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Organization- Finoability(WFH)

Name: Swapnil Mitra Reg No: 23PGDM113

Phone No.: 8218695557 E-Mail Id:

I. Internship Program Details:

Title: Equity Research & Portfolio Management

1. Develop skills in equity research, portfolio

management, and financial planning through a
remote internship.
2. Gain hands-on experience in financial planning,
wealth management, and investment analysis.
3. Gain exposure to derivative markets and swing
trading strategies
4. Participate in live projects focused on financial
planning and mutual fund analysis.
Area: Finance
Objectives:  Gain hands-on experience in equity research,
portfolio management, and financial planning.
 Develop a strong understanding of fundamental
and technical analysis techniques.
 Learn to assess client needs and risk tolerance to
recommend suitable investment strategies.
 Gain practical knowledge of asset allocation and
portfolio construction.
 Enhance communication and interpersonal skills
through client interaction (optional, depending on the
internship structure).

Project Outcomes: Through a combination of project-based learning,

case study discussions, and exposure to various
financial instruments, I will gain practical skills in:
 Financial Planning & Wealth
Management: Creating financial plans and
managing investments for clients.
 Mutual Funds: Understanding different
types of mutual funds and their applications.
 Investment Analysis: Utilizing fundamental
and technical analysis to evaluate companies
and the overall market.
 Portfolio Construction: Building
diversified portfolios with various asset
classes based on risk tolerance and
investment goals.
 Risk Management: Identifying and
mitigating potential risks associated with
different investment strategies.
 Derivative Markets & Swing Trading
(Optional): Gaining introductory knowledge
of derivative instruments and swing trading
strategies through dedicated courses (subject
to completion for sales target).
Methodology:  Active participation in live projects on
financial planning and mutual funds.
 Contributing to discussions and analysis of
case studies.
 Conducting research and applying
fundamental and technical analysis
 Assisting in the development and
management of client portfolios (optional,
depending on the internship structure).
 Completing online courses on derivative
markets and swing trading (optional, subject
to completion for sales target).
 Completion of assigned projects on financial
planning and mutual funds.
 Insights and contributions to case study
 Research reports based on fundamental and
technical analysis.
 A well-diversified sample portfolio
(optional, depending on the internship
 Completion certificates for derivative
markets and swing trading courses
This internship will take place over a two-month
(May-June). First 2 weeks dedicated to learning
stock market fundamentals and key financial terms
with few assignments and projects. Then achieving
sales targets for two financial courses (deadlines:
May 20th and May 31st).Then delve into deeper
study of Equity Research & Portfolio Management
 Live projects (financial planning, mutual
 Case study discussions
 Advanced analysis (fundamental &
 Potential portfolio construction
Plan of Action: Phase 1: Initial Learning & Sales Focus (First 4
 Weeks 1-2:
o Devour foundational stock market
knowledge and key financial terms
through self-directed learning and
provided resources.
o Familiarize yourself with the
internship program structure and
 Weeks 3-4:
o Prioritize achieving the sales target
of Rs. 28,000 for Piyush Sir's course
on derivative markets.
o Alongside sales efforts, begin
exploring Equity Research &
Portfolio Management concepts
through assigned readings, online
resources, or introductory modules.
Phase 2: Advanced Studies & Project Work (Mid
May - July)
 Sales Deadlines:
o May 20th: Achieve sales target for
the first course (derivative markets).
o May 31st: Achieve sales target for
the second course (swing trading).
 Deep Dive into Equity Research &
Portfolio Management:
o Live Projects: Actively participate
in the assigned live projects on
financial planning and mutual funds.
o Case Studies: Engage in discussions
and apply theoretical knowledge to
real-world scenarios presented in
case studies.
o Advanced Analysis: Conduct in-
depth research and apply
fundamental and technical analysis
techniques to real companies and
market data.
o Potential Portfolio Construction:
If applicable, work on building a
sample portfolio based on the
knowledge gained throughout the
Ongoing Activities:
 Communication & Networking: Maintain
open communication with the internship
supervisor and seek guidance when needed.
Build professional relationships with
colleagues and mentors within the program.
 Time Management: Effectively manage
your time to balance sales efforts, project
work, and personal learning goals.
 Reflection & Learning: Regularly reflect
on your progress, identify areas for
Faculty Mentor- Dr Debaditya Mohanti

II. Organizational Details (If applicable):

Name: Finoability Pvt. Ltd.

Address: East India Works,19,RN Mukherjee Road, Esplanade,BBD Bagh,
Kolkata, West Bengal 700001

Tel Nos: 9051935342

Area of Business: Financial consulting

Name & Designation of the Mr. Piyush Agarwal

Head of the Organization: CO-FOUNDER & MANAGING DIRECTOR

III. Company Guide Contact Information (If applicable):

Name: Mr. Piyush Agarwal
Designation: Managing Director
Mobile No: 9051935342

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