Guide-To-Digital-Identity-Verification-Report 17

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Verification Suite Onfido Studio Atlas AI™

Access a curated library of identity verification services Build and optimize identity verification flows using Get fair, fast, and accurate identity verification
including award-winning document and biometric Onfido Studio, a powerful orchestration layer that powered by AI with a risk engine and anti-bias
solutions, trusted global data sources, and fraud acts as the mission control for identity verification. capabilities built in.
detection signals.
• Workflow Builder: Create verification flows • Anti-bias AI: Atlas is trained on diverse datasets
• Document and biometric verification: Onfido’s that take each customer on the right path. and tested to ensure it performs the same
award-winning document and biometric solutions Allow low-risk customers to get fast access for everyone.
give businesses confidence in customer identity and direct riskier customers to more verifications.
• Built in-house: Atlas was built and refined in-house
at onboarding and beyond.
• Smart Capture SDK: Integrate with existing over the last 10 years in collaboration with leading
• Data verification: Navigate KYC and AML compliance applications using our flexible, easy-to-integrate SDKs privacy organisations such as the Information
at scale with a library of ID record, proof of address, across iOS, Android, and Web, offering accessibility Commissioner’s Office (ICO) in the UK.
and watchlist screening solutions. features and intelligent end-user feedback to correct
• Lightning fast: Atlas delivers results fast, so good
things like blurred or cropped images.
• Fraud signals: Passive signals identify fraud customers aren’t kept waiting.
before it impacts businesses. Analyze geolocation, • Full automation: Set smart conditions within
• Pinpoint accuracy: With over 10,000 micro-models
IP reputation, and device integrity, and spot repeat workflows to automate decision-making and
that specialize in individual tasks, Atlas is highly
fraud across document and biometric solutions. improve turnaround times, clear rates, and fraud
adaptive and accurate.
detection accuracy.

17 A guide to digital identity verification

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