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Computers & Fluids 105 (2014) 28–38

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Computers & Fluids

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / c o m p fl u i d

Simulation of construction ventilation in deep diversion tunnels

using Euler–Lagrange method
Zhen Liu, Xiaoling Wang ⇑, Zhengfei Cheng, Ruirui Sun, Aili Zhang
State Key Laboratory of Hydraulic Engineering Simulation and Safety, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Removal of harmful components is a major concern in the construction ventilation of deep diversion tun-
Received 12 March 2014 nels with heat exchange. The intersecting tunnels and air leakage along the long duct system increase the
Received in revised form 25 August 2014 difficulty of smoke extraction. A 3D unsteady Euler–Lagrange two-phase turbulence model is utilized
Accepted 4 September 2014
with the aim of understanding the pollutant discharge problem caused by the storage heat effects, the
Available online 16 September 2014
intersecting tunnels and air leakage along the long duct system. The effects of air leakage, the gas–solid
heat exchange, the gas–solid interaction forces and the particle collision are considered. A grid-sensitivity
study was performed to obtain a reasonable mesh resolution. The model is validated based on the in-situ
Deep diversion tunnels
Construction ventilation
ventilation test data. The construction ventilation for the diversion tunnels of the Jinping Second-cascade
Euler–Lagrange turbulence model Hydropower Station in China is taken as a case. The air field distribution, the distribution of heat transfer
Heat exchange coefficient, the air leakage rate per 100 m, the particle collision force and dust particles migration tracks
Dust migration are analyzed. The dust particles collisions have a negative influence on ventilation and dust exhaust. Most
dust particles move toward the tunnel outlet along the tunnel bottom with the effects of airflow and den-
sity flow, whereas part of the dust particles move upwards under the effect of buoyancy.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction developed. The numerical simulation of ventilation can be divided

into the aboveground building and the underground cavern in the
Construction ventilation is the ventilation during the under- civil engineering field. Past studies have mainly focused on the nat-
ground engineering construction, which is directly related to con- ure ventilation and contaminant dispersion [6–9] for the above-
struction efficiency, construction schedule and the health of ground building portion. For the underground cavern portion,
constructors [1–3]. Because of the smoke extraction difficulties ventilation simulation can be divided into a construction period
caused by the storage heat effects and the pollutant discharge dif- and an operation period. Greater attention has been paid to the
ficulties occurring with the intersecting tunnels and air leakage construction ventilation in mine tunnels, whereas because of the
along the long duct system, the construction ventilation of deep difficulty and complexity of gas–solid two-phase study on under-
diversion tunnels remains a difficult task. CO and dust are the ground tunnels, most studies have been focused on single-phase
primary contaminants during the drill-blasting construction of flow. Without considering the effects of contaminants, Parra
underground tunnels. Compared with dust, CO is easier to et al. [10] simulated the steady 3D isothermal incompressible flow
discharge because its density is similar to air [4]. The limit for dust in mine tunnels. Hargreaves and Lowndes [11] constructed a series
(2 mg/m3) is stricter than that of CO (30 mg/m3) in construction of steady-state models to replicate the ventilation flow patterns at
[1]. In addition, dust seriously affects the health of the construc- the head end of a drivage. The simulated results were compared
tors, especially respirable dust [1,5]. Because of the cross distribu- against the data of a series of full-scale ventilation experiments,
tion of diversion tunnels, contaminant discharge can be more which were conducted within a rapid development drivage of a
difficult to manage. Therefore, the removal of harmful dust in deep representative UK deep coal mine. Diego et al. [12] calculated the
diversion tunnels is vital to construction ventilation. losses in 138 circular tunnel situations (varying tunnel diameter,
With the development of computers, numerous investigations air velocity and surface characteristics), using both traditional
using computer simulation ventilation technology have been and CFD (computational fluid dynamics) methods. The traditional
methods mean using the three traditional calculation formulas to
estimate an airway resistance in mining applications [13–15].
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 022 27890738; fax: +86 022 27890910. Torno et al. [16] adopted experimental mathematical models and
E-mail address: (X. Wang).
0045-7930/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Z. Liu et al. / Computers & Fluids 105 (2014) 28–38 29

CFD models to analyze and compare the behavior of gas dilution where q0 is the density of the flow (kg/m3), b is the thermal expan-
after blasting in underground mines. Fewer studies have focused sion coefficient (K1), and DT is the temperature difference (K).
on construction ventilation in hydropower engineering. Wang The trajectory of a discrete phase particle is predicted by inte-
et al. [2] proposed a 3D unsteady quasi-single phase model to opti- grating the force balance on the particle, which is written in a
mize the ventilation time with different tunneling lengths. The Lagrangian reference frame. This force balance equates the particle
model was confirmed by the experimental values reported by inertia with the forces acting on the particle, and can be written as
Nakayama [17] and was applied to simulate diversion tunnel con-
dup gðqp  qÞ
struction ventilation for the Xin Tangfang power station in China. ¼ F D ðu  up Þ þ þ F p þ F ss ð2Þ
Wang et al. [3] used a three-dimensional renormalization-group dt qp
(RNG) model for forced ventilation to the working face of a long
where FD(u  up) is the drag force per unit particle mass and Fp is
diversion tunnel, taking into account the effects of air leakage
the force acting on the particles, including the drag force, the ther-
and the frictional resistance along the tunnel. The case study
mophoretic force, the pressure gradient force, and the virtual mass
involved the working face during TBM construction of the Xinjiang
force. The relevant equations can be found in the Fluent manual
81 Daban long diversion tunnel in China.
Because of the smoke extraction difficulties caused by the
The influence from collision force between particles is taken
storage heat effects and the pollutant discharge difficulties with
into account in the force balance equation of the particle, which
cross distribution of tunnels, the lack of knowledge about gas–solid
is based on molecular kinetic theory. The particle collision force
two-phase construction ventilation for deep tunnels remains an
Fss can be determined as follows [25]:
obstacle. There are few two-phase flow investigations focused on
underground construction ventilation in mine tunnels. Klemens 2
F ss ¼ rJ ¼ ð1 þ eÞrðC s qs hv 02
s iÞ ð3Þ
et al. [18] established a two-dimensional laminar model to simu- 3
late the dust deposition in a rectangular coal mine roadway with
where e is the collision restitution coefficient, set to 1.0; Cs is the
upper obstacles. The influence of gas–solid two-phase convective
volume coefficient of the particles; v 0s is the particle fluctuating
diffusion was not considered in the model. Cannoo [19] used a
velocity given by hv 02
s i ¼ jks =ms ; ms is the particle mass (kg); ks is
Eulerian approach to simulate the dust and methane distribution
instantaneous kinetic energy (N m); j is Boltzmann constant,
in a mine tunnel. Toraño et al. [20] performed a two-phase numer-
1.3806504  1023 J K1. The particle turbulent dispersion is only
ical simulation of airflow and dust in mining roadways with the
scarcely caused by fluid pulsation [25]. ks can be expressed as
Euler–Lagrange method. There are few existing studies examining
construction ventilation simulation of a single tunnel in hydro-
power projects. Zhang et al. [21] employed a three-dimensional srs 1
transient two-phase Eulerian model to simulate velocity fields ks ¼ 1 þ  kl ð4Þ
and dust diffusion of the heading face in a diversion tunnel. rffiffiffi 3=4
Overall, most of the aforementioned studies of diversion tun- 2 C l kc
st ¼ ð5Þ
nels have primarily concentrated on the single-phase flow simula- 3 ec
tion of a single diversion tunnel. Only a small number of them have qs d2s
srs ¼ ð6Þ
analyzed construction ventilation by focusing on the isothermal 18l
two-phase flow construction ventilation process itself. In this
paper, to examine smoke extraction difficulties caused by storage where srs is the particle dynamic response time (s); st is the air-
heat effects, pollutant discharge difficulties with cross distribution phase pulsation time (s); ds is particle diameter (m); qs is the parti-
of tunnels and air leakage along a long duct system, an cle density (kg/m3); l is the air dynamic viscous coefficient (N m/s);
Euler–Lagrange model is utilized for deep diversion tunnels. The kc is the air turbulent kinetic energy (m2/s2); ec is the dissipation
heat transfer coefficient and dust migration are analyzed. A rate of turbulent kinetic energy (m2/s3).
grid-sensitivity study was performed to obtain a reasonable mesh
resolution. In addition, the model was verified by the on-site 3. Computational model
ventilation test data.
3.1. Computational geometry and grid
2. Governing equations
The construction ventilation of the Jinping Second-cascade
In the construction ventilation of deep diversion tunnels, dust Hydropower Station deep diversion system, with four diversion
particles are convected and diffused, forming a dispersion system tunnels and a length of approximately 16.7 km from intake slope
suspended in the air medium. Therefore, an Euler–Lagrange model to upper tank, is taken as a case study. The design section is a
is applied. The 3D unsteady RANS equations in conjunction with horseshoe with a diameter of 13 m. The maximum burial depth
energy equation and the standard k  e turbulence model are of the diversion system is approximately 2525 m. Therefore, the
solved [22]. The standard k  e turbulence model proposed by diversion tunnels have the characteristics of deep cover, long dis-
Jones and Launder [23] has been largely validated by the scientific tances and large diameter, which lead to the pollutant discharge
community. For brevity, only the model constants are given here: difficulty. Forced ventilation is adopted. The construction ventila-
Cl = 0.09; C1e = 1.44; C2e = 1.92; rk = 1.0, re = 1.3 [24]. They are tion of the western No. 1 and No. 2 diversion tunnels is simulated.
the default values in Fluent 6.3. A transverse passageway is excavated every 500 m between the
The viscous dissipation terms are included in the energy equa- No. 1 and No. 2 diversion tunnels. To avoid a contaminated air
tion, which describe the thermal energy created by viscous shear in cycle among the transverse passageways and diversion tunnels,
the flow [22]. The Boussinesq model is used to solve the thermal the former transverse passageway is sealed off after the next trans-
buoyancy in the tunnels. This model treats density as a constant fixion. The actual distance of the drilling and blasting construction
value in all solved equations, except for the buoyancy term in is 7000 m, which we obtained from the construction data. CFD
the momentum equation [22]: technology is used for the simulation of the construction ventila-
tion at locations 550 m, 1500 m, 3000 m, 4000 m, 5000 m,
ðq  q0 Þg ffi q0 bDTg ð1Þ
6000 m and 7000 m along the No. 1 and No. 2 diversion tunnels.
30 Z. Liu et al. / Computers & Fluids 105 (2014) 28–38

Fig. 1. The geometrical model and the calculation grid model of the diversion tunnels.

Fig. 1(a) shows the geometrical model of the diversion tunnels. The Because the overall grid model is so big that it is difficult to show
lengths of the No. 1 and No. 2 construction branch tunnels are the grid resolution, the detailed view near the working face of the
664 m and 820 m, respectively. Two axial flow fans are located at three grids are illustrated in Fig. 2. The three grids are compared
the exit of the No. 1 construction branch tunnel. An air duct, with based on the jet axial velocity from air duct outlet to the working
a diameter of 2 m, is located at the top of the tunnel. After the air- face, and the results are shown in Fig. 3(a). The average difference
flow arrives at the working face, it reverses to the tunnel outlet. between the coarser grid (grid A) and the fine grid (grid B) is 9.98%,
Small holes are open as air leakage ports at 100 m intervals along while it is only 2.81% between the fine grid (grid B) and the finer
the air duct. To reduce grid size, the blocked transverse passage- grid (grid C). For uniform reporting of the grid-convergence study,
ways are not built into the geometrical model. The total number we adopted the concept of the grid-convergence index (GCI) by
of cells is 1,662,283 for tunneling lengths of 550 m. The grid model Roache [26,27]. The result on selected grid with indication of band
of the diversion tunnels is shown in Fig. 1(b). of 1.25  grid-convergence index [28] is shown in Fig.3(b). The
A grid-sensitivity analysis of 550 m length diversion tunnel is results show that grid sensitivity is most obvious within
performed by conducting simulations on the fine grid with 10–30 m away from air duct outlet. Above analysis also shows that
1,662,283 cells (grid B), a coarser grid with 765,810 cells (grid A) the fine grid is a suitable grid. Therefore, the fine grid was selected
and a finer grid with 3,044,521 cells (grid C). The grids were for further analysis with the calculation accuracy and the compu-
obtained by coarsening the fine grid with twice about a factor 2. tational efficiency consideration.
Z. Liu et al. / Computers & Fluids 105 (2014) 28–38 31

the diameter (m) [29,30]. The pressure outlet boundaries are con-
sidered to be in the tunnel outlet (see Fig. 1). The gauge pressure is
set to 0. The outlet temperature is equal to the external
The standard wall functions by Launder and Spalding [29] are
used with the sand-grain based roughness modification by Cebeci
and Bradshaw [31]. Because of the heat storage effect of the deep
tunnels and the strong heat exchange between the tunnel wall
and heat flow in the tunnel, the convective heat transfer boundary
conditions are considered. The thermal wall function is introduced
to determine the heat exchange coefficient [22].
In the construction ventilation gas–solid two-phase flow Euler–
Lagrange simulation of deep diversion tunnels, the dust particle
source is set in the working face. Dust particles escape to the tun-
nel outlet, so capture boundary conditions are set for the solid-
phase outlet boundary. In addition to the tunnel outlet, the rest
Fig. 2. View near the working face of the three grids for grid-sensitivity analysis.
of the walls are provided with reflecting boundary conditions.
Assuming that particle collision is elastic, the wall collision elastic
recovery factor is set to 1.
The initial discrete dust is mainly distributed near the working
face. The initial dust concentration is 400 mg/m3 [1]. The working
face is set as the dust injection source (see Fig. 1), the parameters
are shown in Table 1. The mass flow rate is calculated by cvA,
where c is the dust concentration (kg/m3); v is the air velocity in
the tunnel (m/s); A is the tunnel sectional area (m2).
The CFD model has been implemented in the commercial finite-
volume CFD code FLUENT. The time-dependent terms are handled
through an implicit second-order backward differentiation in time.
The second-order upwind scheme is used to approximate the con-
vective terms at the faces of the control volumes. The pressure-
implicit with splitting of operators (PISO) algorithm is employed
as the pressure velocity coupling method [32]. Convergence is
assumed to be obtained when the scaled residuals [22] reach
103 for all equations except the energy, for which the criterion
is 106.

4. Validation with the in-situ ventilation test data

The in-situ ventilation test data of the Jinping Second-cascade

Hydropower Station deep diversion system is used as a validation
case [33]. The monitoring of airflow velocity and temperature on-
site was measured with an AVM-05/AVM-07 thermometer and
anemograph (Fig. 4). According to in-situ ventilation test data, a
200 m long tunnel model is built. A spiral duct with a diameter
of 2 m is installed at the tunnel top. Five monitoring points,
P1–P5 (Fig. 5), are arranged at various distances of the blasting
working face at 25 m, 45 m, 65 m, 85 m and 105 m. The grid model
for validation is established by using the non-structured body-fit-
ted grid, as shown in Fig. 5. To meet the need, the local grid such
as near the air duct inlet is refined. The grid count is 198,400.
Fig. 6 shows the temperature distribution of the five monitoring
points. With the increasing distance from the working face, the
temperature of the tunnel is lower. The simulated data were com-
Fig. 3. CFD simulation results for the grid-sensitivity analysis. pared to the measured values (Table 2). The maximum relative
error of the temperature is 14.1%, whereas the minimum is 5.7%.
3.2. Boundary conditions A good agreement was achieved, with the average relative error

Given the assumptions that the inlet velocity is well-distrib-

Table 1
uted, velocity inlet boundary conditions are applied to the air duct Parameters of the particle injection source.
inlets (see Fig. 1). The inlet temperature is set to the external
temperature. The turbulence kinetic energy and turbulence Particle injection source Parameters

dissipation rate are given by the equations kin ¼ 3=2ðU in Iin Þ2 and Particle distribution Uniform
ein ¼ C 0:75 1:5 Particle diameter (m) 5.0  106
l kin =lm . The turbulence intensity Iin is equal to
Initial particle velocity (m/s) 0
0.16(Re)1/8, the mixing length lm is lm = 0.07L, where Cl is an Particle mass flow rate (kg/s) 0.0098
empirical constant, 0.09; Re the Reynolds number, 1.06  105; L
32 Z. Liu et al. / Computers & Fluids 105 (2014) 28–38

Fig. 4. The layout of the deep diversion system.

Table 2
Comparison of the temperature simulated values and the measured values.

Measurement position P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
Measured values (m/s) 18.5 18.4 17.7 17.4 17.5
Simulation values (m/s) 21.1 20.3 19.4 19.0 18.5
Average relative error value (%) 14.1 10.3 9.6 9.2 5.7

Table 3
Comparison of the simulation values of average airflow velocity and the measured

Measurement position P1 P2 P3 P4 P5

Fig. 5. The grid model for validation. Measured values (m/s) 0.498 0.791 0.577 0.474 0.453
Simulation values (m/s) 0.466 0.766 0.617 0.459 0.413
Average relative error value (%) 6.4 3.2 6.9 3.2 8.8

value of the temperature being 9.78%. Moreover, the simulation

values of the average airflow velocity in the tunnel are in good 5.1. Velocity and pressure distribution
agreement with the measurements (Table 3). The average relative
error value of the airflow velocity is 5.7%. The validation results As the airflow distribution trends near the working face are
indicate that the mathematical model can be used for construction similar at tunneling lengths of 550 m, 1500 m, 3000 m, 4000 m,
ventilation simulation of deep diversion tunnels. 5000 m, 6000 m and 7000 m, the construction ventilation at loca-
tion 550 m is mainly analyzed. The airflow velocity distribution
near the working face at different times is shown in Fig. 7. At the
5. Results and discussion ventilation initial time (t = 5 s), the airflow develops according to
the free turbulent jet law without the influence of working face.
In this section, the air field taking into account the effect of air The mass, momentum and heat exchanges emerge continuously
leakage, the distribution of heat transfer coefficient, the particle between the jet and the surrounding air under the effect of velocity
collision and dust particle migration are analyzed. difference and turbulent fluctuation. An eddy zone forms with the
entraining effect of jet, as shown in the red frame of Fig. 7(a). At the
15 s ventilation time, the longitudinal velocity of the jet reduces
along with the tunnel. The eddy zone enlarges as the jet length
increases. When the ventilation time reaches 60 s, airflow reaches
the working face, and the airflow filed is basically stable.
The basically stable airflow distribution is shown in Fig. 8(a).
With jet velocity reduction, airflow velocity is approximately
1.5 m/s when the jet reaches the working face. The radius of the
jet cross section increases first and then decreases, reaching a
maximum 4.5 m at the eddy center section A-A. The downward
movement airflow attaches to the working face and forms a
Fig. 6. The simulated temperature distribution of the five monitoring points (unit: wall-attached jet under the effect of pressure difference, before
K). producing backflow. The backflow velocity reaches a maximum
Z. Liu et al. / Computers & Fluids 105 (2014) 28–38 33

Fig. 8. Distribution of the basically stable airflow near the working face (unit: m/s).

Distributions of the leakage rates per 100 m for different tunnel

lengths are shown in Fig. 11. The distribution of the leakage rate
per 100 m along the tunnel displays a decreasing trend. The max-
imum leakage occurs near the air duct inlet, and the minimum
leakage occurs near the working face, as shown in Fig. 11. The leak-
age rate per 100 m is defined as follows [3]:
Fig. 7. Distribution of airflow field near the working face for different time (y = 0 m,
unit: m/s). Qm  Q
P¼  100% ð7Þ
Q m  Lf
3.0 m/s near the section A-A. The airflow streamline distribution is
shown in Fig. 8(b), which clearly displays the eddy zone under the where P is air leakage rate; Q is air flux on the section of air leakage
jet zone. point, m3/min; Qm is the air flux of fan, m3/s; Lf is the length of air
duct, m.
5.2. Analysis of air leakage
5.3. Analysis of heat exchange
The distribution of the airflow velocity near the air leakage
points along the tunnel is shown in Fig. 9. As the tunnel is so long For deep diversion tunnels, temperature differences form from
that it is hard to display the airflow velocity distribution of the air the heat storage and the heat from drilling and blasting. There is
leakage areas along the whole tunnel clearly, the tunnel is trun- strong convective heat exchange between the air outside tunnel
cated and the air leakage areas are enlarged. The enlarged air leak- and the hot airflow in the tunnel as well as between the tunnel
age areas are spliced together as shown in Fig. 9. The airflow wall and the airflow under the effect of temperature difference.
velocity at the air leakage point is high near the outlet and is low The strength of convective heat exchange can be represented by
near the working face. The leakage amount decreases gradually the heat transfer coefficient.
from the outlet to the working face. With the distance between The distribution of surface heat transfer coefficient near the
the leakage port and the tunnel outlet increases, the influence of working face is shown in Fig. 12. At the initiation of ventilation,
air leakage to the airflow field distribution decreases, as shown the surface heat transfer coefficient of working face is larger,
in Fig. 9(a) and (b). whereas that at other zones of tunnel is almost zero, as shown in
The air volumetric flow rate along the air duct at different tun- Fig. 12. At the beginning of ventilation, the airflow does not reach
nel lengths is shown in Fig. 10. With increasing tunnel length, the the working face, the airflow velocity in the tunnel is smaller and
air volumetric flow rate decreases gradually. The air volumetric the heat from drilling and blasting aggregates at the working face
flow rate at the working face and the end of air duct are similar without diffusion. Hence, the surface heat transfer coefficient of
for different tunnel lengths. The air from the fan enters the air duct the working face is maximal. With increasing ventilation time, air-
and the amount of air decreases gradually because of air leakage flow reaches the working face and accelerates the air movement.
while flowing toward the working face. The air volumetric flow There is strong convective heat exchange between the air from
rate at the duct outlet is approximately 43 m3/s for different tunnel duct and inside the tunnel. In addition, the heat of the working face
lengths, which satisfies the ventilation demand of the working face diffuses toward the surrounding with the entrainment effect of jet,
(40.55 m3/s). and the temperature in the tunnel increases, which causes convec-
34 Z. Liu et al. / Computers & Fluids 105 (2014) 28–38

Fig. 11. Distributions of the leakage rates per 100 m for different tunnel lengths.

Fig. 9. The air velocity distribution near the air leakage points at different locations
(unit: m/s).

Fig. 10. The air volumetric flow rate along the air duct at different tunnel lengths.

tive heat exchange between the tunnel wall and thermal airflow
under the effect of temperature difference. At a ventilation time
of 1800 s, the heat transfer coefficient of the tunnel wall increases, Fig. 12. Distribution of surface heat transfer coefficient near the working face
as shown in Fig. 12(b). The heat and temperature difference at the (unit: W/(m2 K)).
working face is maximal, which results in convective heat
exchange, a maximal heat transfer coefficient (10.1 W/(m2 K)). As
the partial enlarged area shows in Fig. 12(b), the heat transfer coef- field measurement of convective heat transfer coefficient in deep
ficient inside the tunnel (y = 6 m to 6 m) is basically lower than diversion tunnels. The heat transfer coefficient is solved using
1 W/(m2 K) as well as that near the tunnel wall (y = 6 m to the method of thermal wall function. The reliability of simulation
6.5 m and y = 6 m to 6.5 m) is 4 W/(m2 K), which indicates stron- results are proved by comparing with the empirical values that
ger convective heat exchange between the tunnel wall and airflow. are obtained using the empirical formula of tunnel wall heat trans-
With existing empirical formulas, it is difficult to obtain the law fer coefficient from the measured data. The empirical formula [34]
of convective heat transfer. There are presently few reports on the is as follows:
Z. Liu et al. / Computers & Fluids 105 (2014) 28–38 35

0:045k Re0:8
h¼ ð8Þ

where k is the thermal conductivity of air, W/(m K); Lf is the section

hydraulic diameter, m; Re is the Reynolds number.
The comparison between the calculated results and simulated
results of the surface average heat transfer coefficient for the tun-
nel wall at location 550 m is shown in Fig. 13. The trend found in
the numerical simulations agrees well with the calculated results
near the working face. The maximum relative error between the
simulated results and calculated results is 9.3%, and the average
relative error is 5.8%. It is feasible to use the method of tempera-
ture wall functions for solving the heat transfer coefficient of deep
diversion tunnel for construction ventilation numerical simulation.
The distribution of the surface average heat transfer coefficients Fig. 14. The distribution of surface average heat transfer coefficient near the
working face.
near the working face for different tunnel lengths is shown in
Fig. 14. The distribution trends of the surface average heat transfer
coefficient for different tunnel lengths are identical, initially
increasing then decreasing within 50 m from the working face.
The distance between the air duct outlet and the working face is
30 m. The air velocity at the air duct outlet is maximal, which
results in stronger convective heat exchange near the air duct out-
let. The maximal surface average heat transfer coefficient is
approximately 7 W/(m2 K).

5.4. Analysis of dust migration

5.4.1. The influence of particle collision

For the gas–solid two-phase flow, the collisions among the dust
particles will affect the space distribution and movement track of
the dust particles. Fig. 15 is the space distribution of the dust par-
ticles near the working face. The lines indicate the moving track of
the dust particles, and the colored dots on the line indicate the res-
idence time. Area A in the red dashed frame is the area 0–10 m
away from the working face. Area B in the red dashed frame is
the area 20–30 m away from the face. When collisions are not
taken into account, the concentration of the dust particles is small
(Area A in the red dashed frame of Fig. 15(a)), 22.7 mg/m3 (average
value). When affected by the eddy rotation, dust particles are more
concentrated. In regards to particle collisions, the concentration of
the dust particles around the working face is higher than when not
taking particle collisions into consideration. This can be shown by
comparing the space distributions in Area A in the red dashed
frames between Fig. 15(a) and (b). The dust concentration in Area
A is 24 mg/m3, which is 1.3 mg/m3 higher than when not taking Fig. 15. The space distribution of the dust particles near the working face (unit: s).
into collision, a 5.73% increase. In addition, dust particles around
the eddy zone are also affected by the collisions with each other.
Hence, the concentration degree of dust particles in Area B in the not considering collisions, an increase of 10.3%. When not consid-
red dashed frame of Fig. 15(b) is higher than it in Fig. 15(a), ering collisions, the dust particles persist for approximately 300 s
48.4 mg/m3 (average value), which is 4.5 mg/m3 higher than when on average around the working face, whereas when taking it into
consideration they persist for approximately 500 s on average
around the working face, which is approximately 200 s longer.
Thus, this paper assumes that dust particles collisions have a neg-
ative influence on ventilation and dust exhaust.

5.4.2. Particle trajectory

With the effect of uplift action caused by density difference, the
dust particles at the working face form density flow. In addition,
the dusty airflow sinks to the bottom of the working face and
aggregates there. At the same time, because of the heat produced
by drilling and blasting, the airflow temperature and the dust ini-
tial temperature are relatively high. Affected by the interaction of
cold and hot airflow, the temperature gradient around working
face is large. Dust particles are intermixed under the actions of
temperature difference and form thermal buoyancy. In addition,
Fig. 13. Comparison between calculated results and simulated results. because of the effect of thermophoresis, dust particles move
36 Z. Liu et al. / Computers & Fluids 105 (2014) 28–38

toward the opposite direction of the temperature gradient of the the No. 2 transverse passageway is low. Thus, dust particles are
tunnel section, which causes thermophoresis and goes against detained here and hard to discharge, which causes dust in the
the effects of ventilation and dust exhaust. No. 2 transverse passageway to be retained for a longer time, and
The tracks of the dust particles near the working faces are the mean retention time is 1300 s (t = 21.67 min), as shown in
shown in Fig. 16. As affected by both the attached jet and density
flow, the dust around the working face travels along the wall
toward the tunnel bottom and moves forward in the control of air-
flow in a backflow zone. When arriving at the eddy zone, rotation-
ally entrained by eddy, part of the dust moves back and the
phenomenon of secondary suspension occurs. At the same time,
because of the high speed of airflow near the eddy zone, which
accelerates the dust movement, the movement of the dust particles
is accelerated, as shown in Fig. 16 (Area C and D red dashed frame).
Because of the carrying role of airflow, most dust moves toward the
tunnel outlet, except some dust moves back. When the dust arrives
near the No. 2 transverse passageway, the buoyancy greatly affect
the dust, instead of the airflow in the jet zone. As the partial
enlarged area E shows in Fig. 16(b), most dust particles move along
the bottom of the channel under the effect of density gravity flow,
but a portion of the dust particles move upwards under the effect
of buoyancy.
The distribution of dust particle trajectories and residence time
are shown in Fig. 17. The dust particle residence time increases
successively from the working face to tunnel outlet. Dust particles
move from the working face to tunnel outlet with the effect of air-
flow, the retention time near the working face is short, and the
mean value is 300 s (t = 5 min). Some of the dust particles move
to the No. 2 transverse passageway, and the airflow velocity in

Fig. 16. The tracks of the dust particles near the working faces (unit: m/s). Fig. 17. Distribution of dust particle trajectories and residence time (unit: s).
Z. Liu et al. / Computers & Fluids 105 (2014) 28–38 37

 The particle collision force and dust particles migration

tracks are analyzed. The dust particles collisions among
each other have a negative influence in ventilation and dust
exhaust. Most dust particles move toward the tunnel out-
let along the tunnel bottom with the effects of airflow
and density flow, whereas part of the dust particles move
upwards under the effect of buoyancy. A small part of dust
particles are detained in the transverse passageway and
hard to discharge.

The simulation method based on CFD can be theoretically

generalized for these underground projects that require the drill-
blasting construction and excavation operations. In the future, to
improve the prediction of gas–solid two-phase in the deep diver-
Fig. 18. The relationship between the diversion tunnel length and the ventilation sion tunnel, future work should focus on taking various fan types
account during construction ventilation simulation. CFD is a
sophisticated tool for better understanding the detailed interac-
tions between fluid mechanics, mass transfer and heat transfer.
partial enlarged area F in Fig. 17(b). Area G is the No. 1 transverse
passageway. Based on the partial enlarged area G, the dust parti-
cles in No. 1 diversion tunnel move to No. 1 branch tunnel, mean- Acknowledgments
while those in No. 2 diversion tunnel mainly move to No. 2 branch
tunnel. Part of the dust particles stayed in the transverse This work was supported by the Foundation for Innovative
passageway. Research Groups of the National Natural Science Foundation of
The relationship between the diversion tunnel length and the China (Grant no. 51021004), the Natural Science Foundation of
ventilation time is shown in Fig. 18. The dust particles move from China (Grant no. 51179121) and the Specialized Research Fund
the working faces to the tunnel outlet with the carrying action of for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (Grant no.
airflow. For the diversion tunnel length of 550 m, when the venti- 20120032110045).
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