18 Idioms & Phrases 1

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Idioms & Phrases

1) I always preferred to study Physics and Mathematics, now choosing

Economics and Literature for further studies is another kettle of fish.
(a)Completely different matter (b)Slightly different matter
(c) Completely difficult matter (d) Doing things in a hurry

2) He criticised the participants for sitting on the fence and not contributing
in finalizing the report. (a)Not allowing the rules
(b)Taking sides (c) Not taking a decision
(d) Showing no respect to the chair

3) He strained every nerve to understand the discourse on Philosophy.

(a)Tried hard (b)Criticized
(c) Tried half heartedly (d) Raised questions

4) When it comes to using technology, she is completely at sea.

(a)Relaxed (b)Confused
(c) Comfortable (d) Prepared

5) He is not a great scholar but he has the gift of the gab.

(a)Ability to write creatively (b)Ability to read fluently
(c) Ability to convince (d) Ability to speak confidently

6) This car belonged to Ravi, but recently it changed hands.

(a)Change of ownership (b)Change of driver
(c) Change of mechanic (d) Change of machinery

7) He turned down the new assignment; he felt that he already had too
many irons in the fire.
(a)Having involvement in illegal activities
(b)Having problems in completing tasks
(c) Having financial hurdles
(d) Having multiple tasks to complete

8) Something should be done to stop the brain drain of Indian scientists to

other countries.
(a)Movement of professionals to another country for higher studies
(b)Movement of professionals to another country for better prospect
(c) Movement of professionals to another country for security
(d) Movement of professionals to another country for excursion

9) I just need to take rest and then I’ll be as right as rain.

(a)To be in good mental and physical state
(b)To be physically active
(c) To be able to recall the past events
(d) To be able to work for long hours
10) It is all Greek to me.
(a)Something which I don’t believe
(b)Something which I don’t accept
(c) Something which I don’t recognize
(d) Something which I don’t understand

11) Dive into

(a) To eagerly begin an activity (b) To swim
(c) To go into the deep sea (d) To fall down

12 Crack down on
(a) To yell at someone (b) To develop a crack
(c) To break into pieces (d) To punish someone harshly

13) Come up with

(a) To get invited (b) To come with a friend
(c) To think of an idea (d) To have fever

14) Come down with

(a) To catch an illness (b) To come downstairs
(c) To go to the basement (d) To get a brilliant idea

15) Clean up
(a) To be an extreme failure (b) To be extremely successful in an
(c) To clean cars (d) To look smart

16) Blind man’s holiday

(a) Inability to work at night (b) No longer young
(c) Being defective (d) Costing little money

17) Get the boot

(a) A situation in someone things become worse
(b) Do something that causes trouble
(c) Be dismissed from your job
(d) To feel an emotion so strongly

18) Die in harness

(a) Die with honour (b) Die on a horseback
(c) Die while working (d) Die in the battlefield

19) Wet behind the ears

(a) Don’t have much experience in life (b) Very easy to do
(c) To sail to a country (d) To be away

20) Feather his nest

(a) Decorate his home (b) Provide his own needs
(c) Trap birds (d) To be envy of others
21) To take the bull by the horns
(a) To deal with a difficult situation in a direct way (b) To fight a bull
(c) To be discouraged (d) To deal with people charmingly

22) Arm-chair critic

(a) Someone who never gives advice
(b) Someone who gives advice based on experience
(c) Someone who gives advice based on theory rather than practical
(d) Someone who give advice based on practice, not theory

23) Dog in manger

(a) warm (b) selfish
(c) selfless (d) cold

24) As hard as a nail

(a) sturdy (b) emotionless
(c) Physically strong (d) Hardworking

25) Brought the house down

(a) Amused the audience greatly (b) Passed bill unanimously
(c) Pulled down a building (d) Defamed a family

26) Taking French leave

(a) Giving lame excuse (b) Being absent without permission
(c) Leaving without imitation (d) Resigning without given notice

27) Cut your coat according to your cloth

(a) Be honest with your dealings (b) Work according to your capacity
(c) Live within your means (d) don’t be too ambitious

28) Latched on
(a) promoted (b) discovered
(c) To stay close to something (d) explored

29) Backseat driver

(a) A person who misjudges others
(b) Person who wants to do things by herself
(c) A person who falsely accuses others
(d) Person who gives unwanted advice

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