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I lost my father when I was only nine years old. This was the biggest loss I have had. He was everything to me, his only
daughter. We were so close. I did not lose him to death though. I lost him in a much harder way: I lost my father to
drugs. He got addicted and started to ignore my brother and me.

One cool Summer night, my brother, a couple of our friends, and I were watching Scary Movie 3 in the living room.
Around 9:30 pm, when I looked toward the kitchen, I saw orange and yellow flames reflecting of the door’s window. It
was a mess explosion caused by his careless actions under the influence of the drugs.

After the fire was out, I saw my dad run around to the backyard and jump into the pool. I knew then that he had
gotten burned. He ended up confined in the hospital. After he got better, they put him in jail for a month under drug
charges. I was so mad and hurt, and suffered from severe depression. It destroyed my health and my social life.

One day, one of my teachers stopped me in the hail to ask if I was okay. She asked if she could help me, if l would tell
her what was going on. So I did. She helped save me and lift me back up. After a while, I started to feel and do better.
She is now one of my greatest friends and mentors, and we talk daily. I could never repay her for everything she has
done for me.

Through my experiences, I learned never to do anything without thinking of how it will impact the people around me.

What was the source of the writer’s problem?

a. Her father was a victim of an explosion
b. Her father was heavily addicted to drugs
c. Her father destroyed her health and social life.
d. Her father was confined to the hospital.
e. Her father was imprisoned for drug Offenses
I lost my father when I was only nine years old. This was the biggest loss I have had. He was everything to me, his
only daughter. We were so close. I did not lose him to death though. I lost him in a much harder way: I lost my
father to drugs. He got addicted and started to ignore my brother and me.

One cool Summer night, my brother, a couple of our friends, and I were watching Scary Movie 3 in the living room.
Around 9:30 pm, when I looked toward the kitchen, I saw orange and yellow flames reflecting of the door’s
window. It was a mess explosion caused by his careless actions under the influence of the drugs.

After the fire was out, I saw my dad run around to the backyard and jump into the pool. I knew then that he had
gotten burned. He ended up confined in the hospital. After he got better, they put him in jail for a month under
drug charges. I was so mad and hurt, and suffered from severe depression. It destroyed my health and my social

One day, one of my teachers stopped me in the hail to ask if I was okay. She asked if she could help me, if l would
tell her what was going on. So I did. She helped save me and lift me back up. After a while, I started to feel and do
better. She is now one of my greatest friends and mentors, and we talk daily. I could never repay her for everything
she has done for me.

Through my experiences, I learned never to do anything without thinking of how it will impact the people around

Paragraph 4 is about...
a. how the writer solved her problem
b. how her teacher helped her recover
c. how the teacher stopped her in the hall
d. how the writer met her only best friend
e. how the writer repaid her teacher's kindness
Sharpshooter Annie Oakley is a mainstay in the folklore of the Old West. Bor Phoebe Ann Moses in
1860, Annie learned to shoot at a very young age out of necessity: she hunted for birds and small
game animals to help feed her family and to make some extra money by supplying the local hotel
restaurant with her catch. She soon became known for her excellent marksmanship and began
taking part in shooting competitions at a very young age. It was rather unusual for a young girl not
only to take part in such competitions but to win over older, more experienced male competitors.
At the age of fifteen, she defeated Frank Butler, a professional marksman, in a competition. She
and Butler were married a year later, and together they took part in shooting exhibitions.
In 1885, they joined probably the most famous of all western shows, Buffalo Bill's Wild West
touring show. As part of their act, Annie shot a cigarette out of her husband's mouth; Frank Butler's
participation in this part of the act clearly demonstrated his faith in his wife's shooting ability.
Annie also accepted volunteers from the audience to take part in her act, and on one occasion,
while touring Europe, she even shot a cigarette out of the mouth of Crown Prince Wilhelm of
How was the young Annie different from other girls her age?
A. She won shooting competition
B. She used a boy’s name
C. She worked in a local hotel
D. She married at a much younger age than was considered normal
The way your brain works may vary from season to season, a new study suggests. Researchers found that when people in the
study did certain cognitive tasks, the ways that the brain utilizes its resources to complete those tasks changed with the seasons.
Although people's actual performance on the cognitive tasks did not change with the seasons, "the brain activity for the
ongoing process varied," said study author Gilles Vandewalle, of the University of Liege in Belgium.
In the study, the researchers looked at the cognitive brain function of 28 people in Belgium during each season of the year.
Each time, the people spent 4.5 days deep in a lab, without access to the external world or seasonal cues such as daylight.
The researchers scanned the participants' brains while they performed tasks testing their ability to sustain attention and to
store, update and compare information in their memories. The researchers found that the people's performance on these tasks
did not change, regardless of the time of the year. However, results did show that the neural "cost" of performing these cognitive
tasks - the amount of brain activity involved - changed with the time of the year. For example, the levels of brain activity related
to sustaining attention peaked in June, near the summer solstice, and were lowest in December, around the winter solstice. In
contrast, the levels of brain activity related to working memory peaked in the autumn, and were lower around the spring equinox.
Previous research has shown that changes in seasons are linked to changes in other processes related to people's daily
functioning. For example, people tend to consume more calories in winter than in summer, the researchers said. And a study
published in 2015 in the journal Nature Communications found that the activity of human genes changes with the seasons, along
with people's immunity. Moreover, research has shown a link between seasons and mood, with some people experiencing
symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) in fall and winter months, the researchers said.

The passage mainly discuss a topic on ….

a. results of the research on cognitive tasks
b. how brain system work each season
c. correlation between time in a year and how brain works
d. people’s performance on cognitive task in a year
e. relationship between season and feelings
Thomas Matulessy, also known as Kapitan Pattimura or Ahmad Lussy or simply Pattimura, was an Ambonese soldier
and National Hero of Indonesia. Pattimura was born on 8 June 1783 in Saparua, Maluku; the name Pattimura was his
pseudonym. His parents were Frans Matulessia and Fransina Tilahoi, and he had a little brother named Yohanis.

Pattimura joined the British army after they took the Maluku islands from the Dutch colonials. When the islands
were returned to the Dutch in 1816, he was dismissed. Concerned that the Dutch would implement programs that
limited his people, Pattimura led an armed rebellion that captured Fort Duurstede on 16 May 1817. Killing the
inhabitants of the fortress and fighting off Dutch reinforcements, on 29 May he was declared the leader of the
Maluku people.

Due to betrayal from Booi's king, Pati Akoon, and Tuanakotta, Pattimura was arrested on 11 November 1817. He and
his fellows were sentenced to death. On 16 December 1817, Pattimura together with Anthony Reebok, Philip
Latumahina, and Said Perintah were hanged in front of Fort Nieuw Victoria in Ambon.

Pattimura and his war have been used as symbols for both Maluku independence, such as with the short-lived
Republic of South Maluku, and Indonesian patriotism. In Ambon, he is commemorated in the names of the
University of Pattimura, Pattimura Airport, and a street, as well as a statue; there are also streets named after him
throughout the archipelago.

It can be predicted from the passage that ...

a. Indonesia was backed up by the British army during the war.
b. the war of Maluku is considered as the heaviest independence war.
c. had Pattimura not been betrayed, the Dutch would have lost the war.
d. the Dutch would have sold Indonesian women and children to other countries.
e. King of Booi would have been the leader of the Maluku people after he cooperated with the Dutch.

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