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Master Togan


5 Tweets • 2022-11-18 •  See on 

Generally speaking, higher quality girls require more

time, trust and emotional connection to get into bed
–– that's what makes them higher quality.

Lower quality women have disconnected sex from

trust and emotions, so they can and do fuck quicker,
like men


Of course, women can also be SNEAKY and

manipulative, and just pretend they are higher quality
in order to come off as girlfriend material –– or to just
use a man for his resources and his attention. So it's
up to the man to figure out if she's being genuine or
That's why it's so important for a man to climb the hill
of rejection and gain a lot of experience with women
–– to gain that insight and wisdom and be able to
discern a higher quality woman from an imposter!

Inexperienced men are the ones most at risk:

Now you will hear “just work on your value and women
will come to you” but what type of women?

If you don’t approach and gain experience with

women, you will probably be inexperienced to know
you’re dating a cheating slut

Don’t use making money as an excuse to not work on

your game. It’s part of building the high value man you
want to be. Learn game

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