How - To - Build - A - Thread - by - Getinwithgame - Nov 21, 22 - From - Rattibha

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Master Togan


10 Tweets • 2022-11-21 •  See on 


If there's anything you're skilled at, I'm sure you

remember how you progressed.
When you started out, you were just okay. Or maybe
you weren't okay. Maybe you were awful at it.


Whatever the case, you shrugged off the early failure

and RESOLVED to get good at this thing.
So you hung in there, put the work in, took the
punishment, absorbed the failure, and soldiered on.
And, as time passed by, you improved.
One day you looked around and said, "Hey. I'm pretty
From that point on, you had confidence. And your
confidence in the field grew as your skill did.
Building a strong frame and getting good at game
works EXACTLY this way.

You're going to take some lumps when you start out.

You WON'T be confident... Yet.
But as you work at it, the results begin to trickle in.
And as they trickle in, your frame gets stronger

The hard part about romance is that at the beginning,

it's a negative feedback loop. Girls reject you, and you
feel less confident. This lower confidence leads to
more rejections.
That's what takes a bit of elbow grease to get past.
However, once you're past it, you discover the
Promised Land.
Inside that Promised Land is the Positive Feedback
That's where you get good results with girls, which
leads to more confidence. And more confidence leads
to better results with girls.

This is the Story line You've seen it in almost every

movie you've watched.
In the beginning, the hero just sucks at everything.
Yet, he endures. He puts his shoulder to the wheel
and pushes.
And in the end, he begins to succeed.

And as he begins to succeed, you can SEE his

confidence explode. By the conclusion of the movie,
he's the hero you always knew he could be.

The screenwriters didn't just pull this concept out of

their buttocks. This is a REAL phenomenon... And it's
the same one you will go through, too.
If you want it bad enough.
Don't worry, though. With a little work, and some good
advice (that's what I'm here for), we'll get you there
sooner than not.
For now, be sure you've grabbed my book, "The
Redpill Game"

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