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NATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN AYURVED SCIENCE ISSN: 2320-7329 Oct- Dec: 2022| Volume: 10th | Issue: 4th

Role of Shothhar Mahakashay in Shoth Vyadhi as per Charaksamhita

Anjali Y. Lokhande1, Rajshree Gavand2, Krutika More3

PG Scholar1, HOD & Professor2, PG Scholar3,

Dravygunvigyan Vigyan, APM's Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Sion, Mumbai, Maharashtra.

*Corresponding author:

Abstract Prishaniparni, Goksura are included as ten

drugs under this mahakashay. These 10
Ayurveda is traditional & time-tested Indian medicine which are effective individually,
system of medicine. It has comprehensive work together and results into enhanced
approach in dealing with life through all output. These plants having Katu, Tikta,
physiological & pathological approach. It Kashaya Rasa, Ushna Virya, KatuVipaka,
has encompassed all aspect of life. Ruksha, LaghuGuna and Tridoshaghna
ShothaharaMahakashaya1 represents group properties. Due to these qualities, they
of ten medicines which acts on overcome lakshnaof Shotha. This article is
Shotharoga2.12thAdhyay of charaksamhita an attempt to describe
shvayathu chikitsa deals with symptoms &
treatment of different type of inflammation.
Other name of Shotha is Shopha or Svayathu Shothahara mahakashaya; Swelling;
in Ayurveda. It is a wide term covering local Dashamula; Ayurveda; Anti-edematous;
swelling to inflammation of internal oragan Diuretic.
pancreatitis, Bronchitis.
Acharya Charak has described Shothahara
Mahakashaya in charakSutrasthanain 4 Chapter 18th of Sutra Sthana deals with
thadhyay as 38thGana of the 50 diagnostic aspects of swelling under the
Mahakashaya Gana. name of trishothiya.

Patala, Agnimantha, Bilva, Shyonaka, InSutraSthana3charakclassified shotha in

Kashmariya, Kantakari, Brihati, Shalaparni, many ways but in this chapter which is
mainly on the treatment, only those

1 | AYURLOG: NJ-RAS | Oct-Dec.: 2022 | Volume: 10th | Issue: 4th | e-ISSN: 2320-7329
classifications are given which are important Sign &Symptoms Shotha-
from treatment point of view, such as three
types according to doshaviz, vata, pitta and  Ushma- Increased Temprature
kapha; two types viz. Nija (endogenous) and  Davathu-Burning sensation
agantuja (exogenous) as well as ekanga  Siranamayam-Diltattion of vessels
(local) and sarvanga (generalized) types. of locality
 Sagauram – Heaviness
Samprampti-  Anvasthitatvam- Instability
The vitiated vataDoshadisplaces vitiated  Utseda- Elevation
rakta pitta, kapha and pushes then into the  Lomharsha- Horripilation
chanels of circulation . The vayu is further  Angavivarnata-Discolouration of
obstructed by These morbid elements and skin over the limbs
causes accumulation pitta, kapha, raktain
between Twak and mansa then occur
swelling at the region of accumulation.
Latin name & useful Parts 4

Sr. Name Botanical name Family English Useful

no Name parts

1 Patala Stereospermumsuaveolens Bignoniaceae Rose flower flower,

DC fragrant seed, leaf,
2 Agnimantha Clerodendrumphlomidis Verbenaceae Glory Bower Panchang,
Linn. leaves
Root bark
3 Shyonaka Oroxylumindicum Vent. Bignoniaceae Midnight Root bark
horror, Indian
4 Bilva Aeglemarmelos Corr. Rutaceae Bael tree Leaves,
root, Fruit
5 Gambhari Gmelinaarborea Linn. Verbenaceae White teak, Flower,
Gamar leaves,
Root, fruit,
6 Kantkari SolanumsurattenseBurm./S. Solanaceae Yellow Root, fruit
berried night
7 Brihati Solanumindicum Linn Solanaceae African Root, fruit

2 | AYURLOG: NJ-RAS | Oct-Dec.: 2022 | Volume: 10th | Issue: 4th | e-ISSN: 2320-7329
Bush Tomato
8 Shalaparni Desmodiumgangeticum Leguminosae Sal leaved Root,
DC desmodium
Prisnaparni UreriapictaDesv. Leguminosae Indian uraria Root
10 Gokshura Tribulusterrestris Linn. Zygophylaceae Land caltrops Fruit, root

Chemical constituents And Action –

Sr Dravya Chemical constituents Active chemical Action

no name
1 Patala Iridoidglycoside, beta- Ethanolextractofbark Hepatoprotective,
sitosterol, terpenoids, Anti-inflammatory
Flavonoids, saponin
2 Agnimanth Luteolin, Beta-sitosterol, aqueous extract of Hypoglycemic,
alphelandrine, betulin, root bark antihelminthic,
premnine Anti- inflammatory,

3 Syonakao Tetulin, oroxyliumA, l- Ethanol Extract of anti-inflammatory

coumaric acid Stem Bark and analgesic, Anti-
bacterial, Anti-

4 Bilva Umbelliferone, marmesin, Root Antidiarrhoeal,

marmin antimicrobial,

5 Gambhari cerylalcohol, Beta-sitosterol, Aqueous and Antidiuretic,

butyric acid, tartaric acid, Methanolc extract of antidiarrhoeal,
gmelinol bark antipyretic,
antidiabetic, anti-

6 Kantkari Carpesterol, solasodine, beta- Methanolc Extract of Anti-asthmatic,

solamargineBeta-carotene ty Leaf hypoglycaemic,

3 | AYURLOG: NJ-RAS | Oct-Dec.: 2022 | Volume: 10th | Issue: 4th | e-ISSN: 2320-7329
antitumor, anti-
tussive, antipyretic,
antispasmodic, anti-

7 Brihati Solasonine, carpesterol, Methanolc extract of Anticancer,

Carotene, diosgenin, beta- fruit antimicrobial,
sitosterol, vit-C antioxidant,
analgesic and
wound healing

8 Shalaparni Caudicine, gangetin-3H, Ethanolic extract of Anti-oxidant,

desmodin, Flavonoids, N, N- leaves cardio-protective,
dimethyltryptamine anti-inflammatory,

9 Prisnaparni Flavonoids, triterpinoids, Methanolc Extract of Antiseptic, anti-

Amino-acids aerial part inflammatory,
antimicrobial, anti-
emetic, aphrodisiac,

10 Gokshur Root-campesterol, Ethanolic extract of Antiurolithic,

betasitosterol, stigmasterol, fruit immunomodulatory,
cardiotonic, central
nervous system,

4 | AYURLOG: NJ-RAS | Oct-Dec.: 2022 | Volume: 10th | Issue: 4th | e-ISSN: 2320-7329
Properties and action Name Rasa Guna Vipak Virya Doshghnta Pradhankarma

1 Patala Tikta, Laghu, Katu Ushna Tridoshahara Shothhar, Mutral
kashay Ruksha
2 Agnimanth Tikta, Katu, Laghu, Katu Ushna Kaphavatahar Shothhar,
Kasha, Ruksha vednasthapan
3 Shyonaka Madhur, Laghu, Katu Ushna Kaphavathar Mutral, shothahara,
tikta, Ruksha Upashosan
4 Bilva Kasay, Laghu, Katu Ushna Kaphavatahar Shothhar, Deepan,
Tikta Ruksha pachan
5 Gambhari Tikta, Guru Katu Ushna Tridoshahara Mutral, Shothhar
6 Kantkari Tikta, Laghu, Katu Ushna Kaphavatahar Kashahar, Mutral
katu tikshna
7 Brihati Katu, Ruksha, Katu Ushna Kaphavatahar Hridroghara,
Tikta Tikshna, Kashahar, mutral
8 Shalaparni Madhur, Guru, Madhur Ushna Tridoshahara Shothahara,
Tikta Snigdha, Angamardprashaman,
Madhur deepan
9 Prisnaparni Laghu, Madhur, Madhur Ushna Tridoshahara Deepan,
Snigha Tikta Angamardprashaman
10 Gokshur Guru, Madhur, Madhur Sheeta Vatapittahara Mutravirechaniya
Snigha sheeta

Discussion According to Charak Acharya in Shothhar

Gan Medicine’s are Ushnavirya Tridoshghn
According to Ayurveda we treat shotha who we get Aampachan And agnipradipan
Rog.. Treatment of shothrog told by so Strotorodh can be released, it’s work as
Acharyacharakin his Grantha Charak Deepanpachan and also Dashamula used in
samhitain sutrastan. In treatment of Pyrexia, Acute chronic Asthma, chronic
ShothaRog Drugs in shothhargan Can be cough, All type of vata disorders, Heart
used. disease, Paralysis, Infertility, Basti in
Shothhargan contains 10 Drugs which is panchkarma.
Dashamula. At basic level we have seen
how shothaRog is formed, After Doshdusy
Samurchna goes to Agnimandya takes place  Drugs in Shothhar Gan Contains
and form Aam andAam goes to strotorodh Alkaloids, Lignan, , Flavonoids etc.
and it forms Shotha. which help to reduce Odema.All 10

5 | AYURLOG: NJ-RAS | Oct-Dec.: 2022 | Volume: 10th | Issue: 4th | e-ISSN: 2320-7329
Drugs are equally treat the 3. Shwaythuchikitsa, part- 2, quotation- 8,
ShothaRog Gangasahayapandey, Charak Samhita 4
 Vaidya can use these drug according th edition, Varanasi
ChaukhambaSanskrit Bhawan 1994,
to his idea in other shothharvyadhi.
4. Dravygunvigyanvaidya Vishnu
Dosha karma specifies mainly
MahadevGogate 1st edition
vatadosha, normalizes kapha dosha.
Vaidyamitraprakashan 2008
 Shothaharamahakashyahelps re- 5.
establish normal physiological on/chaukhambha-bharati-academy
function in the affected Oragan and 6. Kaushal K, Meena L (2015) Shvasahara
tissue. mahakashaya and its pharmacology: a
 Dhatu-Rasa, Mamsa, Asthi review study.
 Organs effect-Nerves, Muscles, 7.
Bones, Joints.
 Main Indication-Vatadisorder.
 Vaidya can select the drug of choice 8.
among these with the help of /282176716_Therapeutic_potentials_of_
YuktiPramana. Kantakari_Solanum_xanthocarpum_Sch
1. ShadavirechanshatashritiyadhyamSutrast histaminic%2C%20hypotensive%20and
anadhya 4, part 1, quotation-38, %20cytotoxic%20activity
GangasahayapandeyaCharak Samhita, 4 9.
th Edition, Varanasi Chaukhamba /278730597_Phytochemical_and_Pharm
Sanskrit Bhawan 1994, 4 th acological_Evaluation_of_Fruits_of_Sol
editionChaukhambhabharati academy, anum_indicum_Linn
Varanasi.pageno-67 10.
2. TrishothiyadhyaySutrastan18, Part 1, /324246901_Shalaparni_Desmodium_ga
quotation-3, Gangasahayapandey, ngeticum_DC-
CharakSamhita, 4 th edition, Varanasi A_Sarvadoshahara_Dravya
ChaukhambhaSanskrit Bhawan 1994 , 11.
page no - 246 es/PMC3931200/no

Conflict of Interest: Non Source of funding: Nil

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The role of shothhara mahakashaya in shoth vyadhi as per charaka samhita
Anjali Lokhande, Rajshree Gavand, Krutika More
Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science- 2022; (10) (04): 01-06

6 | AYURLOG: NJ-RAS | Oct-Dec.: 2022 | Volume: 10th | Issue: 4th | e-ISSN: 2320-7329

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