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Republic of the Philippines

Region X-Northern Mindanao

Southern Philippines College
Graduate Studies

Name: Sharicka Anne Veronica A. Tambor

Year&Section: MAED1C
Subject: Philosophy of Education 201 C
Date: August 19,2023

I. Definition of Terms

- is the science concerned with developing and studying methods for collecting, analyzing, interpreting
and presenting empirical data. Statistics is a highly interdisciplinary field; research in statistics finds
applicability in virtually all scientific fields and research questions in the various scientific fields
motivate the development of new statistical methods and theory. In developing methods and studying
the theory that underlies the methods statisticians draw on a variety of mathematical and computational

-Descriptive statistics refers to a branch of statistics that involves summarizing, organizing, and
presenting data meaningfully and concisely. It focuses on describing and analyzing a dataset's main
features and characteristics without making any generalizations or inferences to a larger population.

The primary goal of descriptive statistics is to provide a clear and concise summary of the data, enabling
researchers or analysts to gain insights and understand patterns, trends, and distributions within the
dataset. This summary typically includes measures such as central tendency (e.g., mean, median, mode),
dispersion (e.g., range, variance, standard deviation), and shape of the distribution (e.g., skewness,

Descriptive statistics also involves a graphical representation of data through charts, graphs, and tables,
which can further aid in visualizing and interpreting the information. Common graphical techniques
include histograms, bar charts, pie charts, scatter plots, and box plots.

By employing descriptive statistics, researchers can effectively summarize and communicate the key
characteristics of a dataset, facilitating a better understanding of the data and providing a foundation for
further statistical analysis or decision-making processes.

-Inferential statistics refers to that family of quantitative techniques that primarily allows us not only to
test hypotheses in a study but also to estimate values in a population from which a sample has been
derived and on which data have been generated.

-In statistics, population is the entire set of items from which you draw data for a statistical study. It can
be a group of individuals, a set of items, etc. It makes up the data pool for a study.

Generally, population refers to the people who live in a particular area at a specific time. But in
statistics, population refers to data on your study of interest. It can be a group of individuals, objects,
events, organizations, etc. You use populations to draw conclusions.
Republic of the Philippines
Region X-Northern Mindanao
Southern Philippines College
Graduate Studies

-A sample is defined as a smaller and more manageable representation of a larger group. A subset of a
larger population that contains characteristics of that population. A sample is used in statistical testing
when the population size is too large for all members or observations to be included in the test.

The sample is an unbiased subset of the population that best represents the whole data.

To overcome the restraints of a population, you can sometimes collect data from a subset of your
population and then consider it as the general norm. You collect the subset information from the groups
who have taken part in the study, making the data reliable. The results obtained for different groups who
took part in the study can be extrapolated to generalize for the population.

-The percentage is one of the most important concepts that help in data analysis and comparison. It is
important for solving many business-related questions and hence is expressed as %. It is the number or
ratio expressed as a fraction of 100. Hence, with the decrease in the percentage, it is defined as the %
change in value when decreased with time. However, the increase in the percentage is the % change in
the value which increases with time. The article provides comprehensive information about the use of
percentages, percentage formulas, and their applications.

-Frequency distribution is used to organize the collected data in table form. The data could be marks
scored by students, temperatures of different towns, points scored in a volleyball match, etc. After data
collection, we have to show data in a meaningful manner for better understanding. Organize the data in
such a way that all its features are summarized in a table. This is known as frequency distribution.

-Mean is the average of the given numbers and is calculated by dividing the sum of given numbers by
the total number of numbers. Mean = (Sum of all the observations/Total number of observations).

-is a measure of how dispersed the data is in relation to the mean. Low, or small, standard deviation
indicates data are clustered tightly around the mean, and high, or large, standard deviation indicates data
are more spread out. A standard deviation close to zero indicates that data points are very close to the
mean, whereas a larger standard deviation indicates data points are spread further away from the mean.

 Do you find Statistics important to your course or as an educator? (minimum of 100 words)
I find statistics important to me as an educator because it will help me in collecting, analyzing,
interpreting and presenting empirical data. And, statistics allows educators to understand student
performance using descriptive statistics. Statistics allows educators to spot trends in student performance
using data visualizations. Statistics allows educators to compare different teaching methods using
hypothesis tests. And there are much more reasons why statistics is so important to educators; one is,
data driven decision making, teachers will do research and collect accurate data and make analysis for it
to develop or improve curriculum in its department. Second, assessment and evaluation, through
statistics teachers will be able to know what to come up with the solutions and evaluate the

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