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Ns. Stephanie Dwi Guna,S.Kep.M.Nurs

Diva Shabrina Salsabila (22031048)




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Vol. 2, no. 2, August 2000 Sari Pediatrics, Vol. 2, no. 2, August 2000: 103 - 108

Fever in Children

Fever in children is a problem that is still relevant for pediatric practitioners.

Fever is a sign of an increase in the set-point in the hypothalamus due to infection
or an imbalance between heat production and expenditure.
On the other hand, not all children infected will show symptoms of fever, the
younger the age, the less clear the clinical picture. Actions for children with fever
begin with considering whether there is an emergency, what the cause is and
whether the fever needs to be brought down immediately. In order for this action
to be precise and targeted, a grouping/classification of patients is needed so that
a general algorithm can be used. In each group there are still emergency criteria,
criteria for the type of infection that lead to the action taken, especially empirical
treatment and administration of antibiotics. The action taken should not be a
momentary action, but a continuous action, until the patient is free from the
problem. The decision to be treated must be followed by laboratory examination
and administration of empirical antibiotics. Follow-up actions will be adjusted to
the results of supporting examinations, the patient's response to treatment until
the problem is completely resolved.

Key words: Fever - hypothalamic set point - algorithm - empirical antibiotics

Children who suffer from fever constitute some of the seriousness suffered by the child with fever, whether the
the patients who go to pediatricians (19-30%)1 fever is a sign of a serious illness that must be treated
and in general no pediatrician feels comfortable seriously or not.
dealing with children with fever. Fever can be an early sign This article mainly focuses on the actions that need to
of infection, but fever can also be caused by metabolic be taken in patients with fever, according to their classification.
abnormalities and other causes . The problem of fever in
children is open, there are many unexpected possibilities.
There is no fixed procedure that is certain to work, the
existing instructions are only a kind of outline that must be Fever
translated with the depth of knowledge, creativity and art of
the doctor who handles it according to the patient's condition. The definition of fever is a condition where the body temperature is

above normal temperature, namely body temperature above 38º Celsius.

Body temperature is the temperature of the viscera, liver and
brain, which can be measured orally, rectally and axillary.
Every pediatrician should try to find 1,2,3 How to measure temperature determines high and low
body temperature. Measuring temperature through the mouth
is done by taking the temperature in the mouth (sucking a
thermometer is done on cooperative children), the results are
address: Dr. Ismoedijanto Sp.A (K)
Division of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Pediatrics, Child Health Sciences
almost the same as rectal temperature, but can be lower if
Section FK-UNAIR/RS Dr. Soetomo, Jl. Prof. Dr. Moestopo no. 6-8. Surabaya, the breathing frequency is fast.
Indonesia Telephone 031-5501748/5501680, Fax. 031-5938735. Temperature measurement through the rectum is carried out

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Sari Pediatrics, Vol. 2, no. 2, August 2000

in children under 2 years. The thermometer is inserted into the skin and reduced sweat production. The anterior hypothalamus is
rectum to a depth of 2-3 cm and the two buttocks are pressed the center for regulating heat production. If the temperature
together, measurements are taken for 3 minutes. outside the body is higher then heat output is increased by means
The measured temperature is the body temperature that is close of vasodilation, evaporation (sweating), radiation (emitted), contact
to the actual temperature (core temperature). It is said to have a (touch/compress), flow (from hot to cold areas), and
fever if the temperature is above 380 C. convection.2,3, 4 Children's body surface is relatively wider than
Measuring temperature through the armpit (axillary) can only adults, so the evaporation and radiation processes are very
be done in large children who have a fairly wide axillary area, in important, especially in tropical areas.
small children the armpits are narrow so they are affected by
outside temperature. Make sure the tip of the thermometer is right
in the middle of the axilla and measurements are taken for 5
minutes. The results of axillary measurements will be 0.5-1.00 C
lower than the results of measurements through the rectum. Causes of Fever
Temperature is measured by feeling the skin, the areas touched
are areas with lots of blood vessels, such as the cheeks, forehead Fever is the result of an increase in the set point (due to infection)
and nape. Even though this method is less accurate (depending or due to an imbalance between heat production and expenditure.
on the condition of the mother's hands), the mother's touch is Fever in infection occurs due to microorganisms stimulating
quite reliable and is used as a sign of fever in the MTBS (Integrated macrophages or PMN to form PE (endogenic pyrogen factors)
Management of Sick Toddlers ) program. such as IL-1, IL-6, TNF (tumor necrosis factor), and IFN
(interferon). This substance works on the hypothalamus with the
help of the prostaglandin-forming enzyme cyclooxygenase . It is
prostaglandins that increase the hypothalamic set point . In other
Body Temperature Regulation conditions, for example in tumors, blood diseases and
malignancies, collagen diseases, metabolic diseases, the source
Temperature is the result of the body's metabolic production of PE release is not from PMN but from other places. on age. The
which is needed for smooth blood flow and to ensure that the younger the baby, the less ability it has to change set-point and
body's chemical reactions can run well (enzymes only work at produce heat. Small babies often suffer from severe infections
certain temperatures). As homeothermic creatures, children without symptoms of fever.
always try to regulate their body temperature. Body temperature
is regulated by a mechanism involving the nervous system,
biochemistry and hormones. The hypothalamus receives internal
body temperature information from the temperature of blood
entering the brain and external body temperature information from
heat receptors in the skin. The thermostat in the hypothalamus is
set at a set-point of around 370 C with a range of about 10 C, and
the temperature is maintained by maintaining a balance of heat Pathophysiology of Fever
generation or release. The efferent nerves from the hypothalamus
consist of somatic nerves and autonomic nerves, so that the Theoretically, an increase in temperature during infection is
hypothalamus can regulate muscle activity, sweat glands, blood considered beneficial, because blood flow is faster so that food
circulation and lung ventilation. and oxygenation run more smoothly. However, if the temperature
is too high (above 38.5ºC) the patient begins to feel uncomfortable,
the blood flow is fast, the amount of blood to supply vital organs
The posterior hypothalamus is a regulatory center whose job is to (brain, heart, lungs) increases, so the blood volume to the
increase heat production and reduce heat expenditure. If the extremities is reduced, as a result the tips of the feet/hands
outside temperature is lower, heat generation will be carried out become palpable cold.
by increasing metabolism, with the muscle contraction/shivering A high fever stimulates a very fast metabolism, the heart pumps
mechanism, heat output will be reduced by vasoconstriction of stronger and faster, and the breathing frequency is faster.
blood vessels Dehydration occurs due to evaporation of the skin and lungs and
is accompanied by an imbalance

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Sari Pediatrics, Vol. 2, no. 2, August 2000

electrolyte, which drives the temperature higher. using emergency signs and age as entry, followed by
Tissue damage will occur if the body temperature is clinical signs, duration of fever and area of exposure
higher than 410 C, especially in brain and muscle as causal criteria, as shown in the algorithm below.
tissue, which is permanent. This damage can cause
brain stem damage, seizures, coma and even paralysis.
Muscle damage occurs in the form of rhabdomyolysis
resulting in myoglobinemia.3,4,7 Management Approach

At certain stages, fever can benefit patients in the

sense that it can increase phagosity and reduce the
Fever Classification to Determine viability of germs, although existing research does not
Action yet support its clinical benefits.
However, parents' anxiety and doctors' doubts encourage
Fever can be the only symptom present in infected action to reduce fever, even though this action can obscure
patients. Heat can be produced excessively in the symptoms and the drugs used are not necessarily safe
hyperthyroidism, aspirin intoxication or heat dissipation from the risk of Reye's syndrome, salicylate intoxication and
disorders, for example heatstroke. Classification is liver disorders. The reduction in fever must be in accordance
carried out based on the level of patient severity, with the classification of the cause, whether it is necessary to
etiology of fever, and age. 5,6,8,9,10 Classification lower the set-point or by other means.
based on patient age is divided into age groups
less than 2 months, 3-36 months and more than 36 Management of children with fever consists of
months. Patients aged less than 2 months, with or physical management and both symptomatic and
without signs of SBI (serious bacterial infection). etiological treatment.
Infection often occurs without fever. Patients with fever
must be assessed whether they also show severe
symptoms. 11 According to the Yale Acute Illness General Measures to Reduce Fever Symptomatically
Observation Scale or Rochester Criteria, which
assesses whether there is an infection that is causing
an emergency. Blood examination (leukocyte and type Try to get the child to sleep or rest so that his
count) can be an indication of the need for treatment metabolism decreases. Sufficient fluids so that
and administration of empirical antibiotics. electrolyte levels do not increase when evaporation
occurs. Good air flow, for example with a fan, forces
Classification based on the duration of fever in children the body to sweat, channeling hot air to other places
is divided so that the fever goes down. Do not use a stream that
into: 1. Fever less than 7 days (short fever) with clear is too strong, because the skin temperature may drop
local signs, the etiological diagnosis can be made suddenly. Ventilation/air flow regulation is important in
by anamnestic, physical examination, with or tropical areas. Remove thick clothing/blankets to
without laboratory assistance, for example acute prevent radiation and evaporation. Dilate peripheral
tonsillitis. blood vessels by wiping the skin with warm water (tepid-
2. Fever for more than 7 days, without local signs, the sponging). Cooling with ice water or alcohol is less
etiological diagnosis cannot be made by amannesis, useful (it actually causes vasoconstriction of blood
physical examination, but can be traced by laboratory vessels), so it is difficult to distribute heat either through
tests, for example typhoid fever. evaporation or radiation mechanisms. In hyperthermia,
surface -cooling can help.
3. Fever of unknown cause, most of which are viral
syndromes. Another symptomatic measure is administering
fever medication. The way fever medicine works is by
Apart from the classification mentioned above, there is lowering the set-point in the brain and making the
still another classification, namely the combination classification blood vessels in the skin dilate, resulting in excretion

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Sari Pediatrics, Vol. 2, no. 2, August 2000


Clinical signs of emergency:

Toxic, sensorium disturbance, meningismus, airway
obstruction, inadequate ventilation, circulatory failure,
hemorrhagic rash, hyperpyrexia

Yes No

Sepsis Yes No

Pericarditis Sepsis Patient's age

Heat Stroke

0-2 months 2-6 months 6-36 bl >36bl

Local infection or Local bacterial infection

Sepsis The fever is not high and/or looks
Viral syndrome
Meningitis healthy viral exanthem disease
Local bacterial infection
Yes No
Miscellaneous collagen-vascular

Local bacterial infection Sepsis

Viral syndrome Meningitis
Immunization reaction Local bacterial infection
Viral syndrome
Immunization reactions
Poisoning Yes No

Appears healthy and/or temperature
Otitis <39º C

Urinary tract infection

Arthritis, septic No Yes

Varicella Bacteremia Viral syndrome

Rubeola Immunization reactions

Poisoning, malignancy
Kawasaki disease
Quoted from Henretig, 1993.4

Algorithm Chart for Fever in Children

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Sari Pediatrics, Vol. 2, no. 2, August 2000

increased heat. A simple drug is salicylic acid and its Rochester. In this group, if laboratory results show signs of
derivatives. The range of action of this drug is quite long, safe infection (blood leukocytes <5,000 or >15,000, blood neutrophil
for general consumption. count>1500, urine leukocytes above 10/lpb, feces leukocytes
Several classes of pure antipyretics can reduce the >5/lpb), the child is immediately admitted to the hospital and
temperature if the child has a fever but do not cause immediately receives antimicrobial treatment. empirically. In
hypothermia if there is no fever, such as: acetaminophen, the group that does not meet these criteria, there are 2
acetosal, ibuprofen. Other drugs are drugs that are antipyretic options, namely: 1. do a urine culture, blood culture, cerebro
at low doses and cause hypothermia at high doses, such as spinal fluid culture, give ceftriaxon and ask for control again
metamizole and drugs that can directly suppress the after 24 hours. 2. Do a urine culture and observe first.
temperature center (chlorpromazine), reduce shivering but
can cause hypothermia and hypotension. 3,4,8,12
In children under 28 days of age, the approach should be
more aggressive by immediately admitting them to the hospital
to receive empirical antimicrobial therapy. In the 3-36 month
Management of Caused Fever age group, the risk of bacteremia in children with fever is
Infectious Diseases around 3-11%. Bacteremia does not occur in this group if:
leukocytes are <15,000 with a temperature of >390 C, while
Treatment is carried out according to the etiological the possibility of bacteremia will be 5 times greater if
classification. The difficulty faced is the different disease leukocytes are >15,000. In this latter group, blood culture was
patterns both in terms of geographic aspects and the age of immediately carried out and ceftriaxon was administered. In
the patient. The chart above cannot simply be applied to the group of children over 36 months, treatment can be carried
malaria endemic areas or dengue fever endemic areas. Once out etiologically, paying attention to emergencies.
again, the nature of exposure and geographic location greatly
influence the etiology of fever in children. The administration
of first antibiotics and hospitalization are also greatly influenced In the end, whatever is recommended will still give rise
by treatment facilities and supporting examinations. Each to debate. There is no one standard that must be adhered to
hospital should have its own diagnostic and therapeutic as a guide. All actions must still be carried out based on a
guidelines, depending on the epidemiological pattern of the sharp and focused history, and a thorough physical
disease. In the 1998 IMCI study, in Indonesia the etiology of examination. Doctors' tendencies to act are greatly influenced
fever in children was mostly infection (more than 80%). by the experience they have and the breadth of knowledge
they have. The choice between carrying out tests or not,
administering antibiotics or observing, really depends on the
doctor's stance and personality. • Children who appear toxic
must receive immediate action • The younger, the higher the
clinical uncertainty • Children who do not appear toxic can be
Management of Fever According to Age difficult,
therefore require very close observation
Management of fever in small babies has undergone significant
changes. In the group of babies under 2 months of age, the
common approach is hospitalization to receive empirical
antimicrobial treatment. In 1993, infectious, emergency and
pediatric health experts agreed to take a more conservative,
outpatient approach to these cases, if the risk of SBI was low.
One approach that can be taken to reduce care is to use • There is no need to always carry out supporting examinations
filters: the Yale Acute Illness Observation Scale or criteria and if supporting examinations are carried out, actions
must be in accordance with the results • Carefully record
what is done or not done • There are no standard rules that
must be

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Sari Pediatrics, Vol. 2, no. 2, August 2000

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