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Portfolio Questions Week 6

BUSM2041 Working in Professions

Due: Weekly Learning Portfolio (5:00 pm Sunday).

• Please watch week 6 lecture pods and be ready to answer and present unseen
questions in class. Unseen questions will be only released in class.

• Prepare your answer to the following Portfolio questions and reflection journal and submit
via vUWS on or before the due date.

• Please be ready to present to your group and to your class. A guide on what to include in
your reflection is presented on the page. Portfolio submissions will be checked by your
lecturers each week. You would be randomly picked to present to the class.


Select an enterprise or professional practice that you intend to work for or join or you are currently
working for and answer the following questions.

1. Analyse enterprise or professional practice in relation to cultural diversity issues using

appropriate policy/framework/guidelines/laws

2. What courses of action would you recommend to the enterprise or professional practice to
enhance enterprise or professional practice in relation to cultural diversity? Hint: recommend
at least two.

Lecture Pods/Videos:

1. Please watch the following Lecture Pods/videos and list at least four key points from each
video that you believe are important and relatable to your experiences.
a) 200914 Working in Professions - Employability Skills: Communicating in the job search
b) Diversity in the workplace – Dr Seedwell Sithole

Reflection tip: Which video out of the three has got you thinking about your key strengths and
weaknesses that you would like to work on and enhance?

2. View Supplementary videos – Please select at least three videos from the list below and
answer the following questions
i. Analyse the enterprise or professional practice in relation to cultural diversity issues
using appropriate policy/framework/guidelines/laws in your selected video.
ii. What courses of action would you recommend to the enterprise or professional practice
in your selected video to enhance enterprise or professional practice in relation to
cultural diversity? Hint: recommend at least two.
a) Humanize Diversity and Inclusion (Duration: 26.19)
b) Video #1 TEDx Talks | Inclusion, Exclusion, Illusion and Collusion: Helen Turnbull at TEDx Delray
Beach (Duration: 13:15)
c) Video #2 The Importance of Diversity in the Workplace (Duration: 2:15) Debbie Story, SVP of Talent
Development and Chief Diversity Officer at AT&T, and Steve Bucherati, Chief Diversity Officer at
the Coca-Cola Company
d) Video #3 A Look at What Diversity Means at Starbucks (Duration: 2:40)
e) Video #1 Obaid Otiabi | Workplace Diversity (Duration: 4:49)
f) Video #2 Australia Post | Workplace Diversity - Australia Post (Duration: 4:54). Please replace with
The Difference Between Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity
g) Video #3 SBS World News Australia | Australia increasingly diverse (Duration: 2:40) Please
replace with Celebrating Diversity presented by Australia Post: Australia Day
Reflection tip: How do you feel about Diversity? Is Diversity important in your profession? How would you
incorporate Diversity as part of your learning at the university and in your chosen career field?

Vietnam Economic News (Week 5)

Please read Vietnam Economic News from the above dates and provide a summary (any one
article and one paragraph) on any article that relates to your profession, career/employment
or ethical issues. Vietnam Economic News is available from web site

Reflection tip: What is the VEN reading about and how does the information presented impact your
thinking? How does your article relate to this week’s topic? what are the positive aspects and how
would you apply that in the future? and/or what are the negative aspects and how would you avoid

Portfolio Reflection Guidelines:

Provide 100 to 150 words of reflection on your learning from the homework questions. You may
reflect on the question(s) you particularly engaged with and your work experiences. Please use
the following as guidelines.
Reflection GUIDELINES must Possible questions you could use to meet these guidelines
be used
Evaluate Significance What is the relative value of the overall learning experience from the
resources and portfolio questions for this week?

Reconstruct the experience What are the most salient points of what you experienced when learning
from the resources for this week?
Analysis: Why did it happen What interpretations, explanations help you to make sense of the
that way? learning experience?

Distil: What lessons can be What positive aspects from learning resources are worth using in the
learnt? future?

Apply: Prepare for future What will you change as a result of learning experience from this week?
situations What preparation do you need now to respond to situations in the
(Cottrell 2015: 236-237).

Weekly Portfolio requirements and how to submit your work:

1. Each weekly learning portfolio question must be answered comprehensively including questions from.
a. eBook
b. Lecture and additional Pods/videos
c. Reading/s
d. Vietnam Economic News
Please Note: Up to 3 marks per weekly portfolio submission may be deducted for non-submission, late submission,
incomplete or sub-standard weekly portfolios from Assessment 2 but marks will not be awarded for weekly
portfolios. No weekly portfolios may result in the Assessment 2 Final Learning Portfolio receiving an overall fail
2. You must submit a Microsoft Word copy (font Arial size 12, 1.5-line spacing, headings may be larger font size) by the
due date and time via the Turnitin Portfolio submission link on vUWS.
3. It is an individual assessment.
4. Please label each question you are answering in the order of the Portfolio questions. You can label the questions in
Bold. No need to re-write the questions but provide question numbers.
 Your responses to each question are unlimited in terms of word count. It is your learning journey and you need
to provide comprehensive responses to each question as per the requirements of each question.
5. Your Portfolio must be scanned using the anti-plagiarism software Turnitin®. The Turnitin plagiarism prevention system
is being used with this unit. It is an important tool to assist students with their academic writing by promoting
awareness of plagiarism. Please make use of this tool to improve your Portfolio and iron out any plagiarism issues prior
to your final submission. The system will allow you to overwrite your submission up until the time it is due. All
Portfolios must be submitted via the Turnitin Portfolio submission link on vUWS. Email submissions will not be
accepted. If you have copied material from the internet or other sources improperly, you will be penalized and alleged
for Academic Misconduct. Even when using references properly, the amount of material copied verbatim from the
internet should not exceed 20% of the Portfolio’s word length (excluding the bibliography and cover page). Staff in
the unit will perform a check on the similarity of your Portfolio. The scanning will tell us if you have copied from another
student, or from an assignment from another unit or from the previous semester. Severe penalties apply to cases of
plagiarism (e.g., copying Internet resources without referencing, copying other students’ work, copying other unit’s
assessment or previous semester etc.). Please use APA referencing style.

Please use the Turnitin link below for students on how to check and make sense of the originality report

6. At the end of the weekly Portfolio after the Vietnam Economic News question, please ensure you create a “Weekly
Reflection” as a conclusion to your work. In your weekly reflection, you can reflect on specific homework questions
that you found important to your learning, career path, past or present experiences, work experiences and your
current study/Degree. You can relate your reflection to your strengths/weaknesses/areas for improvement. Please
use the guide in the weekly homework to help you with your reflection. The aim is for you to write about 150 words
of reflection on a weekly basis.

Remember – you are doing the weekly homework as supporting evidence for your weekly overall reflections (and
these overall reflections when brought together in week 10 for the Final Learning Portfolio submission of
Assessment 2 will total around 1,200 words). You will be able to edit/reshape the weekly overall reflections in your
final submission in Session 10.

7. Save your Microsoft Word document and submit it on vUWS.

Please have a look at the document titled “Assessment 2 Step by Step Guide” to have a better understanding of how
all three parts of Assessment 2 come together for Session 10 Assessment 2 final Learning Portfolio submission.

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