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Master Togan


4 Tweets • 2022-11-21 •  See on 

Do you want kids?

Think about it, because if you do, you are facing a

large obligation.
Protect, provide, teach, nurture.
Oh yeah, and also making sure your son can get laid.

The ability to get laid is important for a man’s well-



For many guys, this doesn’t come easy and they end
up needing to learn game in their late teens or
twenties. Some never learn it at all.
Learned game from the internet has done many guys
good, but most guys would have been saved a lot of
time and frustration if they just had good fathers who
taught them the basics.

With the right guidance and circumstances, any kid

can become a natural with women.

Here’s a quick guide: Get my book The Redpill Game

and learn

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