Describe The Distribution of Blood Flow Based On The Model of West Zone

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Describe the distribution of blood flow based on the model of West zone

Describe about the distribution of ventilation, blood flow and ventilation-perfusion relationship in the
Describe about cardiac output and its involvement in controlling blood pressure
Outline the mechanism of body response when the blood pressure is markedly decreased
-Arterial baroreceptors reflex
*decrease in MAPreduecd carotid sinus/aortic arch wall tensiondecrease the frequency of AP
generationless PNS stimulation,more SNS activation (increase in HR,SV-positive inotirpic effect—
incraese in contractilityincraese SV and CO)
-Chemoreceptor reflex
*extreme hypotension (MAP<60mmHg)stimulate peripheral chemoreceptorsincrease in SNS
activityincrease in HR and MAP
*the AP potential generated by the peripheral chemoreceptors relayed to the respiratory centre in
the pons and medulla (the medullary respiraorty centre is located in close proximity to the vasomotor
centre; neurally connected---therefore has a minor effect on BP regulation
-The CNS ischemic respone
*CNS ischemia triggers an increase in the SNS activityincreasing HR and MAP

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