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Working with the blob service

In this Lab let's go through working with the blob service.

In this Lab we will be using same storage account which we have created in previous lab
(Creating a Storage account). Account name is storagedemo88

So go on to containers
All of the blobs that we want to store in your storage account need to be part of a container.
So let’s go in and create a new container
Give a name for the container.
Click on create

In some time container will be in place

Go out onto the container
Go ahead and upload a file from your local system

Go out and browse for the file so it's a sample of html file. You can upload supporting of this
Click on upload
Once file has been uploaded you can see the file.
Go out and click on the file so we can see in the overview all the details of this file.

You can see that it also gets a URL

So every blob in a storage account will actually get a unique URL once part of a container.
So we can go ahead and copy this on the clipboard.
We can go on to a new tab I can paste it.

So currently it's seeing or giving us an error saying that the resource is not found and this is
because we have not given access to the blob in our container.
Now remember over here we are trying to access the Blob has an anonymous
We are not logging into an azure on this particular tab.
We are not performing or giving any sort of authentication or credentials to get an access to
that particular resource or that particular blob.

One way to give access is if you go back to your storage account and Enabled
public access and save the changes.
Go back on to demo container
Go in and click on change access level
So remember the access level was private
Change the access level to blob anonymous read access for blobs only
Click on OK

So now we're going it and gaining the access level for the container.

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