3 - Creating A Storage Account

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3_Creating a Storage Account

In this Lab, let's go through the process of creation of an azure storage account.

Go out and add a new resource.

Now we can go ahead and search for storage account.

Go out and choose subscription and resource group. (If in case there is no resource group
create one)

Go out and give a storage account name, this has to be a unique storage account name.
Leave it in the default location
In performance leave it has standard in the account.
Account Kind  general purpose V2
In the replication choose locally redundant storage (LRS).
Blob access tier has to be hot.
Go on to networking.
Leave all the settings has they are
Go on next for data protection.

Again leave everything as it is

Go ahead and put the setting of allow block public access as Disabled.
So for those who are starting off with understanding how the blob service walks in as your
storage accounts, it's good to give the public access has enabled. Once you are familiar with
storage accounts, when you have stored accounts in production based environments, then
it's good to keep the block public access has disabled.
For now, I'm leaving. It has enabled.
Go on to next for the tags.

Go on to review and create.

And then finally, go ahead and create the storage account.

Now, once our deployment is complete.

So you will see a notification.
You can go ahead onto the resource.
Now, in the resource, you can see that you have the ability to use all of the four services over
you can use the

Container service
File Shares service
Table service
Queue service

In subsequent labs when we look at more into storage accounts, please note that we can use
either the same storage account or another Storage account.

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