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Master Togan


4 Tweets • 2022-11-14 •  See on 

She is looking for a strong, confident man she can

trust to guide her and lead her during stressful
situations –– so she purposely creates these stressful
situations to see how you respond to them. We call
these situations "shit tests"

A shit test is an opportunity for you to prove that you’re

a strong man with strong seed worthy of her pussy.
That's what she's testing for. Strong seed!

Plus, most of the time she tests you subconsciously.

It's just in her programming. It's not her "fault" that
she's testing you. You need to know women,
understand woman, just pass the test and still love her
and even love her more
Learn all the techniques and strategies to get better
with women fast. Learn game + Free WhatsApp chat
support from Master Togan

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