Ai in Indian Organizations

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AI Governance and Policies:

Importance: The Indian CEOs understand this and are keen on AI governance that will
yield tangible business value sustainably. The trustworthy AI in this case entails the
need for good policies.
Reality: Unfortunately, even though governance has been a crucial factor considered
in most boards, only 42% of CEOs in India have sufficient generative AI governance
at their disposal at the present time. As is well-known, implementation complexity
still persists as a problem.
People and Skills:
Critical Role: The outcome of AI comes more from the utilization o f the technology
than in the actual technology.
New Roles: The roles that perhaps did not exist a year ago are the ones organizations
in India are now recruiting for, Gen AI.
Retraining and Reskilling: Therefore, for AI to take its natural progression and reach
the next level, a cultural change must happen. It has been revealed by a survey that
Indian CEOs expect in the next 3 years, as much as 34% their total workforce to
undergo Some of the key findings of the survey carried out among Indian CEOs are as
Cultural Shift and Collaboration:
Scaling AI: Namely, despite the understanding of cultural change needed for the
proper establishment of artificial intelligence, Indian CEOs struggle with cross-
functional cooperation in this regard.
Finance and Technology Collaboration: Two-third Indian organizations’ performance,
according to their CEOs, depends on the integration of finance and technology
departments. Nevertheless, rivalry between C-level personnel sometimes harms
integration 1.
Infrastructure and Data Challenges:
Robust AI Infrastructure: Currently, high-performance computing resources are
limited which affect the level of research and development.
Data Privacy: An AI system is dependent on large quantities of data, which is a major
issue when it comes to privacy and ethical issues2.
Use Case Identification and Data Quality:Use Case Identification and Data Quality:
Challenges: Lack of understanding of where and how AI can be applied is a major
problem that organisations face.
Data Complexity: Huge proportions of enterprises do not have high quality input data
for AI solutions: 28% of them.
In this paper, the authors presented industry thrust that has necessitated AI technology
adoption, and now, India is among the upcoming countries in AI development.

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