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I great you today in the month of rabiul awal in 1445 (fourteen fourty five* with Assalamualaikum
warahmatullahi wabarakatu

Alhamdulillahirabbilalamin, all praises to Allah ,shalawat with salam for the last messanger ,our
prophet ,Muhammad. peace be upon him.

All the Audience,I would like to bring you inside your mind ,and thingking.
imagine if someone claimed your house was theirs then said “I used to living in your house two
thousand years ago”
And imagine ,they force way in to your house ,but when you try to fight back ,then they screaming ,call the
police,and playing victim.
Imagine when that stupid police decided “you should live together in this house.” Im convinced this is will not
happen in the real world.
Imagine if someone try to rob yours and hit with a knife then you defend one self ,strangely the people around
who witnessed the incident blaming you and accused you as a terrorist. i really sure this will not happen in the
real world ,
but im shocked, this is out the expectation ,it is really happened in the real world ,it is happened in Palestine,
as specially in Gaza .

how can they blaming the innocent children who was killed in horrible bombing
how can they accuse the hospitals, the mosques ,churches ,school buildings wich the refugees shelters is the
terrorist camp
how can the people who seek justice for they human right. Its called “anti semit”

why this is happened to us ?

I remember what prophet Muhammad PBUH said:

“Almost the disbelievers will attack and destroy you ,like those who attack the food on your plate” ,someone
said ”is it because we were few at that time?” he said “even at that time there were so many of you but you
were like foam on the water and Allah will remove the fear of your enemies against you and spread in your
heart the disease of wahn “ someone ask “what is wahn?” he answered ”love the world and fear death”

in this hadist we can see the fact nowadays ,this is really happen in us ,how many muslims was oppressed in
whole world ,in irak ,bosnia,afganistan ,libiya ,syiria, yaman,more over in Palestine, like we heard now.
The prophet prediction was proven ,so now its time for us revive and uphold our religion ,life with the
prophets sunnah,
Revive Islamic education , revive the Islamic economy .and the most important thing, its time for us to
unite ,no matter if we have diferrent nations, languages ,tribes ,mazhabs ,but we worship the same god , we
follow the same prophet ,we prayers In the same time, we fasting in the same month, we read the same
scripture, if we united ,Allah will send down us the power from the sky ,to defeat our enemy, humanity enemy
and the peacefulness will shine in the world again, like what the ummah before us leading the world in
happiness and blessing.

Before I close my statement ,lets we pray to Allah ,may Allah protect our brothers and sisters in more
humanity tragedy in there, Allah give victory for their warriors to expel the invaders
I prays to Allah ,we should rise for a better change to help our brothers.
Its all that I can say, if any wrong statement in my speech, please forgive me, and to Allah I beg mercifull.

I close my speech with Wassalamu alaikum Wr Wb.

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