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JUNE, 2024


This study examines the Impact of ict in information sharing among academic libraries of
universities in Jigawa state as case study. The data utilized in this study were obtained from both
primary and secondary sources. While the primary data were derived from interviews conducted
in the study area, the secondary data were obtain from relevant textbooks, journals and other


With the invention of Information and Communication Technology, libraries now use
various types of technologies to aid the services they render. Everyday new technological
advances affect the way information is handled in libraries and information centers. The
impacts of new technologies are felt by libraries in every aspect. Computing technology,
communication technology and mass storage technology are some of the areas of
continuous development that reshape the way that libraries access, retrieve, store,
manipulate and disseminate information to users. The special library has been from its
inception an integral part of institutions of higher learning, rather than an appendix or

Oyedun (2016) explains that special libraries support learning, teaching and research
processes. Over the past years, special libraries have been affected by changes in
information and communication technology (Oyedun, 2016). The rate of changes is still
accelerating in this area. The introduction of various information technology (ICT) trends
has lead to reorganization, change in work patterns, and demand for new skills, job
retraining and reclassification positions. Technological advancement of the past years,
such as the electronic database, online services, CD-ROMs and introduction of internet
has radically transformed access to information. Rana (2015) opines that ICT holds the
key to the success of modernizing information services. Applications of ICT are
numerous but mainly it is used in converting the existing paper-print records in the entire
process of storage, retrieval and dissemination.

The relevance of information and communication technologies in libraries, particularly in

special libraries, is in activities concerned with information storage and retrieval. These
activities are concerned with in-house keeping routine such as acquisition, cataloguing,
serials control, circulation, of library material and the collection for management
statistics. In libraries, information network has the potential for relieving human kind of
many of its burdens. Networking refers to a broad system of computers terminates, video
display units, telephone etc. which are used for data communication services. Therefore,
to network in the special libraries parlance, involves the interconnection of computer
terminals etc. the heart of information networking or connectivity is the issue of
telecommunication, linking together libraries, librarian users in Local Areas Network
(LAN) or Wide Areas Network (WAN) They endeavor to eliminate many of the
repetitive and boring task related to the processing and communication of information.

The Role of ICT is characterized on information services by changes in format, contents

and method of production. Library automation is yet to take off in majority of the special
libraries, while justifying need for library automation more than cost effectiveness the
benefit derived by the library users become the major consideration. Since library does

not happen to be an economic entity such benefits, need to be looked at in different

Objectives of ICT is to improve the level of services and quality of output and to fulfill
the need that cannot be achieved by manual system for example sharing of resources and
be able to use information that only appear in electronic format for example CD – ROM,
internet resources and databases. Other services offered by special library include
printing, photocopying, bindery and bibliographic services.

Information processing, storage, communication, dissemination of information

automation etc. further origin of Internet and development of World Wide Web,
revolutionized the information communication technology. Based on this, the application
of ICT in libraries become necessary to provide the facilities of the user community. In
recent times, information and communication technology (ICT) has been deployed in
university libraries to help library users gain access to information, as well as to become
upto-date with recent developments in their areas of specialization. Dissemination of
information is a purposeful attempt by librarians to get databases in order to find
important information for each library user or group of library users to fit their needs of
information. Dissemination of information is tailored to a particular group of library

2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

This chapter reviews the existing literature on Impact of ict in information sharing among
academic libraries of universities in Jigawa state, the challenges of information sharing
among academic libraries, and the effects of information sharing among academic
libraries. An attempt was made to review the related literature under the following sub-

2.2. Concept and significance of ICT in information sharing among academic libraries of
universities in Jigawa state

2.3 The impact of ICT in information sharing among academic libraries of universities in
Jigawa state

2.4 Factors influencing ICT in information sharing among academic libraries of

universities in Jigawa state

2.5 Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks

2.6 Summary of the Review and the Uniqueness of the Study

2.2 Concept and significance of ICT in information sharing among academic libraries of
universities in Jigawa state

University libraries today, especially in Jigawa state universities are increasingly

adopting knowledge management practices and knowledge sharing strategies to remain
competitive in the information based economy (IBE). Information sharing strategies
(ISS) refers to what needs to be done to achieve organizational goals and objectives
(Holsapple & Joshi, 2011). The SECI Model of Knowledge Creation of Nonaka and
Takeuchi (1995) indicates that knowledge sharing strategies used by employees include
resources such as policies, IT infrastructure, staff training, performance evaluation
system, mentorship programs, succession planning and job rotation policies and with
these, they focus mainly on gaining competencies. However, there are some alternatives
to determine a proper information sharing strategy used by academic librarians in
university libraries such as:

* Codification and Personalization Strategy: The codification strategy focuses on

storing explicit knowledge in databases so that it can be accessed and used by other
organizational members while, the personalization strategy usually involves sharing tacit
knowledge through direct contact with the person in possession of this knowledge.
Commonly, it entails acquiring tacit knowledge that cannot be codified and stored in a
database (Atkova & Tuomela-Pyykkönen, 2015).

 Communities of Practice: This is a knowledge sharing strategy which enables
organizations to tap into knowledge that is generated and held collectively. Findings from
a study by Wei (2017) on factors that impact employees’ online knowledge sharing in
business sectors in U.S.A, reveal that people are interested in using CoP as a knowledge
sharing strategy since it gives them an opportunity to draw up a list of people they were
interested in and set up their own communities.

 Information Repositories: Information repositories as a strategy for information

sharing facilitate the documentation of relevant operational knowledge in order to
mitigate attrition challenges and aid in the learning period for new employees (Business
Consulting Services, 2003). Townley (2017) states that library staff are learning to be
proactive in the delivery of intellectual knowledge and would need to use many of these
systems to share operational knowledge within the library.

 Staff training/Human Resources Development: Staff training as a knowledge sharing

strategy enables employees to update their skills and to promote knowledge sharing
through the exchange of experiences and new ideas (Parry, 2018). Kang (2003) cited in
Cabrera and Cabrera (2005), Samaru Journal of Information Studies Vol. 23(2)2023 252
emphasize that staff training is a very useful strategy in retaining organizational
knowledge and intellectual intelligence.

2.3 Impact of poor implementation of collection development policies in academic


The impact of ICT in information sharing among academic libraries of universities in

Jigawa state includes:

1. Automation: ICT automates library services and activities, creating efficiency and
reducing manual labor.

2. Electronic resources: ICT provides access to electronic information resources such

as e-books, online databases and digital repositories.

3. Remote access: ICT enables remote access to library resources and services,
extending reach and accessibility.

4. Information literacy: ICT supports information literacy programs, empowering

users with critical research and evaluation skills.

5. Resource sharing: ICT enables interlibrary resource sharing, expanding access to

information beyond local collections.

6. Data management: ICT streamlines data management, facilitating efficient

organization, storage and retrieval of information.

7. Collaboration: ICT enhances collaboration among librarians, faculty and
researchers, fostering a culture of knowledge sharing.

8. Open access: ICT supports open access initiatives, promoting the dissemination of
scholarly outputs and making research more accessible.

2.4. Factors that can effect of ICT use in information sharing among academic libraries
in Jigawa state

The following factors that can influence ICT use in information sharing among academic
libraries in Jigawa state.

 Organizational commitment: Lack of commitment to ICT acquisition and

development can hinder ICT use in libraries.

 ICT strategy: The absence of a clear ICT strategy can impede effective ICT

 Power supply: Unreliable power supply can disrupt ICT services in libraries.

 Funding: Inadequate funding can limit ICT infrastructure development and


 Librarians' ICT skills: Librarians' competence in ICT skills is crucial for

effective ICT use in knowledge sharing.

 Library management support: Support from library management is essential for

ICT adoption and implementation.

 User awareness: Raising awareness among library users about ICT services and
resources is vital for promoting ICT use.

 Internet connectivity: Stable and fast internet connectivity is necessary for

efficient ICT-based information sharing.

 ICT infrastructure: The availability and quality of ICT infrastructure, such as

computers and software, can impact ICT use in libraries.



The aim of theoretical review of the study is to describe the concept about the problem
also this theoretical review discuss about the influence of ICT use in information sharing
among academic libraries in Jigawa state.

Ogbebor (2011) defined a library as "an organized collection of published and

unpublished books and audio-visual materials with the aid of services of staff who can
provide and interpret such material as required to meet the informative research,
educational and recreational needs of its users" (p. 5). Freeman (2005) emphasized that
the academic library as a place holds a unique position on campus. No other building can
so symbolically and physically represent the academic heart of an institution. In the
present information age, there is a revolution in the information house. Popoola (2008)
stated that university libraries by their very nature are expected to acquire process into
retrievable form and make available the much-needed information to the academic
community and the public at large who may require them for their various teaching and
research activities. The accomplishment of this function depends on the available stock of
information products in the university libraries. One of the library promotion programmes
is the current awareness service, which is commonly referred to as the table of contents
services, historically involved the dissemination of information in the form of print
journals or photocopied journal contents routed to library users subscribed to the
service(Onuoha & Subair, 2013)..

According to Yaghi, Barakat, Alfawaer, Shkokani and Nassuora, (2011), knowledge

sharing can be done through different medium and tools that help in transmitting
knowledge. Ideas and opinions from the experience or the lesson elsewhere need to be
share so that the knowledge would not lose. There are a few medium and tools that are
recently used among undergraduate students to share, store and transmit knowledge. The
tools provide different frameworks to evaluate and monitor knowledge. Previous studies
had mentioned that knowledge is about two-way communication and to improve the
knowledge one can apply 10 some techniques to improve it for the better. A face-to-face
meeting, email, instant massaging are part of the medium use to share knowledge in any
organisation. In the process of gaining knowledge, we need to expand our contact among
colleagues, classmates and random people we meet. According to Norhanim,
UmiKalsum, Kamaruzzaman and Afifah (2013), there are differences between tools and
medium. Tool refers to instrument, machine or apparatus which is in physical form and
uses to achieve our goal to transfer knowledge and medium can store or transmit data.
Therefore we can widen and share our knowledge by expanding contact and sharing
knowledge via specific tools and medium.


Conceptual framework illustrating the effect of ICT use in information sharing among
academic libraries in Jigawa state is will be discussed under the following variables:

1. Independent Variable: - ICT use (hardware, software, internet connectivity, digital

resources) (Kaur & Zetterlund, 2013)

- Dependent Variable: - Information sharing (interlibrary loan, resource sharing,

collaboration, knowledge sharing) (Olorunyomi & Adewale, 2017)

2. Moderating Variables: - Library infrastructure (physical and technological) (Asemi &

Sadjadi, 2017)

- Librarian skills and training (ICT literacy, information literacy) (Bawden &
Robinson, 2017)

- University policies and support (funding, governance) (Tella & Oyebamide, 2016)

3. Intervening Variables: - Information search and retrieval (Kwak & Robertson, 2017)

- Information dissemination and distribution (Chowdhury & Koya, 2017)

- User satisfaction and feedback (Hider & Pymm, 2018)

4. Outcome Variables: - Improved access to information resources (Tella & Oyebamide,


- Enhanced collaboration and knowledge sharing (Olorunyomi & Adewale, 2017)

- Increased efficiency in information retrieval and dissemination (Kaur & Zetterlund,


- Better decision making and research output (Bawden & Robinson, 2017)

- Improved user satisfaction and experience (Hider & Pymm, 2018)

2.6. Summary of the Review and the Uniqueness of the Study

The review highlights the importance of ICT use in information sharing among academic
libraries in Jigawa state.

It emphasizes the benefits of ICT use, including improved access to information
resources, enhanced collaboration and knowledge sharing, and increased efficiency in
information retrieval and dissemination.

The review also identifies challenges and barriers to ICT use, such as inadequate
infrastructure, lack of skills and training, and limited resources. Uniqueness of the Study:

This study is unique in its focus on the specific context of academic libraries in Jigawa
state, Nigeria.

It explores the impact of ICT use on information sharing among libraries, which is a
critical aspect of academic librarianship.

The study's emphasis on the challenges and barriers to ICT use in this context highlights
the need for targeted interventions and support to enhance ICT adoption and use in
academic libraries.

The study's findings and recommendations are relevant not only to academic libraries in
Jigawa state but also to similar institutions in other developing countries..


Information communication technology (ICT) and sharing of information among libraries

are well known for delivering prompt and up-to-date information services to the library
users. The effect of these services has been felt in most libraries across the world. Some
libraries display ICT features and tools on their webpage for the purpose of sharing
information, while in practice they are not used. This study investigates the effect of ICT
use in information sharing among academic libraries in Jigawa state, Nigeria have
adopted and used ICT for dissemination of information, with a view to identifying the
challenges and making suggestions on the way forward to enhance quality service
delivery to the library users.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have brought significant changes to

our day to day life. Today we are living in the information age. Information plays an
important role in economic and social development of our society. The amount of valued
literature is being published at a greater pace. So, applications of ICT in libraries have
become the most important issues now.

Despite the huge benefits that are attached with information and communication
technology on ICT use in information sharing among academic libraries in Jigawa state,
the library still experience some obstacles in the effective and efficient use of the ICT
resources in the library, which has crippled its service delivery. Among the limiting
factors are; Lack of capital investment to buy hardware, software and standby generators
for the library, inadequate provision of ICT training programmes, Lack of search skills,
automation still at infancy level, epileptic power supply, and technical know-how.


i. To what extent do academic libraries in Jigawa state utilize ICT for information sharing
and collaboration?

ii. What are the challenges and barriers to ICT adoption and use in academic libraries in
Jigawa state?

iii. How does ICT use impact information sharing and collaboration among academic
libraries in Jigawa state?

5.0 Objectives of the Study:

The study is aimed at determining the effect of poor implementation of collection
development policy in academic libraries with these laid out objectives;

1. To investigate the extent do academic libraries in Jigawa state utilize ICT for
information sharing and collaboration?

2. To identify the challenges and barriers to ICT adoption and use in academic libraries
in Jigawa state.

3. To examine the impact of ICT use on information sharing and collaboration among
academic libraries in Jigawa state.


 Improved Information Sharing: The study's findings will highlight the importance of
ICT use in enhancing information sharing among academic libraries in Jigawa state.

 Enhanced Collaboration: The study will emphasize the role of ICT in facilitating
collaboration among libraries, leading to better resource sharing and utilization.

 Increased Access to Information: The study's recommendations will help improve

access to information resources among academic libraries in Jigawa state.

 Evidence-Based Policy Making: The study's findings will provide valuable insights
for policymakers and library administrators to develop informed policies and
strategies for ICT adoption and use in academic libraries.

 Capacity Building: The study's outcomes will identify training needs and capacity-
building requirements for librarians in Jigawa state, enhancing their skills in ICT use
and information sharing.

 Contribution to Literature: The study will contribute to the existing body of

knowledge on ICT use in academic libraries, providing a framework for future
research in similar contexts.

 Improved Library Services: The study's recommendations will help improve library
services, enhancing the overall quality of academic programs and research output in
Jigawa state.



The study will be conducted through the Pragmatic: Paradigm which is subjective and
quantitative based on the experiences, circumstances, and situations that will explore the
effect of ICT use in enhancing information sharing among academic libraries in Jigawa

7.2 Research Approach

The study will use a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative surveys with
qualitative interviews.

7.2 Research Design

According to (Creswell, 2008) research designs are plans and procedures for research
span the decisions from broad assumption to detailed methods of data collection and
analysis. Mixed approach will be used in this research due to in include both qualitative
research approach and quantitative research approach. . Creswell (2009) is pointing out
that with development and perceived legitimacy of both quantitative and qualitative
research in social and human sciences, employing the combination of both approaches,
has gained popularity and the combined use provides an expanded understanding of
research problems.

7.3 Research Setting

The study will be conducted at the federal University Dutse library, Federal University of
Technology’s library, Babura, Sule Lamido University’s Library, Kafin Hausa, and
Khadija University’s Library, Majia, Jigawa State.

In additional to that a researcher chooses these four universities due to an ease

accessibility of data and availability of respondents. Also the above libraries are the
biggest public university in Jigawa state and has fully advanced in terms of student’s
intake and academic unit.

7.4 Population of the Study

According to (Kromrey,2006.p269), Population is a mass of individuals, cases, events to

which the statement of the study will refer and which has to be delimited unambiguously
beforehand with regards to the research question and the operationalization.
The total population of the study is 250, out of which Federal University Dutse (FUD)

has 100, Federal University of Technology’s library, Babura, has 70, Sule Lamido
University’s Library, Kafin Hausa, has 50 and Khadija University’s Library, Majia, had
30 respondents with appropriate information about the phenomenon. Sample will be
taken according to the knowledge of problem and purposive sampling then systematic
random sampling technique will be applied on the sample taken.

7.5 Sample Technique and Sample Size

Albandoz and Barreiro (2001) define sampling techniques as ‘‘the methods used in
drawing samples from a population usually in such a manner that the sample will
facilitate determination of some hypothesis concerning the population as the Purposive
sampling and systematic sampling was applied’’.

‘‘Sampling techniques is process of selecting sample’’ Enon (1999). In this study random
and purposive sampling will be used in selection of the population. The advantage of
simple random technique was to make everybody feel that he/she is going to be chosen.

Kothari (1990) define the term (sample size) as a ‘‘number of items to be selected from
the universe constitution sample’’, the study will be based on the population of 25 people
due to the limitation of time.

7.6 Instrument for Data Collection

Closed-Ended Questionnaire will be administered face to face. In-depth interviews will

be conducted to gather qualitative insights.

7.7 Method of Data Analysis

Quantitative data will be analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical methods
such as mean and regression analysis. Qualitative data will be analyzed using thematic
data analysis.

7.8 Ethical Considerations

Cooper and Schindler (2003) claims that a research design that includes safeguards
against causing mental or physical harm to participants and makes data integrity a first
priority, should be highly valued. Ethical considerations relate to protecting the
confidentiality and anonymity of the participants (Stake, 2003) and dealing with them
with respect (Creswell & Plano-Clark, 2007).

Therefore, Informed consent will be obtained from all participants. Confidentiality and
anonymity will be maintained throughout the study.

7.9 Expected Results

The proposal will analyzed both qualitative and quantitative. Quantitative analysis
involves the use figure, charts, table and percentages while qualitative analysis involves
the use of description. Data collected from the field area analyzed by using SPSS
computer program. Data analysis involved computation of frequencies, means and
modes, minimum and maximum of the variables

The study anticipates finding a complex relationship between the ICT and information
sharing among academic, with various moderating factors influencing this relationship.
Insights from the research will contribute to developing guidelines for balanced social
media use among students.

7.10 Limitations of the Study

There are some problems which are expected to be encountered during or before the
study, those problems should be put into considerations by researcher into completion of
the study and those are:

Time factor

Time allocated to accomplish the study, the six weeks will be too minimal to collect,
organize, and analyze the findings and other relevant information of the study.


The operation cost of the research may exceed the estimated budget hence causing some
difficult in carrying out the study.


Lacks of co-operation from some different people who are important in the completion of
the research hinder the success of the study.

Lack of material: There is no much research journal online about this research topic
making it difficult to conclude on time.

8.0 Timeline


Stages one Literature Review June-July, 2024

Stages two Sequential Research August 2024


Stages three Data Collection September-October, 2024

Stages four Data Analysis November, 2024

Stages five Report Writing December, 2024

Stages six Submission January, 2025

9.0 Budget


Survey Development N 30,000

Data Collection N 15,000

Data Analysis Software N 20,000

Interview Transcriptions N 20,000

Miscellaneous N 10,00

TOTAL N 95,000


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Faculty of Library and information science
Department of library and information science



Dear Sir,



I am a 300L student of the above named department library and information science.

I am carrying out a research proposal on the Impact of ICT in information sharing among
academic libraries of universities in Jigawa state.

This questionnaire is directed to members of staff and students of the library and the answers will
be used for research purposes.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Yours faithfully,




Section A: Demographic Information –

Name of Library: ___________________________________

Location: ___________________________________________

Number of Staff: ____________________________________

Number of Users: ____________________________________


- Do you have a computer laboratory? (Yes/No)

- Do you have internet access? (Yes/No)

- Do you have a library management software? (Yes/No)

- Do you have a website? (Yes/No)


- How often do you use ICT for information sharing? _____(Scale: 1-5, where 1=rarely and

- How often do you use ICT for collaboration? (Scale: 1-5) _____

- How often do you use ICT for accessing information resources? (Scale: 1-5) _____


- Do you share information resources with other libraries? (Yes/No)

- How do you share information resources? (Check all that apply :)

i. Email: ( )

ii. Online databases ( )

iii. Library management ( )

iv. Software ( )

v. Others ( )

- What type of information resources do you share? (Check all that apply)

i. Books ( )

ii. Journals ( )

iii. Articles ( )

iv. Theses ( )

v. Others ( )


- Do you collaborate with other libraries? (Yes/No)

i. How do you collaborate with other libraries? (Check all that apply)

ii. Joint projects ( )

iii. Resource sharing ( )

iv. Staff exchange, ( )

v. Others ( )

- What benefits have you derived from collaborating with other libraries? (Check all that apply:
improved services, increased access to resources, enhanced reputation, others)


- How easy is it to access information resources in your library? (Scale: 1-5, where 1=very
difficult and 5=very easy)

- What types of information resources do you have access to? (Check all that apply)

i. Books ( )

ii. Journals ( )

iii. Articles ( )

iv. Theses ( )

v. Others ( )

- How satisfied are you with the information resources available in your library? (Scale: 1-5,
where 1=very dissatisfied and 5=very satisfied)


- What challenges do you face in using ICT for information sharing, collaboration, and access to
information resources? (Check all that apply)

i. Inadequate infrastructure ( )

ii. Lack of skills ( )

iii. Limited resources ( )

iv. Others) ( )

- How do you overcome these challenges? (Check all that apply)

i. Training ( )

ii. Support from management ( )

iii. Collaboration with other libraries ( )

iv. Others ( )


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