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Project report on
“Industrial Training”

Submitted to
Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam Technical University-Lucknow

Session: 2023-

Submitted by
MANISH KUMAR GUPTA (2102340500049)

Under the supervision of

Dr. Raghvendra Sharma



MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049




I hereby declare that the project work entitled “Industrial Training ” submitted
to Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam Technical University , Lucknow , is a bonafide and
genuine work carried out by me under the guidance of Dr. Raghvendra Sharma. I
also declare that the material embodies in its original and the same has not
previously formed the basis for the award of any diploma, degree, Fellowship of
other university or institution.

DATE : Submitted by:


B. Pharm 3rd Year
Roll No.

MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049




This is to be certified that project entitled “Industrial Training ” is a bonafide

work done by “Manish Kumar Gupta ” in partial fulfillment of the requirement
for degree of “Bachelor of Pharmacy ” of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical
University , Lucknow. This work was carried out by his under my guidance and

DATE: Dr. Raghvendra Sharma

PLACE: ALIGARH (M. Pharm, Ph.D )

MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049




This is to be certified that the project entitled “Industrial Training” is a bonafide

work done by “Manish Kumar Gupta”. In Partial Fulfillment of the requirement for
degree of “ Bachelor of Pharmacy ” of Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam Technical University
,Lucknow . This work was carried out by me under him guidance and Supervision.

DATE: Dr. Raghvendra Sharma

PLACE: ALIGARH (M. Pharm Ph.D. )

MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049



It has my proud privileges to be attached to Aligarh College of Pharmacy , Aligarh .

A highly professionalized college with modern outlook. I have learned a lot during

my training duration and conation has been fortunate in getting opportunity of

studying college.

I would like to thanks Dr. Sobhit Singh Rajput and all the staff without whom

support and guidance it was impossible for me to complete the project


I would like to thanks Dr. Raghvendra Sharma , principal of the College providing

necessary facilities and guidance during entire period of my project.


B. Pharm 3rd Year

MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049











MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049

Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh

Under the visionary leadership of Mr. Kishan Pratap Singh, an industry expert and management specialist,
the company aims to become the foremost healthcare provider in the entire Northern region of India. Our
company also understands its responsibility towards the society and has undertaken several projects under
the leadership of Managing Partner Mrs Sarita yadav.

To develop & commercialize cost-effective, safe & effective drugs as per medical needs of patients.
Adherence to persistent improvement and providing elevated quality, efficient and outstanding services in
order to ensure client as well as customer satisfaction. To providing outstanding value through the creation
of pioneering medical products and services for the promotion of the medical society and human health
around the globe.

Sarpre Pharmaceuticals Private Limited is a Private incorporated on 18 July 2022. It is classified as Non-govt
company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Kanpur. Its authorized share capital is Rs. 1,500,000
and its paid up capital is Rs. 1,000,000. It is inolved in Manufacture of basic chemicals

Sarpre Pharmaceuticals Private Limited's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was last held on N/A and as per
records from Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), its balance sheet was last filed on N/A.

Product Manufactured by Sarpre pharmaceuticals

 Diavol OD 500mg Tablet ER

 Gsar 1mg Tablet
 Motzu M 5mg/10mg Tablet
 Mirglow 15mg Tablet
 Rtop D 30mg/20mg Capsule SR
 Clanz 2mg Tablet
 Eticalm 0.5mg Tablet
 Vertimine 24mg Tablet
 Zestol 300mg Tablet


History of Pharmaceutical Industry

The modern era of the pharmaceutical industry —of isolation and purification of compounds , chemical
synthesis, and computer-aided drug design—is considered to have begun in the 19th century,
thousands of years after intuition and trial and error led humans to believe that plants, animals , and
minerals contained medicinal properties . The unification of research in the 20 th century in fields such
as chemistry and physiology increased the understanding of basic drug-discovery processes .
Identifying new drug targets , attaining regulatory approval from government agencies, and refining
techniques in drug discovery and development are among the challenges that face the pharmaceutical
industry today. The continual evolutionand advancement of the pharmaceutical industry is fundamental
in the control and elimination of disease around the world.

The origin of medicines

The oldest records of medicinal preparations made from plants, animals , or minerals are those of the
early Chinese, Hindu, and Mediterranean civilizations. An herbal compendium, said to have been written
in the 28th century BC by the legendary emperor Shennong, described the antifever capabilities of a
substance known as chang shan (from the plant species Dichroa febrifuga ), which has since been shown
to contain antimalarial alkaloids (alkaline organic chemicals containing nitrogen). Workers at the school
of alchemy that flourished in Alexandria, Egypt, in the 2nd century BC prepared several relatively purified
inorganic chemicals, including leadcarbonate , arsenic , and mercury .

According to De materia medica , written by the Greek physician Pedanius Dioscorides in the 1st century
AD, verdigris (basic cupric acetate ) and cupric sulfate were prescribed as medicinal agents. While
attempts were made to use many of the mineral preparations as drugs, most proved to be too toxic to be
used in this manner.

Many plant -derived medications employed by the ancients are still in use today . Egyptians treated
constipation with senna pods and castor oil and indigestion with peppermint and caraway . Various
plants containing digitalis-like compounds (cardiac stimulants) were employed to treat a number of
ailments. AncientChinese physicians employed ma huang , a plant containing ephedrine , for a variety of
purposes . Today ephedrine is used in many pharmaceutical preparations intended for the treatment of
cold and allergy symptoms . The Greek physician Galen (c. 130–c. 200 AD) included opium and squill
among the drugs in his apothecary shop (pharmacy ). Today derivatives of opium alkaloids are widely
employed for pain relief, and, while squill was used for a time as a cardiac stimulant , it is better known
as a rat poison.
MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049
Pharmaceutical science in the 16th and 17th centuries

Pharmaceutical science improved markedly in the 16 th and 17 th centuries . In 1546 the first
pharmacopoeia , or collected list of drugs and medicinal chemicals with directions for making
pharmaceutical preparations, appeared in Nü rnberg, Ger. Previous to this time, medical preparations
had varied in concentration and even in constituents . Other pharmacopoeias followed in Basel (1561
), Augsburg (1564 ), and London (1618 ). The London Pharmacopoeia became mandatory for the
whole of England and thus became the first example of a national pharmacopoeia. Another important
advance was initiated by Paracelsus, a 16th-century Swiss physician-chemist. He admonished his
contemporaries not to use chemistry as it had widely been employed prior to his time in the
speculative science of alchemy and the making of gold . Instead , Paracelsus advocated the use of
chemistry to study the preparation of medicines.

In London the Society of Apothecaries (pharmacists) was founded in 1617. This marked the
emergence of pharmacy as a distinct and separate entity. The separation of apothecaries from grocers
was authorized byKing James I, who also mandated that only a member of the society could keep an
apothecary ’s shop and make or sell pharmaceutical preparations . In 1841 the Pharmaceutical
Society of Great Britain wasfounded. This society oversaw the education and training of pharmacists

to assure a scientific basis for the profession . Today professional societies around the world play a

prominent role in supervising the education and practice of their members.

Isolation and synthesis of compounds

To impurities in the plant products could be eliminated if only the pure active ingredients were used.
Finally , knowledge of the chemical structure of pure drugs enabled laboratory synthesis of many
structurally related compounds and the development of valuable drugs.

Pain relief has been an important goal of medicine development for millennia. Prior to the mid-19th
century, surgeons took great pride in the speed with which they could complete a surgical procedure.
Faster surgery meant that the patient would undergo the excruciating pain for shorter periods of time.
In 1842 ether was first employed as an anesthetic during surgery, and chloroform followed soon after
in 1847. These agents revolutionized the practice of surgery. After their introduction, careful attention
could be paid to prevention of tissue damage , and longer and more -complex surgical procedures could
be carried out more safely .

MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049


Although both ether and chloroform were employed in anesthesia for more than a century, their
current use is severely limited by their side effects; ether is very flammable and explosive and
chloroform may cause severe liver toxicity in some patients . However , because pharmaceutical
chemists knew the chemical structures of these two anesthetics , they were able to synthesize newer
anesthetics , which have many chemical similarities with ether and chloroform but do not burn or cause
liver toxicity.

Drug development in the 19th and 20th centuries

New classes of pharmaceuticals

In the latter part of the 19th century a number of important new classes of pharmaceuticals were
developed . In 1869 chloral hydrate became the first synthetic sedative -hypnotic (sleep-producing )
drug. In 1879 it was discovered that organic nitrates such as nitroglycerin could relax blood vessels,
eventually leading to the use of these organic nitrates in the treatment of heart problems. In 1875 several
salts of salicylic acid were developed for their antipyretic (fever-reducing) action. Salicylate-like
preparations in the form of willow bark extracts (which contain salicin ) had been in use for at least 100
years prior to the identification and synthesis of the purified compounds . In 1879 the artificial
sweetener saccharin was introduced . In 1886 acetanilide, the first analgesic-antipyretic drug (relieving
pain and fever), was introduced, but later, in 1887, it was replaced by the less toxic phenacetin . In 1899
aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) became the most effective and popular anti-inflammatory, analgesic-
antipyretic drug for at least the next 60 years. Cocaine, derived from the coca leaf, was the only
known local anesthetic until about 1900, when the synthetic compound benzocaine was
introduced . Benzocaine was the first of many local anesthetics with similar chemical structures and led
to the synthesis and introduction of a variety of compounds with more efficacy and less toxicity.

Discovery of Penicillin

The first description of penicillin was published in 1929 by the Scottish bacteriologist Alexander
Fleming . Fleming had been studying staphylococcal bacteria in the laboratory at St. Mary’s Hospital in
London . He noticed that a mold had contaminated one of his cultures, causing the bacteria in its vicinity
to undergo lysis (membrane rupture ) and die. Since the mold was from the genus Penicillium , Fleming
named the active antibacterial substance penicillin. At first the significance of Fleming’s discovery was
not widely recognized.

MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049


It was more than 10 years later before British biochemist Ernst Boris Chain and Australian pathologist
Howard Florey, working at the University of Oxford, showed that a crude penicillin preparation
produced a dramatic curative effect when administered to mice with streptococcal infections. The
production of large quantities ofpenicillin was difficult with the facilities available to the investigators .
However , by 1941 they had enough penicillin to carry out a clinical trial in several patients with severe
staphylococcal and streptococcal infections. The effects of penicillin were remarkable , although there
was not enough drug available to save the lives of all the patients in the trial.

In an effort to develop large quantities of penicillin , the collaboration of scientists at the United States
Department of Agriculture ’s Northern Regional Research Laboratories in Peoria , Ill., was enlisted . The
laboratories in Peoria had large fermentation vats that could be used in an attempt to grow an
abundance of the mold. In England the first penicillin had been produced by growing the Penicillium
notatum mold in small containers. However , P. notatum would not grow well in the large fermentation
vats available in Peoria, so scientists from the laboratories searched for another strain of Penicillium.
Eventually a strain of Penicillium chrysogenum that had been isolated from an overripe cantaloupe was
found to grow very well in the deep culture vats. After the process of growing the penicillin

producing organisms was developed, pharmaceutical firms were recruited to further develop and
market the drug for clinical use. The use of penicillin very quickly revolutionized the treatment of
serious bacterial infections. The discovery, development, and marketing of penicillin provides an
excellent example of the beneficial collaborative interaction of not -for -profit researchers and the
pharmaceutical industry.

Discovery and development of hormones and vitamins

Isolation of insulin

The vast majority of hormones were identified, had their biological activity defined, and were
synthesized in the first half of the 20th century . Illnesses relating to their excess or deficiency were also
beginning to be understood at that time. Hormones, produced in specific organs, released into the
circulation, and carried to other organs, significantly affect metabolism and homeostasis. Some
examples of hormones are insulin (from the pancreas), epinephrine (or adrenaline ; from the adrenal
medulla), thyroxine (from the thyroid gland), cortisol (from the adrenal cortex), estrogen (from the
ovaries ), and testosterone (from the testes). As a result of discovering these hormones and their
mechanisms of action in the body, it became possible to treat illnesses of deficiency or excess effectively.

MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049


Layout of Industry
Pharmaceutical plant layout / factory layout refers to the allocation of space and the arrangement of
machines , furniture and other important administration and necessary services needed in a production
process within a factory building in other to perform the various unit operations involved in the
manufacturing process of dosage forms in a cost effective manner and with the least amount of handling
in processing the product from the receipt of raw material through the distribution of the finished

 Features/ Characteristics of a good pharmaceutical plant layout

A good pharmaceutical plant layout should possess the following characteristics:

• There should be adequate floor space for machines installation and utilization

• The layout should facilitate smooth and continuous flow of production process from one point to
anotherwithout any form of delay

• A good layout should allow effective supervision, coordination and control of the

MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049


 Objectives of good pharmaceutical plant layout

If a layout is to fulfill the goal of an organization and to maximize production, it should be planned with the
following objectives in mind:

1. Economy in materials handling

Economy in handling of materials, work-in-progress and finished stock.

2. Optimum utilization of resources

Ensuring optimum utilization of men, materials, equipment and space available.

3. Better inventory control

Minimizing work-in-process and maximizing inventory turnover. The material
should move rapidly through the plant and the points of congestion should be
eliminated to have low levels of inventory.

4. Good work flow

Minimizing chances of delay and eliminating bottlenecks in the production system. Ensure a good work-
flow avoiding accumulation of work at vital points.

MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049

5. Better services
Providing adequate service centres at convenient locations.

6. Higher morale
Boosting up employee’s morale by providing incentives and also comforts while at work.

7. Flexibility
Ensuring flexibility of layout for future changes and requirements.

The above objectives of plant layout are laudable in themselves , but it is often difficult to reconcile all
of them in a practical situation. As such, a highest level of skill and judgement are required to be
exercised by a management executive. To achieve this, a close coordination between him and the
production manager is very essential.
Advantages of a good layout
The advantages of a good layout can be studied from the stand point of the worker, labour cost,
othermanufacturing costs, production control, supervision, and capital investment.

A. Advantages of layout to worker

1. Reduction in the effort of the worker.

2. Fewer material handling operations.

3. Extension of the process of specialization.

4. Ensuring maximum efficiency.

5. Better working condition and reduction in the number of accidents.

B. Advantages of layout in labour costs

1. Reduction in the number of workers.

2. Increase in production per-man-hour.

3. Reduction in the length of haul.

4. Minimum lost motions between operations.

C. Advantages of layout in other manufacturing costs

1. Maintenance and tool replacement costs are reduced.

2. Spoilage and scrap is minimized.

MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049

MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049


3. Greater saving in the waste of raw material consumption.

4. Improved quality of product due to reduction in the number of handling.

5. Saving motive power.

6. Effective cost control.

D. Advantages of layout in production control

1. Provision of adequate and convenient storage facilities.

2. Better conditions for receipts, shipment and delivery.

3. Increased pace for production.

4. Achievement of production targets unfailingly.

5. Reduction in the number of stock-chasers who are employed to get the work done on time.

E. Advantages of layout in supervision

1. Helps in easing the burden of supervision.

2. Reduces the level of inspection and this minimizing the cost of inspection.

F. Advantages of layout in capital investment

 Investment in machinery and equipment is reduced because of

 increase in production per machine

 utilization of idle machine time and

 reduction in the number of operations per machine

MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049

MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049


Machines used in pharmaceutical industry

1) Granulation Section
Mass Mixer
Mass Mixer is designed to perform smooth operations for thorough mixing equipped with safety
transparent dust cover & specially designed self-adjusting sealing arrangement, which ensures the
restriction of black particles enter the mixing drum. Mass Mixer is Ideal for dry & wet uniform mixing
of materials. Mass Mixer is available in sizes ranging from 5 Kg to 300 Kg as per GMP & cGMP models.

Tray Dryer
A dryer used for drying of the wet products like crude drugs, chemicals, powders or the granules, etc. is
known as Tray dryer. The material which we want to dry is dispersed on the tiers of the trays. A limited
amount of heat is provided to every shelf at that time when the wind passes over it to provide the latent
heat of vaporization . This kind of dryers provides proper control of humidity and temperature.


MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049


FBD (Fluidized Bed Dryer)

Fluidized (fluid) bed dryers are used extensively in the pharmaceutical industries to reduce moisture
content of pharmaceutical powder and granules. They have also found use in the drying of
suspension, slurries, solutions, dilute paste or sludges. In fluidized bed dryer, hot air is passed at
high pressure through a

perforated bottom of the container containing the wet solids. The wet solids are lifted from the bottom
and suspended in a stream of air (fluidized state ). The hot air then surrounds every granules . Heat
transfer is accomplished by direct contact between the wet solid and hot gases. The vaporized liquid is
carried away by the drying gasses.

2) Compression Section
Tablet compression machine makes the tablets by pressing the granules in die with lower and upper
punch. Different innovations to tablet compression machines are being done to improve the production
rates and now it is possible to produce more than 500 ,000 tablets per hour . A tablet formation takes
place by the combined pressing action of two punches and a die.


MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049


ALU-ALU Packing
Ideal for products that need packaging between two sheets of aluminium foil, such as candies, foodstuff,
tablets and pills. The equipment is able to operate without light, and therefore meets the requirement for
sensitive products that are cannot tolerate exposure to light.

Blister Packing
This machine is ideal for packaging pharmaceutical materials in blister packs that use materials such
aspolyvinyl chloride, polystyrene and polypropylene .
• The vibration feeder and crisp remover can remove the powder and crisps inside medicine effectively.
• Horizontal perforation.
• Auto-counting slitting waster-side cutting.
• Automatically prints batch number.
• The diameter of the heat pressing cam can be modify from 110 to 140mm


MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049



Friability Tester
Friability testing is a method, which is employed to determine physical strength of uncoated tablets
upon exposure to mechanical shock and attrition . In this test 20 tablets are used, the rotation is 25
RPM per minutes and is done for 4 minutes. The tablets fall down from 6 inches height.The % weight
loss should not be more than 1%.
Percentage Friability = W1 – W2/W1 × 100
Where, W1 = weight of tablets before testing W2 = weight of tablets after testing.

Hardness Tester
Tablet hardness testing is a kind of laboratory technique, which is employed to test breaking point of
a tablet. For pharmaceutical units this process is an important part of medicine production that
ensures tablets must behard enough to withstand mechanical stress during various conditions such as
storage and packaging , transportation and handling by the consumer etc.


MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049


Dissolution Test
A dissolution test is a means of identifying and proving the availability of active pharmaceutical
ingredient ( API) in their delivered form . A dissolution test reflect the availability of active substance
and allows the prediction of the time for complete release of the material from the dosage form. There
are many kinds of dosage forms of course and all of them have a dissolution rate. The dissolution time
can range from seconds to hours or even days for implants according to IP, BP & USP to the specified

Evaluation of Products
Evaluation of Tablets
 General Appearance:
• The general appearance of a tablet, its identity, and general elegance is essential for
consumeracceptance, for control of lot-to-lot uniformity and tablet-to-tablet
• The control of general appearance involves the measurement of size, shape,
color, presence orabsence of odor, taste etc.

 Size & Shape:

• The thickness of a tablet is only variables.

• Tablet thickness can be measured by micrometre or by another device.
• Tablet thickness should be controlled within a ± 5% variation of standard value.

 Unique identification marking:

• These markings utilize some form of embossing, engraving or printing.
• These markings include company name or symbol, product code, product name etc.

MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049


 Organoleptic properties:
• Color distribution must be uniform with no mottling.
• For visual color comparison compare the color of sample against standard color.
• The presence of odor in a batch of tablet indicates a stability problem such as the
characteristics odor ofacetic acid in an aspirin tablet.
• The presence of odor could be characteristic of the drug (Vitamin), added ingredients
(flavoring agent)or the dosage form (film-coated tablet have a characteristic odor).
• For chewable tablet presence or absence of specified taste can be checked.
• A tablet level of flaws such s chip, cracks, contamination from foreign solid substances (hair,
drops of oil,dirt), surface texture (smooth vs rough) and appearance (shining vs dull) may have
zero defect.

 Hardness and Friability:

• Tablet requires a certain amount of strength or hardness and resistance to friability
to withstandmechanical shakes of handling in the manufacture, packaging, and
• Hardness generally measures the tablet crushing strength.
• The strength of a tablet was determined by following ways;
• By cracking the tablet between 2nd and 3rd fingers with the thumb acting as a fulcrum. If there is
a sharpsnap, the tablet is an acceptable strength.
• Tablet hardness can be defined as the force required breaking a tablet in a diametric compression.
• In this test the tablet is placed between two anvils, force is applied to the anvils, and
the crushingstrength that just causes the tablet to break is recorded.
• Hardness for a compressed tablet is 5 to 8 kg.
• Friability of a tablet can determine in the laboratory by Roche friabilator.
• This consist of a plastic chamber that revolves at 25 rpm, dropping the tablets through a
Distance of sixinches in the friabilator, which is then operated for 100 revolutions.

• The tablets are reweighed.

• The compressed tablet that loses less than 0.5 to 1.0 % of the Tablet weight are considered acceptable.

MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049



 Weight Variation test (U.S.P.):

• Take 20 tablets and weighed individually.
• Calculate average weight and compare the individual tablet weight to the average.
• The tablet pass the U.S.P. test if no more that 2 tablets are outside the percentage limit and if
no tabletdiffers by more than 2 times the percentage limit.

 Content Uniformity Test:

• Randomly select 30 tablets.
• 10 of these assayed individually.
• The Tablet passes the test if 9 of the 10 tablets must contain not less than 85% and not more than
115% of the labeled drug content and the 10th tablet may not contain less than 75% and more
than 125% of thelabeled content.
• If these conditions are not met, remaining 20 tablet assayed individually and none may fall out
side of the85 to 115% range.

Evaluation of capsules
 Permeability and sealing
Soft gelatin capsules are tested for physical integrity (absence of leakage) by visual inspection.
Similarly, hard gelatin capsules are tested for any breach of physical integrity (breakage or opened cap
and body).
 Potency and impurity content

All capsules are tested for drug content (potency, as a percent of label claim). In addition, most drug
productsare tested for the related substances or impuri-ties. These must meet predefined specifications
for a batch tobe acceptable.

 Average weight and weight variation

Ten hard gelatin capsules are usually weighed individually and the con-tents are removed. The
emptied shellsare individually weighed and the net weight of the contents is calculated by subtraction.
The content of active ingredient in each capsule may be determined by calculation based on the
percent drug content in theformulation for high drug load formulations.

MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049



MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049


 Disintegration

Disintegration of hard and soft gelatin capsules is evaluated to ensure that the drug substance is fully
available for dissolution and absorption from the GI tract. The disintegration media varies depending on
the type of capsules to be tested.

 Dissolution

Drug absorption and physiological availability depend on the drug sub-stance being in the dissolved
state at the site of drug absorption , viz. the GI fluids. The rate and extent of dissolution of the drug from
the capsule dosage form is tested by a dissolution test. Dissolution test provides means of quality control
in ensuring that
(a) different batches of the drug prod-uct have similar drug release characteristics and (b) that a given
batch has similar dissolution as the batch of capsules that was shown initially to be clinically effective.

 Moisture content

Water content of the entire capsule or the capsule contents are determined by Karl Fisher titrimetry to
enable the correlation of water content with the degradation profile or drug -release characteristics of
 Microbial content

The capsules are tested to ensure lack of growth of bacteria and mold by microbiological tests. These
tests areusually carried out by incubation of the capsule contents in a growth medium and counting the
colonies formed after a predefined period of time. Selection of the growth medium and duration of the
test, as well as maintenance of aseptic conditions during the testing , are critical to successful assessment
of microbial contamination by this method.
Evaluation of Parentrals

Evaluation of Parenteral Preparations

1. Sterility test

• Membrane filter method

• Direct inoculation method

MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049

2. Pyrogen test

• LAL Test

• In vivo Rabbit test

3. Clarity test/Foreign particulate matter test

4. Leakage test

5. Isotonicity

6. Content uniformity & Weight

7. Extractable Volume

Packaging of Products
Pharmaceutical packaging (or drug packaging) is the packages and the packaging processes for
pharmaceutical preparations . It involves all of the operations from production through drug distribution
channels to the end consumer.

Pharmaceutical packaging is highly regulated but with some variation in the details , depending on the
country of origin or the region. Several common factors can include: assurance of patient safety,
assurance of the efficacy of the drug through the intended shelf life , uniformity of the drug through
different production lots, thorough documentation of all materials and processes , control of possible
migration of packaging components into the drug, control of degradation of the drug by oxygen ,
moisture , heat, etc., prevention of microbial contamination , sterility, etc. Packaging is often involved in
dispensing , dosing, and use of the pharmaceutical product. Communication of proper use and
cautionary labels are also regulated. Packaging is an integral part of pharmaceutical product.

Packaging is the science, art and technology of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale
, and use . Packaging also refers to the process of design , evaluation , and production of packages .
Pharmaceutical packaging can be defined as the economical means of providing presentation ,
protection , identification , information, convenience, compliance , integrity and stability of the product .

MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049

Types of Packaging

 Primary Packaging
Also known as sales packaging , primary packaging is significant for pharma companies . This packaging
is in direct contact with drugs and medicines . Therefore , the packaging needs to be inert and should
not cause any alteration to the salt in the dosage. If the primary packaging is not done correctly, it may
affect the drug, and you won’t be sure about the medicine quality and its purity.

The material used for primary packaging must be neutral to ensure it doesn ’t interact with the
pharmaceutical product during its entire life. However , if the packaging fails, the drug may become
life- threatening for the patients who may consume it.

The most common material used for primary packaging includes non-reactive substances , like
aluminium and PVC . Likewise , high -quality plastic is used for liquid doses instead of glass . This
ensures that the products don’t spill or get damaged during transportation from the factory to the
pharmacy . The most common plastics used for tablets and pills include polyethylene , polyvinyl
chloride , nylon , polycarbonate, and polyethylene terephthalate.

Different Types of Primary Packaging

The primary packaging consists of packaging material that is in direct contact with the drugs.
The differenttypes of primary packaging for pharmaceutical products are as follows:
Blister Packs
Blister pack is the most common pharmaceutical packaging used to hold solid medicines in place.
These are pre-formed foil, paper , or plastic packs . Blister packs have a pocket or cavity made from
thermoformed plastic . At its backside , there is a paperboard , aluminium foil , or plastic film seal that
can be easily punctured by hand.
Strip Packaging
It is a unit packing dosage and is specifically used to increase the dosage life as it protects the content
individually . The most significant difference between blister and strip packaging is that strip doesn’t
have thermo-formed cavities. Instead, the packaging is formed around the tablet.
An ampoule is a small glass or plastic container used for packaging liquid drugs and medicines . These
are sealed vials generally used to protect drugs from the air and other contamination . They are sealed
by melting the top with flame . Notably , glass ampoules are expensive when compared to other
types of packaging.

MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049


Vials are plastic, or glass containers specifically used to hold solid, powder, and liquid drugs. They are
bigger insize and capacity compared to ampoules. The vials are closed with crimp vials (rubber stopper or
metal cap), screw vials (screw cap or dropper ), or lip vials (plastic stopper or cork). However , plastic
vials have different closure systems - hinge caps - which can be easily closed when pressed. The bottoms
of the vials aremostly flat.

Most frequently used to carry liquid drugs as well as capsules and formed tablets . Because of excellent
properties, glass bottles are most commonly used for liquid doses. And plastic bottles are used for
tablets andcapsules . Although they come in different colours , the most common is brown and orange as
they can prevent ultraviolet light from harming photosensitive contents.

Sachet packaging is a pouch packaging made of plastic for separate doses. Mostly they are used for
powder- based medicines. But they can also be used for liquid doses. Sachet packaging can be both
single- use as wellas resealable.

 Secondary Packaging
Once the primary packaging is done, it is the time for the packaging that is called secondary packaging .
It is just another layer of packaging which can be any printed material , like
bo xes. All the important information is printed on these boxes , like ingredients , manufacturer ’s name ,
address , warning , and type of medicine . The printed information helps the manufacturer to distinguish
between different boxes with different drugs easily. The secondary packaging essentially gives the drugs
a brand imageat the same time, further protects them during transportation.

 Tertiary Packaging
The last type of packaging, i.e. tertiary packaging, is important for the shipping process. The end
consumers don’t see this packaging. The retailers often remove them before they showcase the
medicines in their shops or clinics.

The main objective of tertiary packaging is safeguarding primary and secondary packaging from the
external environment during storage and transportation . The most popular pharma product tertiary
packaging are plane boxes, cardboards, and shrink wraps.

MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049

Marketing of Products
Pharma marketing refers to the marketing of drugs and medical devices by private and public
organizations to doctors , clinicians and consumers . With the average American spending $1,000 on
drugs a year ,marketing is a top priority for the major players in the pharmaceutical industry . With so
much spending involved, most companies understand the great role and importance of marketing in
pharma . Marketing is now the key driving force behind shareholder value . More specifically , marketing
enables pharma companies to identify , anticipate and provide solutions for customer requirements .At
the same time , marketing is not always seen as a priority for pharma CEOs which is why professional
marketers are often required to take responsibility for pharma branding and for the ROI on investment.

While many people continue to view pharmaceuticals as commodities, marketers know that branding is
the only way to help differentiate these companies from each other .In this article , we take a look at
pharma marketing and what enables some pharma companies to stand out from the crowd.

Marketing strategies


A product/market development strategy concerns developing new products or modifying existing

products and offering those products to current or new markets. These strategies typically surface
when there is little opportunity for growth in an organisation 's existing market .Your pharmaceutical
product or service will be promoted in accordance with the Ansoff Matrix almost every time and can
dictate the marketing strategy youwill adopt . For example , we see so many partnerships and
mergers in this industry , where
organisations combine their resources and leverage their strengths to increase market share in this


A revenue model strategy (or more casually , a business strategy ) is a strategy usually focused on
forming a product or service whereby advertising or licencing revenue can be generated subsequently,
or more broadly, a strategy focused on generating revenue. Magazines and publications follow this
strategy, albeit on different levels where a customer-base is usually built to be leveraged. In this case, the
editorial team is commissioned to write content that is packaged into a printed publication , as well as
for an online audience that can subscribe , that is then used to drive advertising revenue from
organisations that wish to advertise to this audience

MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049


MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049


Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing - a type of performance -based marketing in which a business rewards one or more
affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts - broadly falls
within this category . This is the case as an affiliate program ’s sole purpose is to sell products with
minimal marketing spend waste as affiliates are paid on a per-sale basis.

Email marketing and list building

Organisations that rent assets and inventories fall within this category , and email marketing has become
a popular channel in this respect. Organisations can rent email lists (for a price) so that other
organisations can sell their products to the subscribers within that email list. This is an interesting
concept as, for the most part, the owner of the email list will not sell its own services to its own list.


Every pharmaceutical marketing strategy will involve an element of targeting . Targeting enables
organisations to narrow their focus and aim marketing campaigns and messages at a specific segment of
the market , thus becoming more relevant to the audience and increasing the chances of conversion into
a customer or client. Essentially focusing on customers that an organisation can serve best.

Market segmentation

Markets consist of various demographic characteristics , needs and behaviours , therefore

products/services and marketing messages may not relate to all of these people . So, strategic
segmentation provides an opportunity to target specific messages and campaigns towards specific
audiences. Creating buyer personas is a great way to start the process, as you will immediately
understand the audience(s) which you are targeting to tailor your content towards . Lifecycle targeting is
also another option to consider , which can be done by targeting content at your audiences during
specific stages of the buyer’s journey.

Product and service positioning

Although it’s sometimes normal that a competitor’s product and service offering differs online versus
offline, it is often that an organisation ’s overall offering is very similar to that of a competitor ’s. With this
in mind, positioning your products /services , organisation and brand - and giving it its own USP - can be
the differentiation that tips offering as the most desired solution from the competition.

MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049


The section above briefly touches on positioning and differentiation in the context of segments and
submarkets - elements concerned with the customer. This strategy , on the other hand, assumes that
the organisation’s marketing strategy indeed takes into account the customer’s perception of the
offering but relative to those of the competition.
Organisations can position their products and services according to four variables: Product quality,
service quality, price and fulfilment time. Reviewing your internal strengths and comparing them to
those of your competitors, a differentiation strategy that positions your offering above those of your
competitors can beachieved giving the organisation a competitive advantage.

Brand development

Branding is how organisations are perceived in the minds of the audience. Organisations can
differentiate themselves from the competition with a brand strategy. More than simply a name, term,
design, or symbol
, a brand is the recognisable feeling a product or business evokes . Brand management begins with an
analysis of how a brand is currently perceived in the market and then proceeds to plan how the brand
should be perceived if it is to achieve its objectives.

Online/offline value proposition

A value proposition is not just a statement of the benefits of the products and services to reinforce the
core proposition to differentiate it from the competitors. It also acts as a driver for developing content
and communicating messages that will strategically fit with its indented audience, providing a
direction for all marketing messages.


A popular strategy, that one way or another, most companies will adopt. The strategy aims to create
compelling content and experiences and encourages interaction and participation.

With the development of technologies and the growth of marketing platforms and channels , a
customer engagement strategy is highly common for most B2C organisations, as well as B2B brands
who are looking for a two-way dialogue with their audiences. This is certainly the case for us here at
Orientation Marketing.
The aim here is to develop a community around the brand whereby audiences can interact
with certain content.

MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049


Social media strategy

Social media platforms provide an audience of highly engaged people, who can be targeted both
organically and via paid means to help achieve marketing objectives . The scope of social media
optimisation also includes the incorporation of features such as sharing and commenting off of social
media platforms and on company websites. Such a strategy can incorporate all of or a range of
networks, such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram, to only adopting just one which is most
frequently used by your particular audience

A multi-channel marketing communications strategy reviews the different types of customer contact
with an organisation to then determine how these touchpoints can be incorporated within a marketing
plan to reach objectives . This strategy involves both online and offline channels and can connect
outbound call with a website and email, for example.

Multi-channels strategies derive from an internal audit to determine customer channel preferences as
well as the preferences of the organisation usually based on internal processes. Pharmaceutical
organisations are required to consider many elements of the strategy , such as customer insight, the
experience as well as its internal capability when adopting multi-channel strategies.

Two common marketing strategies that pharmaceutical organisations can broadly adopt arise from this
sortof strategy.

Customer acquisition strategy

A customer acquisition strategy defines the best mix of media and engagement tools (lead generation
and product offers ) to gain new customers by targeting them and reaching them through online and
offline customer journeys . This strategy involves a marketing focus of generating new business leads
and customers , often in the form of inbound sales -related enquiries . An essential component for most

MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049

Customer retention strategy

A customer retention strategy focuses less on generating new customers and focuses more on keeping
current customers - customers who you’ve already invested in and earned - happy, loyal and buying
from you. This might include delivering service that’s consistent with your value proposition and
brand or cross- selling, up-selling, asking for referrals from existing customers and developing
programmes that increase customer loyalty. Customer services teams are in place for this very reason.
Customer retention strategy

A customer retention strategy focuses less on generating new customers and focuses more on keeping
current customers - customers who you’ve already invested in and earned - happy, loyal and buying
from you. This might include delivering service that’s consistent with your value proposition and
brand or cross- selling, up-selling, asking for referrals from existing customers and developing
programmes that increase customer loyalty. Customer services teams are in place for this very reason.


MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049


During Industrial tour, I gain a lot of experience, knowledge and exposure. All disclosures were awaken
myself in a boost of self- confidence to face life more challenging now. Practical is a complement to the
science or theory learned. This is clearly the concept of science and charity, where they have learned
without practice will be lost and will not give anything.

During my industrial tour, there are many changes from the point of learning environments and discussion
among colleagues. It can directly increase the dedication and rational attitude toward myself. However,
there are still some weaknesses that can be improved in the future.

Therefore, I conclude that the industrial tour program has provided many benefits to students even if there
are minor flaws that are somewhat disfiguring condition, so that this weakness can be rectified in the

MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049



MANISH KUMAR GUPTA | B. Pharm 3rd Year | Roll No.: 2102340500049


The Editorial Board (27 November 2015). "Turn the Volume Down on Drug Ads". New York Times.
"BBC News - Pharmaceutical industry gets high on fat profits". BBC News. 19 November 2014.
Archived from the original on 19 November 2014. Retrieved 28 April 2021.

"Do Biopharma Companies Really Spend More on Marketing Than R&D?" Retrieved
28 April 2021.

Allen L. and Ansel H. (2014). Ansel's Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems.
Aulton, M. and Taylor, K. (2013). Aulton's Pharmaceutics: The Design and Manufacture of
Medicines, (4th ed.). Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.

Ghosh, T. and Jasti, B. (2005). Theory and Practice of Contemporary Pharmaceutics. USA: CRC
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