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It seems like we only hear about the people who give up. The masses that don't succeed.

it makes us feel better about our mediocrity. What is it that makes those who succeed different?

What separates these individuals from those who give up?

What causes them to stare down defeat and take what they know and believe is rightfully theirs?

To begin with, they have an intense desire to win. Giving up to them is inconceivable. It stems
from a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic motivators that drive them to push beyond their
limits daily.

Most people throw in the towel when they encounter obstacles and hard times. Those who
succeed redouble their efforts and refuse to accept defeat. They persist against all odds and,
ultimately, will their way to success.

What sets them apart? Several key traits and behaviors define those who persevere to reach
their goals:

The committed have an unwavering determination to be the best and always finish. They have a
clear vision of their goals and work tirelessly toward them, regardless of what stands in their way.

Adaptability is another key characteristic. Our job, career, and life can be unpredictable, and
success requires adjusting one's approach in response to changing circumstances. Those who
don't give up embrace change, learn from experience, and adjust "on the fly". In place of viewing
failure as an end, they see it as an opportunity to reassess, learn, and grow.

Patience is another quality trait of those who work hard to succeed. Achieving significant goals
takes time, and setbacks are inevitable. People who don't give up understand that success is
part of an infinite game. They know they have to stay focused on the long term rather than be
disheartened by near-term losses.

Individuals who succeed will also have a robust support system of people around them who lift
them when they get down and help them keep their focus on what's important. These are
positive influences, a committed network of supporters that encourage at the most challenging

Those who don't give up are unique. They embody the qualities and behaviors required to see
any challenge through. They have:

* Passion and Purpose—they love what they do and believe in its purpose
* They Make a Personal Investment—willing to commit the time, effort, and resources
* No Fear of Regret—their motivations drive them more than not trying
* A Competitive Nature—they are neurally wired to compete to win
* High Standards and Ambition—the gap between where they are and where they want to go
focuses them on achievement

Nobody has the right to author the end of your story but you. Never give up.

What fuels your success?

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