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5.1 Hypothesis Testing

Question Paper

Course Edexcel A Level Maths

Section 5. Hypothesis Testing
Topic 5.1 Hypothesis Testing
Difficulty Very Hard

Time Allowed 50
Score /41
Percentage /100

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Question 1a
In the context of hypothesis testing, explain the term:
(i) critical region

(ii) critical value

[3 marks]

Question 1b
The table below shows the probabilities for different values that X ∼ B (40,0 . 8) can take:

x P(X = x )
40 0.000133
39 0.001329
38 0.006480
37 0.020520
36 0.047452

A test of the null hypothesis H0: p = 0 . 8 against the alternative hypothesis H1 ∶ p > 0 . 8 is carried out for the random
variable X ∼ B (40,p ) .
Using a 5% level of significance, find the values of X which would lead to the rejection of the null hypothesis.
[3 marks]

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Question 1c
A second test is carried out with the same null hypothesis against the alternative hypothesis H 1 ∶ p ≠ 0 . 8 .

Given that x = 38 is a critical value, find the minimum level of significance for the test.
[3 marks]

Question 2a
Meditest is a company manufacturing medical tests which are used to determine whether a patient has a certain illness.
Meditest claims that the tests are 95% accurate, however a particular hospital will only purchase the tests if they are more
than 95% accurate. Meditest test the accuracy of their product using a sample of 250 patients with the illness and agree
on a 1% level of significance. They discover that the tests are accurate for 245 out of the 250 patients.
If X ∼ B (250,0 . 95) then P(X = 245) = 0 . 008515 and P(X > 245) = 0 . 004571.
Stating your hypotheses clearly, test whether Meditest’s product is more than 95% accurate using a 1% level of
[5 marks]

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Question 2b
Meditest notice that they would have had sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis using a 5% level of significance.
They change the level of significance from 1% to 5% and report to the hospital that their product is more than 95%
Comment on the validity of Meditest’s report to the hospital.
[1 mark]

Question 3a
Frank is the owner of a factory which has recently opened near a school where Hilda is the headteacher. Before the
factory opened, the attendance rate at the school was good 90% of the time. Hilda claims that the proportion of days
when the attendance rate is good has decreased and she suspects this is due to the fumes from the factory making the
children sick. Frank disagrees and claims that the factory has made no difference to the attendance rate. To test their
claims a sample of 40 days is taken and on 32 days the attendance rate is good.
If X ∼ B (40,0 . 9) then:
P(X < 32) = 0 . 015495
P(X = 32) = 0 . 026407
P(X > 32) = 0 . 958098
Stating your hypotheses clearly, test Hilda’s claim using a 5% level of significance. Give your answer in context.
[4 marks]

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Question 3b
Explain whether the outcome of the test supports Hilda’s suspicion.
[1 mark]

Question 3c
Stating your hypotheses clearly, test Frank’s claim using a 5% level of significance.
[3 marks]

Question 3d
Suggest a reason why Frank might want to use a two-tailed test.
[1 mark]

Question 3e
State, with a reason, whether a one-tailed test or a two-tailed test would have been more appropriate for this scenario.
[2 marks]

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Question 4a
Given that X ∼ B (40,0 . 3) then:
P(X ≤ 5) = 0 . 008618
P(X = 6) = k
P(X = 7) = 0 . 031522
When a sample of size 40 is used to test H0 ∶ p = 0 . 3 against H1 ∶ p < 0 . 3 , it is known that x = 6 is the critical value
using a 5% level of significance. Use the probabilities above to find upper and lower bounds for the value of k .
[4 marks]

Question 4b
When a sample of size 40 is used to test H0 ∶ p = 0 . 3 against H1 ∶ p ≠ 0 . 3 , it is known that x = 6 is one of the two
critical values using a 5% level of significance. Use the probabilities above to find an improvement for one of the bounds
for the value of k .
[2 marks]

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Question 5a
If X ∼ B (n ,p ) then P(X = 0) = (1 − p ) n and P(X = n ) = p n .

A sample of size 30 is used to test the null hypothesis H0 ∶ p = 0 . 9 against H1 ∶ p > 0 . 9 the alternative hypothesis using
a k % level of significance.
Given that there is at least one value that leads to the rejection of the null hypothesis, find the range of values for k .
[2 marks]

Question 5b
A sample of size 100 is used to test the null hypothesis H0 ∶ p = q against the alternative hypothesis H1 ∶ p < q using a
5% level of significance.
Given that there are no critical values for this test, find the range of values for q .
[3 marks]

Question 5c
A sample of size m is used to test the null hypothesis H0 ∶ p = 0 . 2 against the alternative hypothesis H1 ∶ p ≠ 0 . 2 using
a 1% level of significance.
Given that there is exactly one critical region for this test, find the range of values for m .
[4 marks]

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