Ask - Master - Togan - Any - Tips - Thread - by - Getinwithgame - Nov 15, 22 - From - Rattibha

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Master Togan


7 Tweets • 2022-11-15 •  See on 


Any tips on how to last longer on bed?

First, remember great sex comes from DOMINANCE.

From taking her and “using” her for your own pleasure.
This mindset is key. Everything else comes after that.


As for lasting longer, the only “trick” I do is when I’m

close to cumming is, I pull out and do something else
that’s also dominant, like spanking her or biting her
neck, while I cool down and recover. I do this
aggressively and usually playful too
My overall vibe in bed is “I love dominating you. You’re
so sexy and beautiful, you drive me wild”

Also, don’t think it’s weird to stop having sex to spank

or bite her. Most girls will not be wondering, “wait, why
did he pull out? Was he about to cum?”

Women want a full range of emotions during sex.

Curiosity, surprise and anticipation are great things for
her to feel when she’s in bed with you. As long as
she’s being used like a little sex doll, she’s happy.

Final point. A lot of men see sex linearly:

1) Foreplay until she’s wet

2) Now I penetrate and thrust

3) Ahhh, I can really good

4) Now it’s over

Women find that predictable.

This reminds me of Roissy 9th commandment: “in this
world, there’s no need to finish thoughts or draw
conclusions. There’s only a need to EXPERIENCE.”

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