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Create and Use a Procurement

Business Unit

Procurement Administrator

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page i

End to End New Business Unit .......................................................................................................................1
Overview ...........................................................................................................................................................1
Objective ...........................................................................................................................................................1
Assumptions ....................................................................................................................................................1
Login Details.....................................................................................................................................................1
Create your User ..............................................................................................................................................2
Create Implementation Project .......................................................................................................................7
Create Location ................................................................................................................................................9
Create Business Unit .......................................................................................................................................11
Create Inventory Org .......................................................................................................................................17
Configure Business Unit .................................................................................................................................20
Add the Roles for your BU ..............................................................................................................................24
Manage Common Options for Payables and Procurement ..........................................................................27
Manage Receiving parameters........................................................................................................................29
Change Your Primary Job Assignment ..........................................................................................................31
Configure BU Tax (turn it off) ..........................................................................................................................32
Manage Procurement Agents..........................................................................................................................39
Configure Transaction Accounting ................................................................................................................43
Create Supplier and Supplier Site ..................................................................................................................45
Create Agreements ..........................................................................................................................................51
Create Catalog ..................................................................................................................................................54
Create Content Zone ........................................................................................................................................55
Create Requisition ...........................................................................................................................................56

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page ii

End to End New Business Unit

In this exercise, you will learn how to create a new business unit and prepare it to use with
custom catalog content.

The objective of this script is to walk you through the steps required to set up a new business
unit to be used for Procurement functions.
 Create User
 Create Implementation Project
 Create Locations
 Create Business Unit
 Create Supplier
 Create Agreement
 Create Catalog
 Create Content Zone
 Create Requisition

This is a broad script that allows for creation of custom content for highly tailored
demonstrations and would not be typically done in front of a customer. There are other
detailed sales demonstration scripts for topics that are only briefly touched on throughout this

Login Details
Login details are provided throughout the script

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 1

Create your User

1. Login as betty.anderson

Password: The environment password is same for all users, so use the password
that you received in email.

Note: When performing practices, you sometimes need to log in with different
Usernames (such as betty.anderson or PRC_IMPL, for example.) This is required
because in the training environment those users have specific roles assigned
that enable them to perform specific setup steps.

2. Navigator -> Manage Resources -> Manage Users

1. Click the Create Icon

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 2

2. Enter the User details and select the Autoprovision Roles button. Replace
Lastname and Firstname with your own information:

a. Last Name = Your Last Name

b. First Name = Your First Name
c. E-Mail address = your eMail address
d. Hire date = 1/1/11
e. User Name = Your firstname.lastname
f. Under User Notification Preferences
Select the checkbox “Send user name and password”
g. Person Type = Employee
h. Legal Employer = US1 Legal Entity
i. Business Unit = US1 Business Unit
j. Job = Buyer
k. Grade = Mgmt02
l. Department = Support Center US
m. Location = Headquarters
n. Manager = Roth, Calvin (Search with Name “Roth%”)

3. Click “Autoprovision Roles” Button

Observe the “Employee” Role gets added in the Role Requests Region
4. Click “Save and Close“ Button
5. Sign Out

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 3

6. Login as user prc_impl
Password: The environment password is same for all users, so use the password
that you received in email.
7. Navigator -> Tools > Setup and Maintenance
8. “All Tasks” Tab > Search with Name “Provision Roles to Implementation Users”
9. Click on Go to task Icon for “Provision Roles to Implementation Users” task. This
opens Oracle Identity Management (OIM) webpage.

10. Select Administration (upper right hand corner)

11. Search with Your user’s last name

12. Select your user
13. Select the Roles tab

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 4

14. Select Assign and add the following roles:

a. Buyer
b. Application Implementation Administrator
c. Application Implementation Manager
d. Accounts Payable Manager
e. Accounts Payable Manager US1 Business Unit
f. Financial Application Administrator US Department Set
g. Financial Application Administrator US Location Set
h. Financial Application Administrator US1 BU Set
i. Financial Application Administrator US1 Business Unit
j. HCM Applic Admin - View All
k. IT Security Manager
l. Procurement Application Administrator
m. Procurement Catalog Administrator
n. Procurement Contract Administrator
o. Procurement Manager
p. Procurement Requester
q. Procurement Requester US1 Business Unit
r. Category Manager
s. Supplier Administrator
t. Supplier Manager
u. Supplier Contract Administrator US1 Business Unit
(Note: Search with “Supplier Contract Administrator” only as Label was changed in
this environment; it is the second Supplier Contract Administrator in the list. You
can confirm the name if you hover over the Role Name column)
v. Supplier Contract Manager
w. Supplier Contract Manager US1 Business Unit
x. Supplier Qualification
y. Business Practices Director US1 Business Unit
z. Enterprise Contract Administrator US1 Business Unit
aa. Warehouse Manager
bb. Warehouse Manager 001
cc. Warehouse Manager 002
dd. Warehouse Manager 003
ee. Cost Accountant
ff. Product Manager
gg. Receiving Manager (Or) Receiving Agent

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 5

15. Click “Reset Password” at the top
16. Select “Manually Change the Password” radio button
17. Enter Temppass123 as the new password
18. Check the “E-mail the new password to the user” option.
19. Click on “Reset Password” button

20. Close the Identify Manager and Sign Out

21. Login as Your new user
22. Enter the old password Temppass123
23. Enter a new password Fusion123 twice
24. Click Submit

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 6

Create Implementation Project

1. Navigator -> Tools: Setup and Maintenance

Left Pane (Regional Area) under Tasks > Implementations > Manage Implementation
2. Click the Manage Implementation Projects Task

3. Click the Create icon

4. Enter your initials plus " PRC Implementation Project " into the Name field.
Hit Enter or click somewhere on the page. This generates the Code for your project.
Tip: If there is already a name in the Name field, you can just overwrite it.
5. If your Signon name does not appear in the “Assigned To” field, select your user ID.
6. Click Next

7. On the “Create Implementation Project: Select Offerings to Implement” page, start by

selecting the Procurement offering by clicking the Include box.
8. If not expanded, expand the Procurement selection and select the Include options for Self
Service Procurement, Supplier Portal, Sourcing, Supplier Qualification, and Procurement

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 7

9. Click “Save and Open Project” button.
10. On the Implementation Project page, your newly created implementation project is
displayed beginning with the top most node of the auto-generated task list.
a. Expand the Procurement top node to view the subsequent levels of the task list.
b. Notice how tasks are organized with the common tasks, which are typically
prerequisites, being listed first followed by common tasks across a product family.
Application-specific tasks are listed at the end.
c. You will use your implementation project as a guide for many of the remaining

11. Click Done

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 8

Create Location

1. If not already there: Navigator -> Setup and Maintenance

Click Manage Implementation Projects
2. Select your Implementation project (starts with your initials) and click the name
3. Expand tasks and navigate to the Manage Locations task
Procurement > Define Common Applications Configuration for Procurement > Define
Enterprise Structures for Procurement > Define Enterprise for Procurement > Manage

Click on Go To Task Icon

4. In the “Manage Locations” Page - Click the Create Icon

5. Enter the location details

a. Select the Location Set as US Location Set
b. Give the location a unique name with Your Initials and Unique number i.e.
“ES1 Location”
c. Enter a code made up of your Initials + Unique Number + L i.e "ES1L"
d. Enter City/State/Zip. Note that City/State/Zip is validated

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 9

6. Click Submit button
7. You will receive a warning and a confirmation message, please select Yes, then OK
8. From the Manage Locations page, click Done button

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 10

Create Business Unit

1. From your Implementation project navigate to

Procurement > Define Common Applications Configuration for Procurement >

Define Enterprise Structures for Procurement > Define Business Units for
Procurement > Manage Business Units

2. For Manage Business Unit task , click on the Go to Task Icon

3. Click the Create Icon

4. Enter the Business Unit name using your initials as the prefix
5. Select the Location you created earlier
6. Select the Default Set of US1BUSET
7. Make sure the Active checkbox is enabled

8. Click “Save and Close” button

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 11

9. From the project list, select “Assign Business Unit Business Function” Task

10. Select your Business unit as Scope

 The “Select Scope” window opens

 Select the “Assign Business Unit Business Function” Radio button
 In Business Unit Field select “Select and Add”
 Click on “Apply and Go to Task” button

 “Select and Add: Business Unit” page Opens , Search for your business unit
 Note: Don’t click on the Business Unit name, click on any other column i.e
Active / Location / Manager of your business unit to select the record.
 Click on “Save and Close” Button located at the bottom of the screen.

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 12

11. Add the following Business Unit Functions by selecting the respective checkboxes
 Materials Management
 Payables Invoicing
 Procurement
 Procurement Contract Management
 Receiving and
 Requisitioning functions

12. Under Financial Reporting Options

Select the “Primary Ledger” as US Primary Ledger
Select the “Default Legal Entity” as US1 legal entity

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 13

13. Click Save and Close
14. From the project list, select the “Manage Business Unit Set Assignment” Task and
click on “Go to Task” Icon

15. Adjust the Reference Data Set Codes:

Dashboard Templates = COMMON

Departments = USDEPTS
Grades = COMMON
Locations = USLOCS
Performance Templates = COMMON

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 14

16. Click “Save and Close” button
17. From the project list, select the “Manage Service Provider Relationships” Task and
click on “Go to Task” icon

18. In the Manage Service Providers Page , under “Procurement Service Providers”
click the green + Add Row Icon

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19. Search for your business unit, select the row, and click on Apply button
20. Search for business unit US1 Business Unit, select the row, and select Done
21. Review the Business units added and make sure the Active check box is enabled.

22. Click “Save and Close” button

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 16

Create Inventory Org

1. From your Implementation project navigate to

Procurement > Define Common Applications Configuration for Procurement >

Define Enterprise Structures for Procurement > Define Facilities for Procurement >
Manage Inventory Organizations

Click on “Go to Task” icon

2. In the Manage Inventory Organizations page click on the Create icon

3. Enter the Basic Information:

Name : Enter Inventory Organization Name (e.g. PRC Inventory Org)

Organization : Enter Organization code (e.g. PRCORG1)
Tip: Remember (or) Make a note of the Organization code (e.g. PRCORG1), which
will help you in searching for the roles created automatically for your inventory

Management Business Unit : Your Business Unit

Legal Entity : US1 Legal Entity
Profit Center Business Unit : US1 Business Unit (Not Mandatory)
Status : Active

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Enter the Location Address details

Name : Your Location (Which is created earlier)

Internal or External : Internal

4. Click Next button to navigate to “Manage Inventory Organization Parameters“ page

for your inventory organization.

5. Under General Tab , select below values

Schedule : Operations
Item Master Organization : Operations

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 18

6. From the “Lot, Serial Number, and Packing Unit” tab, enter the below details

Under “Lot Control” Section

Uniqueness : No Uniqueness Control

Under “Serial Number Generation” Section

Starting Serial Number : 1

7. Click “Save and Close” button

8. Click Done

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 19

Configure Business Unit

Configure Procurement Business Function

1. From your Implementation project navigate to

Procurement > Define Purchasing Configuration > Define Business Function
Configuration > Configure Procurement Business Function

Click on “Go to Task” icon

 The “Select Scope” window opens
 Select the “Configure Procurement Business Function” Radio button
 In Business Unit Field select “Select and Add”
 Click on “Apply and Go to Task” button

 “Select and Add: Business Unit” page Opens , Search for your business unit
 Note: Don’t click on the Business Unit name, click on any other column i.e
Active / Location / Manager of your business unit to select the record.
 Click on “Save and Close” Button located at the bottom of the screen (You might
need to scroll down).

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 20

2. Enter the following under General section

Payment Terms : Select any of the available options

Shipping Method : Select any of the available options
Freight Term : Select any of the available options
Inventory Organization: Your Inventory Organization
Line Type : Goods
Currency : USD
Conversion Rate Type: Corporate

3. Enter the following under Purchasing section

Maximum File Size Megabytes : 20 MB

Maximum Lines in PDF : 1000 lines

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 21

4. Click “Save and Close” button
5. You will receive a confirmation, click OK

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 22

Configure Requisitioning Business Function

1. From your Implementation project navigate to

Procurement > Define Purchasing Configuration > Define Business Function
Configuration > Configure Requisitioning Business Function

Click on “Go to Task” icon to open “Configure Requisitioning Business Function”

page for your Business Unit
(Note: Select your Business Unit as Scope if scope is not already selected)

1. Under Requisitioning section : Enter One Time Location = “Headquarters”

2. Under Purchasing section : Default Procurement BU = Your Business Unit
: Ship to location = Your Location

3. Click “Save and Close” button

4. You will receive a confirmation, click OK

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 23

Add the Roles for your BU

Note: It might take some time for the roles to get automatically created for your
Business Unit and Inventory Org. So if you are not able to see your BU Specific
roles, please wait for some time (Approx 10-15 Min) and try again.

1. Login as prc_impl / use the password that you received in email.

2. Navigator -> Tools > Setup and Maintenance
3. “All Tasks” Tab > Search with Name “Provision Roles to Implementation Users”
4. Click on Go to task Icon for “Provision Roles to Implementation Users” task.

5. This opens Oracle Identity Management (OIM) webpage.

6. Select Administration (upper right hand corner)

7. Search with Your User’s last name

8. Select Your user
9. Select the Roles tab

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 24

9. Select Assign and add the following roles:

 Procurement Requester <your BU>

 Accounts Payable Specialist <your BU>
 Accounts Payable Manager <your BU>
 Accounts Payable Supervisor <your BU>
 Warehouse Manager <your Inventory Org>
 Warehouse Operator <your Inventory Org>
 Financial Application Administrator<your BU>

Important Note:
Many other Data Roles get automatically generated for your Business Unit and Inventory
Org. You need to perform the below steps to assign all of them to your User.

10. To add all the generated Data roles at once, simply search with Your Business Unit name
(e.g. %PRC Business%) .
11. All the data roles generated for your Business Unit will be displayed.
12. Select all the roles (select one role and Control+A) and click on “Add” button to add all roles
in one shot to your user.

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 25

13. Similarly Assign all roles related to your Inventory Organization

14. You need to search with your Inventory Organization Code (e.g. %PRCORG1%)
Note: Check your Inventory Organization setup to find the Organization Code
specified in the “Organization field”.

15. In search results select all the records (select one record and Control+A) and click on “Add”
button to add all roles in one shot to your user.
16. Close the Identity Manager window
17. Sign Off of the Application.

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 26

Manage Common Options for Payables and Procurement

Important Note: If you see any errors while opening this page for the first time then
please do the below steps
 Clear browser cache / Temporary internet files
 Logout of the application and close the browser
 Reopen the browser and login to fusion applications
 Try opening this page.

1. From your Implementation project navigate to

Procurement > Define Purchasing Configuration > Define Business Function
Configuration > Manage Common Options for Payables and Procurement

Click on “Go to Task” icon to open “Manage Common Options for Payables and
Procurement” page for your Business Unit
(Note: Select your Business Unit as Scope if scope is not already selected)

2. Enter the following configuration (enter (or) copy/paste and modify as indicated):

Under Default Distributions Section:

 Liability = 101.10.22100.000.000.000
 Prepayment = 101.10.13500.000.000.000
 Conversion Rate Variance Gain = 101.10.78630.120.000.000
 Conversion Rate Variance Loss = 101.10.78630.120.000.000
 Discount Taken = 101.10.77600.120.000.000
 Miscellaneous = 101.10.60540.120.000.000
 Freight = 101.10.62510.120.000.000

Under Currency Conversion Section

 Conversion Rate Type : Corporate
 Realized Gain Distribution = 101.10.78610.120.000.000
 Realized Loss Distribution = 101.10.78610.120.000.000

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 27

Under Expense Accruals Section
 Accrue Expense Items : At receipt

3. Click “Save and Close” button.

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 28

Manage Receiving parameters

1. From your Implementation project navigate to

Procurement > Define Receiving Configuration for Procurement > Manage
Receiving Parameters

2. Click on “Go to Task” icon

3. Select Organization window opens
4. In Organization field : Select Your Inventory Organization and Click OK

5. Set the options as follows:

General Section
Receipt Routing : Direct delivery
Allow substitute receipts : No
Receipt Number Section
Generation : Automatic
Type : Numeric
Next Number : 1
RMA Section
Receipt Routing : Direct Delivery
RMA Validate Lots : Unrestricted

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 29

6. Click “Save and Close” button

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 30

Change Your Primary Job Assignment

1. Login as Betty.Anderson (Use the same password received in email)

2. Navigator -> Manage Resources > Manage Users

3. Search with Users Last Name, click search

4. Select the record and click on Name.

5. Under Employee Information section change the Business Unit to your Business Unit

NOTE: When you search for a business Unit via search icon you might get an error.
It’s a bug in that particular field.
Workaround: Clear value in the field and just enter your Business unit in the field

6. Click Save and Close

7. Sign Out of the application

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 31

Configure BU Tax (turn it off)

1. Login with your user name

2. From your Implementation project navigate to
Procurement > Define Common Procurement Configuration > Define Tax
configuration > Manage Tax Regimes

3. Click on “Go To Task” Icon

4. Search for Country starts with “Un”

Search Results: will display "US Sales and Use Tax"

Note: Don't click on the name ‘US Sales and Use Tax’, just click beside it or in other
column (Tax Regime Name / Country ) to select the record, then the Edit (pencil icon)
will be enabled. Click on the edit icon.

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 32

5. Under Configuration Options select the + add row icon

Note: If you don’t see the + icon, click on the Arrow Icon “ >> ”, so that the “ + ”
Icon will be visible to select

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 33

6. Under “Configuration Options and Service Subscriptions” section click on
icon to create a new configuration with the below details

 Party Name = Your Business Unit

 Configuration for Taxes and Rules = Common configuration with party override
 Configuration for Product Exceptions = Common configuration
 Effective Date = 1/1/50

7. Click “Save and Close” Button

8. Information Message will be displayed , Click OK

9. Click Done

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 34

10. For “Manage Configuration Owner Tax Options” Task, Click on “Go to Task” icon

11. Select Scope window will open

12. Select “Manage Configuration Owner Tax Options” Radio Button
13. For “Tax Regime” select value – Select and Add
14. Click on “Apply and Go to Task” button

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 35

15. Search in Country Field: search with “Un%”
16. Select the US Sales and Use Tax regime
17. Click on “Save and Close” button (At the bottom of the screen)

18. Manage Configuration Owner Tax Options – Page will open

19. Click the Create Icon

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 36

20. Configuration Owner field - Enter Your Business Unit
21. Event Class = Purchase Requisition for Enterprise Tax
22. Start date 1/1/11

Under Default Tax Options

23. Regime Determination Set = STCC (Standard Tax Classification Codes )

24. Allow tax applicability option - Turn off (Uncheck)

25. Click “Save and Create Another” button

26. Configuration Owner field - Enter Your Business Unit

27. Event Class = Purchase Order and Agreements for Enterprise Tax
28. Start date 1/1/11

Under Default Tax Options

29. Regime Determination Set = STCC (Standard Tax Classification Codes)

30. Allow tax applicability option - Turn off (Uncheck)

31. Click “Save and Create Another” button

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 37

32. Configuration Owner field - Enter Your Business Unit
33. Event Class = Change Orders for Enterprise Tax
34. Start date 1/1/11
Under Default Tax Options

35. Regime Determination Set = STCC (Standard Tax Classification Codes)

36. Allow tax applicability option - Turn off (Uncheck)

37. Click Save and Close Button

38. Click Done Button

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 38

Manage Procurement Agents

1. From your Implementation project navigate to

Procurement > Define Common Procurement Configuration > Manage Procurement
Click on “Go To Task” Icon

2. Manage Procurement Agent page opens , Click the Create Icon

3. Create Procurement Agent page opens
Procurement BU : Your Business Unit
Agent: Your Employee
Note: If you User is not available to select in Agent field, make sure you the
below roles are added to your User:
 Buyer
 Supplier Administrator
 Procurement Manager

Default Requisitioning BU : Your Business Unit

Under Agent Access Region :

Select “Allowed” Check box for all the available Actions
Select “Full” for Access to Other Agent’s Documents

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 39

4. Click Save and Close
5. Click OK for the confirmation message

6. Click Create Icon

7. Setup the same options for Your user and Business Unit “US1 Business Unit”

Note: You can create multiple agents within “Create Procurement Agent” page without
navigating back to “Manage Procurements Agents” page by using the option – “Save
and Create Another” option under “Save and Close” Button

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8. Click “Save and Close” button
9. Click OK for the confirmation message
10. Click Done

Once the Procurement agent setup is completed, you need to update your User name as Buyer in
the Configure Procurement Business Function

1. From your Implementation project navigate to

Procurement > Define Purchasing Configuration > Define Business Function
Configuration > Configure Procurement Business Function

Note: Select your Business Unit as Scope if scope is not already selected

2. Click on “Go to Task” icon

3. The “Configure Requisitioning Business Function (Your Business Unit)” will be


4. Buyer: Select Your User (e.g. PRC423, Superuser )

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5. Click “Save and Close” button

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 42

Configure Transaction Accounting

Note: For this setup make a note of the Business Unit name you created (e.g. PRC Business Unit)
as you have to enter the exact name in a free text field.

1. From your Implementation project navigate to

Procurement > Define Common Procurement Configuration > Define Transaction
Accounting for Procurement > Define Transaction Account Rules > Define Transaction
Accounts > Manage Mapping Sets

2. For the Manage Mapping Sets Task click “Go to Task” icon

3. Select and Click on the name “Expense Accrual Account – Business Unit” (or) select the
record “Expense Accrual Account – Business Unit” and click on Edit icon .

4. In the Chart of Accounts table select the US Chart of Accounts row.

5. In the US Chart of Accounts: Mappings section (third table), click to add a new

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 43

6. Enter your business unit name (Enter the exact name of your business unit which you
copied earlier) into the Input field.

Note: This is a free text field and there is no validation on this field

7. Enter 101.10.24220.000.000.000 into the Output field (this will be the expense
Accrual account mapped to your business unit).

8. Enter an Effective Start Date = 01/01/2015

9. Click “Save and Close” button

10. Click Done

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Create Supplier and Supplier Site

1. Navigator -> Procurement -> Suppliers

2. The Suppliers Work Area opens.
3. On the left pane click on “Create Supplier” task

4. Enter the Supplier Name starting with your initials (e.g. PRC Supplier)
5. Select Business Relationship as “Spend Authorized”
6. Select Tax Organization Type as “Corporation”
7. Click Create

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 45

8. Select the “Addresses” tab

9. Click the Create Icon

10. Enter an Address with all Address Purposes (Ordering, Remit to , RFQ or Bidding)

11. Click “Save and Close” button

12. Click OK for the confirmation

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 46

13. Select the Sites Tab and Click the Create Icon

14. Procurement BU : Select Your BU

15. Address Name : select your address
16. Site : Enter a Site name (Or leave the defaulted value)
17. Click “Save” button

18. Select the Receiving tab for the site and set the “Receipt Routing” to Direct Delivery.

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Create and Use a Procurement Business Unit Page 47

19. Click Save
20. Select the Site Assignments tab

21. Click “Autocreate Assignments”

22. Set the Bill To Location = Your location

23. Click “Save and Close”

24. Click OK at the confirmation

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25. Click “Contacts” Tab and click on Create Icon

26. Enter the Contact details

Note: E-Mail is mandatory if you wish to create a Supplier Portal user account.

27. Under “Contact Address”, Click on and select the address you already

28. Under “User Account” click on “Create User Account” radio button

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29. Observe that the roles get automatically assigned (this is a setup configuration, we
will discuss about this feature in the workshop).
30. Click “Save and Close” button
31. Again click “Save and Close” button

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Create Agreements

1. Navigator - > Procurement - > Purchasing

2. On Left side Pane : Tasks > Agreements > Click “Create Agreement” task

3. Enter the information :

Style : Blanket Purchase Agreement
Procurement BU: Your Business Unit
Supplier / Site / Contact : Your Supplier
Currency and Buyer: Keep the defaulted values

4. Click Create

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5. Under Lines region : Click the + Add Icon
6. Enter the line details
 Type = Goods
 Description = Retro 51 Tornado Red Pen
 Category Name = Pens and Pencils
 UOM Ea
 Price = 25

7. Select the Edit Icon to modify the line details in a new window
8. Under “Item Attributes” Enter the below URL for both the fields “Image URL” and
“Thumbnail Image”

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9. Click Ok
10. Select the Controls Tab
11. Review the “Business Unit Access” and “Automatic Process” Controls

12. Click Submit

13. You will receive a confirmation, click Ok

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Create Catalog

1. Navigator -> Procurement -> Catalogs

2. Click the “Manage Catalogs” Task

3. Click “Create Local Catalog” Button

4. Enter details as specified below :

 Procurement BU : Select Your Business Unit
 Catalog : Enter a Catalog name starting with your initials
 Description: Enter user defined description
 Under Agreements > Select “Include items from all agreements” Option
 Under Categories > Select “Include items from all categories” Option

5. Click “Save and Close” button

6. Click OK for the confirmation

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Create Content Zone

1. Still in the Catalogs work area, select the “Manage Content Zones” Task

2. Click the Create Icon

3. Select your Procurement BU and give the Content Zone a name with your initials

4. In the Catalogs section: Click the Select and Add icon

5. Select Your Catalog and click Done

6. In the Security section: Click the Select and Add icon

7. Select Your Business Unit and click Done

8. Click Save and Close

9. Click OK for the confirmation

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Create Requisition

1. Navigator -> My Information: Procurement -> Purchase Requisitions

2. Right side Bottom -> “Requisition Preferences” Click “Edit” button

a. Requisitioning BU : Select Your Business Unit

b. Deliver-to Location : Select Your Location
c. Under “Favorite Charge Accounts” click
d. Enter a Nick name and Charge account: 101.10.60540.000.000.000

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3. Click “Save and Close”
4. You should now be able to shop for your Pen , Under Search Catalog Search “Pens”

5. Click “Add to Requisition” button

6. Item gets added to the Requisition area

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7. Click “Edit and Submit” button

8. Click Submit Button

9. Click OK on the confirmation message

10. You will receive a notification that Requisition is approved

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11. After requisition is approved, automatically Purchase order gets created (Might take some
time > 4hrs).

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