2014. Yu, P., Yan, Z., & Zhao, L. Comparison and Analysis of Different Dilution Standards of Pollutants in Tunnel Ventilation

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The Comparison and Analysis of Different Dilution Standards of Pollutants

in Tunnel Ventilation

Peng Yu1, Zhiguo Yan1,2,Li Zhao1

Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road,
Shanghai 200092, China
Key Laboratory of Geotechnical and Underground Engineering of the Ministry of
Education, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai 200092, China

ABSTRACT : This study is conducted to make detailed comparison and

discussion of different dilution standards of pollutants in tunnels based on
domestic specifications JTJ026.1-1999 and PIARC2012(World Road
Association).From three aspects(method for calculating required air volume in
tunnel ventilation, emission of vehicles and admissible in-tunnel concentrations of
toxic gases) this paper has made a comparative analysis between domestic
specification JTJ026.1-1999 and PIARC2012.Taking Donghu tunnel in WuHan
for instance, the research calculates the required airflow volume in Donghu tunnel
based on two different sets mentioned above. The calculation results show that
there is a huge gap between the two sets for tunnel ventilation. The results of field
measurement in Yan’an Donglu Tunnel also prove that the concentration of CO is
relatively low in fact. JTJ026.1-1999 is conservative in reduction coefficient of
CO. Nitrogen Oxides and non-exhaust particulate matter emissions are becoming
dominant factors instead of CO in calculating required air volume for normal
operation of tunnel. In order to keep pace with future traffic volume and vehicle
emission standard in China, domestic specifications should be improved in terms
of vehicle emissions and threshold value of toxic gases, so as to make calculation
for required air volume in tunnel more reasonable and economical.


With the rapid development of economy and tunnel technology in China, more
and more long tunnels are emerging in the city in order to relieve the traffic
pressure. As a result of this, the ventilation system of long tunnel becomes the key

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factor of the design, which directly decides the normal operation cost. The design
of a ventilation system is based on two ventilation scenarios. One is the
consideration of normal operation and the other consideration of a fire case. While
the fire case is often the dominating factor for highway and non-urban tunnels, in
tunnels with a high traffic load and frequent congested traffic, the fresh air
requirement for normal operation can be dominant(PIARC, 2012). This paper
aims at defining the minimum air requirement that is required to ensure adequate
in-tunnel air quality and visibility thresholds. The air requirement of ventilation is
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the basic of the ventilation design, the high volume would induce higher operation
cost and the low volume cannot dilute the pollutants effectively, which cannot
ensure the fine environment in tunnel (Zhu and Zhang,2009). So it is very
important to decide the required air volume reasonably and economically. At
present the design of ventilation is still based on the specifications JTJ026.1-1999
which is promulgated in 1999 by China's Ministry of Transportation. In
consideration of the booming car industry and the features of the long tunnels, it’s
necessary to make detailed comparison between domestic specifications and
specifications abroad, as to provide basis for calculating the required air volume.


Based on JTJ026.1-1999 in China

According to JTJ026.1-1999 Specifications for Design of Ventilation and

Lighting of Highway Tunnel, the aim of inhaling fresh air is to dilute CO, smog
and abnormal taste.
The required air volume should be calculated respectively aiming to the three
materials and take the max value as the final required air volume. The factors that
affect the results include the volume of traffic, the level of the road, the design
threshold of the pollutants, the gradient of the road and the condition of the
vehicle. So the correction factors should be reflected in the calculated method.
The formula to calculate the emissions of the CO is shown as equation (1):
qco f a f d f h f iv L  N m f m 
QCO  m 1
3.6  106
In Eqn (1), QCO represents the whole emissions of CO in the tunnel, m3/s; qco

represents the baseline of CO for a vehicle (m3/vehicle·km); fa is the factor of

the vehicle condition; fd is the factor of the vehicle density; fh represents the

factor of altitude for CO; fiv is the gradient-speed factor of CO;L is the length

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of the tunnel, m; f m is the vehicle type factor of CO; N m represents the traffic

volume of every vehicle type.

Then the equation for calculating required air volume is acquired as Eqn (2):
Qco p0 T
Qreq co   • •  106
 p T0

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In Eqn (2):  is the design concentration of CO, ppm; p0 and p represent

standard atmospheric pressure and local atmospheric pressure respectively, kPa;
T0 is the standard temperature, T0=273K; T is the design temperature of tunnel

in the summer, K.
From the angle of diluting the smog, the required fresh air can obtain using
equation (3):
qVI f a(VI ) f d f h(VI ) f iv (VI ) L ( N m f m (VI ) )
QVI  m 1
3.6  106

In Eqn (3): QVI represents the whole emissions of smog in the tunnel, m3/s;

qVI represents the design baseline of smog for a vehicle, m3/(vehicle·km); f a(VI )

is the factor of the vehicle condition; fd is the factor of the traffic density; f h (VI )

is the factor of altitude; fiv (VI ) represents the gradient-speed factor; f m (VI ) is the

vehicle type factor of smog; L is length of the tunnel, m;nD is the number of
the diesel vehicle type; Nm is the traffic volume of every vehicle type.
The air volume for diluting smog is calculated by Eqn(4):
Qreq (VI )  VI (4)
In Eqn(4): K is the design concentration of smog and particulate matter, m-1.
There are some demands for diluting the abnormal taste as follows:
The uninterrupted ventilation rate of the tunnel space, not less than five times
per hour; it is 3~4 times per hour for long tunnels.
The speed of the ventilation wind should be less than 2.5m/s in tunnels with
longitudinal ventilation.

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Based on PIARC 2012

The required amount of fresh air for a given traffic condition in the tunnel
depends on the number of vehicles in the tunnel, the average emission per vehicle,
the admissible concentration for the particular emission and the ambient air
concentrations. The fresh air demand required is calculated as the maximum of
the air volumetric flow rates needed to dilute each of the contaminants. These air
volumetric flow rates, for each contaminant, are obtained using equation (5)
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below adding up the individual contribution for each type of vehicle.

veh  tyoe
veh  type
( nveh type .Qcont )
V cont 
(Cadm  Camb ) (5)
(cont: CO, NOx, PM)
(veh-type:PC-gas, PC-diesel, LDV, HGV)

For the opacity due to diesel smoke and non-exhaust PM, (Cadm  Camb ) is

replaced by K adm .

V cont Air volume flow rates for each type of contaminant [m³/h]

nveh type Number of vehicles in tunnel for each type

veh  type
Qcont Emission for CO, NOx [g/(h.veh)] and emissions of particle matter
Cadm admissible concentration of each type of pollutant (CO, NOx) [g/m³]

Camb ambient (background) concentration of each type of pollutant (CO,

K adm admissible extinction coefficient [m-1]


BETWEEN JTJ026.1-1999 AND PIARC 2012

The calculation method of required air volume

The required air volume difference between JTJ026.1-1999 and PIARC 2012
based on CO and PM is mainly reflected in two aspects (Ding et al, 2011).

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First, as to the set of baseline emission, the basic emission factor q(v,i) in
PIARC 2012 is a function of speed and gradient, look-up table to determine
parameter according to the average speed and the tunnel slope; while in our
specification, CO cycling emissions is a certain value, the value of 0.01m3 /
(vehicle · km), then use the slope - speed correction factor to consider for the
impact of speed and slope.
Secondly, to determine the correction coefficient is also a clear distinction
between the two. Table 1 makes comparison and summary of the correction
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factors appearing in the two norms. As can be seen, as our specification uses a
given value of vehicle emission factor, and therefore needs the using of more
correction factor. In addition, the 2012 version of the PIARC specification, a
significant change of the correction factor is the addition of non-emission of
particulate matter emission factors. Previous versions of PIARC specification
although takes the impact of non-emission of particulate matter into account on
the tunnel required air volume. However, it isn’t reflected in the calculation and
there’s not a correction factor to consider the effect. The emerging of this factor
proves that the non-emission PM becomes more and more important in the tunnel
ventilation. PIARC of 2012 version regulates the composition of vehicles into
passenger cars, light trucks and heavy trucks. The correction factor referred to in
Table 1 are for small passenger cars and light trucks. In terms of heavy-duty
trucks and buses, in addition to the aforementioned correction factor, but also
more of a heavy goods vehicle quality correction factor fm. The base emission
quantities given for HGV are an average value for a typical fleet consisting of
single lorries, trailer trucks and coaches, whereas coaches can be related to single
lorries. The average vehicle mass accounts to 23 t and describes a mixture of
single trucks and lorry-trailer combinations, both loaded and empty. As the
emission quantity of HGV is strongly related to the total vehicle mass (including
load), different vehicle masses have to be considered by using the vehicle mass
factor. This factor is only applicable for HGVs.

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Table 1 Correction coefficient comparison between JTJ026.1-1999 and

Correction coefficient
JTJ026.1-1999 fa fh fm fd fiv
factor of vehicle factor factor of factor speed-slope
condition of vehicle of vehicle factor
altitude type density
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PIARC2012 fh ft fe qne(v)
correction factor time influence emission
of altitude factor factor for factor for
technology non-exhaust
standards particulate

Emission standards

The introduction of emissions legislation has resulted in emissions reductions

as new, lower emitting vehicles replace older, higher emitting vehicles.
Worldwide emission standards for Europe, Japan and the USA dominate the
emissions legislation. As emission standards define the threshold values according
to a specific test procedure and apply only for new vehicles, real world vehicle
emissions differ strongly from the values given in the vehicle-emission standards.
Calculation of emissions of pollutants, PIARC 2012 developed A, B, C three
technical standards. All countries adopting standard A require vehicles to be
checked regularly for technical issues, including exhaust emissions. For countries
that don’t adopt any regular checking procedures, a distinction into standard B or
C can be made. Standard B is used for countries which have adopted Euro or
similar emission standards with a time shift of 10 years. The emissions can be
calculated on the basis of the emission factors for technology standard A times an
influencing factor “fe”. Standard C applies to countries which have adopted
emission standards but don’t conduct any effective emission control (i.e. vehicle
inspection programs) of the ageing vehicles. For our specification JTJ026.1-1999,
the baseline emissions of pollutants were such a provision: in the process of
calculating required amount of wind, the base year (1995) exhaust emissions for
our cars are the following values: Gasoline (minibus) CO baseline emissions
0.01m3 / (km · veh), diesel PM emissions 2.5m3 / (km · veh), thereafter every year
declines from 1% to 2%. But in fact, even the maximum 2%, from either
short-term or long-term perspective, our vehicle emission standards and
specifications are still conservative compared with actual reduction rate (Wang,
2010). That is to say, CO and smoke emissions reduction rate are far greater than

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Pollutants design concentration

Limiting the concentration of various pollutants in highway tunnels is designed

to protect the personnel’s health, safety and comfort, to ensure there is enough
visibility to facilitate safe driving. CO dilution of JTJ026.1-1999 is to ensure
sanitary conditions inside the tunnel, diluting the PM to ensure adequate visibility,
improving the comfort of the tunnel is the purpose of diluting the smell in the air.
JTJ026.1-1999 specification of ventilation only adopts CO, smoke and odor as
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pollutant standards. PIARC2012 also has restrictions for non-emission of

particulate matter and nitrogen oxides. With the development of the automobile
industry, vehicle exhaust emissions has been greatly reduced, so the concentration
of various pollutants are greatly reduced. As a result, non-exhaust emissions of
particulate matter and dust caused by tire wear, braking and road friction has
become an important factor in the tunnel environment. Some countries take
nitrogen oxides to replace the controlling factor of CO in required air volume
Although the two sets of specifications both have the CO concentration limit,
but there is a big difference in the values and working conditions. JTJ026.1-1999
provides only for the pollutant concentration in the normal operation and
congested conditions , including the transverse normal operations, half transverse
ventilation system , the value of longitudinal ventilation increases 50 × 10-6;
while PIARC2012 has free flowing peak traffic, daily congested traffic(stopped
on all lanes), exceptional congested traffic, planned maintenance work in a tunnel
under traffic, threshold values for closing the tunnel five conditions.CO
concentration and visibility limits have made it more conducive to reasonably
determine the need for fresh air flow and operations management. Concentration
of JTJ026.1-1999 given refers to average concentration in the whole tunnel (Guo
et al, 2006). For PIARC 2012, the so-called " concentration " means " allowable
concentration ". That is the maximum allowable concentration.


The field measurement of CO in Yan’an Donglu tunnel in Shanghai

Yan’an Donglu tunnel is the most important urban tunnel of shanghai, the
traffic volume is the biggest in Shanghai. It is about 2.2 km long and located in
the center of Shanghai. In order to measure the actual concentration of CO in real
tunnel, Tongji University has conducted some field measurement at the exit of the
tunnel where the concentration of CO is the maximum. The result of one typical
day is shown in figure 1.

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40 traffic volume

Traffic Volume Per Hour (veh)


CO Concentration (ppm)


20 1500
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0 0

23 0
18 0
19 0
20 0
21 0
22 0
01 0
02 0
03 0
04 0
05 0
06 0
07 0
08 0
09 0
10 0
11 0
12 0
13 0
14 0
15 0
16 0
17 0



Fig.1 The concentration of CO in Yan’an Donglu Tunnel

In figure 1, we can see, the maximum concentration of CO is about 40 ppm

which is far lower than the design concentration in JTJ026.1-1999. That is to say,
the reduction factor of CO is conservative and isn’t suitable with the actual

Calculation example

Taking Donghu Tunnel in Wuhan for example, calculate the required amount of
fresh air based on JTJ026.1-1999 and PIARC2012 separately.

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Table 2 Required air volume based on JTJ026.1-1999(CO)

Initial Recent Forward

Line Dilute
(km/h) Dilute CO(m3/s) Dilute CO(m3/s)
CO(m /s)

Left 188 242 214

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Right 187 240 213

Left 223 286 254

Right 223 286 254

Left 278 358 317

Right 278 358 317

Left 318 409 363

Right 323 416 369

Table 3 Required air volume based on PIAR 2012(CO)

Initial Recent Forward Remark
Line Dilute Dilute Dilute
CO(m3/s) CO(m3/s) CO(m3/s)
Left 62 71 69
60 Righ
66 75 73
Left 69 79 76
50 Righ
71 81 78
Left 80 92 89
40 Righ
82 94 91
Left 156 179 173
20 Righ
157 180 175
Left 343 393 379 2km
10 Righ Congeste
345 394 380
t d

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Table 4 Required air volume based on PIARC 2012(NOx)

Initial Recent Forward Remark
Line Dilute Dilute Dilute
NO2(m3/s) NO2(m3/s) NO2(m3/s)
Left 424 514 557
Right 429 519 560
Left 430 522 571
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Right 435 527 573

Left 443 543 600
Right 451 548 602
Left 461 565 633
Right 465 568 633
Left 455 557 631 2km
Right 455 557 629 Congested


Compared with PIARC 2012, our tunnel ventilation design specifications

JTJ026.1-1999 has considerable difference in calculation method of required air
volume, the design concentration of pollutants in the tunnel and vehicle
emissions. There are considerable differences in the corresponding parameter
value, which has a great lag with PIARC 2012. The current specification and
recommendations should make a new vehicle traffic statistics, in order to update
the specification data.
By contrast to air volume calculation results based on CO in different
standards, we found that our specifications making the CO emissions reduction
factor of 1% to 2% is relatively conservative. The design CO concentration of the
tunnel is relatively high, there might be some impact on human health.
Summary the results above, we can come to the conclusion that taking CO as
the controlling factor is clearly inappropriate and our specification does not
consider the impact of other gases, it is not appropriate. The calculation of
nitrogen oxides should be promptly added into the existed specification
JTJ026.1-1999 and should take non-exhaust particulate matters into account
considering the more important role of it.


Ding C. et al. 2011. Required Air flow volume analysis based on our norms and
standards of PIARC. Journal of Environmental Engineering,

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Guo X.H. et.al. Research in Calculation Method of Required Air Volume in Long
Highway Tunnel Ventilation. Journal of Central South Highway Engineering,
2006(01): 57-60.
JTJ026.1-1999, Specifications for Design of Ventilation and Lighting of Highway
Road tunnels. Road Tunnels Vehicle Emissions and Air Demand for Ventilation.
PIARC, 2012.
Wang Y.Q. et al. 2010. The impact of Nitrogen Oxides on the amount of required
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fresh air volume. Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and

Development, 2010(10): 89-94.
Zhu C. and Zhang X. 2009. Several problems in Design of highway tunnel
ventilation. Journal of Underground Space and Engineering, 2009(02):

Tunneling and Underground Construction

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