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Hey {first_name}? Hey, {first_name} this is ______, did I catch you at a halfway decent time?

If negative answer: “Totally understand and I wouldn’t expect you to have a ton of time right
now, this is a bit of a random call, so I’ll make it super quick…”

Reason for the call, your home popped up on Oncor’s list of high usage homes. What that
basically means is one of two things, either you’ve been consuming more power than average at
your home or you’ve been paying a high amount of delivery fees for your power, have you seen
the delivery fees on your bill going up this year?

Have brief conversation with homeowner, listen to how they respond, use mirroring and labeling
to draw out more of a story from the homeowner. Spend most of this part in ACTIVE

Gotcha, so I reached out to you because Oncor is working to take the homeowners on their high
usage list and flip them from being consumers into producers of power to relieve the stress on
the grid. Obviously you’ve seen all the new construction, people moving here to Texas, all the
new Teslas and stuff on the road, well all those things draw a ton of power during peak times in
the middle of the day and since we’re on our own separate grid here in Texas, we can’t just ship
power in from out of state easily like the rest of the country, right? So as a result, Oncor needed a
way to turn a lot of these consumers of power into producers, and the way that they do that is
with this program, it’s brand new, and basically how it works is that we rent out a part of your
roof or a part of your land and we put our solar panels on it to generate electricity when the grid
is in the most demand during the day. In exchange, we then sell the power they produce to you
for less than what you pay now, because the power is produced on site, you don’t have to pay
those delivery fees-by the way, they’ve already had TWO increases on those delivery fees just
THIS YEAR! Does that make sense?

Listen to the customer, they will tell you how to sell them. This is likely where you will get some
sort of pushback; it’s only because they don’t understand the program yet. We’re going to dispel
their fears and lock in the deal next.

So the way that it works with the new program, is unlike the way solar used to be where you had
to come up with a bunch of money out of pocket or take out a massive $50-$60 thousand dollar
loan for the next 25-30 years and then worry about maintaining and insuring them and all that,
we are basically renting your roof to put our panels on it and then you get to buy the power for
less than what you pay now since the power is generated onsite instead of shipped in, and it helps
the grid offset all the demand from people using power at the same time during the day.

Now, here’s the catch: not every home qualifies. It’s based on a few factors like when you use
your power, how much sun your home gets, and how the electrical is set up in your home. So let
me ask you a couple quick questions so I don’t waste your time.

 Do you own the home with a significant other?

 And you're at {address}, right?

 And have you owned your home for a while?

And the deed is in your name, correct?

 On a scale from 1-10 where do you currently rate your roof?

 Great and is your credit score over or under 650?
 Who’s the billing company for your electricity?
 Do you have trees or anything shading your roof?

Great, well it sounds like your home would more than likely qualify for the program. Let me ask
you a question, if we were able to get you switched to the program, lock in your price for power,
and save you a boatload every month, would you mind the actual look of the panels on your

Great, so the next steps are pretty simple, I have a technician over in your neck of the woods
later this evening and tomorrow talking to some of your neighbors, so let me take a look at his
calendar and see when I can get you squeezed in. What his job is is to number 1, show you what
your roof would look like with our solar panels on it, number 2, show you what your bill last
month would’ve been if you already were in the program, and number 3, take a quick peek at
your electrical to make sure it qualifies, it takes about 20-30 minutes, I have a 4:00pm and a
6:00pm available for tonight, which one works better for you? (and spouse if they have one)

Lock in a time. Use the option closes of either-or until you find a time. Don’t give the time away
too easily; if you offer 4pm and the customer asks for 3pm, see if you can get them to do a 2pm
instead. Take control and just ASSUME THE SALE. This is a free service, you’re doing them a
favor, act like it. 2104738306

Perfect, and before I put this on the books, sometimes people set an appointment with me just
because they’re too nice to say no, so outside of a LITERAL TSUNAMI hitting your front door,
there’s no reason you and your spouse won’t be home then?

Sounds good, and if you and your spouse have any questions between now and then, make sure
to write those down because my technicians are all amazing at what they do and will be able to
answer any questions you have and then some. We’ll talk to you soon {first_name}!

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