Data Visualization Project Details

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Hackathon Details: Enhancing Data Visualization Skills in Tableau

BUS336, Spring 2024

Negar Ganjouhaghighi
Welcome to the Data Visualization Hackathon designed to improve your skills in Tableau and
unleash your creativity in analyzing and presenting data effectively. Here's what you need to
The main objective of this project is to enhance your proficiency in data visualization using
Tableau. You will have the opportunity to choose a topic of your interest, find a dataset, analyze
it, and present your findings in an insightful and compelling manner.
Project Guidelines:
1. Topic Selection:
 Choose a topic for which you can find a dataset with multiple variables and
sufficient observations.
 Ensure your topic has a clear story and a meaningful message, aimed at assisting
decision-makers. In fact, it is necessary for each team to explicitly identify who
the decision-makers are and what problems/opportunities they attempt to
 Examples include analyzing grocery store data to optimize store layout for Save-
on-Foods, leveraging social media usage for a Lululemon marketing manager’s
targeted advertising decision, or evaluating housing prices in different
neighborhoods for Vesta Properties to identify their next project.
2. Dataset Acquisition and Analysis:
 Utilize SFU databases or other credible sources to find a suitable dataset. (Watch
the videos made by our librarian, Mark, for the course)
 Thoroughly review the dataset, addressing missing values and outliers.
 Begin early as finding the right dataset might require iterations and adjustments
to your chosen topic.
3. Data Visualization in Tableau:
 Utilize Tableau software to create interactive and visually appealing dashboards.
 Report:
 Submit a 500-600 words report containing a clear conclusion and a discussion of
the main message conveyed through your data visualization.
 Include an appendix listing all resources used in your analysis and attach your
Tableau dashboard (either as a working link or PDF)
 Recorded Presentation:
 Submit a 3-minute recorded presentation via Canvas.
 Ensure all presenters' cameras are on during the presentation, which can be
conducted over Zoom. All group members should participate in the presentation.
 The presentation will be peer-reviewed and graded by the instructor, using three
main criteria, namely (1) how relevant is the analysis to the decision-maker’s
problem? (2) How trustworthy is the analysis? (e.g., proper data cleaning,
appropriate sample, and/or explicit discussion of assumptions to make up for
data limitation), and (3) How is the analysis clearly communicated? (e.g., clear
labeling of axes).
 Hackathon:
 The top 20 teams with the highest grades for the recorded presentation will
advance to the next round and present in class on April 11th.
 The 20 finalists will be announced on April 11 th. Which means all of you
should attend and be ready to present your work.
 You will have 3 minutes.
 For the hackathon, it is up to your team to decide whether all team members will
present or if one member will represent the group during the presentation. (no
penalty or reward)
 Industry judges and Tableau representatives will be present during the
 Attendance, participation, and feedback from all students are expected.
Competition Reminder:
- Remember, this is a competition, and you will be graded in comparison to your
- There are no minimum or maximum requirements; however, the quality of your work
will be evaluated relative to the submissions from your peers.
- This competition offers an opportunity to showcase your skills and creativity in data
visualization. Strive for excellence, but also support and learn from your fellow
classmates throughout the process.
This hackathon offers a unique opportunity to refine your data visualization skills, analyze real-
world data, and present your insights in a compelling manner. Embrace the challenge, explore
diverse datasets, and unleash your creativity to create impactful visualizations that resonate
with decision-makers. In the table below you can find the weight and the due date of each of
the deliverables. Note that the maximum mark for groups who do not go to the next round and
do not present in the Hackathon is 85%.
Best of luck to all

Deliverables Weight Due date

Report 20% 10 April
3-minutes recorded presentation 60% 3 April
Reviewing 7 other videos 5% 9 April
Hackathon 20% 11 April

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