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Hindutva vs Jewish Zionism

Hindutva is a religiously driven political ideology emerged in 1920s, strongly promoted by RRS
and now by BJP. It intends to make India an ideological state promoting Hindu religion, giving
selective citizenship rights, coming hard upon Muslims and their religious places. Jewish
Zionism on the other hand is also a religiously driven political ideology on basis of which state of
Israel is established. It believes in the revival of Jewish state, coming hard upon Muslims and
destroying Muslim worship places. Such and more are the commonalities among the two
ideologies which would be compared in this topic.

1. The establishment of an ideological state and the two ideologies

Hindutva believes in making India a religious state. The forefathers of India made a
secular constitution for the country but Hindutva promoted by RSS wanted India to
become a religious states by following Hindu ideology. RSS and BJP want to amend the
constitution of India where the state would officially align itself with Hindu religion and
take steps for promoting it.
On the other hand Jewish Zionism also believes in making Israel a Jewish state. The
constitution of Israel state has never been secular rather always promoted Jewish
religion. The far right nationalist have mostly been ruling the country who are
ideologues and religiously promoting Jewish Zionism.

2. The right to citizenship and the two ideologies

Hindutva strongly discriminates the right of citizenship on the basis of religion.
According to the ideology, Brahman Hindus would be the first grade citizens. Muslims
and Christians would be second rate citizens of Hindustan. Modi govt. has started giving
it a practical shape by amending the National Citizenship Act in 2019. As per the new
amendment all the settlers in India from immediate neighborhood would be given
citizenship but not the Muslims. Secondly Muslims of Assam would have to prove their
citizenship as per the national register of citizenship. Interior Minister Amit Shah vowed
that after Assam it would be applied across the country.
On the other hand right of citizenship in Israel state is also driven by religion, where
Jews are the only first rate citizens of Israel state. The constitution of the country clearly
states that no matter where Jews live in any part of the world, they are the announced
citizens of Israel state. Muslims do not have the equal citizenship rights. Rather they are
called the tenants who do not have the right to own property.
3. Demographic Shift and the Two Ideologies
Both the ideologies believes to bring the demographic changes in their respective
countries. Modi government has amended article 35(A) and administrative law of
Kashmir. Now Hindu Indians can purchase property and become citizens of Kashmir.
This would cause a demographic shift in the occupied state by transforming Muslim
majority into a Hindu majority that is exactly happening in Assam and other parts of
On the other hand Israelis constitution does not give the right of ownership of land to
Muslims in the Jewish state. They are declared as tenants who can be pulled out
anytime from their respective areas e.g., in 2021 Muslims were forced out from Sheikh
Jarrah in the west bank and Jews were settled there. In this way Israeli state has made
illegal occupation of Palestinian state and force out Muslims of their respective towns.
4. Both The Ideologies Have upon Hard on Muslim Worship Places
BJP has been involved in demolishing mosques and constructing Hindu temples at these
places. The politics of BJP kicked off during the 1980s with the slogan of demolishing
Babri Mosque and constructing Ram temple at its place. In 2002, the mosque was
demolished, that resulted into the riots in Gujrat and thousands of Muslims were killed
by Modi government. In 2021, the construction of Ram Temple began at place of Babri
mosque and its foundation stone was led by the PM Modi himself. There 1400 mosques
across India which BJP wants to demolish and construct Hindu temples at their places.
On the other hand Israel wants to demolish Mosque Aqsa and build Solomon Temple at
its place. Zionists Jews believe that Mosque Aqsa is built at debris of Solomon temple
therefore it must be demolished. Furthermore, wherever Israeli government force out
Muslims and establish Jewish settlements, the first target is Muslim worship places to be
5. The two ideologies and the use of state launched terror against the
Muslims? Do it on your own
6. The two States are major violators of UN Security Council resolution? Do
it on your own
7. The reign of terror launched by two countries resulted into freedom
struggle movements? Do it on your own

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