: elastic recoil = to stretch & recoil
 To stretch when pulses of blood flow in
 minimise P on arterial wall
 also store potential E
 To recoil when pulses of blood flow away
 pushes blood forward
 maintain blood P & smoothen out
blood flow between pulses
 Artery wall is thick to withstand high blood P
Elastic fibres (/fibers)

Dense connective tissue Aorta

Prepared by Ms Ho Yen Him 15

(i) Artery - Struc & Fxn

fr heart: elastic artery  muscular artery

(i) Artery - Struc & Fxn
3. tunica externa/ adventitia (outer coat)

◦ A connective tissue
◦ Contains collagen (tissue) / collagen fibres
(in gel like substance);
Fxn: to provide structural support ∴ prevent
blood vessel from bursting
◦ Contain cells that produce the collagen fibres
May attach directly to neighbouring tissues
Tunica intima IEL

Tunica media


Tunica externa
Wavy tunica intima – so artery can stretch when blood flows into lumen
Elastic artery
- near to the heart, so larger, e.g. aorta (largest artery),
d=2.5cm, wall thicknessl =2mm
 Tunica media
packed with a
lot of elastic
Muscular artery
- further away from the heart, nearer to destination

 Tunica media packed with smooth muscle cells

 Tunica media packed with smooth muscle cells

(i) Artery - Struc & Fxn
- Carries blood away from the heart to tissue, in high P
- 3 main layers:
1) tunica intima (inner coat)
◦ squamous endothelial cells

2) tunica media (middle coat)

◦ elastic fibres
◦ smooth muscle cells
lumen ◦ collagen fibres (only in artery) – provide strength
3) tunica externa/ adventitia (outer coat)
◦ collagen fibres
◦ elastic fibres
(ii) Capillary – Struc & Fxn

Artery branches arterioles branch capillaries

Capillary = smallest blood vessel in the body
(ii) Capillary – Struc & Fxn (con’t)

 Highly branched  capillary bed (network)
 Thin wall
 Small lumen diameter
 Wall perforated (tiny gaps/ pores)
(ii) Capillary – Struc & Fxn (con’t)

a) Highly branched  capillary bed (network)

◦ To send blood close (1-25µm) to all cells in
◦ So  diffusion distance for efficient X of
(O2, glucose, a.a., mineral ions, CO2)
◦ Branching  walls,  SA:V for efficient X of
(ii) Capillary – Struc & Fxn (con’t)

b) Thin wall - one layer of flattened squamous

endothelial cell
 short diffusion distance
 so  diffusion rate bet. the blood and tissue fluid

Diagram source: Wikipedia

(ii) Capillary – Struc & Fxn (con’t)

c) Small lumen diameter (7µm)

◦ Only 1 RBC can pass thru’ per time
◦ Slow blood flow  allow time for X of materials
(ii) Capillary – Struc & Fxn (con’t)

d) Tiny gaps/ pores(10nm) bet. endothelial cells

◦ Allow water & small solute molecules/ ions (<10nm)
◦ to flow out from capillary
◦ to form tissue fluid (except brain capillaries)
(ii) Capillary – Struc & Fxn (con’t)
(iii) Vein – Struc & Fxn

 Carries blood back to the heart at lower P

(5mmHg vs. 120mmHg in artery)
 Lumen is larger (than artery)
◦ to  resistance to flow
 Wall is thinner (than artery)
◦ So contraction of surrounding skeletal muscle can
compress the vein and push the blood forward
Mechanisms for blood in the vein to flow back
to the heart (one direction)
 Driven in 3 ways:
a) Skeletal muscle pump
b) Valves
c) Respiratory pump
(a) Skeletal muscle pump

 Skeletal muscles around the vein

contracts during exc
 to squeeze/ compress the vein
 to push the blood forward
(b) Valve

valve opens valve close

 upward P opens valve  backflow of blood closes
 blood flows to the heart valve
 blood cannot flow away
from the heart
(c) Respiratory pump

 During inspiration (breathing in)

◦ Rip cage raises (so chest expands)
& diaphragm contracts
◦ V Thoracic cavity 
◦ P Thoracic cavity 
◦ Suction force produced
◦ Pulls blood from vein towards the
heart (in thoracic cavity)

T.S. L.S.
Draw a plan drawing of the
vein (L.S.)
Blood vessels
Blood vessels

See more enlargeable micrographs at:
Vessel anatomy :.> in your notes .:

Artery Capillary Vein

Round Round Oval
Small lumen: d Large lumen:d
Thick T.M. – Thin T.M.
Not permeable Permeable Not permeable
Pulses No pulses No pulses
10-16kPa, fastest 4-1kPa, slowest 1kPa, slow
Low Vblood Lowest Vblood Highest Vblood
Compare Artery, Vein & Capillary
Blood Flow & Struc of Blood Vessels
Blood Properties in Blood Vessels
Plan drawing of artery & vein
Draw plan drawing of artery & vein
Plan drawing of artery & vein
Plan drawing of artery & vein
Plan drawing of artery & vein
Plan drawing of artery & vein
Plan drawing of artery & vein
Plan drawing of artery & vein
Plan drawing of artery & vein
:: summarised revision::
 In animals, there are 3 main blood vessels:
artery, capillary & vein
 Each has 3 layers (except capillary):
tunica externa, media & intima

 The artery = blood away from heart

 The capillary = blood exchange materials
 The vein = blood to heart

Source: adapted from Ms Charmaine Khoo

8.1 The circulatory System

1. State that mammalian circulatory system is a closed

double circulation
2. Describe fxns of pulmonary artery & pulmonary vein
(pulmonary circulation), aorta and vena cava
(systemic circulation)
3. Make plan diagrams of arteries and veins in TS & LS
4. Relate struc to fxn of blood vessels
Which would be a vampire’s favourite

.: vessel:.
… the artery, the capillary or the vein…?
:: what to do out-of-class ::

 Study tables and notes in handouts

 Do past yr in notes
 Draw plan drawings of an artery (TS) and a vein (TS)

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