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Master Togan


15 Tweets • 2022-11-30 •  See on 



Each of these is simple to use... and lets you do with a

gesture what men often struggle to do with many
Use these in your next conversation with a girl and
watch her MELT.
Here they are:


1. The eyebrow shrug

Raise your eyebrows to show surprise, or tell her

you're waiting for a response. You can use this to
dare, challenge, or even TEASE girls.
2.The wink (one eye)

The wink is a fantastic means of communication. It's

mysterious enough to make a girl wonder, and shows
a strong degree of confidence and savvy.

Winking is a great way to respond to a woman when

she asks you a question you don't feel like answering.

Obviously, don't do it when she actually NEEDS a

meaningful answer.

But when you're flirting or she's giving you a hard time,

winks work wonders.

3. The slow, hard blink (two eyes)

This is an easy and effective way to show disbelief, as

in, "Did you ACTUALLY just SAY that?"

Two versions: in one, you look away and to the right

when you open your eyes.
This is the version that puts more SOCIAL
PRESSURE on her (to explain herself or retract a

In the other, you look straight at her when you open

your eyes. This is the more playful (still with some
social pressure) version.

4. The squint.

The squint is a way to say you are thinking about

something... OR that you doubt the truth of something
being said.

If you look at a woman and squint, it can seem like

you're sizing her up and trying to decide if you like her
a lot. You'll see MANY talented ladies men squint with
girls. It helps position them as the skeptical selector.

5. The retarded look

This is when you look at a woman like she just said

the most RETARDED thing you've ever heard.
To do this, you pull your lips into a half-smile, while
you laugh-huff in a "I can't believe she SAID that" way,
and shrug your eyebrows.

You hold this look and stare at her until she gives into
the pressure... and BREAKS.

6. The shoulder shrug

A simple, nonchalant way to dismiss a question you

don't want to answer, or to respond to a silly remark.

And all this is just the gilding on the treasure chest.

There are TONS of other nonverbal communications
you can use, too...

Like facial expressions, pointing, motioning a woman

over, patting the seat next to you for her to sit,
imitating her body language (which is a fun opener)...
There are a lot of nonverbal game.
Nonverbal should be an essential element to every
man's repertoire of communication.
If you want to MASTER your image so that you start
getting MASSIVE attraction from a woman from the
moment you MEET HER...
Then you need to hone your fundamentals and groom
yourself into the KIND of man women are MOST
attracted to.

To learn EXACTLY how to do that, go here and I'll

give you all my mightiest tools to make you super
attractive to girls, right now:

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