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The vision of Palawan State University reflects its aspirations, goals, and
values that’ guide its strategic direction and shape its impacts on society. A
reflection on the vision of PSU reveals a commitment to academic excellence,
innovation, sustainability and community development. The University aims to
be centers of excellence in teaching, research and extension services
providing students with a transformative learning experience that equips them
with knowledge and skills and values needed to succeed in a rapidly changing
the world. The vision of Palawan State University encapsulates its aspirations
to be a leading institution of higher learning that excels in education, research
and community service. PSU’s vision reflects its commitment to academic
excellence, innovation, sustainability and community development, shaping its
identity as a transformative force for positive change in Palawan in beyond.
Through its unwavering dedication to its vision, PSU continues to make
significant contributions to the advancement of knowledge, the empowerment
of communities, and the the promotion and inclusive society.


The Mission of Palawan State University serves as guiding statement that

articulates the University’s purpose, values and commitments to its
stakeholders and the community engagement, and sustainable development,
its providing quality education and fostering a culture
of excellence in teaching, research and extension services. Its encapsulates
its, core values, aspirations and commitments to academic excellence, social
responsibility, community engagement and sustainable development.
Through its mission- driven approach, PSU continues to uphold its role as a
leading institution of higher learning that not only educates and empowers
individuals but also actively contributes to the advancements of society, the
preservation of the environment, and the promotion of a more just and
sustainable world.

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